Mrs de tl hurchii have and andit would be wonderiu thing it tie university ma at them to attend oung fie could take sdvra geo lvl at home and tend universty at eAa ar as im concernedl tbinlr pcoplain thisregion have so openmind towardscdacetlon and would deiinitely like are university here The Jim Wilson chlci Engineer at Copaco Food Products was set speaker at nicatlng at itotary Club at Barrie Mr Wilson dealt mainly wlth tha origin and evolution at credit unions lio said any one who has come in contact with the movement cannot fail to fully appreciate the Wooden iul strides achieved in this on sanitation In the credit union move ment he said ordinary earls become part oi an organ sat on which dates backto rose in that year Freldrick itali teirea myor at smell Ger man viiiago started his iirlt credit society to assist his pet pic in their tight against pov arty and usury Before he died this man had started 425 credit unions in Ger Heavy 7A4 FaCes ions Mao Williams ihat1 arduts not townranyemore but has use he would like of attic Cit here it would be to helpedgrestly an migrm location and bene no on varsity Prestige Would sure are rs men atti tor sueha 71 scroolaanb meriy and irirmunding Euro paan countries lhes altarfsaidAIphonse Bastard he started the move ment in North America In Levis Qua in soon and in loos he had the first Credit Union Act passed in Quebec tile also iounded the iirst credltuaion in liaw Hemp shire Boston man Edward Filcne invested millions in as sisting aadorganising credit uhionrin America Mr Wilson told Rotarlans that the with Mutual lnsua once society was founded in its to supply thenead for iaiinsurance redit unionha ex ialned graupat people avhrg some common bond of associa tion who save theirmoney to gether and make loans to each other at low interest rates sendei curtail variety ofcontontlous With stilltwo dayato go be issues that have deadlocked fore the session there are al couneli meetings atrecent ses gt slons could Mondays regular meeting into another debating marathon mm seize Gooibaiisi MONTREAL CP ihd RCMP has disclosed the seisura 257000 gooibalis in the prov inco six months ago and the scheduled arraignment ottwo man next week on charges aris ing tram the seisa One man is schcdu to be arraigned Tuesday in Montreal gt on charge of possession oi gooiballs Thesecond is tons arraigned in Quebec City Fri day on charges of possessing and traiiicklng Insp Maurice Nadon otthe RCMP said Friday the planned prosecution resultediram altar reaching investigatioriewhich ox posed gooiball manufacturing lent in the basement ofia ouse at Cap Rouge near Que as City Gooiball is slang term used to describe contraband barbitur ates usually obtainable only on prescription and takenwith el eohoi for fast reaction insp Nndon said available in formation indicates thatsaies men We working to distribute the geotbnlis in various jcsntres of Quebec province He said the plant was regis tered some time ago and money was sent to Ottawaito cover the cost otra manuiacturlng licence On receipt oi iicenceth gooibsils were manuia tu for distribution Evidence indicated the pany shipped unsolicited orders of the ba iturntes to legitimate wholesalers when these were returned the comp ny disposed at them on th ilicit rononroicri tGerry Anglia editor oiCa dian Homes for theiaet five years has been ecutive editor margarine editor announced today nervous Dinin ready approximately 30 items or correspondence to consider along with standing committee reports and third readingvoi four bylaws The bylaws are to authorize an amendment to the oiiicial plantetoauthorlze an agree ment with the Toronto Domin ion Bank to count parking meter money to widen the southeast intersection oi Anns Street and Donaldostreet northwest intersection at Don aid Street and WellingtoniSreet West and to uextsad Wood Street on amend theZon ing Bylaw There will be letter from the consultingiirns eta Proctor and Rediern in regard to Earrlesreecntiy introduced an nexation report Cther items to be considered included requests for wateriots from Arnold and Mary Clements and Robert ilan ter Delaney Boat Lines and Services Ltd also has re quest to erect banner on tha harriedbclng lhsS baidhrine Club of ants has aireoueetior re fuad of actress licensoieeit had purchased Co cl will also consider etitlon from residents on Brad ord St regard toothe amount Ple QUEENS HOTEL Ma rat Dottie Streat FiftEON sarvsdciaily seacssnwnarcawa MEN Price linswood plowed through acor have son wants to go to university ad attend to Barrioites but to are county poorl PLiiYS TUESDAY Barrie Collegiate Band is to give rfree concert in 1Queen Paris itsesday even as iheNpieca band willper form under the baton at Fisher the Coliegiates director at music The concert is one at number of appearances the band will make locally below its up aeronch at the World Falr Seattlela august City outeiais are cancelling other activities in thevparir to cater to spectatoraior the evening concert Shears Pole Wanda WASAGA annals Special 11yearold man from Col ner stand at the triple intersec tionoi Molsley Sh First and Third slrccts last night He shearddia hydroPole Hi to buti be carrleduout rding to tom and clippedtwo mail boxes before his car finally came to step on Moisicy when hetaiicd to negotiate the triple intersection Mr White was taken to hos pital Passengers in the car were not injured Pioducer Wald Died Yesterday driving Jerry Waid former newspapergman who scrapped hisway to the top ofllollywood as one oi its most rolliie film He suiiered heart attack his third in two dayswhile reading inbed his doctor said The chunky balding Wat noted for his staccatolike speech and voracious reading hdbitsicit work at 20th Cen turyFors studios Thursday com piaining ot cold treatment for ulcers and spineigrowttn Ha was the epitome of the wood producer Since 1le he produced 63 movies including sucheisssics as JohnnyBelinda Humoresque and MildredPieree current tiailyril Ihink rnatsy Si has been grantectn charter to out White toes tsavelilngwut HOLLYWOOD AP Hard reducers died Fri ay night atl Its recently was released from Hollywood hospital alter highflying fasttalking Holly Wald film Mr llobb Takesa Vacation stars Jinan Stews em PACIFIC TOUREXPENS Independent Order at Forests Dr Bruce Johnston Berthatstcavsrt Simmons and Co Niagara Finance Deere ftredarvlce industrial Accep Ralph Wcaysnouth sarjeant Dominion olCanarlnGenaral Canadian Music Sales Corp Malehmsons Insurance Agenc Donlhiss Canada Ltd RossKnowles and Co Loire Simeon Motei Katherine farBIssh Mrs llenetielnt Finance Wrathl Craig sandy Cou 1A and Ltd stcehiey Fun Ernest Royal Bank Chanda Approximately 0001 aster we are quite confident that the Citizenaot Barrie will URTH MADEA FULLY ACKNOWLEDGES are FiNANCIAL cowrnlaurion T0 Mr and Mrs Rentner in memo Harrie Plumbingand Supply Co ensure our goal being reached ER ACK OWLEDGEMENTSWILL LATERDAIE nilinfavori ab university heroIaneot think thav Em dliï¬trlctis cdiate advantagesw cut down on expenses and an an lh°°kd tom II on centre boulevard oi large enough to have an univ ticularly at those fanatic ia and moneyand boarding many at these hopo oi themedluat some rang and dau young people have no In Adult scubatjeers in skin and scubadivln danger does not lie withinthe sport itself it arisee irorn ignorance oi participants Rose Cowansald today Mr Canon 1is amemher oi the National Associatton oiUn7 derwpter instructors Mr Cowan said Snow sports club Adult Scubateers oitar res la skin and scuba diving and associated Ikiilol Ofiicers are PresidentGeo trge Wnrdie it Hoigsie St first vicepresident FL Robert Cutting second vlcepresldent Richard Franks Aillatoa third vleepnddent Edwin JMyers secretary Ha ry Mlchi treasurer Philip Souveu Mr Cowan Barrie lawyer has been engaged as instructor manager He said an instructionqu Ontario Under at Council DUGKO ltliitTthl tor raritygood once for your home and prop liars Umbrella Wm Witt sires motion oversee malt tfloslmblettsiiasloday FOLLO an generosl of th 321 will he considered duetionoi ocertlfieate oi abliityirofn either theltoys Lite Saving Society Cross our on their demonstrated ability to meet the Bronze Medallion standards Weekly classes wiil becon ducted at the pool oiv recast station Edgar courtesyjoi ch Commandi Officer starting 1in September The firstdeepwater test will be held Vin Kompenieit Bayin July1963 swimmin or had Banner ANDfeoMoanv brm Club stisndards cmpioying approved equipm eat only lie mentioned that special opportunlt willba glvea adults any age to acquire rthia important skill provided at course that they are hard thyenough to obtain the proval at their docto unior members pro hreugh the written re treats for later than indemnnm id heip inate such ngtdistaace North country the high casket board the ing We inflsarrl deï¬nitely lairï¬eld do our utmo battle to save Oriliias old town hall coiiapsed aitcr Meeker wsllred through alpieket line oi protestin Lcitlsens and went to work crowbars rid the it ught detect in group otnabout so history mlnded tisens lustdd hours attenthay formed aucommltteo to save the bricir delimestonae building from ademolltioaorder issuedhresdayby town corn Detccted campaigners blamed In gettingorgaaised and on their iallnre to arouse the Lake Couchlchlng towns 15090 out sens many of whom dismiss thcoeyearoid structure as an eyesore Others saw the campaign as the kindatiuss that might ha Vmember ship applies one must be in the trends otltha instructorManager aar Onl1llAtCPlD1ebloodleas the defeat on their awn iateness rsouthbaundlsne Cplsllaltser was injured in too wliiovr taking two Provim northbound an be MW whlchetruck tbsflgcdastriaa ac to akiddéd essays screens the igbwsy andlntokthe boule drdwhere containers stsndt lng watching police investigate taccideatvattha edge otthe southbound lad ONLOOKERS BORE The whola six otuymith have been killed he added While we investigating the accident kept trying to tilt peopletomoveuon As soon as wergot aiew otthe care to continue more would stopito see what going 01 The accident occurred shortly aiterti pm The first twocar msir originatedin tbenorth bound lane thevvahicies act fatty glidingup at the thesauthbeuad lane In connection with the arena accident Kenneth Edaey an Bradford has been chslagcd withcarelessdrlvingand gthe tirst accident riven bye Cpl Lawrence Ba ser ot WGrove Street Barrie the vehicles ending up the accident yandwas taken day time was crowd cars Mr Beltwitfhu incited dug chirp care can remain at the acetdeatandhavtag in npiacs otherthan his resid ih moral the motileX said they oonsi cred them chaci duewtoh all rCadetCorps IsOs ofiicera oi the barrio Sce Cadet Corpsr are running bet ter boating course which will befcompleted duly Nonawlnstruo ors vs been appointed to the caries Subbt Robert more and is brother saoLeIKenneth Locks lad cadets will leavsllarrle type for Malian Airport to to Sydney NSior attwoo week camp at Acadia Tilefu will retumAug ll The cadets are LC Robert Abrahams WGitll Dagnseult LC Fltzslmml Clhomas liunter Ac George Sore A0 mes Loightons AC Grant Penner 01E Svveensy and etherle Scuba diving and swim courses will be heldaroun ths boat house at the font of lipid Avefrom July to ISCpLJZ The the boathouss cryihhrs aig betweentlrond Ailoiiisjoroulium Hensonplantation indoorsitesetltcikitethaytainievéiiarzé 711 Etna no TRIC Flat itateWater Heater Homeless and first 5szeadd silent menu oven snort oaconnssvantoisrutc AlVmEflv gt 45 OUTSIDE wannunnraoor RECEPIACLE tor useof outsideIlghtsand appliances your safetyand convenience wi gt separate control switehfor gracious inside switvchicontroiled HT oven LAUNDRY SERVICE Anna is your may and con venienceL DRYERCABLE already in HALL RE seeaeofaa