aunrousva as ours crated rsdlo noyst Master tires caunrusurrurs rm am am Top dress Emit mi Filth us lasctIi soars morons DAI ITIIP lost tor III hp caisson raptor lrsnd cone ls Incbind itssmssls To an PA 17 mnoom runs sown uphfuahraslnpigbpï¬dwrna til lrsceltor ï¬g Inilsr Triop lint more Itllqu Ir steering Ind 0111 PAJTM limb Mn and on wait sup down To PAIR Clinton com Allle In hum IioIl ins error with Issilss tor the wee it to ll it Iillitld vi It Is sod will Inracfdl egg tie Thongs Box The tierrte Imlncr cameos MAR DEAD STOCK on prices paid tor dead or poled cattle and horses Iii Inimsis removed tree For iset service phone or ssir tor lii euro NO CHARGE nears days1 days walk AhitlE PA M751 icolisctk lCKS DEAD STOC till Foxmcsd Ontario Ltconco Jo NicI Montague Prop LIVESTOCK noserun ltllmts tor Isle also Mount rarest Thresh tne in seed condition phone airs Ivy reeo scan onsin LAYING ml Ior Isis one aid Taitpliant PA IN on 0A1I Isr ssls islrph iii stroud lepopne Harry stIs as ANTED 600 miss at ltsy want ivy district Telephone RSI ioroy mm Elia POULTRY at CHICKS BARRED ROCKS ill hard to bent for eggs and eat Over iorty yoarsoi per mat selection behind our clos flock Registered hatchery by chicks started chicks panl KENNYS POULTRY FARM RR SHANTY BAY nxLD tiltAlN oats bIrlIy sad Wholt APPII III lephons ivy one FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies do Service Care New Hoilsnd David Brown Eeatty Farm Equipment CASH TRADE TERMS IIIAESBY IIARIIII clip or com blnl or slip motor rlvsn in good condition Also 10 Interns tiannl Binder power drtvsn lclc ans lirsdiord FR M541 CAB llOlDll Harvester ideal tor tipping pssture or zero sirsins rss Cntt Light Slclshs In Democrat Itesvy duty Cbstn Hoist Dobro Ivy one ALL CIIALIIERII liloch ETrsc tor with sluomountcd mower new motor excellent condition liisko aIlcr Telephone HRH Strand AUTOMOTIVE son RAMBLER Vtau Motors Limited 17 Gowan Street PA 66438 some or PA 6l 321 BRAND NEW 1902 Volkswag ONLY hi dsrp tsssd white VIII til IIIIUMIII trsnsortssioo ash seals windshield wsshsrs As ronditicrr srss dflhlllfltfl In month My one It rm rann hiri down INF In IIIIII Vl tanrgnsio ccntrsstinl btsc hits interior two one Eeo ms wsirs mt sunsiism It It spprosunsiei us par rnsntis Tslspbsne PA sorc raucrts marten woman ll tale tarther into Itton rm noEos arm master its Pllksy ssaty Ir Jryarsosise racn sitar YAHOO TRUCK tor II too consists emails with or ad or illsphoas FA IWWIEIII ma MOBILE HOMES III attain Waveggï¬m es urgcr sno him electsins °° doth slittid WI Iona clapboard specs Itsctris riser condition he bsnd white PA was PERSONALS REWARD $20000 will be psldior iniorm silon leading to arrest and con viction oi pcrsonor persons who siole and destroyed 1056 Blue Volkswagen In ten Pickup Truck License 007100 The occurred June 23rd It Midland Ont ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION 127180 QuoansAve LondonpOnti RIDI memo to Ind Irorn Too ontoiwselrdsvs Itsrttnl August leiephone PArdmd EMU IIIOI Ooldwsns Mi etc by atshrtiiipd hsggreglhwtn our own one or iissw Benncs lA or IA IOST FOUN LonFriday svenlng blue los thor wsllct coarslnlnl Ippronlrn Itely snd psrsonsl pI Ira Pspers most importsnt lslon one PA Add in HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP canny oral required Aova to tbs imperial IhsItrI Ivonlngs EXFZRIBNCED Wsltrsssos wInted Apply to Larry ar Doug It CpIII naslsursnt to Dunlop at West Ilsrris INTEREIIING apln August tpist or general oftlce work Iy wselt Full employee bcnsil Reply srmsnsnt position I9 ipr In scourste IIIIIIIK educsélorlrhm say III to lionll Osrrie lunar MALE FEMALE MEN ORVWOMEIN need two men or women to sell Canadas leading iarrn paper in small towns in Corra ties at Grey Duiierin Sirocco and Manitoulin island Experi ence selling circulation or books anssset Training by sales supervisor and loads supplied Ithlsis tar better than average proposition Commission and cocoa required For appoint merit write giving age qualiti icattons Rises to work away Excluding Licence Gas AT PIERCE MOTORS or ssss no presses 10Downss Months to Pay Jim FORD or sale Cheap condition Good Inc 1190 or host otter Telupllons arses alter PM rose six cvsmnas routine Bin res ply s7 nins si trend was an oasmsse seshosrd rTn sacs Your Lendng Neighbor Ir it month MI Duni Bro7s16 En Bamdfxtoicpiiano In CADILLAC Sedan sicctttc lndows PS Ill automatic trIns rission windshield wsshcrs toot Tatcphono PA Mi is LINCOLN to door hardtop mt sacrltlecrlully power tool Isiro nvsr psysrrsnls of or month Telephone PA H711 tier pm has BOISE Itegcnt IIsrdtepsuto stic transmission deep trend irits wsll tires two tone paint in belsesnd brawn mstcirlng inv crior no down Ind 146 not both Two to cho root hone PA MW MATURE WOMAN required by tram horns and phone number tor Box assumes HOTEL ashara ouranro ans you nousnrisrmo WITH YOUR JOB Is there not enough income to meatyoirrrneeds Many ladies doour work after their husbands get home while lie lookslatter tbs lamllyl Liietler than averagovincome no Iayoiis or short time1srrango your work to suit yourseli Write Box Barrie Examiner tor personal interview Wewlll glvoyouatlthe details howyou can make extra money PEOPLE WANTED to train as Real Eststs Islssmen Chance to msko bclwccn W100 and 07000 early Nowexpertenes necessary rite Bot 99 Barrio Exsnslncr hisb school teachers tor scptsnr her One iMsntLight household dution East end location Duch cnt holidays Apply Ill Cudmlton sitar pn titanium comma or in tires work in modern sireto work omorainss ps bunncss ot 00 to 1100 Reply living no do is at orpe am szmin vhect this industrial city battled strlkz ers andrioiers torsto hours porsry barricades turhed areas in Jeeps taming gt been fighting police MASTER ELECTRICIAN Abiato take iuli responsibility oral sxpsrisncria slI residen tial sad hesvy construction work Also experienceinesti msilnsrsouirsd Good OPP qulrlss conudsatlsb appoiraons ashore axnninaa MAN WANTED to work on ralnls nncir Mctthsrt Ihorntea liilhwsy 11 MIAMI POIIIIOII ior truck drtvsr Kopwlads at surrounding area In sssst Apply Adsrns furniture do Ltd 00 Dunlop at West rwo NIAI Appslrinl Men or astleasl compsny to its control work lor Ipcsi civic orssnlsstlon throughout simcoe County Ind undins cnun Ass no bar es you Your as rise It Mcc msn Hotel Barri bet Monday In dsy In We suntan No pirates use SALESMANVOR SALESWOMAN run pronouns Some selling experience nsctssd ary excellsht opportunltlci for aggressive person Writs stat ris Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED in my own home MohdsyFridsy Wtil pick up Telephone PA cross Havanaor any has scare me hsnicsl knowledge sad ltitII wotic witn srry Internal combustion on slnes IlephonPA Hill 12 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 TENDER FOR TRUCK Tenders will he received by the Clark until 12 oclock noon Fridayluly 20th 1962 for the supplyoi slit ton truck four drive equipped with dump box Vlyp snow plow and snow wing Tenders to be on Township tender term and according to specitlcatlohs which are availsbls from Rood Superintendent or Township oiiics Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted noes CURRIE Road superintendent TUDHOPE Clerk Bit No Oro Station near Strike Causes Riots Monday and took more than 1000 demonstratortinto cup lady 0n thethlrd day at disorders riotcrs hurled stones at securv ity tarces smashed cars and ovortnmed street cars or be As night ieilaitacksrsstoacd street lamps plunging sections the city into darkness at Police spedthrough the dis tear gas against rioting mobi Rlctersislso launched snap tack againstthe headquarters at Gazette breaking windows and iighting with employees and members of the stall N0 BERIOIJHJNJURIES Ambulances shuttled throu out the downtown area pick ng up policemen and demonstra tors inIurcd in the lighting iherawere noreports oi sc rious inturlcs hotvsver Inlclasilcs during the weekend 75 police and possibly as many demonstrators were hurt Metulw throughout Italy are on strike but bands nectlon with the sirliterI have The strike is tor cohour wlï¬k and higher wages It was ed by Communist unions and supporters by the Confederation oi Free Italian Unions How evcr some socialist and lads pendentnnious in the Fiat auto works reached an agreement with manugementsnd rotused latch thowalkcnt wormin on Idd nunsssrre11sthsssmo tunity tor right psrson All in per usedgthe tarm since July when the doctorsbsgso pmtid Saskatoon disr Phoenix Its more at mutinyuthsn Inyth can hardiycsii it strike when SALES HELP sAesnrs more woui union and cant rilr he said It prohibl normal practice medl electlnn audience of about 150 that Canadiansaro going to rally behind the NDPon the health services issue who get sick to ot youths said to have no coon word lockout buses to at electriesl depsrtmcnt Gen mm Premier Woodrow Iggdmsgt he Basketchowsn onbut nm by any other services and newspa he province have It only hospitalbased emer gency services ssvths compul sory medical care sch into operation dash in ouoras DIM IWMI Newspapers within the prov incs use tho word strike only news sgsacy copy Stories Borne at tho is English ion guagersdto stations started using thsword but mosil tulme put them since havs Ito pod Eric ltoowlss tor ins else suppose but we oi lira doctors are on id about inseam oi the Dr have to say were nota ihsn you cantcsllits strike when nearly third at log qusliiicstions to Box Ber on my 1M sod long hours of serving free of charge roastins LoCKour bah tile sug estedihat technically WILL DIV wsskly csrs to child ho wor Iockaut 15 mimic root in describing the current situation We closed our oiilrcs be Dr Neville Smith spokesman tor the college in Regina said Ware not employee And conuwsu opt Douglas natioaslleader at the Now Democratlc Party said Monday night that government sponsored health insurance is the wsve oi the tuture in Can ilery diiicncs of public cal care plans he told on He said he respects theor ciusiva right at doctors to do cldc medical questioris But the people had the right to decide ow their biiisara to bspatd Government vsponsored heal insurance spread thetlnancisl prerogative ofa smsll privi TURIN Italy tAPtPolioa in burden in such way that it leged did no fail entirely on more Mr Dougla tlon campaign July it diedin daysgbeiore vot Mr Douglas the GazettadetiopolotPooples than 000 practising docn tors in thsproviace arc provide lag emergency services Dalglslsh said iFIrIt In written by thelrdocslrsporisrs use strike only in quotstlou causaoi the Medical Cars Act in thissltuotlon although the ions from oitustlonls unlqu out sums Health Plan Wave 0i Future ShysDouglas was the Iirsttwhsntcylnced them party leader to take part in the Stormont cl Voting in this eastern Ontarlo constituency fronting on the St LawrencorScswaylwas deferred protestagainrt that rovinces to when theLiberalccn medicare plan But scath didatfinathc lurreia general ineg denounced certain people elects ingdo who Monday terrible government temoon was driven through health insurance rightful NDP maiorcads was repent Ihsingnbrou tin hanged are In no strikcbrsskcrsor scabs Donald Disrrslsy chairmen of jibe administerins Medical tiers Insurance commission ssid am Inclined long is trike Aslrtkc rnually llflh calls this tIdIiilIIiOti Rayptiusy editor at the Prince Albtrt DaibLIictaldsnld The Herald irriolinta Ihe word strike ZWoro csllng it withdrawal of normal sor vicashI said James St hers news editor cac invllcgina said the strike only in di think it is correctly oconscloniious obisc rioa but we preiar the word boycott USE PIWIEBI Brucsiiogio naws editor CKRM in chlns said we use protest protests or actions do me wording wlthdrswal of normsiyservlcts ls really too ion Iorjour use but we do use iti not use shorter sub siliutlons Dr James Hoard Means at Boston Jackson preterm cm oritus oi Harvard Medical school csllsrit strike lhs doctor who sup arts the government side ott issus wrote to the altsglno Leador Post andtile Btaoihoonlx ect prasslng my complctav provsl oiths doetors which now province Premier Lloyd said ths doc tors are providing anlemur gency serves and that he did not think now doctors coming into the province could bs termed fstrikobrenlsers William Thomson executive editor at The LanderPost said The word strike doesnt app About the only way the sltug ttnn can be described is by ailing it withdrs at nor sl medical service the streetsoi Commit to an open car at the head of sum odly applauded in his free wheeling sddressMondoy night The church haliwhers haspoité was tilled He drew his loudest applause in dealing with the medical care question More than to countries have government sponsored health insurance plans he said Even tuallylika hospital insurance government sponsored health neurones will spread trom one ml at the country to another The question was whether with carcshouldrcmain the welltrained group or whether all the peopla enjoyed the ri to health services Mr ouglas retrained from attacking the Saaltstchewau medical protesslon whichhas withdrawn normal services in in organized medicine who are againstanyihing that would re sponsored Grips Cornwcrl coauwsrs on Election excitement hold ninth Industrialcity on the St Lawrence Seaway huh pending on tho phraseology Ihs gto or rmont ons car is taking nstituency at sizzling four way battle shnpcs up tor next Mondays election in the riding wherewi tag was deterred irom June iii due to the death at Liberal coa dldate Albert Lavlgno June Now the Liberals have new candidate Cornwallisnyer Lu cien Lamoureux tormer execu tive assistant to Lionel Chav rier Mr ihevrior transport minister tor somstlma under the old Libernl government presented Stormont from 1935 054 in the House at Cam In next Mondays bollotlag Mr anoureun ii inces Pro gresslvo Conservative Grant Campbell suycsrold lawyer who took the sent away tram the Liberals in loss Mrs Marjorie Ball at the New Democratic Party wile of United minister and Melvln 1y Social Credit his partys den uty loader in Ontario Ills occur nation is given as economist Veteran observers say the election is generating more in terest than any campaign they can remember xpsdlls ea ov ordot sooouootonsloi csrg thi Isl ct alirec snllllo ms at worsen sssdo the remsindar consists ct msstio trsliio Excrtement Social Credit so Now Demo erats ltthd clsct heretwili itllibo vacanthsat Incas member Commons With sverysaat counting be cause at the present precarious sliuntlonla the government the vStcrmont campaign will be watched with spsclsl lnterastby political observers as as OMEIEILT id is bsanMdciy aim rtuntbsrom star of the po tlcsl weather prsysiling in tireperlod oi as sessment following the federal election Reflecting ths wids signifi sau impairs Dear AnofLaIrdsrss lead with interest the letter irom ths second time She complained Weve never seen interest thothor 21yearold son receives like this in Stormont beinre said prominent citizen and close iollower oi the political scene toï¬e Would have thought it would be just another election with perhaps light turnout but this situation anyths lath changed everything lie was Jrcicrring to the in conclusive result at the June to icdcral general election in which the Conservatives lost their tophcnvy moiority in the House hi Commons gt Party standings now are Conservatives lid Liberals 00 Gambler Refuses To Claim Fortune JERSEY CITY ILAAP With curt Youre just wast ing your time convicted gambler Newsboy Moriarty Monday dismissed second attempt by authorities to question him about huge cash load in Jersey City total oitz590000 which an thorities say belongs to Mar lnrtywas found last week in two private garages here Deputy Police Chief Auguste Merge and Hudson Countys as sistant prosecutor Joseph IIon rahan travelled to state prison in Trenton tor what turned out tube iivel minute with Moriarty Except for saying Im not answering any questions youre live to three year ling conviction the icicle treatment irom his siepiother and the cold war be tween the two was maldngher physically ill am stepdnd who has similarsituationbut the shoe is on the other foot Mywiies son is to lie is surly uncooperative and spoiled beyond hope Ive tried tomake iriends withrtho boy for three years but ltsusc less lie hatedhis real other and has transierred that hatred to me love the boys molherbut herbaby is building wall between us that soon will balm passible to scale hope youll printithls letter for the beneilt at women with childrenwho re nusrry Too initen they feel guilty about depriving their youngsters oithclr real dad on they go all out to mnka it up to them The stepdad gets the short endof the string some times he becomes led up on being pushed around and simply checks out READY TO SCRAM Dear Ready The divorce rate In Ihlscountry is about one out all three so your letter will hita broader segment oircadi ers than you may realize say if the shoe titswomen wear it yearold daughter friend was married secretly lastlebruary Would it Ii TheSlioeIfiis Its 3A Tight fSpoi womanwho married forthc time have been attending club as yes tcrdsyxthat she and her boy tress cones attached to the is thegiact that three oitbs tour partlcsora bringing in inclina tionsl leaders to the campaign no Conservative campai iargeiybullt arounditho recoid Mr Campbati whom the psrty credits with heiï¬lng bring new industries pub works and fcdorsiiy assistad voca tlonal training incliitles to Com wIll lhe other parties are ham maria tths uncm onment is sus city at so has been hard hit bylayoiis in thatcx tllo industry and the govern meats usterlty progr tlieyisr but have gripe that has irritated ma iar ls long meetings banquets and civis affairs tor 10 years When in heavens name will the chain gt men of these meetings get smart and stop rattling oil the names oi dozens of people who worked in thalrltchcn arranged the flowers sold the tickets and donated the canine pieces After each name there iss pause Of course the audiencs is expected to applaud These dreadiul little bursts arean igm position and an embarrassms What possible honor can it be to havelonesname read all with as others or course everyone wants recognition but the sane Way to satisfy these hungry egos is to print their names in the montlriy bulletin or in the program Most luncheon and banquet programs are too long and bar ing atbest dont know oio jsllgie aiiairwhich could not have been made moreenjoyablo by dropping this inane practice LOUTSP0KEN Dear Outipnlieu Youve been ndlngmy mind see little ups for eliminating ihclprac the of aamcreadlng however since most people love any crumb of recognition no matter how small and they insist on gettinizlt