if you dont think that people in Rus sla are pretty much the same as the ped pie in he West just study the case Anna Pavlova the Ukrainian miss Her case proves something in re significant too and that is that there aia which isgtnoat encouragingl 2T0 got to the point of our story Miss Pavlova was threatenedwlth ex Vt pulsion from thelocal Young Comm mm gt But Dr Muller though he says do business is convinced hoist Lea ue hgcausa its prim officials decidcd er mode of danc ng the Char lostcn was disgustlhgfland hnpntdent When she took her case to the Young Communist newspaper it upheld her with these words It is time leaders who want to sub feel us to uniformity even to the length of dance stepdisappeared is if we choose to forget that we too ve our own conformist pres aure in various forms The question is How successfully do we fight them Says the Vancouver Sun editorially hon the same subject it Dr Herbert Muller the American authorhistorian gave so encouraging account of the situation in the 08 re ently He recited the various sources fconformist pressure These include especially ion ft are liberaliaing forces at work Rum ex it is easy to laugh at such behaviour today Lesson currently the John itch south so another source is some big corporati There are hesitates elsewherejvario gues and ties with an ur to improve the own recipe iiheiobtillitch EMMY Dr observed lacks altbin freeinstltutioha Other pressure grou simply in other peoples nb lives mocracy is risky the American people is not losing its non tyto regulate their liberties The good sense of the majon lty prevails We are convincedthis is so in Can ada too Onereason for it is that rial standards ofltving and broadening ucatlon make it difficult for the narrow minded to impose their vlewa on the majority Dr Muller believesthe same lib eralizin forces are atwork in Russia ough that country still remains pollcestate Anna Pavlovas case we repeat is asmali thing hutmayba it is straw that shows the way the wind is blowing over the Steppes The Meneiaryn Systemi Much has been said for and against he United Kingdom changing its coin age to the doc mal system Now Brit ains educational authorities havecome as thestrongest supporters of the proposed change gt The educationists hold the view that if decimal system of coinage was adopt ed the students in the primary schools would save nearly onethird of the time they nowtspend oh arithmetic in their classes Furthorthe head teachers be lieve that many backward children would findathe changed monetary1sys tem easier to master and the students would gain new confidence in their classroom wotk The decisionof the educational auth orities has now given the government strong support in its tentative plans to make change in the countrys monetary systemfromthe traditional pounds shil 140 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July it 1922 Town Council failed to agree on rental fee for the Chautauqua tent performances in Queens Park Citizens here have tall the education they require oneald ierman opined Residence of Morrison Painswick merchant also store contents guttedby fire Blaze contain Iedby timely arrivaliof Barrie brigade Spectacular shot by Hunter Ken nedy ski with last howl won Thidhope Trophy or Barrie 3736 Pete Clark tskipgied otherlocal rink Dummy gtraf ggeriment lasted onlyfive days After eing hit five times Mayor John Little jgordered its removal Only live cops hallowed infuture since they can at least jump out of the way of irrespons 3lble motorists who seem to be increas sing in town Ivy Leafs county league zleaders in baseball suffered first defeat fat hands of Barrie team with Cliff Brown lion mound Brown was not disconnected when Mervyn Lennon hit his first pitch out of the Ivy park for home run and held the homesters in check until re lief pitcher Ernie Hartt was brought in St to policeman at Five Points on ex llnga and pence to the newvdecinial units of currency which might be adopted in fact there is move developing to go still further and evenchange the weights and measuresto come into line with the continental system SBralth waite chief education officer for East Sussex in England has expressed the opinion that Britains system of currency and weights and measures are archaic and inefficient it is now believed that some of the apathyfound among hack ward children in the schools is due to the hopeless struggle of trying to master weights and measurea in fact so of the 4s Cpmmonwealth countries and de endcncies have already changed or are the process of chang ing to the declmalsystem Perhaps before too much time elapses the pound shillings and come collectors items It soon MahoayLanr by Manager Joe Milne Coldwin Coulte 11 nonswimmer fell off Bay field dock He was savedfrom drown ing by Albert Tuck passing in canoe Police Chief Robert King recommended that notice hoards be placed at entrances to town giving speed limit as 12 miles an hour Father Edward Brennan appointed curate to Dean Sweeney at announced extended jitney service three times daily fromSt Vincent Park to Allandale Core Grand Opera House featured movie Shoulder Arms starring Charlie Chaplin King Georges Navy Chewing Tobacco was advertised at two plugs for quarterspecially for men of nerye NewxDreamland Theatre had Harold Lloyd in The SailorMade Man in five reels Among local mer chants with specialsweret Ste phens mens wear George Vickers dry goods Moore ladies wear Wilfred Firth dry cleaning Devlinsladies wear Otton Hardware Ball Planing Mill UnitedFarmers Coop Brown 00 thss tailoring Sutcliffe lesions drygoods Brennan meats and Keenan music store pence will be arys Church Huxtable out but the danger was in panchromatic Shows By ALAN McFEEflEON TORONTO The industrial and manufacturing crisis nllccl ingOntarlo shows no geogra phical favoritism at the bor dersand in every area where is thought for optimism thorei is an equal distribution of pea airnlsm for the future Along the eastern shores touching the St Lawrence Waterway slicing rth and then back and finally through the Ottawa Valley the picture and the statistics are the same Good conununitles and poor oommuntes Butall through the pro race the same universal compl int iight wedge and vice of metro domination Uequal tax distribution and insufficient diversification of in dustry Unequal tax distribution and insufficient diversification of in dustry However at government level there is at least one cabinet minister who has progressed far beyond the speechmaking stage There is one manwho isproparlng to do something for the province and his plans are worth reporting in detail Firstly because they embrace the most proven formula for successutter simplicity Secondly because this man thinks he has the tools to make the plans workf Thirdly although in scale and scanning out far be yond the provincial borders to foreign markets theyll return dividendsnt homed vidends in money and jobs This is llon Robert Mac eulay ministerot energy re sources and minister of econo mles andï¬development Mr Macaulay talked with forthright honesty and bluntness and stunmcdup the situation in two phases the deep on omlcal problems we face in Ontario and Chnedsand the solutions Domination of Canadian mane ufacturing by foreign money he placed nearly at the head of the list of llls That in itch was not heavy complaint he ointed mere Canadian assembly lines gathering foreign parts Briefly foreign company OTHER rations TRIBUTE sous Charlottetown Guardian Andre Malraux distinguished French mister of State for Cultural Affairs aids fine tribute to the United States the occasionof hiSrecent visit to Washington He toasted in gthese Th only nation that has wage The ante Examiner Authorized mono Elm on host Omen Department Ottawa use for payment of north tncnh Dailys Sands ssostatutory Hoiidln erupted KENNETH WALLI Publisher plan cantons Conanl inns War but networshippad it thathas wort the greatest power inthe worldbut not sought it that haswrought the greatest weaponbf deathbut not wished to wield mayrt inspire me wit dreams worthy ts ac it JON Olililli Packet at Times Just recently Mr iRobarts during legislative debate on educational costs made the suggestion that university ra duates should flpa special income eirdegreed hat is not establishes Canadian comv Pliny and sets up factory in rural Ontario This makes product posed com nomination of agricultural scum iGililiT keen long looklat the menu opoly laws and maka them work for us aa well as against us He wants to bring executives together to come to an under standingof production limits Indso protect workers ion up and Mown ayate explained am not concerned with the man who run the companies as much as want to ensure that the man behind the lathe and the machine has his posi tion protected The third point brought out by Mn Macaulay was ocath ing attack on the heavy auto motive industryparticularly the highhmerlcon content in the automotive field andassoclated heavylndustries lnSweden in England in France the minister contend edthe automobile is net ional symbol But here he siormedy and right to Ontario we have series of foreign products and pieces and whole ru three and when they are gathered together we are supposed to call it Canadian car He was serious when he add ed We have hever squarely faced title problem but we may have to come toit Just one sentence but with wealth of predictive object ive thinking behind it its like pouring iodine or arwound that is really deeply infectious he commented but what about the people of rural Ontario and how will the solving ofthese problems affect thcmii Firstly the Ontario Economic Council is studying possible tax structure for rural areaaw Title is not in line with the Kennedy Redevelopment Area plan in the United States Mr Macaulay eaiplained but brendnew approach with no tint of political flavoring but Under study too isnDeve rather an economic taet opment Fund for the creation of new industry Theres the thpoint economic program with suggestions for rural loans and keen ext areas of sevenucornponent parts These parts are menu factored abroad They are sold parent company oua of the local market tdoesnt seek to scale the ptariff wall and invade the ex port field It is has wordla convenience for highproflt This affects the rural factory worker He can only produce underavirtualdlctatorship And the factory is in state of economics confinement it manufacturing level claims Mr Macaulay there are trlcel concerns making in to Canada and put together dividual productsat rats where It is impossiblefor the buying public toabsorb them That is ephsse of davelo meut hesaid whore campus tion can be dcstructive ypotbetlcally two companies anbe aklng one piece of pparstusSuddenly companieacome in hhd among nth be same instru in so vast swash child is nervousit retards to JO though he must have an emotionallyI Minds aunts child drum in answer ho cad instead learn to mom ago his tension and edtuat to not that iron wil if we knew the precise typo be the world Thais what growing One mustpot coarse expect ady dosing of Irsnoullt altotha boy tired and dopey Whom the tran outlian might do to him hyc lylanot predictable van that used side shits vary greatly not we clnbs sure that they arent doing him any spot sonically No Feminism ManufacturingCrests However tall the above feasible centres on hlarom plaint of foreign domination of markets He already has called co ferencs for autumn and mhcring of the countrys best wn exportsto try and die cover Just how many cortison ant arts ofa finished pro not can There was pothollcal catches good chance to more onehalf of that number That would meanibm now plantsell scattered st strata gtc points to lift markets Why ruralf Because if these parts are the rural made and assembled there the need for only local market vanishes and all the foreign markets the wide open for the hard sell In nutshellI it makes no difference whether part is made in factory which could employ to persons in Pembroke Orlllla or Toronl Costwlse the total mileage is compiled by transport for semblaga plus tron site for eign market loh could mean anything from coco to cooo miles So what difference does 100 miles make lhusvthe openingforsign markets and Mr Macaulay is determined to open them will alsopnveflte way for now and more diversified lndustry fordistrhught areas Naturally the ministers on slaught against the automotive industry was long overdue For years this has been littleehort of national shame Taking the automotive distrcts of Oshawa and Oakviiie and Windsor we are faced with optimistic pros pects if radicaland much soughtafter changes occur in the foreseeable future Component parts for cars could be manufactured some where in Ontarioand the hoary plea of closeto themetro Toronto market cannoti pose possible manufactured at home F16 tariff number at prelminory meet lngsome 5550 parts Broken down if to per cent can be manufactured in Canada Ont freatindustriai those iihes grant of course that tran eullirora sometimes are helpful for children Not often how ever They should be given carehtlly and as srlnglyas in view of need in fact thats agony and rule for any medl not least amountvthat will do well what haaiobedope ltvllirue that the tranquil lurs hays minimal skis eifoctl but that inter cry front saving iny hold true for automobiles thtwlsciortcr are outside mentioned plans the mos apart from metropolitan Wind ouldntit be feasible to make parts In rural areas ad let to assembly lines Finally Mr Maoaulaya dia aertatlon on monopolies and the electrical industry that naturally must enter field but oncosgsin foreign markets can be ox panded then absorption of pro ducts must follow illsplsns now in the forth five stages coincide with th series of articles for he realises the urgency of lifting rural markets and in general stimulating the manufacturing snId industrial power of Out aro As Whats earlier in the article here lsona minister rigged thoughts are not central He could be the leadar of such movement for he is thoroughly decentralized lndlvid ual working day and night for better Ontario and bet terCanada There are others in the gov ernmental teamwho think the sameand would like to air their thoughts They suffer from verbal liictlon for they become im muniaed when they think of one wordpropitious illfr Macaulay summed Itpths apecitic problems of markets in nutshell Businessmen to date lacked the faith to get out had seek and then sell abroad The more products that show up in foreign countries the more Jobs thatnemerge in Ollie arlo Which should prove the axiom that we are still not an island unto ourselves Space eonfinemehta will ms trlctmatm nevelopment along is years tocome theyll bafraught with their town problemsol how to cover the local market The answerto real expansion has insrural Ontario QIavov tamer too So tdonturo mhch dtfferoptfrorhuibuttinan oil from the stains wondllom hi lbo desperatelyand hsps opulent that ptiila mother will have atï¬limmsr of the truth and give child no more powerful mdicinsa unless her doctor so orders forturgent rem Dear Dr Molnar what lathe clause nfltnaurare dlaoaaoilliebon sous can out 51 tranatoltta MM its one of yer slain dlr asset for whichso cause has been louad although in some instances it is believed to be related to profoundyemotiosal experience or ah it Is not fatal tcostset heat and sedation are the main treatment and the ailment may run on for gm nlthou us ually it an in four six months Bismuthaadmercury infections and steroid oint menis have beenusad as medi cations Dear Dr bfolsert lncatln raresteaks and meals we thereon any danger in beef as there is in porlsl Mite ll theres some but lhardiy comparable to the danger of park that from thoroquhiy cooksd With beef lnstea trlehinoals the risk is in getting tapeworm eggsFcr that rea son look with auspicious eye on raw beef We still see too much trieh lnoals desnlts all our warning about nor Jud we see some heat tapeworm cases it is worth renundorthat the fish tapeworm is ten ornary our opok fish than oughly BIBLE THOUGHT For other foundation can no man lny ihonthlt til faith which is Jesus Christl Core inthihnl ltll You are not uildlng an in dividual house or salvation for yourself to heaven for there only one foundatlenh thew fore we are hit contrlutlng to ward Goda house What sort of contribution are you roost In starchy By THE CANADIAN PRESS July miss ihefirabatomic bomb was exploded above the deaf tert near the Alamogordo air base in New Mexico years ago todayin 1945 It was theculminstlon of highly secrct 32000900000 05 government develop ment protect it wasnt un til Aug after bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima that the world was told of the new weapon dollsCzar Nlcholas ll of Russia and members of his family were shot on Bolsher viat orders in Ekaterinburg futLake St Johnltin Quebec was discovered by the Jesuit Father Jean Queuin