tor someotbe isjoi vital district much more ï¬t an wishiul drinking littbis movement survey is sires underway and eiforteare made recruit more Individuals and or gantaationa to egatton Is exp edvto tonrPr John Robertato seeirrgovernm mor ai andtfinancial support district university will notcome overnight it will be progectrequlrinï¬ the long uilcou ledwit patience an courage will have to show hat they are prepared to raisogsomeoi the lacrosse money How much of course woul Eagerly on provincial government But once the idea is accepted at Queenslark there Is little doubt that beinga su port the reject Even mnfcommunlty York of course us and tooiher smsil citiesbut peo of the community do end education as tor industry flirtsnewspap er hascontendedon mor hen one oo that York Universi injioronto been establishe ins smaller could let lost theiu tura holds but bright prospects Therein good reason to believe that the govern ment has become increastn iy aware oi the need tor in other parts Ontario university oi barrio could serve the ar educs on isciitties whole of Simcoe County and many at the districts beyond We might have to start with one college for arts students onlyEventually however wecouid have niaculty oi en caring and continue to develop full edged university Premier Roberta aiormer minister oi education will give it his warm blessing Government support oi fledgling univerv skies in other sections oi Ontario has been excellent Thefllakehead University 10 Early neat month thefharriéCoilé glate Band will be taking off on its long planned Pacific Tour which includes playing at theSeattieWorlds Fair Barneseitlzena should be this is tbelromeoi the best high school band in Canadaone oi thehestin tact in North America The trip to theState otWsshiu on ontheweat coast will mark the ends sixth internationaiéap earance sincealtiii Previous tri shave Been to Chicago itwi Detroit tiantie City and in 1948 thepverseasflour to Britain France Bel um iiinaliylplayinfg inthelilorldFeettva oildusicin ollan Since isgidtheBarrie Coilegiateliand has won 53 trophies inaddltion to num erous cash awards prizes citations and scholarships ht more tame an téii Barrilefn ionaliy and internationally than this hand all members being students at Barrie District Central Collegiate Actu ally the band members reside in all parts oi Barrie and adjacent townships This is because those students who wish to take the music option and join theband when qualiï¬ed are requiredto attend Central Collegiate where the band facili ties and instructor Alien Fisher are based Therefore the band is in every sense Barrie with no reference to geo graphic districts OTHER EDITORS VIEWS AMERICAN VIEWPOINT Christian Science Monitor Now with support from the internat ional Monetary Fund and the United States and British Governments Mr Diefenbalrer aims to stop the decline in the value of the Canadian dollar andto institute an austerity program toiput proud that We can see such adream come true Itwill be realised by those whorefuse to accept discouragement and whom prepared to msite the siiort to bring their dream at today to reality tomorro There he been some criticisml not entirely unjustified that the locaLpub lie does not hear this band enough may not prostate the long and success iui trad on oi the Barrie Collsglate deal he should operate caretaker gov Band For instance It is not widely knoym that during the siryesrs oi world War ifwo the bandéglogtedinnumerabiechn gripped mar in dosensoi Victory certatnamount oi indliference onthe art or some newcomers to the citywho ghtthave tb ham horsemen lpscinlie at 11mins rononro sighiiicant official announcement by Much clpsl Aitairsvliinisterlirsdetick Casscrecently irt lort Arthur street div paradesin assistin to raise money lug lublllhati Ontariosheret or war serviceshlted rose BC smbu efund and others Wellthe portunityto hear Barrie Cells to Ban isright around the cor ner ext Tuesday evening in Queens Park the bandwt resent public can eerc no collection uet asample oi the young musicians casido rho countin on aiuli audience at arrie Arena ondgï¬I August ti at admission prices for th pretour concert to help defray expenses of the trip 0n hearing the Barrie Collegiate Band land ap reciatin the tremendous prestige job one tort City of Barrie over the past 20 or more years every citizen should get behind the band and make sure it has enough iunds to cover the Pacific Tour pro orig Be sure to heart and at Queens Park next Tuesday night erhment until neWeIectioncan give him or someone else clear majority in Parliament But it is probable tbat any leader aspiring to owerinCanada at thismomant would it otitce have to take Canada in better baianceoi aymente position He is thus deiyingi 35 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner July 14 1927 Glor ions Twelfth celebrated by 33 Orange Lodges in Cookatown With biggest crowd one who Down nanonvlnnrgï¬ in history of village Parade marshal was Lyman Cave Newton Robinson Oldest Orangeman was Capt Sutherland Bond Head age 91 Rev Writw Clemente was chairman tor the speeches First chargeoi buying upgraded eggs was laid against Joe Lipoviteh in Barrie court He got 150dozen from Eimvale farmer but pleaded ignorant of new regulations Francis Firthf St Marys School headed honor roll in Entrance ex amsGladysM Hickland Beeton receiv ed R0 a1 Humane Medal for heroic res iteeve Cam llns tWo young chil dren from house The Barrie Examiner Ausaanue si second shall Post ofï¬ce Department Ottawa and or payment of postage to em Dally dassdan and shiatsu Holidan am maresrs WALLIJIIIIMM DIM Aim rli annals wmhn mashsmsss ass wild Munroe messes sonrenoann circulation Insurer Subscription nah by earstar lie weekly at lifted stilt mmahniiilis ï¬llIi new of Dr idi longest listener to much the samecourae toavold run on the Canadian dollar andan austerityima posed from outside the country by world econonu tie ensured to Barrie KlWalIlAnl insane work being done by theclubior under rivtie edflchildren Six cripples were caste and 2355 quarts milkwere give out in iivsmontbs Name tablet un veiled at new Guthrie Presbyterian Church by RemA Grant DD Toronto with the minister Rev Neil Cam bell in charge of special new trial note It few moreyservi one pear on Bradford Street it will soon be called Gasoline Alley Monteiilue starredin The Brute at Cal itoi New Dreamland had iom bitx an his won der horse Tony in ihe Canyon oi Light iLEliiii Fort Pierce Florida won the Board of Trade special prize tor special Barrie talent radio broadcast from Toronto Company Simcoe Foresters homefrom weeks summer training at Walt Sound Rosa Cowan Barrie won them and 200 yarddashea in the regimental field day Stanley Walton MHDWIY57ecflped drowning one night when his icanoe up rowboat too gt Yorkton Saekselected president oi Car adtan Weekly Newspaaers succeeding MarianaBarrie at not arise was halfway to Minet vCliif ariey heard his shouts went toutzin pull him in SamWynn nvention hel Bigwin niche of Bays where man lw James Reidhiormer Barrie sdeoided directed what highly skilled field at industrial tore energetic individual sad bemmunlly etiorts for suburban expansion up to the level at planning for the tutors Mr ss oj wince Intoxregions with pan ning oiiictsl designated ioreach aresandabout time too riu ds egalihal cilcitievseliahwaslmqi andvthe upward growth at our tar ilung communities is such tremendous problem that its somewhat surprising that gov ernmental action and assistance has come at such late date Far from the criiiclsrhlevci icd the minister at some munlc polities when be came sed keen disappointment with their planning eitorts the dc veiopment associations service clubs and communityminded organisations and individuals have done creditable johwith the toolsthcy possessed One salient iact to remember Is that many amateurs in the and menuineturing promotion have been competing or years with the best brains oi the metropolitan areas llG CITY LURE Iormer government oiitclal who spent it years lighting ior redistribution and equitable slanting oi industry lands the asset announcement but adds it the day must come when provincial government will be iorced to alter attractive tax inducements to foster manna torturing thinking outside metg ropolllsn areas lie cited case after case of United Statesmenuiacturera who examined the concise gov emment documents concerning mailer cities ior industry Almost unanimously they and suburban development It was different story when egcmcial time came from construction The American industrialists found tgat they could not get tich to run their plan unless they were sit ueted metropolitan area Cheaper land suburban living 1a grpciouchaie meant uthi Th to ads wanted the big city with Its allegedcosmopnlltnn atmosphere and accelerated the lure lo creole lobsin ou iyiafnndlstricts industrtei must be echoed to settle there To settiethere they must be sold beyond all doubt that sub urban devan ment more than riva that themetropoiltan as and thelrproducts have sq al opportunities in all more Iteia sensor LEGlsnAiiON evade Fer Planning Pu rposes piece oi legiilntlonoiten studies at Queens Park is tha Pop Ontltie Ares Redevelopment Ac President Kennedy created ginniiy to rgive thd to distres sed employment areas with sweeping scope the Act gawtellgibiiityflo nozlsaa than no urban districts where the rate oi unemployment averaged six per cent at the labor iorce rior tromoae toithres years and had also been tartabover the national average Small labor markets includ ing its rural areas where workers were consistently are employed also qualitied as well as so indian reservations where similaroondltiona flirted There were 317 million people in these areas with more than 14 snllllon out at work This meant in per cent otthe aa tional labor torce but it per cent oithe unemployed It any Canadian gevcrnrrlent can learn irom this Act its the iacttbat so many urbanareas were ntiected that the national aidwas spread so thin that it became microscopic Nevertheless there was no doubting thatriarger depressed communities and big cities as fully eligible as the nth ban districts Oneot themosi aspects oi the Act is where an area has been certified as all gible for help Then that area is requiredto produce its own development plan which must be approved by the sisteand icderal auth orities After that speclilcpro jects can beeonsldered such as channelinggovernment con tractsinto such areas onranro pensions The situation in Ontario oi course is quite paradoxical ihere areno contingencies tor suchmeesures as are en acted belcwtha border However oneoi the most functional and efficient depart men who were to come pace Plus at course the ea clusive clubs and social sta 14 COME FIRST However Mr Cass plan start will place an informed individual who can advise local communities on planning pro blems and keep the government informed at development lts aiiorwsrd step but is it the ilrst forward step srilyqiobs have to be BIBLEtTlIOUGilT leery mans work shall be suede architect ior theudey stall ltboclnuit nshlifbe repelled by dim and commhnities he is gv imomaugn alone makes Thlll large industry might be convincedbeyand annouth to develop in rural Ontario WIS And without hesiiaitn it mighttaioolidcct the richest commrmitylntha vincce Nothingness be done about it iireroisnoih1nggovemmcn sourcucandotointi duatry taelmngean deprauadalss magaiiioen Pm job for Ontario ogreniveu in an increase at holemass ot ibaandha nailed the start Ilenemakes the libel For instance North lawsth n1 aneape ithtitibmm How thosestatistica were piled North Bay hasassurned allithe proportions oi ametro area and already giver iigures at 80000 ThEIaJkchkei to retail trading none iigure or 38000 bdt might cncompesseommua ities up tote miles distant srnnsn mousrnr One thing cannot be discoun ted North Bay has practised and worked hard fordiveraiied industry commerce and trade and now boasts thetitie shonoine magnetu Sage stations missile launch ing bases and new NORAD personnel Governmentatatietica mar reietionspaint peer any ormetionl She is Another iactor responsible for the mushrooming oi thir metro with is lit military importance Cy av Joanna otherness Mn wbiytwo year oldtgrsn ughtsr has cystic ï¬brosis understand therein no cure for it but she is under medication with doctor who is doing he can iorber From the resultant an testl gather thatshe baaa goodchance Canyon give us on lowfa diet but cedingheris diiilcult She doesnt ctuture or lirnminswhlchgt As things sand at rthe mom ent the cityand its adjacent rumba attendant 39000and the figure also given to gasses indeed the diseasevitseif was not trecognlzcd until recently bah dled oi Isthereany re aonM to givediversity to the bug mlningindustryi Possibly the fact that it lies nortiiwardirorn Sudbury prospective industries least it ironicalftlwuga that in years to come thatond of larger cities will blossom to class estient that the pre Metro will go on and the eeectton arguments will iartasaint CLAY BELT CATTLE ï¬ltering tolthe greatrnorth western clay belt population is quoted at 197604 in lbsdwith 5194 expected in the next 15 TODAY IN HISTORY July 14 lid The Bastille citadl old state prison of was stormed and capde 73 yearsLago todayin 1750 an action that big of the Frendrlievolutionio the voiutionaries theBastille land it is powerless to pick and choose desethtl more industry couldnt be chan neled to the Timmins districtu and North Bay could influences thgh the commoner My heartgoeswaut to the per As little as only five years ago it westbought that children with this diseasehever grew up Since then we bave bee flndingsome who lived through one landowners beyond cause in the ginnins only then more seriousjcases were recog hired as beingwhat theywere the lessor ceaeawera not nised fltjlll At best the disease is dlii to deal with but much progre beinghmada by trio of ant biotics tocurb iniectionsh oth drugs to prevent the thicken mucous irom clogging vital pro ccsecsnnd diets tocoax lots at absorb enough oi the dont necessarily have trong appetites Basicnli action agree that hardNto untierstand disease which are belohmobriaed new because we uniongcr have to deal with what iorrneriyware killerdiseases hach much iional headquarters National Cystic Fibrosis Research oundation ill FtitrrAva New Yorkil New York it is along hard ight to keep these cbil tiebut is real and substantlnl is longer harder search to iindthacausea and someday the cure butthet work has eulr stantially begin now Dees DfMnllefl Jintected gall bladder about to years and it scents to give me rvsreatdealloi trouble 3de doctor advised me when rays takenl amd1 and would like to know if youadvlse ma to have borrowed MI llave thexrays They give the answer Thats what xraya are iorStonesv may have do vcioped and it presentyour gall bladder ehould be removed Dnltiiincr wrist inn Twins 11 me arnily trait bu would hesitate to eaythey are entirely so In identical na axingietemals hasan fertil ized male reproductive cells Coming from the same eg the twins have todeveiop and lookalike With othertwinsv itraternal twins two ove or sunhave beenicrtilized The ease oi morethanoae egg in wheel and collcgeead novannenrsfl ntlnistryeitrans ritesiimetessoiitihtihm iii bespentonimproving roadsin the next anyone It calories into children who cant tilbroaisls one oi ratherflarge number of cotnpllcated subtle enteoi children with thisdis ease but must at the same time tentht no hot isoii them liar the silent battle they now are waghtgito help the wotl pm lmow herethe nearest group surges writing to the na