to aoossueoyaa themap oi the city at San Francisco Calliornla At Margaret Goodlellaw lclt and Miss Amy Lea members at the Barrie Venture Club cheek Barrie VentuflSis pointeth willbsvisitiol duringMgr stayln tho cl Miss Goodieilow tell the ciy lat week by mother Nrslward Goodicllow oi Edgchill Drive and Miss Attend Convention The city with the Golden Gate will be busy place this weekend with many women irom all over the world Hock lng to the city to attend the l7lh blcnniol convention oi the Soropilmlst Federation oi iho Americas and the biennial cou vsatlon oi the American Coun ell oi Venture Clubs Members of thetlarrio Ven ture Club who will attend aes stone at iho convention in San Francisco ore Miss Margaret GoodteHorv president at tho Barrlo Club and Miss Amy Lea Regional Treasurer ATTENDS OPENING Miss Goodiellow attended the iniormal get ocquainied contin ental breakiast and the terms opening ceremonies today Mlss Lea tell by TCA irom Melton this morning and will arrive In the San Franciico thlsievening to ioln Miss Goodlcllotv Tomorrow the Barrie mem bers wlll attend theygencrol business sessions in the morn lng and luncheon at whlch Soroptimist Federation Pres ldcntltirs Dora Lewis will be the ouker Saturday oiicmeon will devoted to schools and ANN LANDERS workshops giving the Barrie Venturisis an opportunity to learn and share ideas with other Venturists and Venture Clubs On Sunday thovisitors will be taken on sightseeing tour at San Francisco GRAND FINAL Vindiog uthe tourday con ventionon Monday Veniurtsts will participate in the Serap tlmist Federation Opening Cer emonies the Masonic Temple returnin to their headquarters at the SheratonPalace liotei tor the completion ol business and the election oi oitlccrs lor the ruesat Biennium The highlight oi the conven tion activitieswill take place Monday evening commencing with reception honoring the present and new ollicers and regional governors followed by gala banquet The Installa tion at the newAmerleaa Coun cil board members and an In sglrntlonol address by the Pres eat oi the Soroptimiot Inter national Association We Elis abelh Hooter ol Neuchatel Swltsorlond wlll climax tite evening Gracioupsylyy Given Graieiuilylieceived Dear Ann Lenders great deal has been said about the art of giving but Ive read very little about the art at receiving Will you please say something onthis subject My motherinlaw makes big production out at receiving gifts She glories in birthdays anniversaries Christmas Moth ers Day and so on Its boring and embarrassing to hear her repeat the details of the gills she receives she generally praises each item For ex ample Thot handbag must have cost at least $4500i Im shy about gilta and Im sure tend to go to the other extreme There must he happy medium Will you please help READER Dear Saginaw Reader That happy medium is great deal closer to your approach thah to your motherinlnws It the person who sent the not is graciously thanked this adequate Most people could not care less about someone clscs giits Even when questioned by an Interested third party the de tails should be kept to mini mum and the comments should be conservative Dear Ann Loaders know HIGH STANDARDS thia is trivial but believe theres an important principle Involvedso Id like yauropln on Im college girl who dates fellows both in and out oI school Im napruds but my standardsare high it ieHow doesnt behave himself tell him off and he either straight ens up and flies right or dump lheother evening was out with uninteresting fellow In complaining tone he whlncd Do youknow Ive been dating you for almost three months and havent tried anything yeli Well what do you want me llnd it SAGINAW disconnected was annoyed and replied It looks could klll Id have been corpse that minute Hc drevome straight home and havent heard from him since My mother ilkcd this iellow great deal and she tools that was smartaleckyond out at line lsoy havent lost thing What do you say DIANE Deor Diane any congratu lations and more powcr to you HON VOYAGE Dear Ann Lenders My hus band and have been saving our dimes for eight years This summer we are actually going to take that trip Ito Europe Weve been looking lanyard to it ior so long it seems like dream Im terribly dumb about cer tain things and need advice Do wetip peoplswho serve us aboard ship is it in good taste to speak inihe cocktaiLloungc or on deck What type at clothes should we wear during the day We know were sup posed to dress ior dinner Im airald well look like hay seeds ircsh oil the term Please give us some pointers so time we ever saw ship Thank people wont know Its tho that you BOUNDING MAIN Dear Bounding Most oi the people youll be meetingbave never seen ship belore either so relax All the information you will need can be obtained from tho trrlsgel agent or so on portadtilasig it and cottduct yourselves in allyand remember wherever you go your country 2le be lodged by your behavior Dont vletgthe strange and the datum iHsrtum you into UglyAmeri cans Conildentlal to Cant Control It You hava Black Card Fever strongly recommend that you have your telephone until you get over this compulsi For PLUMBING food HEATING INSTALLATIONS Tessa tor with her Audlvyxiioiiysrd otloronio tenderly oi Barrionghilgbts oi thclr 3000 suite irlp to the west soul city included visits to Chicago liHnois Des Mola os lows Salt Ivske City litehuod Reno Naradsfllhsy wlil roturnvia the scenic route and visit Yellowstone Park and Tbs Black Hills oi South Dakota Miss Lca lsit tho cit today by air to join Miu oodlsliovt in San Fran cisco Examiner Photo ssrnmm Planetary restrictions con tlhuc Avoid guarreltng and in tolerance on dont expect much irom social or romantic interests Bo calm in your deal ings with others and all pur sutasiick to routine FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow to your birthday this next year in your its promises Important gains it you exercise lnItatlve and are wlll ing to iorego some immediate personal desires in the interest at more testing beoeiits Hoih job and iinonclal gain are indicated late this month in Soptemhor and November itwo allaround good monthst also in late December and the ilrst three months at roea= Special recognition ior crea ttvo workers isduo in Septem ber endor November Social activities and travel should rove highly anioyablo in Septem December and Jon uary and both tbli month and November will be oxccclent ior romance Avoid extravagance and cc uiation in August and Oslo er and look tor some good news at business nature to January child born on this day will be practical methodical and do mestically inclined Princess Anne Visits France LA CHAPELLESUROUDON France Reuters Princess Anne 11yearold daughteroi Queen Elizabeth arrivedundcr top secret conditions Thursday on French only vlslt to Loire Valley chateau liar that visit toIronco was expected to last week Princess Anne was we med at the Chateau de la Lori here by the so year old rquis Louis de SsintGeoys it his wile Both the marquis am his wlie freak good English the or or at the ehateai was No English tor the he weekf The princess will sue play mate in the mats is daughter 11yearold Plorree do Saint Gcnys threecar co oy led by Erit lsh embassy unselior Brooks Richards or with French piatnclothes olicé renewed the Princess ai her companions discree guard surrounded the chater Thursday night In Lon on Buckingham Pal vislt complaining that pre oi Britain France and pr ably Italy would he camped the doorstep as one THE STARS SAY sidIodyhlchmsts descendto guaninecontents oi assetqu con In It prise rem this contest sons Fall location ind with to elesbv agirnmri nuth WWW answer mm announcements thetint horse ucky chair rises were won boson deceit tsksnby Whatibwut coast and the Pair atScsttlc Ws Pictures tsksoby Mrs VAN DALEN son lot Mr and Mrt Dlrk Von Dal en oi ColHar Street Eorrlay graduated in modern longti ages and litsratures German and Slavlcstudies irom the Unlvorsit ot Toronto Mr Van Deon has acceptsda po lit at the Tillsonburg The royal pr travelled aca spo smen stittly refused to discus details of the princess the AMP BORDEN IIONOURED AT TEA Members ol the Executive or the Diatty Chapel Ladies Guild aitsndcd an aitcinoon tea on Thursday at the homeoi Mrs tolchsrd Mrs Velma Lender and Mrs Jean Kenrick who are leaving Camp Borden were the guests at honour and were presented with cup and saucers irom the ladies at the Guild MOTOR TRIP Mr and Mrs Collin oi More Loop motored to Ottawa to visit the farmers brother Mr and Mrsi Collin on the Dominion Day weekend Mr Colllns mother accompanied them on their return home cussnun scours Membcrs oi the Deb and SCOUHZLEIIIGI Auxiliary and those who asslstedai the Rom mage Sale in May held so clal evening on Thursday snowan was The oceans tetra 0000 000 square miles oi earth suriece compared to lands 57 bctoro You Buy Puss ADOVI ALL PRICE detention To Suit Iron Budrst Invite Yonrtnspcaston No Obligation solutionsmoms WllilillIS IlIIlS Farrier who makes and sells iurs poly Harris Toronto Dunlap St PA Hm Winï¬eld nsotcauou ssnvicss on syosacoo=f HumpuyINE$liGZIf and gt Extended Navs vices to be conducted by the no at Wilkinson MA p11 can ordBtshop oi Toronto president at PA 31 1a MAN 9K iolaingtbs BurrisCSCL can get totemlotion by honing th lbis closingussoa coastal ior ths locsl Wotan re rs ck bliss lea Aadsr Bothill rwsreawsrdsd Associate steadia la cscs votsot lb was tendon sd tbolhostass Miss Anderson it those whoassisted to becus supper 13th wonthsi csioa Utiotssmiateodsdio cover In general seats ills oi the ally and district Wsddtw anntmurIesLbistbdsys bridge parties and coming oi parties when sad tro nilers ass all Items at tats set to the woman resdm at this page Your into to sopl Dlrlls this new will wanniuo cusses High School where he will teach French and Mothcmn tics leslstor Corrie Van Dalsn graduated Irorn Lake shore Teachers CoilegsSho will be on the teaching stall at Stroud Public School where shs wil tsach gr six and seven SOCIAL NOTES short businessmseting was held alter whieh=guncs were played and Mrs Jan Zoiuski won the door prise Greta Walker Mrs Merry weather Mrs Thompson an hiss Doreen Pctiigrow were the winners oi lovely glits presented alter each game builetsupperoi southern tried chicken was served The next meeting ol the Auxiliary will be held in September RARE APPEARANCE Sueccsblve appearances at Holloys comet about every so years have been traced back to Mt BC and it is next due in 24 ELECTRIC Renos Modern Practice Among the is sttandla the Panama smbsrs wsd ing in Atdsrwood Baptist Church bong Branch June so were Mr and Mrs Harry Pattandsn parents oi that bridegroom Misses Ioulsa and Marlena Putt sndcn BIH Palisades ldyod Pattendsa Mr sad Mrs Dave Miller and daughters Emily and Juanita Mr and Mrs bloyd Miller Amos MillerFred Zak Mr and MrsEdword Miller Rev and Mrs Gordon Walker Mr and Mrs Fred Dobson Mr and Mrs Ross Patteadsn and son Teddy Mr and Mrs Bruce Wilson Mrs Bertha Sor vice Mrs Harry Oilway Mr and Mrsuorvel Terry Mr and Mrs Tom Patteoden Mn and Mri Rog Archer Mr and Mrs Wallace Pattsndsn Mn and Mrs George otlaway sit at Barrio Mrand Mrs Wil mer Humphrey Mr andMrs George MulhoHand and dentin tor Carol all of StroddMr and Mrs Llo Spence otMld burst Gian itaway oi North Bay Mr and Mrs John Snid er oi Psinswick Mr and Mrs CharlesMiller at Aston Mills The bridewss tbs tamer Miss nda Chambers daughteroi rs LsuraChambers oi long Branch The bridegroom is Raymond Psttandea ot Pane tongltrat LAKESIIORE TEACHERS Among the names at those listedas graduating this year irom Lakeshors Teachers Col lege New Toronto in one year course are Mary Dunsmare Mrs Terry Mc Knight Lce Robert Ric cI Lynda Russell Brian Wiles Donna Winter Evelyn Snolgrovs gradu ated in the twoyear course CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY Mrs Vlctor Godin at Detroit Michigan celebrated her Both birthday yesterday at the home Webb son oi oIhsr and daughterIntact so and no Stan Godia Amoiisfllresi VISITS CANADA Mlss Martha Adams at Mill Isle near tastiest Ireland ar rived at Italian airport at the weekend tor twomonib visit with relatives in Barrie Oak visw Handitoa To on to and Greenwood loulstana Iii pre sent Miss Adams is guest at her cousin Mrs Roy Urry at her summer residence at Oskvlo lhis Miss dams and Mil Hamid Webb ot Essa Road Central United Churc Esr riewlllbs the set ior at Barrio ioPeter Frederick alteration wedding It SPEAIHNGOrraons no PLACES lirst visit to Canada and site has Iavorabla Impression oi Canada and the tricndliaess oi Canadlaos CIIIGAGD CONVENTION Dr Harry Eoltn at Dusk inn Street West has returned irom Chicago where he attend ad symposium in philoso by held at the Conrad It on Hotel July to Approxim ately 400 students at phi osophy irom North America and Eur opo studies theh diilcrerlz as pecso osopy an ap pHcs to daily lilo British TeenAgata Complain Parents Hide Facts OiLiie LONDON CWParents pry page and hide the facts oi iiie 16000 British teenagers com plained recently The students1 from 500 diiier sat schools were polledb ma ezlnbpubllshEd once term students and sold tor hall crown Thousands oi the students condemned their parents as bossy ihquisitivc and oili cious Themost common com pistol was that parents choose their childrens irisnds About per cent said they were ashamed oi their mother lather or both Writer John Penycate said several teachers had comi leinsd that students should not udsa their parents but add PLANT Garsnlums Begonias Canon All Bedding Plants rruetrns FLOWERS ii ElaksSt PA com Excepiionol Value CHECK runes ouTSTANoiuorEArunss editors at Sixth Form opined They might as well deplore the shops oi the globe sass hosts ADVICE Although many at the stu dents rsagto in age irom to air mothersout naggcd their iaihsrs nwst ad mitted they turned to their authors with personal prob eras More than hell the aisle stu dents said they had received no sex education irom their par ents Ont so parcent oi the girls me the some complaint iuwentyiive per cent oi the males are not allowed to smoke or drink Onothird oi thogirls may not smoke but only ons Hill said their parents would ow them drink All your doctor about our pharmacy next time he wrltcll mummies or you Pnsortptlm pickedop and delivered gm at charge CUSDENS PHARMACY ts Dealer PA H959 Collier St PAH THE sopranor Deluxe teal blue backcrestlng with easytouse controls IiiSpeed elements for fast EVEN heat ovendoor element rtn cleaning Spaciou kl rid pans lift on smoothlyfor easy