Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1962, p. 4

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One at the major luuesgtn the Sea tchewsn medicaroplan mustbe its ul tlmste result Willit encourage more yoangpsoplei to enter the medical got carton than at present and will the ag ttrm look doctors iinslly be overcome Thls scarcity oi doctors the causslot those many complaints at inability to so cure medicslcare in itself provides the answer to the critics ii doctors make such large incomes as some critics claim we are neither denying or coniirmin their profession is not overworked as most doctors say it is then why in this There is one thin on at large university attendance yet to use carcer uncertainty is there lack oi new doctors coming out at our medical schools it must also be kept in mind that W111 Sp to mono iniavor ttawa resulting trom the icderal election oi June 18 it has had the eiiect oi proton in public inter est in oltlclai ialrs quite likely this in crest will persist as long as one art or other does not have command gr and in Parliament no ircquently in the past the public lost interest virtually the moment the decision was announced common at titude with respect to an election is that the public contact with the process oi government ends the moment thevoierls caatnnd so remains until the next elec tion cam sign arises In one sense this is true hat is the casting of vote is tion is responsible the only direct action that the public has in ernrnent From there on it is or of representation But the ballot nothe thyénd oi illegprocess tor thevrpilclf Ii Parament is democracy by repre sentation then public interest must be maintained to insure thatthe represents ationpi use Dr andMrs appointed governor and on at Co ty Home For Aged at ton ace Coles installed loyees donated blood rkcr Ra mond Utne asseriously with kt ney ailment capital For Si Children and needed 12 lots of newt ood At CGEOBmem sn 05 womenvol nteered and 15 pints were given irom ose selected by doct ors from Toronto Oscar Peterson bril liantLyoung Mo treat pianist featured With BobbyGimbys band at Wasaga peach Honeer Rothwell Family oi South Simcoe celebrated their oentena at Giliord Countfy Warden Harveyltosied success at annual picnic at Springwater Park Supply pastor at Bell Ewart Miss Muriel ngrgeon or dained as ministerin Daptis Church canvassers to salsa money for proposed is YEARS AGO tN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 1047 Barries assessment increased one million dollars in Simcoe Countys new equalized tabu lation to $7500000 Ray Lougheed bilidliy ted resident slmcoe Feder medical health plan when Saslgbtchewsn will megsn st amends on re su ro sm thereto the use oi the ydpifltles cm as has been shown very clearly in the filial insurance program Saskatchewanjgovernmeat vcon tends thatthe doctorsarsvtighting end in wishes oi the geople expressed in the provincial also The same vote re sults would have been sttslnedhsd the art promised to hast every home at rac on otordinary costs Or to provide each home tractor with constant supply at loud at traction oi the usual costs But the business interests involved could hardly be expected to show enthusiasm tor such lets the workers involved in producing he tends tor instance in other words it governmentproduc ea undesirable le isletlon it is only be cause the ublic as notmaintained in terest It is ighly desirable that the elect ed representativesbe madaawsre that their action and decisions are under ob servation With minority governmentysnd the possibility oi the government bain pn scated on almost every votethe people oi Canada will hesble to iollow Parliament with the same sustpense that marked the election That is the benefit at good government much more sothan it one partycan have its way without more than nominal reierencetolarliament The elected regresantativea will know that the ayes oi anada areiocussed on Ottawa hot is done by Parliament Will bereviewed as navarbeiore hecausethe people will tvant to know what their members are dotn When Parliamentis convened it ahoul produce some highly interesting legislation and high level oi linterest amongthe public newcurling rink in town met mixed rev spouse One elderly wealth curler talked tor long time about exploits on the ice but when ttnanoeswere ment ioned shut up like clam reported one caller Barrie Dog Show reported best in Ontario this year with000 en tries First prize of $100ior best dog went to Doberman Pinscher from Mon Charles Foulkes CB CHE DSO vanes Camp Borden and Meatord County Flremens associations tin Bar tor annual meeting welcomed iet Oliver Patterson Ontario Min isteroi Health Hon Russell Kelley satdgrant of $75000 would come it Bar rie Memorial Hospital committee built wing oi2754beds at RVH ltev Canon CodyChsncellor University at Toronto dedicated memorialchimes st TrinltIyaAnglican Church vFrad Norris sold keview Baby to Willard Klnzia Mr Norrishecamaassociated ageinlwith iather Ceclhtn operation oillarrtel es mery Perry Ryan Torontolaw er vacationing with parents at Minets Po saved Camp Borden soldier Pie Rawn lfrom drowningvby rowing out to capsited canoe omen EDITORS VIEWS cans has sovoime Bran otd Expositor ur poiiticia are overly fond oi reierr 09 anada as young country either because of pride in what we have accents piislred sosoon or by way oi excuse for some at our shortcomings But we are nota young cou ryhislor leallyr or even politically Jacgues Cartier reached the Gaspeand claimed the land tor France in 1534 that is to say 420 years ago The Norseman ere herelong heiore that though such gsettlementa as they founded ii any didnt survive in five ears time we shallbe marking the 10 th anniversary of the founding of the Dominion and we had The Barrie Esaminer Aarohmouuemnmmur Post cilia Prominent Ottawa and to payment of postage to sssts Dally slamn and diameter holidays excepted symphonies estrus norm ensue nmmm 141 ms wanes my seam synchronous homes com is nearby provincial political organization many years prior toltl07 So as Rt Hon VineentMasseyn ior mer Governorileneral remarked theoth er day to the Duke oi Edinbur ha Con ierence delegates we can hard be do scribed as very further said veloped in many ways ihlstspart1y due our slowness in attracting an adequate population goln on 10 000000 is ong way shortot usc and scan se uentriailuretosc on total maturity on the way and recent years have seen impetus alter impetus guided treal can at General StaitLtGenl it Simcos young Butwe are as he uniormed and even unde grfk Public Interest DECE name symmnrorssnsou WWW The Burris Examiner resoundans vast sprawlin northwestern section Data spread over slim square miles or nearly 50 per giant tlhsu dreamelimthe pro cc ptov snvana wsrto other suburbandai vs mantis comparable totha el pace oi Metro norihland isium as milea iro Illthe ot mareere thi divorc as result shows the most in credible and amazing expo oi maay sectio me years Even the tiring statistics diceteoptlmlam with popula tion oi 105529 in 1950 expected to reach 346000 by martinis oi course includes Kenore Rainy River Thunder Bay and the twin cities oi élort Arthur Geographically many parts oi and by enveloprne gt reaction uses to submit to negation and Fort William neonmnmnnsn mm selecting satelilts stations to servelive communities hospital in Gsraldien and from ery iluaky Oil Co planninl rie scale motel and restaurant centres How does all this happen inno smellidogree can the citizensoi that section thank the Northwestern AreaDevclop mant Association and lmi dsbtcddo general manager Iii andsr Phillips tor most co prehensive coverage oi allphsa oidavelopment This is one at the moat wide aawake group in Ontario and they leave no promotional stone unturned to better their co rastxiar southwss eslco carrying the message uiedo onisry 10 mnttihn sound alanine attracting all to Ontarios Great Northwestlhla illmi iound its Way to ash English network to beviewed by 05 000000 persons Six prints have been available and are belng shown every section at widespread community are considered remote torit ls bordered by Hudsons lilayfen James Bay the state otfldt ncsotasndi Lake Superior some snd Coohsans Districts nd the province or Manltpb Probably thenorth has nab uniadvantages but the people displayed enough aatutenesa totH the gplolisilonoi thee and soon common sense apa praise the structural strength and weakness oi their area MIUTE masseus ib begin with the northwest encouraged and basically sue tainst itseliby the intricate iabric at primary industries terest products pnd mlning with transportation and tourism contributing substantial support in the recent years Indlcstlve oi the potential oi thisigraat land is the gross value or manufacturing produc tion today la the neighbor hood oi resonances When we analyse present de velopment and proposed iuture development th tntha pro vince we must place northl western Ontario in the iorelt around both ior aggressive iorf ward steps taken despitesome territorial disadvantages and so prsctlcsl nonstop one BIssn ot expansion lregerdlesa mmms has com lets ialth Ainiits resources it thinks positive Here are somedlgestlve isets bouiwmslor selects new ands may in no western Ontario They nonsense to all and 1250000 tfltdtotiop ooo and mthen tram cannon Hydro it 300000000 Steep to the iirstzthermalelectrlc 100000 kilowatt lent oi4the OntarioHydro itort William an jhecause Monthlyprogress reporlson rsglonalprolects covering everything irom industry to bridge building and highway construction are published rog ulasly in western Casiada hustness magazine Monthly news bulletlns iniorrn soo district public and business illhevery cent ad the llnported brands sbly Alibe absolute liihotruih were known men is chm so when boosc pricesmon than minimum harnessm versus gior with liquor now return lag welcomith yeargto the pmvinclnlcoiiara any Nosthloind wan Submit egdtive Approcch iha arse council made its voice heard in the hold oi ed treaties and new apart tram Lakellesd College severalyoca tional and technical training schoolato be ilnanced jointly byiedoral and provindslqcof tars aroundcrtwsy era cost oi$7000000 Not only does the odor wholskeop up swstalned drive ior betterment but ladlv ldusl communities reach out snd promote their own districts THE TOURISIS COME For instance Allan5herreti manager of Kenoraa tourist program iravelseach wintcr con el beauties sndlwondera at the Label the Woods The restsltal More than 500 resorts and oultitters are in the area end 315000000 in new ealih isgenerstcd annually 13 Tsouonr Ii layman burned be shit hnthe buglelishsll be ssvedr are rewarded ior what wade we letssaved by what institutions federal government departments and industrial pro motion commissioners inthe Usilied States and overseas oi More than 15000 words at the Lakehead picture itaetual material writtenlry pth association getatpubllshedf every year lt was the Northwestern Area Association that came up with the suggestion to Prime Minlh ter Dietenbsker that Queen Elis abeth and Prince Philip continue Itholr voyage aboard theyechl Britanniar through the Great Lakes Deep Wpterway to the Lekehead atier opening the St IJatvrenee Waterway This iorceiully and rightly emphasisedthe significance or oithc North American contino at Toronto The Association 25oooword report to the 603 don ltoyalCommtssiouon Ca sdas economic prospects ransom stares Most important vigorous action against 70 seaxlane to the very heart eni not necessarily tennlnating isubinitted the Association took prompt and per cent freight rate lncress clamped on three perating companies on the stegp Rock ironore range in May not Theywent directly to the Prime Minister and urged him inset in the interests of th national economic policy nly recently the rate sched ulewas revised and ion the basis at less shipments the new structure will save the the companies horoscope year They worked three yearsto cement northsouth air passen gadservlces and in 1960 North Central Airlines of Minneapolis inaugurgled such service rged reciprocal truck pmvinces ttha can of Misktranspbrt teas cortglns nginsastern Canada key straight increase would be resented the drinking public and it represents feat share of the voting pub mm times this would mean cxtrs consideration But with on election with year it means the to be taken Voters mustnt helium lremier Benhett in 80 Ip psrsntly decsnithave this tear lie boosted the bike on he portedliquor as per cutbacmss thebosrd this represents one oi the bluest Krebs in liquor history And it he gets away with it um hid votersmusifl be dumb he deed The actual increase the cost oi liquor to the provinces represents about percent or the retail sales price utmost caution is Ly Amif despite ism revenuesrepresented we papa5 have been as hungry tor honor mum the other prov For years vOntarkssj item prices have been the lowouln Canada And they willsisy that way TODllY HISTORY areas martian Phase snobs its times bnyne rut unilava oi thefllwdzyi eons year ago ln lestslimline Senate hadvoteétmasbtfisl teto ml goversm pm filmissl hyliiulellisbrlggtinhn ng in tion was the climax oi debate that began with isovcrnmeut attack on his monetary policies 1W ilta liewioundlnssd legislature met tor the first since Coniederatlon with Canada tilt months be tore 1300 ihe stems GreatEastem leit trelan iolay the tint succcsai Atlantic cable rnsr felony one sounds 24 Tess JULY la 14 Is For ThrEntlrafamlly When Mom or Dad or any member lhsFemlLv enjoy their iavorlte oliingpnstlme coins er omte it an exactness mama IiMPlE Pantsuits restriction onwmomuoe It Candles Rd su lavewot

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