Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1962, p. 4

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fair grounds Two years ago committee from th Kiwanis Club of Barrieapproached the Collegiate Board with prole to have driver tr ngcprogram set it ioth two second oois here patch was pro at to underwritethe cost about 400 of getting theprogram started Thereafter the cost wouldib borne out of educational grant to city and province While having only praise forsthe pro gram most board members and the print cipais rejected the program on two grounds First there was not time to have it included in the regular curricu lum second this rogrard should not be financed by the hard Driver training it was held should be family respon sibility There could beagreement on the issue of costs while at the same time concern would serve to decrease the safety of all the lack of driver training for students There could be conjecture as to whether an expenditure of $10000 year is too much for the saving of evon one life It has been shown that students who have taken the course in other cities such as Kitchener have had almost completely TheCanadiandollar which provided the liveliest issue in the recehtfederal election campaign has had its share of ups and downs since it was establish ed asthe official currency of theuntted provinces of Canada on January 1858 Its value at that time was fixed at $4888 of the British pound For the first 11 years after Confederation in 1807 the United States dollar was at discount in terms of Canadian funds In 1868 that discount amounted to 31 per cent After the first World War tlte Canad ian dollar woakened dropping to82 cents in New York in 1021Tbis result ed from unpegging of the British pound in 1919 But bythe lattethalf corona the dollar had returned practically par Again after the United Kingdom abandoned the gold standard in Septem ber 1931 the Canadian dollar deprecia edsharply reaching lows in New York of 805 cents in December 1831 and 826 inApril 1933 But by November Down MEMORY LliliEfl DOMINION DAY 35 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner July 1927 Barrie marked Canadas eotn birthday with fit ting celebration splendid parade with five bands and 50 floats CNRhad an engine to represent the old Lady Elgin first to travel Toronto to Allandale Ioe Howcroft was at the throttle of the float which pulled car with rube band and caboose with number ofrailway veter ans Barrie Tanning Compays float de pi pg 60 years ago won first rize TheLady Elgin came to gr of ab the going bridge at south end hadsto be hauled out by auxihar Prizes for by Jean Laura Secord and Ruby Wiles Harris as as Lady Macdonald Realistic night attack was staged by militiamen from Simcoe Foresters Feature of track events was milerace won by Harry Part1 ridge Large program of aquatic ev ents featured threemile dinghy by McCarthy meht had 10 teams and at its team with Bert Robertson pitching wag first prize Horseshoe pitching saw Elisworth Crawford of Minesingbeattng prosecutionsVIEWS CAMPAIGNEPITHETS Charlottetown Guardian Talking of campaign epithets an ex change recalls that the late AISmith was born sharpshooter in this respect His aim was never more deadly than when raked his opponent Theodore Roosevelt The Barrie Examiner excepted wlamtm wanna Publisher surname Gauoni menu ltlpPlllItiIDN strainer Editor chances wapoe lulinlu Madam annoy WitSON dobsrrtptlnn rm no amnion lbo lmfltyduf nailinglo nae py lc by mil to Ontaiib pix mental zero titres um published lack of nsideratlon drive Hinds gistrarat throlugh wooden as best weekly newspaper in Canada over 1500 circulation make peace with the months shod llfll thereunx to 30 hen teenagerure oftennoted fortheir elesa driving and thorith of others Th suggestiontba driver traintng should be afamtly responsibilitymeans that members oftheifamily should pay ffor theitnstructto But to thoimatortty offamili as it means that father mother brother ststerwillundertake to teach the new driver This family training is reported as not conduciveto turning out good drivers There are too many adults rivlng on our roads today who cant themselves with proper care art courtesy Perha the time wiilcome when the Coilegla Board will be required to pro vide driver training because in this age of heavy traffic and high eedsexpert drivers are needed more antover be fore Driver training can be carried asT an extracurricular activity after school hours Rental of cars with Insurance and even the gasoline could bounded written by service club asKiwanis oi fered to do Main cost is payment for the services of expert driver instructors 1038 Canadian currency had reached premium in New York And so our dollar fluctuated generall at discount of five to 10 cents un the Second World War when the govern ment decided incontroi foreign exchange and fixed buying and selingrates of $110 to $111 for USdollars Infuly moths Canadian dollar was restored to or and remained there until devalued to e$l10 rate again in September 1049 following Britains 30 per cent devaluat ion of the pound year latter the of ficiat rate was withdrawn and the dollar was free to find its own level Heavy US investment in Canada and the boom of the Fifties pushed it Last summer for reVerso reasons its ue in termsof the US dollar beganyto declinaand the ovemment took the late movein May of this year of fixing the rate at 925 The dollar has lost none of its value in Canada and looking back on its hist ory since 1858 it may safely be assumed to comeback at least to par value with the US before very long out George Hunter of Stroud in singles while PeterIlook and Harry Hook of Bar rie won the doubles Public service of thanksgiving was held in Queens Park on Sunday afternoon Speaker was DArcy Osgoode Hall native Fine patriotic pageant The Romance of Canada waspresenlv ed by Cookstown Womens Institute in Barrie Town Hall Friday night Ex treme heat curtailed the attendance for sports eventsat fair grounds Creswicke secretary of Board of Trade received many letters of congratulation about the radio broadcast by Barrie are Ltists from Toronto The program was heardas faraway as Florida and Prince Edwardylslanda iiiarrie Examiner awarded Mason Trophy for second year Large party of Canadian weekly ne papermenv Bafie Wdy home from annual con VefltltJflflatBigwin Inn tendered motor tour of town Hardy Hill ysical director at Albe College Belleville engaged byBarrie warns Club to direct summer playground program and swimming instruction for local ldren by saying if bunk WasSeleotricity Colonel would be powerhouse of Smiths best phrases liveon in letts Quotations de gons they once slew Nob la Clatis The kis well Tighten in By McINTYItb HOOD landed England Correrpondrnttor The Barrie Examiner LONDON The new towns of England and Wales have proven to heone of the na llona moat profitable invest menta apart altogether from their social Value lnelimtnatv ins overcrowding ininduatriai areas and providing modern well laidtout houses for hand rods of thouaandi of people There are now twelve of these owltowna In England and Wal es and in addition to being out of the they hnva enioyed in their accounts big increase in the value of their land which has not yet been utilized for building The Town and Country Plan ning Association in its official journal Town and Country Thinning gives progress re port in which it declares This financial auccessia not generally recognized New towns are thehatlons most profitable investments combiningsecurity of income with suraprospect of gmwthglltedged blue chips The aurplup earned on these new developments runs to total of over $1500000 VITAL STATISTICS In addition to the if new lowna in England and Wales there are three in scatlmtd makiirg total in all of15 In these 15 towns some 360000 people have been housed and they nowhave combined pop ulation of 494000 The number 18000 andthey are serviced by new stories 201 new schools housing 103000 pupils and 604 factories with 06800 newvworkera Essex the corporation has completed its 10ottoth home and plans for 1902 inciude the opening of alostoreyblock apartmentain the town aqua Agreeth has been reached on project for loacra of play ingfielda with club house and an indoor swimming pool ALMOST COMPLETE At Crawley New Town in Sussex the task of developing of about 56000 people complete The second ill provide fornalural dey patent to at least 00000 bylitl Community rhmenitles are notr being overlooked In these new towns At Brackneil the town casrao TROUBLE Guelph Mercury Rumor persists that Castra wan VUS Observers ole thatgitussia is tightening its econ mic now hasvlto social groupswith adult membership gand sensationsfor young at Hamel Hempstesd seven fulltime youth leaders have been appointed and youth club have total member of 11W AtWelwyn Garden City is wrong as nonsense Canadian Dollar Up Down vanaupsntpnj Towns new be laida being ted thil year cone modatton is being provided for old people with the object of achievmg audio of five per cent of elderly people housed Harlow is building More bowling alley in the town cen tre and in 1061 the central library will be completed visit made on the second stag es of the town hospital and on an llstorey town hall and tel ephono exchange Progrcaa everywhere is the Jrcynotc of the new tovms and it is prolitdble progress T0 ShippingIinns Sign Contrabts MONTREAL tCP Seven glarge Great Lakes shipping companies have signed new your contracts with the Seafar cra Intornativnllllnion tlnd lt learned hora In the wake of announcement by trees nadlan Labor Congreaartbat it plans toboycott vcmia manned SIU crews on the Great Lakes ly tem TheS was understood to have dropped all wagodemands but secured two our reduc tion in the war week ten hours in the first year and further two hour reduction to to hours In the second car The companies signiyngytha contracts are Canada Steam ahipsLines of Montreal Paterson and Sons Lhnlted of Fort William Scott Miaener steumahlps Limited of Meat real Hall Corporation of Can adn Montreal Reach Sloane ablpa Limited Montreal YOUR coon neutral Dont UseBoracic llcid Eyew aymaru storm am Dear Dr Molnar Ifhave heard one or two doctorsrolt mark that boracic acid should not be used as an oycwnah have always used it that way Please give me your opinion AB Boric acid borncic acid is another name for exactly the some substance is not harm less It has feeble properties as an antiseptic it also hashtoxic lpolsonousl piopertiea Again theseare not powerful aacom see naobiection to th casional useoibortc acid asan eyewash but1 under ordinaryt circumstances the eyes don need washing or rinsing Th ts what tearsare forThe norm watering of our eye If on occasion are is some chrohic infection of the eyelids tbisdeserves accurate diagnosis and the use of one of the more modern and more effective drugswhich act more specifi caliy and more safely Doric hold lnsuch cases is simply hangover from an earlier time perhaps no more than decade or two ago when we didnt have anything better Now we do As foi oontinued routineuse of borle acid eyewashlet me ask one quesu Why use on anti scratch but donit use an antlsepti when we DONT have wound is true of the eyes nfection needs treatment buttheres no blessed reason foruslumedi when nothing cation of any kind Further great many mild for sometimes notrao mild eye or eyelid irritations arentbali rally infect rashes are or cough or itch becaus of allergy The pared with some of the rtdent of new mesvbulittsaround Jtos oddhive notice this if andonfor several ash be absorbed through the skin can be poisonous Weslmow it now While borated pnwdera twitha trace of boric acid can be all right for baby pow ders we dont approveairalght boric acid for babies any more Too much is absorbed through the skin Doric acid poisoning later used tobe more common than we knew Soms hospitals have elind naled boric acid from their pharmacies for this reason In my opinion it is best to elimi nate it from all family medicine chests lm no fanatic against boric acid but cant see much reason for it and can see some reasons against it so prefer using something better it any thing is needed ilear nr Molnar What in pyeionephrilist What are the chanceson it oomin Mn An infection of aout the kidney Causative factors ciude pregnancy diabetes kl ingot theureler and others the underlying cause isnt found and corrected or if the correct ntiblotic is not used to quell the infection the chanceau of recurrence are igb Its stub born ailment to rest but it is well worth the etandtelfort to do thorough ob Dear Dr in could cause Wale timea Vmucoua dtsch go from the rectum me an in the ekl eema to increaae+w ndvscio noose lewdad Camp Borden account org the bulk of the income from peanqu buttwbon tow dolhn more is needed reach the obloctivathe film also It kind panninaionbud on the itti ooh end as out uibla to udoon of of stimulus ranurallro call in or aura lot oopopu tflald oftho Ola inns po adanrii anngot an lilo dliyrccently verso articlojwhiehoftanded l1lo samuiawron doth moral yearsan by Johnny pl PEANUT VENDORS mum lot of people still weekend app on oflt batten lame they know some they dont boats buy peanuts too tomFdont Over onAnne their hMWmllyor log Street gentleman from West Virginiaeama along tendered US twentydollor bill and didnt want any exchange on his peanuts Ono welllubrlcatcd men weaved his way through the door and when asked to buy peanuts ro lied No tlianlra lust ha banana Malnexcuta for not buying when no murals needed at in No man diet Beer withouth is hot fat lng they ray TRAVED EDITOR of The Toronto Star perhaps is well versed al to Europe and the Caribbean but should look in to Georgian Bay Recent time had raadarlaaking about the 30000 Inland cruise from Penn havent heard ncondbueman of th Will ouc er ho windmill it almost on gollcracnnbo fid ci allytha dlra Within MINDS that one of ours portssdllou got the slugonet ght at Queens Pars duringo aottbaiira wound up in harp tat rs palra 111s editorwetmaon That wlaipbout 10year ago The cditorhoppanedtto be player The other player on gt incensed atheingdtnoclt at In We present Iportl editor but clogged yet but there ilIVO been intm becauseof la or undo jlnd dried to be at bopigerlh the northern mlning oun tr 00 course he wear glasses reruns sorroni vesrna AND ANNEXATION Dear Sir Barrie seem adamant in their intent toaacure part of Vespra to their city Two factions are already in the battle for and against Lloyd Bristow heads the for annexation He has largc holding of property in Vorpra We in the proposed annexation area are opposed to annexation for the following deeper into what will happen reasons our taxes immediately go away up We know that by watching Cundles who after thrca years are now just getting some of the promises given by Harris To those within the proposed annexation area seem to like the idea of annexation they think they will get street lights paved roads waterworks aew arage fire protection whether they have firewaier hydrants or not Better schools When Barrie now are taxed lo capa city on schooling curbs and aidewalkl doesnt this seem ludicrous away out on the 7th and Bth concessions west on Edgehlli Drive vhen even Bar rie is not adequately serviced yet with curbs etc7 GARBAGE DISPOSAL Now entersthe garbage dim posal atigma Barrie Council haa already been defeated twice in bids to annex part of Vesprs This Mr Barrie taxpayer costs you plenty of money Twice your leaders have been defeat edand we on the opposing aide anespra are going client to defeat you again Whyyou ask We like iheouiet aur roundings of Vespra Granted we do not have some of the amenities Barrie have and we dont pay the exorbitant arrie ratepayers have to con tend with either fill system but they don ratepayers living on the road to tho dump Storekeeper downtownoften get an extra supply of garblgeahd Ingrid their own truck out to the dump on the way outif its in Ves pro the loadicnn very easily shift and we In Veapra will have an abundance of garbage on our roads The present land disposal system in Barrie is excellent The city of Harris are doing good job butl for one do not think we in Vespra will get the same klnd of treatment if the dump it in Veapra it would take special policeman on duty all day to enforce that We dontwant dump We dont want lobe annexed we like Vespra the way it is The opposition hays been out this past Spnday headed by one young man who lives on the extreme fringe area to be annexed Well we he non annexation group aronnt asleep Legal advice has been arranged and we have very oapnble committee preparing theirplan of actionWe will be roaillng on you soon toadvlaa Barrie bought parcel of Alandin Vesprs thinking all they had to do was also dump in among to They found the Mn nicipal Boarddid not agree with Barrie Now again Barrie tries they speak alongtho clean land Iota rnoooar tdo foolishness of tbau Its a1symptamthAl ah preaching to save them that Shit the possibilitiesare co sure allergy ong Ourfsklnsg Jyls too being sensitive can ways or isvoras sr JOHNS Nfid CPI Richard Csshin toyearold Lib 115 but say theUsls always ready tohsten baton to formal offers Where thereis smoke there is fire tandltis weillrnown that Cubas economy eral making his debut in federal polities defeated Solicitor Genl Browne by is votes in West the returning final check dldcloaed Browne said quest re sahaa ourdaye in ske pplication for follows protracted react io allcrgiesq For this trouble antiseptch oanthelp except of course if infection ailerglo in ammatlon shortfhorlc not do prevent eyoitroubles tcan prevent or treat allergies It can trcal infections but other and things are more wont be toxic Not many years ag realize that bone acid which 31 one of the stanceawhichcan itecliv Spreedvo tool all heavy pl waver biliiwhan fuel anointiytltadvlen Coil THE we altith beiim Coridthtnnl 121 Preachlng that proclaim Christian toollahneu menn evenly on ma consumption ii high and other or toddyi you why we dont want to annexed DAINES no1 NEAR reasons LONDONIAPlTho bill to grant independence to Trinidad and Tobago was given unsun opposed second reading in Par liament Wednesday night It ref quires thirdreadlng before becoming law inner footing Mlltllltilllllt not healthier lawmand gar donxtor yodr familys outn Available At BROWN

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