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Row Centre Mullmho venom CBC TV Neil WW énut 7m ao do My lave Up To ï¬le Neck lUNDAY run 11 dd Teet Pattern Comment do Convtetton Devey end Colleth Wtrnhtedon Tennte Country Celender mo end lee ltflltlnl Worde Cheyenne Movte Mueeum the autumn New Melexlnl Haul Ed sutttua nonenre CloroU CEO New Weether New Sports Movie Pelee Wltnue MCNDAY JULY ll rue rut runm 2833222295332 too Popeye and Ltd Nerve Weethenjoorte Movte Attentto Adventurer ummererne el ewe ee er pom Zeno they Theatre One or the court Denny Themee dtneetone Juhttee Room Tor One Itore Meltttl Ihtdl IM Concert one no Nerve Weather rte New Denloroue ohtn enemy wort re t1 Teet Pattern Loo Peoeeye end Pete New Weather Sport Movte The Iron dhertlr summerme Bwlnlelodl Veeetton rtme Yoel Beer Movte Mueeum Newe Weather drone Iten my Talent dceute Comedy Spot Pleyde run at Dtememdl ee er one One At slgeyurnd upppsspy 383888 E2s 399599999 rre E388 E=ssss=s crro Fathom ronoNro lATlJltIMY JULY noo Wrertttng New Weether Bporte The 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Conmtutettonr to He end Mre Albert stmoeoo on the Irrtvel ot twta hm et Georgetown munwggre Erie mlltuee ewt mend rev dtumon eroleevtnl thte week one veeetlou totho eeetern provlneee lldre lock mu Mfl Ree tley Eve end ï¬reuzrnut ntvereery on the etternoon ot DI We flturedey July to lot held to Thornton creole ttelt It oclock Mr endht Eldur Stur teen eoeomoe edhy Mr nd ItreJErneet ttneerhew rd tune thte weekend tor we weett veeetton to the out ooeetr Mre Stewert to et tent In Royet Vtetorte ttorp tel Berrte Mre Stewerte meny trtende hone ehe wtllhe home eoeu Thurede County ueeurn etee Mn Orlth Mr and Mn wtltlern Evene Berrte end Mre Edwtn ltnmhew et lonlewood Prt vete hoepttet Mr end Mrl Poul Kneeehew end hebywere weekhndmete wan end Mre Everette Kneeehew Fred bolt Bredtord wttt bi Iueeteoee or at Ebenem Untted dnlroh Womene Ier vtoe dundey 29 It 150 WW conmcr BRIDGE ey Janecken North dealer Both etdee vulnerable Nam urn AK KIWI ME Queue oeoee nn to would 01 thehtddtnor north not loll Wd 1m reee Peel IN PI gammy teed ten ot loader hand occurred In due Heete petr genre tt ta ot tot ereet ehtelly beeeueo South wound up 1an twelve trlcke whereee other NorthSouth ntre mode at meet only eeven trtcke The extra trlclt on rtent tn mlnytorme etdun cete ploy come II the rerutt ot enunueuet Iouem ettuatton Wort ted the ten ot epedee South naturally feared that the ateedlwae etnaleton so he wen tttn hte hendrwlth no queen played heert to the nee nnd returned the leek Deeterer we trying to reduce the pouthtlltyot one or more ede ruttewhlehmtzht detent contract Welt took ct heerte and returned tho three ot mhhhhw eea reu but he had Souttnr Ivlzoulet hevunede only eleven trtcke end we would heve hedno retort Decterer took the nude wtth the tech end oteyed three rounde eltrumperdloeerdtnz three etuhe lrom duntmyr Attor he then led epodtho the lrtnd thle became the poetttedr Deeleror now eeehed the are at epedee end dteeerded etuh Welt wnehard greeted tor dteeerd and tn net ooutrtdo nothtn to preveottlouthtrom wtnntnl the not of thetrtelu He could not ettord tofdtv card dlemond heeeueede derer would ceeh thoAK ot dtelnonde to utehtleh the deck or trtck Nor could Weet epore club heeeuee declerer would then trump the ten of elube letting the eee end dummy would who the teet three trtehe Welt woe eeught In atel eroee rqueeu 0n Mondeyr Another lemee Handle presented by hi lee rpadee Ot eouree weet ooutd toer onnr crosswonu Joann Meu jerte Entom hllee lmene ed oomrnunl cotton mfleeemd end ooot nnn= muetono elm no dent mlrtre Shtd lbbl 10 Femtntm may innum work memento romp It Dull ooh mun manlu 113mm blade one eyoo IBM WEnzrevor 1d Btrntnei Elithltul neme mater of 5mm IlJareon phent unh Aï¬ï¬‚llï¬ï¬‚lj jaemrcnmte nottee ddNorth lMdena nteh heme ee Weevee mannaphone ï¬ï¬‚llWfllflflflllgï¬ neptcme vetmum ILL Give ausanLuMP Iunutluuuuuu mutante JIMHNDINOUT llm mam TWNN NWMENI