Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1962, p. 5

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Premier Woodrow Ltoyd Saskatchewan lleitiis in Esstam Canada it was an pounced in Itegins day Asked IiMr loyd would meet Carl Golden bers right Montreal lawyer MDs sun Medical came To Fill Gap Are SASKATOON lCPt non proiit medical clinic horn in the rlrite oi the Saskatchewan doctors strike is doing brisk business in downtown Sasha toon allies building flwo doctors Mrs Joan Wit hey and Mrs Margaret Ids hood are treating steady flow ot patients in their tourth floor lute The clinic went into operation Tuesday three days niter most Saskatchewan doctors wanton strike against the governments compulsory propaid medical care plan Documents were being drawn Thursday to incorporate the air or Community Health Services Saskatoon Limited trade the Mutual Medical and JIaspial Beneiit Association The organization is the brain child at Clarence Lyons in Saskatchewan iicld represenqu live at the United Packing houso Food and Allied Work gers CLO CALM FIRST MEETING Iihnut so persons showed up last week at the meeting he called in unhnt hall to en dorss the protect Later Dr Witney housci wile ior the last lotuyenrs and Dr Mahood oiiercd their services to stall the clinic Dr Mnth is the wits oi Ed Iiiahood unruccessiul NDP can dictate tor Saskatoon in the June Iii iederal election The Medical Care Insurance Commission anxious to ill the gap Ieit by striking doctors Ircd both the doctors under contract ill patients treated at the clinic have everything paid tor under the medical care plan Mr Lyons grandfather and inther at seven has been elected first president oi the fledgling organization Eventually he hopes to sea the clinic expand into allied medical services with the ad iidenauer Continues France Tour PARIS titeuieraiWcst Ger man Chancellor Konrnd Aden auer icit Parishy special train today tor the cathedral towns oi Iioutm and Beauvoir on the second stage at his weeklong visit to France The rovlnclai tour iollows three ays at political talks here with French President do Gaulio and other government leaders anda round of com maples reserved for heads at communique Thursday tol lowing the chancellors tlnal meeting with de Gaulle called tor talks as soon as possible among Common Market coun SHANIIBAY KenBusr ditioaot pharmacist optlctsn and dentist similar clinic has sprung upinlrincaAlbertsndaloose rovincial organization at such gllnicsis inthe matting The organisation Mr Lyons said now comprises two reprov sentatives each tram centres to Prince Albert Saskatoon and Regina llir Lyons eventually that what he terms terms consumsr operated medical clinics wil spring up all across the province and change thevtuce oi medical practice Statement Lacks Responsibility ounaac cma4 row be tween Premier Lesage and on position Leader Daniel Johnson over the governments standing in the bond market was ex cted to resume inside the leg slatlve assemth today when the flashes departments esti mates came up or study Outside the House lhursda the premicr described as ra caliy ialse statement by Mr Johnson that the government had been rciuscd $75000000 loan on the United States and Canadian bond markets Mr Johnson outside the House said reason given tor the rciusai was government over spending bad climate for new investmentlack at bat anced budget Asked to comment on Mr Johnsons declaration the pro mier said no demands had been rciused As tor the investment climate oi Quebec than had never been any uestion at it in discussions wt US lead err He said Mr Johnsons slate mcnt lacks sense at respon sibility vlsavis the province in telling such tales tries on torming political urr ion in Western Europe Alterhis visits today auer moves on to the wine growing centre oi Bordeaux Sat urday Sunday he and de Gaulia will review parade at French and German soldiers and attend mass at Helms cathedral dam aged hy German armies during the First World War Adenaqu visit came under attack today from the Soviet Army newspaper Red Star It said Thursdays commuv niqus showed that Adenaucr and de Gaulie remainedheal ous adversaries at any poaceiui fettlelment ot the German prob cm The military alliance between Bonnand Paris is becoming more close1ied Star added For the military administra tion in Bonn the alliance with France is one more means at pressure against the Pentagon DRIVEIN rnsarns 41 Miles North on Hwy 11 4n LineOro WINNING N0 0997 FOR THE PONY DRAW sHowIns romonr saruaaar anon PETTICOAT won sonnets Katherine Hepburn norm ante causal lltlltlithii monstrous Evening Shows Ali01 Mil Emotion Ionoswituosuavsrnra moss Wipers sarunphv can nitrous FROM mm canny ou TEACHER INOiNSHOWING Jiidiiiiliiim ilili noun lti llllNl liiiNt intentional nuns Insmm nmnun saidhshopes Aden wasrnuoron CPI Pres idant Kenoed Zsays he hopes Britain will to ialn the Common Market this mmnrcr and that United Europe and the United States can mad plans tor an intensified alliance with beaetlts in Which the rest oiAthe infirm on melt at Flutedciphla where sIBntain we Shortly he spoke of ihepossibliltlesoi an Atlantic partnership Ilen nedy told press coalescence Ihursdey he wants the new iv Europe not to be source oi rivalry but at strength looking outward and working in her rno with the US awould not want this to he rich mans club while the rest oi ihsiwarid gets poorer he said Ihebeneiiis at this kind oiunioawouldbsshar Europesilrst taskwasto complete its own organization and when iisedeeision is reached in regard to Britain join the Common Market wshopethlsstunrner then the workoi developing elereintlmsts partnership be tween Europa and tbs US would be accelerated SEES MANY CHANGE Kennedy hinted that when Europe andytha us start new StudenisOperate Oldest Railway LEEDS tortUniversity stir dents operate the oldest railway lathe world along two miles oi track here Twice day train drugs Enron urinalJrs anus ayep as once irelght to pay the Middleton Colliery rallways upkeep ihs railway was started in 1759 Shortly alter its birthday plans were announced tor scrapping it but amateur sallwaymen trom Leeds Ilnl verslty restored and repaired the track on weekends and sei vaged loos diesel engine John Bailey Wyearold local schoolboy the eaflne running and in students rotate in the tab at engineer The railway carries about 1500 ions at goods year at and shitting and iourpencs II fill it Wt ii at the line alive said Dr Frederick Youell Middleton Railway Preservation Society president SCENIC BOAT TOURS on KEMYENFEUI any nouns our Al cool at and mo DELANEY Boar thES mDodBnyflelilu MaPAHdil Iilttt am Available For WQ Nu formant pans irannnar listing as their will be great many changes loitranb atlaniic military economic and other vital relations For years the carried great num ber of the worlds burdens on its back Now it would expect Euro to take over more at the ens We are concerned that Eur ripe and the US play their proper raisin nsstrtingthe urn dealevclopcd world Kennedy so Hereallzed that European giant no longer would want to be dependent on the US and in this contest acknowledged that stronger pressures have arisen in Europe tor an inde pendent nnclcnr ioree Kennedy hoped that the now Etaope ailil waulda1low the us to maintain its nuclear monopoly and to continue to be responsible tor Europes Integ rity against Soviet nuclear throat The present nuclear arrange ment seemed to be satisfactory is concerned TONIGHT ONLY wtth that ndshe maynot par tlcularlylt shs develops this additional union then we would be prepared to discuss an alter nate arrangement Kennedy said Butao now proposal has come tarwnrd Meanwhile theUS continues to work tor an adjustment with Russia over world tensions new US ambassador Fey Thompson in Mascowrliusslan its talks on Bariinara con tinuing And new disarmament talks will July to when the USagaln will attempt to see whether an accommodationf can be reached with Russia over the psacoluluse otoutcr space In whnie variety otwa we are attempting lessen chance at eontiiet with the So viot Union and maintain our own security and the peeps oi the tree world Itcennnt beaccomplished quicklyIt will at requirogl think some time to come than Given Diploma 0i Merit PARIS CPtA diploma at merit tram French committee Was presentedlieie recently to Proiessor DomihyDallasoi the French department at the Uni versity at British Columbia who during luncheon for 50 French now is doing research in Paris The presentation was made ahdCanadian personalities who met to pay tribute toEnglish language universities in Canada for their work in promoting French culture andlanguage in Englishapeaklng Canada Rene Garneau minister in charge of cultural alfalrs at the Canadian Embassy here delt livered lecture on the various methods used In Canadian Unl versitles to promototho French language DRIVE lN shrunonv AND MONDAY coma any Colour Adult Entertainment ran mans notxrrs in the DrxlesCiuh Five at Dudes Record Bar Barnes first re rd club Get all the lattes and greatest hits on all the popular la Capitol Oohunbta RCA Decca and Capp Wideseleatran l£Pstnchooselrom Dmplnandsiiopasotrnd stereo amena1 join the otXntsstokrsho nub ascend one maid Knapp puncnnsra cin eunaun cam mtne lions to il laaed Voncwater consumption nethe cityvdeaplle amuch increased demandian consumers due to ths prolonged spell at hot girlie areas it own the equi meal will iarcc the city to re ct use at water For the second time in his lory daily pumpsga hit the was set dune ti this ye Ions were pumped May Bothy NORTH BAY CF Many areas in the North Ba district may be dry cinch to as result at crli out water iron City Engineer Reid said the reservoir supply is adequate oooooo silonmerkWednc nmoedoesnotagrce mm Piiiiliiliilll tilhintinnntnttcluu age caused by use at town Kohler isrepluclnn IlIWeuyIi comment autumnal sarunoavrsaruns runes but the city doesnt have enoulth hill to areas new watef maiithfiaI expected serv cs week ale the short age Back To Work aunnuav lty at some see laborers who walked oil their jobs Wednes iiBY in $20009000 worth protests in the dis trict crossed picket lines and returned to work Thursday iho mengwera back onthe lob atyiour area vocational schools nursesnaldencs oi Sudbury General Hospitalrand an apartment protect on High way so south oi here However thestrlke continued whereiit began attho new 000 International Nickel Com pany iron plant addition under construction at Copper Cllit where other union members re insed to cross the laborers picket Hana TORONTO CPI $320000 Ontario wide dam reconstrue tion program has been an nounced by Public Works Illin later Council He said Thursday 360000 wlli be spent to reconstruct Birch Lake Dam at thaoutlet otBlrch Lake about five miles north of twenan tn the Algoma dis nc pply the parched ItroNIGHT EMBASSY IsiAIiiIiiGiiilDAYJlith gjlnllitililii BARRIETEEN row ON sarunbav NIGHTS 75 PER PERSON SPOT PRIZES d55pm1ll pom was pie snapper nun HIS COMBOIVXV Admission BBNOUEH WEDDING RECEPTION IDANCMG AVAILABLE non dream eurenrnmueur Hath AUCTION SALES EVERY wannamn announce our Blake St on stars intern enema Tits aMaassv Beside Kempview Brawl

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