sample 1jsveoiei11cnizens isuke Demonstration PETER Johnson MOSCOW motoristSeveral Russians who described them selves as tsimpie Soviet citi tried iobrcakup pro hibited demonstration by dozen Western anti nuclear campaigners in Red Square ari But the westerners mostly members at BrilainaICampalgn ior Nuclear Disarmament held their ground and argued with crowds oi Russiansior two hours in single Soviet policeman load by without interferingI except inshowoncol tho us sianswheroltotakeztwo are asked irom the demonstrators Changers SASKATOON CP Sas atoon nonproiit medical clinic preparing to shift to larger uariers and new moves are to set up others through Saskatchewan larence Lyons provl dent at Community with er ices iSaskatdoal Li rtcdaaid Friday nonprofit vellnica are either operating or the making at eight centres Community Health Servre perates the Saskatoon clinic in aI down town attire building it was born 10 daysvago in action to the July vi doctors oycott oi the Saskatchewan vernmIents medical are in th about 1000Ipersous at receptibn tor the Progiesiva Conseriiatlve candidate in Mori days The prime ministe wife tookpdrl intwlrat turned out to be the largest inside gathering lectlon in Stormont rid assembled by any oil the tour parties contesting theznsth seat in the House of Commons Voting in Stormont an east ern Ontarlo constituency front lng on the St LawrenceSea way deterredItIn Monday beeaim of the death of the Lib ernl candidate nominatéd the June it generalIbahotrng ltMrs Dietenbaker stood next to the towering ilgura airflon servative candidate Grant Campbellia the handshaking She was dressed blue silk dre matching hat rs Dieienbaker kicked oil or highxheeled shoes and pped into walking shoes for miort the Westerners here atien ing the Sovietsponsored Peace Congress went ahcadwith the demonstration alter they were flatly irelused permissioni at lastminute me olticials They walked quieily trom their hotel the Moskva to Red Square 400 yards away and ba gnu unroiling their banners near the basin Mausoleum Greens owners burly Iitusslan woman oi so in ogreen dressgrabbed two ot the bannersd eioringsha via simple Sov ct citizen aa handed themto two young lius Ismart grey suits who th 165 itzeas The demonstrators has ly Leeaiibn IA citizensgroup iedby Mr Lyons unionolticlnl set up it the Saskatoon clinic as iorm not co operative it was incor porated Friday under the Matt ual Medical andHospltal Bene tit Association Act The clinic in leasing new at ilcefspacc in the same building and plansto move by August Dr ids Fisher physician brought from Britain by the Saskatchewan government the clinic has tour doctors There is enoughroom= in the new ofï¬ces for 10 doc and grletorganlzatlod hopes to have no partvln the Stormoat cam patent The conservative eitort th has been built almost entirely around the parliamentary rec ord and ootsoi Mr Cam ell tin hrleiaddrer Mr hell charged that and slanderousuttacks have been made on Mr during the cam amps Declared Tex tar 11 ME the 37yearoid oy wonder who purlnyed iertlllzer tanks grnin storage cotton allotments into multi mlili oilar empire pt Friday Federal 14DisiriIctJudge Ewrng Thompson said no satlsv factory pianjhsdr been sub mltted for contlnuin of Estes asset iexn promoter cent to federalfcha rand three associates chad iraudedI iiaanec comp oi approximately $22000000 by obtainingi loans on anhydrous Tire prime minister has te ammonia fertilizer tanki which oaMoLisHso in sin etlng wllhISovlet st read provocative banners 4T1 GEN Ron wnri the addition arioay oi regrettable United states it carried make recommendation to Judge gesthatthe lh Ull rolled up thelrfthlrd banner young Russian asked one of the greysuited then what was written IonIthe banners but the latter shouted io otheriï¬ust ona nearby Who wants to Someone else howevsr told the curious youngmo that tho banners protested against both mIErIrcan Iand Soviet nuclear theyoun man tall lIiussia in beret mm lately bog cussing Issucswittthim ulByth time several hundred iiIuss onsI were gathered around tho westerners vi dlscxrssion2NB¢ pit Frank Boururo trim iheerowds but was later mpted by simple Soviet zeas AngloAmericantcsts Wo de mend nonrore Russian sis and All people act against all tests rose in by group oi Bus1 ured towarda stocky inIu brown suitand This gent tore my ban her away claim the right to protest against testaieve where ARussiair womanla II it is import to demo rate inyour ownvcountry on not in this countr slahsI gest PRESTWICK Scotland AP The copilot ot Constellation airliner due to pick up 11s per1 sons coilapSed and died atthef controls ItIodayasecends alter set the fourengined airoral pilot Rodriguez 39 RCAF and British Ove poretlon US iii veteran oi the former pilot tor rseaa Airways Cor3 was described as The Constellatioh the Flying Tiger Airline had in completed flightin New York to pickup 110 meal are of aIScottisii sports club tor chartered trip to the crew at six bu inane one the go ament says everiex isted Estes was surprised when his three associates toilve oi the 20 counts They Were Coleman MesPadden is of Lubbock Tern Harold Orr Siyoi Amarillo Ruel Alexander 30 01 Am rillo Counsel pleaded guilty on behalf of SuperlorManuiactur ing also no cd in the indi merit The three were ordered report to probationoiiicer Chester McLaughlin who will omasonbeiora sentencing at dateaot set Orr McSpadden and More ander each iacei possible maximum ilneoi $32000 and 35 years in prison close downldurlng the independc pleaded guilty Ilamesiii spread ToS lt it cadold Barrio mviriclsi po whi llcy oi gividual unions can borrow Friday the throocradlt union on ottholi on oiihecn nasdiin Mancini mom or noise one slkcdgla their out another central be in train model the royal comlt Fri the com lion eat missiong on banking and licence by mu hl Mu almoi lirantlrssotenrlitln iheexamlnotion ilows iromIhoura licunlns iii uldityI with nrovementI rapid growth otiicloiroi thetis onei Am mm In MIa mm now has attracted about daIioInoi Canadian credit or Mum mum 11400000000 in individual sav iondaI the Canadian Cooperailxa Cor III II DIIWI III nitsabout to per cent at the Cte Society leltddaniit ITIIIM kenIII III pu llcstotalIdoilar savings Credit Union National Assocla QIII USIIIIIIII I00 in mm would create motheritisr ti Liquidity oorol deiinsd ir Commission members indl the amount oi cayrborbondr otodat uheartng Fridaythot that canbereadllyconvsried emu mama III mm thelricon era is not onlyover to milthat ilii°ltitli linens vim an mw the way tirir money is being in clal lnstitntlonsrto am any vestedior the roioction oi auddenunioroseeebl emand II credit union mom crshuttha for path by people who have mm ml measuremcntottha liquidity in anlrullodthelrmoney therh venom but relation to monetary policyw Nearly all credi unions to Hinduism adamanddésn There havabeeu severalnug Canadnévflrlililtili Ii mm 1mm ed gesticasLtothoeommisslcn that low hundreds memberslto rsv WM him it Mn Pill thucredltxuniourdo not as nd oral thousandkeep theircarh Pimm manila gt toitightmoney conditio ma reserves in the term ol depoII the hearings continue Mo bonkers andollrorr ave sug sits at rocelled controls ordayI rims Minister Nehru said tn ownsdoes not think therowili any motor lash beiwce dianandChln rosCommunlr in myivouoy SomsoitheE moving away acntment as wanted to sabotage which thayiioiightt the Well see whata ml in make Ioi lt fro dio technician lining up with his iamlly tor planeto Parts Other Europeans are amor ated by the nearsaaarchy and say tile is gradually becoming impossible iorEuropesns in Al geria uropeun keeping it afloat Confidence is gone said one European banker iiusinesr ace tivlty is down to about onethird of what It was slxmonthsI ago and it is still declining The events oi the last few days the disputes between the leaders the lawlessness and the administrative chaos all this has made people lose heart Many wholeit temporarily have decid at to come back and othe who were deterrnlncdito IIItay are now psakIlng their age Along the iashionable Rue Ml chelet andother streets at Al ers European quarter three at of iourstores are closed saldjthere has been no new velopment iii the Goiwan Val loywhere about 400 Chinese troops hava surrouhdedan in dianoutpost Islnco To day lower in the is alley oi is located in eastern Kashmir to remote portion area at the Himalayan which is claimed both Chinaand lndia Long BlindDale Loveiiiiair Woman 48 column not met Ends Position 62 uoaavwoon tie am ropolltanrriewsf nald Wlke wasexclted as paper Attractive brunette in solbslaiiectlonate ould ha1enteredvthe Hollywood bowl ing alleyandlooked about lore meet nice man with property vhls blind date lie wore groysuit as hed Re glnald welltools lead mmliled SEW acapo contractor hadllkedthat ye Hedwrmento the box number YWhat ii there are two iris sbad called him up and nowI with yellow shortie coats Hespottedher She was wear ing the coat one had the rose askedranxiously when she tell phoned him ltwas good hed And he iound her attractive in thoughtot that ion there were deed indeed two girls with yellow They hitit oil ahortie coatt yIIiiIstariIhyIin that anng Existing Mï¬ffl IaliesaHerInahre was Lucille searched lot the girlwhod in serted thisadin the personal lit owners all Europeans agreed among themselves to ence celebrations and take vacation in France Many olthem expected th celebrations to turn into large scaie riots and looting ram pages These didnot occurex cept tor street battle eosting 104 lives lnOran July Yet theEuropeansare leav ing the country inn steady stream despite desperate Mos lem uppealsto stay and help build the newnation The Moslem leaders know gen Will Miss Lue Treason oooanronr proved to he kissed him ate plot oi each other iromvthen on Oanew Yearr Day 1050 propos She accepted But something alwa interierlng with their we in hezkept having to put it oil had periect round Aoothoricansdian Armycadot Lieut it DBlnetteeoiCardlaal Newman High MicahMontreal vors Sieriirza ro MNNIPEG CF AWlnnipeg MagiIstbeteiraac RicsI ys he lniavonoiiaterillzatlonoifamiliest atmake an acre tion of livingoiici weiiare rolls The magistrate said the problems oiawe are recipients are not only connected wl tirelrireouent alcoholismbatmit young oiieaders who be comegconilrrned criminal comeIirornlaige families die sen lIay7ruled Fridaythetvitegina 62 it correctly etch wasaiiIor isan Micnéifconn former intone French prieet padre wasarrosied month eminence an transierred to Fresnes southoi Paris law days later tusticsIsouroess easald FridayCoilin was chargerl with trap broadside States night wih the most swooping cabinet shuttle since thsleod oi the second World that treasury ohieionotlmeioroign Lord Chancellor Vlscount it muir 02 Education Minister lrilied instantly momins when no loipu raInI trarkho wa delng arrruck inorthbound Canadian attol hallways train loaded with olidayhouad vacationers iromToronto yet otruekzrlrivor Gary Lawson was burned be yondiecognition Wreckgo rem on vehicle was strewn ior more than oi the employees grain mma atcl burst in Cabinet coupon heaters LL crime Minister Macmillanlrceked the British lltleol worid Friday Fighting to recto spartyr pmiilo and torsionoal utter ja series at sh byclcetion ret hocks Macmili reniort cabinet ministers uWhO have been key iltpiner intent servoii them into the par ersivhlio seo one riringf lor younger men ithe average agein thonew cabv inetisIoo in an apparent bid to give his povenrmontuo new image of energy drlvo And vigoi The old cabinet aver aged 55 years Ii Among the ministerial heads that rolledi In the ruthless rhakou was Eolwyn LioydiW chance ion at tho oxchequeré secretary and irequcnt insiders choicaas iuturs prime minis ter Othersdropped Were Deience Minister Harold Waikinson51 Davl Eecler as Dr Charles Hill in and local gov ernm minister John maclay 50 secretary at state for Scot land and tom Miller min later without portiollo PICKSv €MAUDLING io re lace Lloyd cmillan picked lnalrl Maudling 45 armor co onlol secretary and an expert on European Common Market problems iormer minister oi aviation and they tookla more she aiiécilon te She wasbec it 1053 They saw BridrliConservaitves run lnto Seven years elapsed lieiielt d7 troubleshoot LMocmlll lnto uthe deieneo mlnlstery went Peter ltiorneycroit st to thoeducation post sir Eri ward Epylo 30iormer ii clIalImrctaryto the treasury Choneélior Viscount Klimuir the chic judicial olilciatwas iisPMs Hot maroon tsrv wrench diiilciiltiu they usually turn to originated ppareut eculation that an as mgir eioreihe critg oniniayo titre me he lhersisiseIna lB rowtybeat at it he prime lIiIristeri iii1057 and is insomnia Ibklo heaters Democrat kids th pins vote am hi his reelection for was stroneg back 24 Killed Near Saigon IIIsnioorinIiIiei IIIIIIIs 21 wgsiglnibishe sngegrenmgistngtloo digit being nburnod Miehael Nobl Ive party admmlttrationr ached nnooriekoers roar Its ho troudWhe in that end race tioo An adiacso wisest old also caught iiiop and iinniriilw FlreDsportmtatwal called to the note prevented reading to homes maiiio The train which irons every lsainrdey morning irom Toronto carried tourists bound tor the Markets district The truck was modhhy th SimmonsDistrict Coops in it if nvor lapoiriit iiiwnshlp lice Shufiievfx Shocks British loud to iormerAitomsy lateral Biryfiiogiitaid Manolo hambulltr 50Iend5ir Kel dose hti been lions rig minister den 40 was appo new minister withou p0th and Macias dropped seven Hn Britains lint Commonwealth and colonial liecrotoryp thus cornbinlng ton formerly scpa Irate posts lie also createdtho position of secretory oi state and deputy pr me to upgrade Home Secretaryvlt AnjBuiier 00 iong tho unoliiclol recon man in the government ma 500M piac Macmlllan picked Henrylirookc 00 iormcr chlsi aide to Lloydin theiroastiry Opposition Leader HugirGaib skellcaiied on the government to resigntanri holds general election think political in which can only he interprets ssacrs gigantic admission at all ur Frtday night instead or goitingrid oivhls colleagues the primo minister should resign and let the peo ple elect new government Liberal Party Leader Jo Gri mond alsoeaiicd tor general election and declared Alter it years in oiilec itiis too late lot the Tories to try andeut new mom their administration Macmiiions Conservatives chad ainandate to serve until the all oi 19M airmen to pretndfthat heflrwn Butler the maiteroi the the once in lag evens tori stoa Churchill encasald at one or Butlers policy rit out sou not gloom ry to re