Jackie Coullon iieitl station ed with the RCA at Baden Soailingen West Germany shows wedding dressto Cpl Margaret Paterson it is who will be married In Aug ust to llatllax nlrrnan must plan tor civil wedd log ceremony as required by GERMAN CEREMONIES Airwoman Shops In emu ion are the ram oi MraCioiitiec mother lira Gertnrde Leaded er thiaplei Avenue lino In Jenaett and son Randyand Mrs Ibo Cloutter and son Patrch oi NertliCarollaa were guests of West German law and tor the church ceremony aview days later in the alrebsae chapel tCP tram National Deiencel lttr Aluminum or and the charm oi the Near East are both evident In Mra Lean Mayraad Egyptian born vdie at Canadas ambas sador to ltely Ilemli an acompiiahod mu stolen and painter lire May rand la perhaps best known to than Canadians who visit Italy or bursaries rtlett and lagers Guy La vole and line Martel and painter Um erto Brunt are among the expatriate Canhdlans Paris iu For Wedding DaleAbroad EDNA puritans BADENvBOELLINGEN Ger many CPiLllts all Canadian brides herc loading Airwoman Jackie Couison In planning two were sent overseas within tow months at anchalher MAKES OWN CLUTIIES Jachlc who is svelte Ilse ninc is having troubleilndlaii she has beiriended and ed to arrange concerts or alibi simplicity and charm oi itira hiayrand are dis layed to theirbesl advantage or per sonal interview Painting and It lliiiuii it uunervegec en vthelr honeymoon at Dunoon Ar Ie Scotland where Jackies other grew up Some at her relatives still live there and Jackie has wanted all her Ilie to visit them close second love children shecon ided and to help the union tunato oncr In both personal duty and pleasure to melt biclteivay at AilIoton iteple Avenue It rerooti lawman or on in sun Woodol Bradiord are rived hom thiarrwmia gtoliow ins airatrr excursion lite theCaIg atampcde Broil in cocoon or Tamar and riti till Eggs CPIThe diiinreoi Laaguagee aremervelloita com she sother acomllah eat Powers theme ie countries Leon hiayrand has re ï¬gng Canada In ltaly snce Atormer embass secretary In Ioodon lilo de anelro and Moscow be has served three gar terms as ambauador to ill Chile end Spain since ital Standards of white gladioli and while iern decorated Cen tral United Church tor the al lernoonweddlng at Mile Joyce Mario Caldwell and Donald Harvey Grant on Saturday draw on Brannloiilclot Bride We lamina equal trembled orelgn the Iederal govemmeot to al low 101m personalitexaxemp lion tatrathertbeaeowasdsg tederal labor depsrtrn at to broaden studies on exian ad demand ior parttint wompa workers quot oi white sharia murns With garlands oi ivy Bridal attendanta were litre Mary Etherlngtoa oi Barrie matron oi honor Miss Marcia Bernard at Toronto meld oi honor Mrs Joan htcEachern Barrie aIrter oi the bride in Viederslioae liasella seidtbe motorcydd toilowha worked lit Improve Now It thine Abrbiee and three atatoreyctea later lie doesnt run muadunymom buthaaa oompuleiveapeodee its has borrowed money irotn everybody we know noncredit ratiagis disgraeetuLIIm aireld to names the telephone or the doorbell lie in genomesy bui that or tail in in ct but and The law IImad About roo coo Des Analraltd were atw robbing Peter to payPauh at can mother at iour children do with out like tbial BROKE AND IN DOCK tdergsoié For Saturday Wedding Date rie macs iashion designed by The bridesmaids carried crec eent bouquets or white carna tion and blue cornilowera the lower girls carried baskets oi white carnations with blue corniiawers mothersai iiirdui ih 16ml bola wo up She sledI site its goodntor young girls to ex rimentwitb maleup andyhardoa becailw its somethin theywili needto knowwhen yoreoidern Since wosoutshout and outnumbered decided keep oulat until wrote toyou you believe Its aliright ior so arolddgtrl to prnetice adult rdos an makeup thiswayt not no or yo pray what il aha precliclngio be hoosehaunleri lhe oolytlme itsilitingior to carold to iris outherhalran psoellllne her eyes an Halloween Your wile Is doing the child gtava Iniustlce by encourag tag this premature prtmpiog Iootmaoy youngsters are robbed oi their childhood by overtanxlous mo era who cant wait to push eir aughters into the boyvglriratr groom and Miss Pal Flasher oi Pa Idoundwere the brideama da The bridal attendaniswere gowned alike In white sheath dresses oiimported French brocaded peau de role The dresses were iashloned with Ronald Buchanan oi Mon treali was the groornamanl lhe ushers were Donald McEach era Allan Caldwell brother at the bride and JackOwens all at Barrie waooruo strongman SPEAKS it LANGUAGES Mra Mnyrand has three grown childrentwovaons and daughter llcr older son to stu ing the history oi art andar eology In Paris her doughV tor ls enrolled In political sci clothes ior hcr trouuoau that um Wm on childhood are small enough toilihcr she visited France to buy her wmm mlmd wedding dress and says she come on mo will make some oi the clothes oldegt at our daughter ior her troutelm oi Mr and Mrs John Coulson Sbe aim to main ill I0 oi Halliax she was the ilrst to wedding ceremonies West German law requires civil marriage pnd Canadians married here usually go through this service law days beiore the religious ceremony In one oi the chapels on the The bride to the daughter ot MrsWilliam Caldwell at Bar rie and the late bir Caldwell The bridegrooms parents are Mr and Mrs Harvey Grant ol Englehart rioori habits nairirc tnkcs hcr Why is overweight la more who have been iai all lots IcmsAt an annual meeting at plaincd that very obese children scli Ldisgust has been iound children Such studies also re obcsedurtng childhood or adoé MAP bnsc Jackie plans to wear her going away outtit when she goes through the civil ceremony with her Ilsnce LAC Victor Nlcison in August We rent dont make any lane ior to civil ceremony oat at us consider it just like taking out the licence at home The thmlnute ceremony will be periormed by the mayor In the nearby town oi Itastatt Both Jackie and her husband tobc are irom Haliiox but they didnt mcci until they were posted to Trenton Ont They service aitor her marriage The couple have already iound the iumishcd apartment they will rent In Ilugeiahcln town about in minutes drive irom the station Letters concerning her August weddinghavo been ilylng back and icrth between here and Haitian since her Christmas cngagcmcat She hopes to bake the actual montage ceremony put on tape and have movies talten at wedding so that It will be the next best thing ior my parents who wont be here The couple plan to spend Planned Program AidsChubby Child Elf rrs Note This Is the tint duclng program ior overweight chlIdrcn By IDA JEAN KAIN llioilrcrs oi overweight young stars It you have child that the others dub Fatso help that child nowl its an out moded notion that the rolypoly child It bursting with heal The complacent thought that the overweight will outgrow the int at certain age is Just wishiul thinking 0n iattenlng evor widening course Excess at In physical handicap Benig icit out oi gamca the chub child who loves to ct suhstl utcs iood ior activoiua Why are there so many let children todayl Two reasons lack oi physical encrclse coupled with excess sweets and iattcnlng load habits And could third rcasonhc the tool that so many mothers work today and thcrciore cannot supervise the childs cailngi child nay seven or eight such serious mattor7 First oi all when the pattern oi overeating iscelnbllahcrl early in Ilie it tendn to remain ilxcd Var our studch have shown that ho twccn sound so per cent at overwcight adults wereiat as veal ihat Its the ovarch his liver who hnvcvtha toughest time trying to lose Anothcr cause ior concern Being the butt oi jokes can create carious emotional prob the American Dietetic Associa tion Dr Albert flitlnkard eat so oitca grow up to dislike the solves lie termedihis tit rtcrl body image This sarong the iatlics who became dont have to diet but it you want to lose well be haltiii to hot you omorraw The story at real live doll Food Pattern la outgrow Fat Breakfast Calories 275 Chilled orange juice on Cereal cooked or dry no su gar coated on Cup with blue benies or ball banana sugar ttrp only whole milk to cup Ludcb Calories 450 Broiled hamburger loan beet oz Cooked weight toasted bun Icho rcllsh rmrtstard glass Im milk wcdgo oi can taloupe skim milk through ila vor straw delicious MidAfternoon pickup Calories 45 Homcmads pelcle ii cup irorcn grapequ or Piece irth irult Dinner Calories tilt Brollcd chicken at lb broiler Baked potato small margarine not Vt thick Vegetable chulcc Asparagus or airing beans liberal cr vlng butterscotch pud ng glass at skim milkedsorta pud ding madc with skim milk Total Calories ior day law No candy All soit drinks should bcswcctcnod with non nuirltIvc sweetener Wams Housewives Wronglngredient Used In Recipe OTTAWA toria cake re cipc being passed among kouw was and church groups could be very dangerous Eleanor Ortiway oi the icdcral ioodand drug directorate says Tha cake called redvelvet requires one qaartercupoi red iood coloring The original re tripe specified cochlncal red color which is not daugeroua but this Iiicailon has beenomltv tcd asthe rcclpohas been passed nion bornes rcds are it coaltarcoors whichcan be dangeroua It lityp flow dl ridiculed that it leave home when she went to Pentlcton to get job ubhe hemed with the lttr Cadet Corps era and became Inter ested in an RCAP caraar At Baden she issecrctary to Group Capt John Jordan commanding oi the RCAFa No iightcr wing shes Brownie Icadarand once week attends radio course Soon she willlbacome on announcer tor childrens ro ram to be broadcast irom acn over the Canadian Forces Network 0n weekends Jackie and Vic pack lunch and take long drives through the neighboring villager Were always iindlng nice little places that we want to go back to butwscannevorr tinder them again she sold THE STARS SilY By BBTRELLITA FOR TOMORMW iha advent of the tuii moon brings Its uauaI warnings against over aggressiveness uncontrolled emoliohnllsm and tendencies to rd bickering and quarrellng The lunar Influ cnccs however should pravci highly Inspiring to those in creative lines FOR THE BIRTHDAY li tomorrow Is your birthdn your chart presents pleasant outlook tor the next year While you may experience some ups and downs where iInanelaI and occupational matters are con cerned some months bringing this advances oihcrssamewhat on the dull side you can by capitalizing on your innate ihrlit and stick to Itiveoees bring even balance to the situa tion and wind up in highly salie iactory position For Instance during August and October andnext March cardlous about iinanccs being particularly careiul to avoid ex travagance and speculation but during September Novcmber late December and most oi the tint six months at liiiit mone tary gain through sound eiiort and management is Indicatedi Guide your ciiorta accordingly Personal matters will he un der bcnailcent aspects during most at the year which eugurs well ior social scntlmentnl and demcttic lntereste Best months ior romance September Nov ember aad next May beat for travel late September and Jan nary child born on this day will bcyextremaly reliable and iriendli but due to tendencies toward stress and anxlcty will have to learn the value or serenity removed from Winnipeg store when they were iound to have more coloring than was per mitted under them and drug regulations as lhcmattcr was raised economists attending Gauadlan Home Economicsaa stion lennisi ence course at the Sorbonna and her younger son is naslstr ant to the wellknown stage dl rector JeaorDelannoy in name Canadian byadoptlon Mrs Moyrand was born Letizia lie res edilan oi lirrklsh parents She travelled oitcn as child wIth her parents between iur ltey and italy and began her iormal education in Florence oatarshe want on to study mu sic and the history at art In Paris Hcr husbands diplomatic recr also has provided Mrs May rand with many opportunities ior study In the course oi successive postings to England Brazil ltussia Chile and Spain lllra Moyrund has acquired ilueney In in languages youwlll have to he veryI lidsrss turnout Iihehostcss the mostL est gains herkmost important ordinary experience while shes sillia loan Andli1is 15 apron Is grlrarantecd to start her hostess og career bit on the right toot The who sign is simpleto mpltoiust cut out the utensil deslgnsi iromBondex iron them on NowlN arrests in MINUTE HEEL fserrvrce nVontlon Mrs Doreen James at Engla hart snng Perfect Ioveood theWeddIng Prayer Mr Irs land was the organist TRADITIONAL GOWN The bride was given in mar rlage by her unel Auhrey Caldwclloi Orlllla For her special day she chose tradi tional bridal gown oi imported French penu dc sole iathioned on rlncess lince lhe bodice sleeves An ovcrsklrt tell to period peau dc sole tell to cathedral train Iicr headdress was match Ing pcau desole doublerled ding hand which held her iin gartip vcll oi Italian pure silk illusion She carried bou and watch her blossom tank has the hostess with bhafmost est For Instructions send saltaddressed stampedL envelope to The Needlecrait Department of The Barrie Examiner drink for Leaflet No PPEIMS We always give II VI prompt courteous service Ash yourrdcctar about our pharmacy neat time he writes prescription ior um Prcscrtptione iciradsu and delivered ire the snows hlue pure silk organza at gown was iasliiouediwltb scooped neckline audtiong styles and shades they iitted bodicee soitiy rounded necklines threequarter le sleeves and bouiiant akirts wtb overalrlrta oi imported sapphire The flower glrlswere Misses HeatherMcEsebern oi Barrie and Karen Tracey at Toronto They wore floorlength tracks at white embroidered nylon over taiieta with sapphire blue butterin bows ibs bridesmaid headdress cawere erescente oi matching blue iahric roses The flower girls wore matchln single tab Club Simplifies ShoppingFByMail TOBONTO The mail order catalogue has acquired third dimension ior homemakers in Canadas small towns farms Onaoi the great problem of mail order brwing In that the shopper cant ieel and test the and on product Another is that the catalogue can rarely Include brand new merchandise By the time Itgets around to show lng the new iabrlca patterns are no longer new rButh theseproblerns are overcome whanbomemokers be vlong to labricsohiheldontb Club Every month the club sends marnbers no or more swatches otthe latest fabrics such as poplin and pique ior dresses denim and corduroy ior sportswear lame for even ing wear ilanneleitefor win tcr nightmar brocade ior upholstery Members have no obligation to buy anything but It they do buy they are protected by an unconditional ey back guarantee They receive gilt oi fabric or loner cent discount on ali purchaser or $5 or more Membership costs only two dollars year Fahrlcsoithe Month Club is at 348 Victoria Park Avs Tomato 13 The reception was held at the Guthrie Community Hall whera the mother at the bride received her guests wearing astrcetllcagth track of salmon organza over rose pcau the role ller accessories were white sndsbe completed her costume with corsage oi white roses Dre bridegrooms mother as slated gowned In sheath dress oi powder blue with white ac cessories liar coraage was at pink roses For aweddingtrlpto Que bee and Northern Ontario the bride were beige twoplece suit withrwhlle and golden cessorlas On their return Mr and Mrs Grant will make their home on Queen Street In Barrie outoicity guests at the wed ding were present truth land Lake Englehart Malici Iar Parry SaundLGuelph To ronto 0rlIlIa Beaveraoa Kit chener Oshnwa Montreal Swastlkn Markham Oakvllle Pordwlch Fergus Stroud Mlneeing and Guthrie PREMIER COMMENTS CHARLOIIETOWN CPI Premier Wall2r Shaw said Fri daythcre is very little basis tor the proposed causcwayto link PEI with the mainland Canada Mr Shaw was comr menilng on Canadian Press story which snldnot all island are are as iofoua about the causeway an int appearances would leadaae tobellave are non HOME FRKESZER gt New waxedmtllr carton Idohl for home irecscr containers rAstrew pAlrrv ensure TOSERVEYOUC NEWidCATION oiuluhirsi anon RESET THE RING Dear Ann Lenders go cite man whose ilrst an lions years go were as parsonaa ago friend dimi Last night Ben asked me it would like her sat at rings They are baautiiul and always admired them much when she wora them To hesitanh about it Id love to have the rings but am atrald other will remember ihemns having belon cdtohis ilrat wiiaits donl islnl make me iccl uncomiortablc Am being toollsht Please help me decldeWILMA Dear wilmni Your indecision suggests you would not be comiortablo wearing the rings which belonged to yourlhus bnndsilrstwiic Why not have thcringsrcsetla another mountingi They will then seem new tom and to others as well Conilrlenllal to As Close as at Quarter Aiier Ihree lteset your watch Sister Hall past twelve would make tor more lasting relationship remodellingser Including all sub trad es aniaed workmanship Easy monthly payments nowls ruerrne roe rtestoma with maintenance tree alu minum or asbestos no yearly painting nilROOFING 91 new coloriul protectionwith asphalt shingles NEW urrcnansr completely replanned and re modcllerl by kitchen specialists RECREATION AND FAMILY ROOMS extra living space in your basement GARAGBS single or twocar design to pro tect yoto earandvglvo youa ditional storage space ALUMI NUM DOORS itan WINDOWBv top quality ior controlled vent llatlon llLscctirce summer living Macaroon acorns Expnadyour present he adding an additional fullalso room at the sideor attire rear To enhance pass noun nominations Poonao sr Improvement Contract Dept 12 BRADFORD BARBIE rs orationtr