Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1962, p. 1

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area or the issue was revived otter lylng dorrnant or wo yea Spokcenien for it cillela vlllagesspoke in favor at pro and service and further In as received in the form of cables from ugcncies lie reisrred to unusual for be Pay It will The lfsr out with real cc of thistypeof lervlco in titer areas and noted slit wasnotr blots res Georgian insomnia nly aname recoot weeks number ceding Barrio citizens have coming ahead to turn this plpo dream into Milly Several organisations and in dlvld iv avarindfcaled inter est lncludingliarrla Cit Coun cil the Barrie Unlveraty Wo nlens Club the Georgian Bay lv University Womens Club it was sure organisations an Iwould take an active interest saaasueronr Aid licrnoysaid he waeusurer that the apleoiol behind the =3 ac fl won chance otvgetting tute but there lt sin Aid fiarrlolsihs logical location unable to send representative ihe questionofia ralllnar from blenford via Barrie to Toronto was first introduced in 1960 nitcribe conventional line between Mentord and liars rls was ditcontlnucd by Canad in National ltollwaysdue to titecost lha CNR on that one csslon expressed llttlelntcrcei In thspropoaals federal member of lltlriia mont three mayors and re ave and numerous councillors and amber of Commerceox7 ccutlvos turned out to discuss the proposals Support was widespread and strongly exprea scd for auoivcrsitymore so than some placcfarther north are an astabllshed centre with good transportstlon facllltlc added Aid Hersey Ald Hersey said Robert Tlf fin retired university proiesC living at Stroud brought Developmentltssoclatlon rawn HEB onerous galaupp wlbutons per areigoln to beefbis ingrailhof thsteopol with through we shoul rmuster Immnnm supportwe can get to The only diesentlon last Md MWWVWIMA mm memwccmd of the City Develo mcni Cam the timetable proposed in the mm all WW1 Me 9° caningwmt mm AM Wow 10 Wm or what something is now being rhWNHu ohm or dtalrman sis Fltoborfe do plglnad tiratith papci was andiAldr Emma are cur slmpiyavsuggcsllonandtbat reutly promoting interest and these polouwould be worked sstheflna Namibia for out by the Railwaystbomsolvol oicct the min objection to the Whoa wehave autiiclentfn motablcprcparcd by COlllflK formstton to be sure we know wood was thertlmeot WW what we are talking aboutft inioronto to am and wu menbglrcmolr sing to him hat inoaddi tion to th MeafordjToronio run Nari edule aheiildbo sugflesicd lngwlthtbe Mcator service in barrio and term rall larga atrcctc but more comlortabio noted for its speed durability an depondabltltyjand known to organised the Saskatchewan ii OurDoci ors mittce cp SURROUNDED BY placards the furore at an antlgovaro The rally bearingrslogans this llttlafeb ment rally at tho legislative low stems unconcerned by all buddinu in Regina yesterday New start out on its lieholed that in craciroies r1 thesame type of vehicle was excreta snor efered ioTas dayllne Mdyor Wltldrd lflnzic fiAlLlNER FAG éndlv nut Govt so gislatl cha fauiid ft for ad Firm Thatcherhhad Held 10 of the it Liberal membe to thc locked chamber lie called the action ricalgesture and nauonor naaar Peter oéhmof the Stay erCiiamberot ercolr ferred to complete chang the partof the till as pass or gdngd trorrlgl it 5S°cre¢sPrédu ne Two Premier John panorama pet itioning the government said an Morrow The committee is seeking the support of such muruclpalitles as 0rii1ia Medical Coiling wood Alllsion Eimvnltf and Siaynni wthatSimooa County can petition the rnrnent for university as aunltlod body be wasfsure that in filteghope to arrange the speaking for the Georgian Key Development Association said soc than would lcnd its support to such arproiect He said felt that Barrie wouldmake excellent location for sltyq his Kin cenilyfrp lotion is said he found most unlvcrsii day askedtiorf mcctfn with the Pro lerby Septern er added Ad Mor row Aid Roberts has already gone as far as to prepare brief for Mr Roberta which will be brought todate as moredctalls are own Spins of the reasons being put forth to bring university to Bafrlnfilmhlllfizflie severe some unlvarai tics Bccauae of this entrance qualifications have been raised leaving some falrly good stud ants withoutthe opportunity to attend university Universities haveto expand anywayrao why shouldnt the government build new ones picnic atmosphere goodbumored crowd esiim ed about 4000 listened toispeechos sfor two hours while lzman delegation of the organizing Keep Our Doctors Commit tee met for 10 minutes with the cabinet ore siibated in smaller citicr onetwo punch in he hotly con tcated Stormoni election cam paign Vcdnesdaytnrowlng both National Leader Robert Thomp wimie fiumlngldhiiidfli tawa along with number at it Temperate ndas foreigntrade and pro posed twdprlcc system to he Canadian goods competi tive in world markets Under such system Canadian prod uctsuwould sell for less abroad in by do at home Unless Canada gets rid of fisolaiionist trade policies it will be left out of world mar kets for raw materialabe said Mr Thompson said Social Credit policies could take Can ada out of the morass of chaos doubtiand confusion we have at the present time and put it on the road to rccovery He warned against Installa tion of Liberal government to replace the Conservatives say ing thlsvwouid be like taking dirty sock off one foot and put tingft on the other Mrtaoueitc in his usual flamboyant nd evangelistic style spoke against what he termed Canadas flmlsery amidat plcnty Though the oldllna parties had been able to find billions of dollars ance Canadas Esrimm on the Mr Lloyd said tb oppoaitlon crowd varied widely Reporters 15m We generally agreed on special sessinncannot be called Aerial photos viewed lnle WithW mi WP59 called this might be big of the physical lfllpflsslblltly of Police Chief Arthur Cook outlaws and mains level son said fld estimate crowd member of V917 The rally which brought hun or 1100010 15009 mining around provrnce dreds from farflung points in and ranactual 6590 to 1000 in the province was called to seek iihdrawai of the CC govern ins mants compulsory prepaid Premier Woodrow Lloyd said edical care insurance plan his estimate was 2500 to 3000 which went into affect July much less than what people llios ofthe provinces 7100 were led to believe could easily be gathered to work under the plan and He said CCFNDP constitu withdrew normal medical ser ency picnic at Buffalo Pond Vices in protest About 200 mem Lake east of Regina on recent bersof the Saskatchewan Coi Sunday had an attendance of legs of Physicians and Surgeons 3000 all in favor of the medi have been provrding emergency cal care plan service at 35 designated hos er Lloyd saidihe sizeof pitals since the plan wentiuto the crowd doesnt lend support effect to claims of overwhelming op As 25 uniformed and plainposition to the government clothed police patrolled the legs The premier criticized the reference to the dispute and in slative grounds Liberal nppo tions of Liberal Opposition which the premier said he re sition members marched down Leader Ross Thatcher who led erred tovlolcnca lsllos because there are fow er transportation problems and than to siudeniawould be less in aplaca litre Esrrlelf added lllr Kinsle tApalt from this he said there arernaoy more robs to be found in this region in the summer time for university students who need money to get ihmughschool MayorLes Cookesaid couldnt be more enthusiastic about the project He cautioned however about golng into the matter too quickly and said that is great deal of Jamie is very central place information will have tubers with ideal transportation tacllfi thered before anything con lies saidvAid Morrow struclfvocouid be accomplish MrsCharlos Wilson oi the iNfeédM Méaev For Air Inference re rsentstlves councl members The two came here from 0t Quebec Social Creditors elected 18 in the June in general election and Wednesday night addressed humanismsir Winston the largest rally yet staged in Churchills doctors said today the campaign he has developed bronchial Unoffrcial estimates placcd infection and Is running tern the crowd at no and it re perature sounded to tha ThompsonCoon Their medical bulletin was ettedlscourscslon Canadaevecoi issued from hilddlcsex Hospital nomic ills and Social Credits whm ms 57 yes aid for formula for correctingthem mer prime minister has been Votingin this seaway constit recovering from thigh frac Henry takesoiace nextMondav lure Stormout didnt vote June is be It said there ha been some cause the Liberal gtcandldate reduction in swelling in the dim injured lets leg caused by ilfr Thompson driven to Wed blood clot and phlebiiis vein nesdnv nights rally to an open intimm on convertible at the head of mo Chu him had had good torcade in company WithMr night after gdmewhat tiring Caouelte and Social Credit can day Wednesday Time was didaie Mclliowatdoidlhe meet talk earliertoday that he might It that Canadas economy is praying my couplemm in worse state than it has spe ciai session will be called when it is rcasonadiy certalnthat session might contribute to the solution lot the present prob lems llir Lloyd said he has asked the representatives of the KOD committeejits position in flammatory remarksf he said were made at meetings last weekby Rev Atbol Murray of Wilcox Sask spokesman for the group said later the premier produced acopy of newapaper in which Fatherhiurray was quoted in The it came from biggest UStax out since Conlt ass revised the tax lawsrin 954 went into effect today Bus as gets thecbulk of the $1 00000000 reduction designed spur faster economic growth President Kennedy announced he out Wednesday and noted the principal pressure for Cri the business com munity Treasury Secretary Dillon told press conference the taxcut should have quick impaction the US economy He said many businesses have promiscd to use tax savings loincreasaiheir investments in new machinery and equipment lie forecast an upirend in orders for troutperch or silver cbud rand spolrcsmen and congressional signed specifically to meet bus liems in month ibe action whtch didnt need cygressxonal approval offers larger tax deductions to firms investing newer moreef ycient fa tics Larger deduc lions obviouslywili mean lower tax payments initial reaction from business the next couple oi leaders generallyy was favor able fheoverbauloi the tax deprectatlon systemtbs first fness complaints thatthe old systcmwas stuntin progress lnClgveland ter JCamp cuperation tie SoCialist Says LittleI Hope wecks at the hospital and then go to bistccunbzhomefor re rcke his thigh June 28 in fall in Monte Carlo Hotel 1leds Otter MOSCOW iRautersiA Bri isb Socialist told the world peace conference here today that liikita Khmsbchevs speech lo the conference two days ago gave little bopc for peace Sydney Silverman Labor party legislator in Britain was commenting on Khrushchevja declaration that Russias invita ti still stood fora nuclear test ban butno one can expect unilaterat action from as been for 00 years inrracns METHOD method of dealing with the bal ance of payment problem be prosperity with the have nowi Attacking the governments aid Wewcani go forward to austerity we war effort trequent shouting and applause peacetime the are making us starve to death The predominantly French speakbrg audiencenreacied with it to fhei fiery oratort thrusts He spoke in both French and English Mr Thompson spoke in English mans ca The cs an and United States defence departments are caught in pc culiar manversus machine sit uatlon in the field of North American air defence The solution More money The situation came about this Way Therradar system controlling Racial Unrest Georgia moon Scotland police fol thia racially troub made personallappeal to Negroes to at some of his officersp Palmer Still In The ea CEAPArnnldrlalmoi champion equalled the course recordat id lroan brilliant do todayand swept into the as Barns after stones and alerts of dirt were buried the operations of jet intercep tors used to be runmanually Oneman could handle five in terccptlons at time With the increasing speed of to be Iregarde as much too slow iet bombers his system came tit lntetoepotr and relays it to the plane nThlS SAGE system2t control centreaJn the US one in Canadacost hundreds dollars The Cane ear North Bay is scheduled to com into on in January But what defence planners then asked themselves would happen if bombers knockedout most or all at the SAGE sys tem Answer There wouldnt be anybody oranythfng to show the intercepfors tbs way elrtargels gt Consequently the manual con systcm will once ted arm knownaafl bell editor of Steel magazincp said Kennedys action is one of the most poailivestepsibat could be taken to encourage emplo and business re Steel Will be one oftbc hrimp and other forms bt cean life have been discovered rlvine in small Algonnuln arkiakes remnants of life glacial sea 15000 years so three twatstudy by geol aculpin were also found The find is of interest sciena tistsmalnly because it supplies clues about the flow of glacial waters show so sad in the British open golf champ first round ilrand gavehim totalo 40 05 wantsxltloonislnp Silverrnan who received an ovation from many Western and some neutraliat delegates told edelegates say to Mr lainmhchev in all humility if he were to de clare the Soviet Union unilater marc antlalgcnrait mis somclhln gists and biologists of the do artment of lands and forests nd species ocean life or inating in huge sea which covered the shrimps in no Lake before the find es of shrimps were noted in the Greathkes and stern Canadiani lakeo as gt fa prepariuga paperan thes b1 Whenutbejweigbtjof theirs rtreating icescap Was removed from the land the earth bulged and water flowed out to the sc along certain routes The Algo Lakes have now bceniden titted as one of these channels of glacial waters The Algonquin Lakesare part of the Petavvawa outlet other outlets were along the Ottawa valley and the Trent River Nigel Martin who started proiectrunder the lands and for es department reports vthnt so toms of ocean life are small as 100 acres ile loci cipal beneficiaries of the liber alization Railroads and paper producers also will receive sub stantial benefits Undér lhedepieci on rules owners of business assets claim annual tax deductions during the astimateduseful life of those assets The tax savings are set aside to help finance the pur chase of replacement items when old equipment on longer is useful Aykey feature of the new aye tern is set of broad guidelines to useful lives of assetain each inddstry These lives are conW aidcrnbly shorter than those put iorward gufd ubllsbed in 1941 Silvcrman referred to lil1rush halfway cuspwhich are of not has ln the last official dcienca anywa lat silly as before will renounce nu clear teats forutwo ycars he would giveiheworid real hope His speech gives little hope chevs remark in speech that the Soviet Union rcgordcd the poiicya starlings world war for the Victoryof commuh niam asallen toua lie addedthat if President Kennedy said the same iln re spect to capitalism we will be hidiway towards peacohbut only Bul both ledcs should no nounce the use of nude reorganization field force Defence Ministerfltlrkness tactics and organization board wt Pctawawaronti in Se

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