Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1962, p. 10

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MCI marathw stances mic was fritoeaierv so SALI noon av soar animus use no mam dtilmhmiltmh An lab um liar In ssvmuosrV CONIIDENTLY wna FIOWERSI shtoacasaoita LUNCiIEON 11180 mm 72pm at BAYVIEW TERRACE Shanty Bay Road Blake St Help yourself to aotip or juice and bulldja terrific sandwich to stilt you Garnlab it with celery olives and pickles Sei ectlon ol cbecrcs Choice or dessert and coitca 3135 EVENING DINNERS FROM Phl Drive minutes and save 30 Youll be glad you did status HAPPY OCCASIONThe birth your ohilal To tall the seed news to triands and aelsboers The name criminal Iiimead Blailsra as near as your tair phone The day birth iuat algaPA Mile The rate is only euoaoeaanrs ranunsorveaox Mrl May Patterson ot barrio announces the Ingalomrnt at her daushiar Llllw abth Arm to Mr Bernard Cook son or Mrs ltuhy Cook et Tar onio The marriage II to take place Saturday July It i002 in Contra United Church Barrie al ans mu TIOIIHOUCII Mn Leonard lion ol Cookalown Ontario wishesto annaunra the cause meat at her sranndaushier Gloria iaan Tllhc oi Kitchener to Adult Gauch Inn at Mr and Mrs Adam Coach at Itltchcnar Ontario The marrlaoe Is to alto placn nn vsatuiday Auausi ll mt at it am In St Annes Church hitch ener Ontario CARDS OF THANKS CUNNINGHAM NA Maldrin Cunningham and Iamlly express their sratltuna to cvdryiina or their kindncaa sympathy and new ars received duringthetr barew man In the lore oi dear huaband and father comic EVENTS MARYS BEAUTY SALON ANNOUNCE THE OPENING RR N0 BARRIE to miles soth an Highwaydi OPENING SPECIAL Paaiiis tsso SHAMPOO AND SET $115 Ior afternoon and evening appointments phone PA Noel Square and Modern DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Oakvlew attached nnae near Call Burnt ROM oats Aliial canals ya man eaten an chiller TAT JIMID Ia new one AW atloh Iamily sire klin piece Illedbath with builtin vanity full basement withtwc place washroom plus abower This home is lnaxccllent co dltion Inside and out and ep raseata excellent value Ior your money Make an appointment to saeliits homevleday Terms BEDROOMS tit7oo oaly la the asking price for this louriyearala brick bedroom bungalow Large ktl chen tiled tour place bath Iuli basement laundry tuba Iorccd siroil healing equippcdwith aluminum storms and screens Low down payment to one Niliv mortgage that carries for 00 monthly lncludlg lateral prin cipal and taxes ALLANDALE 39500 all price Ior this broom brick dwelling located In Al Iandale Oil hosting built In cupboards with stainless steel basin lull basement garage plus good garden This home is In good clean condition and well located Down payment only $2000 and the balance on one open mortgage BEDROOMS $750 DownPa mani $13100 full price tor th roomy bedmorn brick bungalow Living room and dining room combination kitchen piece tiled bath large basement with forcedair heating This prop crly is equipped with storms and only nboutt years old and well located to schools Immed iate possession with $750 down payment FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 50 acres more or less at blightly rolling farm land including about to acres oI hardwood bush located about 17 miles north at Barrie on which is lo opted to slitroom dwelling with ipiecc bath double garage barn 40 60 equipped withcar rier concrete Iloar steel stab llng with water bowls chicken pen silo implement shed abuhL dant supply of water and heavy hydro throughout Would sell or exchange for larger farm CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member of the aunt and District Real Estate Board be 01 tqiyaaeouve TED TO RENT airman on any Wittbtecuiavaw heed Mammals tooxim Antics Ninth warrants Cotter nui at oft Wmeyxdafl Ill IOOM lotus to rant on Iisinltmtl smut nabla rent Tale hona honor lIui Tcioml titratirlntonnatian uli IWOALOW Ior mi In Wat owvacao osll Ilaaiiora hone About WOB llLiTIllll bob Togas noon houaa Attached so IMMEDIATE II can SIMONindium in am lstkkad It answer bid onihouutor Mertgfig Iganzbmhcre it In sari Warmerus Immediatepm rAyis YOUR BUDGET assleo Telephone Ivy Dill its you NEED gson Vlniwkl unionism lconceit OTo oonsolldala dabtaf wlax 1or not all all existing mortgagee rut if shortsm coming one am in Iurtna Inloroiatlon POI DOOM tarnished till Ior rent one mile irons Cuddles Avaliabialuly siinss azbnooai aunsainv 5st ea Oil turnca Partl Ilia lahaa recreation room Two locks twin publie school and tantra AvailabiaAusust Iull and buy In tba has MORTGAGE emit aadCrcatdaotlal aim ioaaad on Hartman rrta New la release PA HI 100 3MTH adieu sbloektrom schools andkbopping Brlek rooms attachedgnrage corn lotnlcelyezlandacapadi Wary otter considered Ownernmtasi out oiclty and must eli acre lot withgoo paved road ONLY REAtTOR rs hoist NORTH STREET Three bedroom brick bungalowa yearaold on quiet trecd street This well kept home hasllvlng mom with nice large window facing south kitchen and lIpleca bathroom Full basement nice grounds Priced at sizaoo terms arranged Ready Ior your Inspection Cali its anythne at PA 60141 mcaraa 0N Ith sshcba Twelve miles from Barrie north shore with too it frontage Welltrccd grounds Cottage with bedrooms sun par living room dining room kitchen Hot water in cottageBoathouac BRICK HOMEIN LEFROY Enioy serene community living see this bedroom brick home wilhoplecobsthroom good well and pressure system Living room kitchen with pantry lull basement All In good repair Price $5750 partcash Ior down payment JoanLnng PA 55761 Charles head PAMth Smith Gnmpbcii PA 87389 Member at Barrie and District Itaalttfatata lioard GRAYDON KOH REAL samba aaosaa iis DUNLOP sr sass PA 84252 re assoc Graydon KohlPA ssoos aiu sownrs oon Marlon RutledgePA s57iia Vans Lroo Next doorto the imperial Theatre AllEYOU INTERESTED In the best buy in Barrie bedroom home in Allandale lassthan ti000downlA very suitable Iamlly ham Below market value Cail Happy Hopklns PAZHIBI evenings ozrnaii sr int Guthrie Ior retired couple by bus stop on paved road ls acre oi lover garden troonis fireplace andali nvaaiences am fishs is incubus inn PRIVATESALE 30 Newton STREET Owner Iranslerred Spotless three bedroom brick bungalow Recreation rom Carport Storm and oercens Handy to schools and downtown Bscrliice 111700 or best otter PA 66792 New three bedroom home bargedlving reo kitchen with inrgediaing area lots at can boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures voo lty dividedbasemt Large lot In good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE was 341QUEENST New three bedroom brick bun gatow Combination living and dining room with fireplace Cus tom kitchen cupboards colored bathroomllxtures and tile with vanity Close to all schooloaad downtown Low down payment VITO Open Iorliaspectioa 34 QUEEN ST tomboy owner Pour Iavais tour bedroom Davlepbuilt llama on Start Street Many ultras also able down payment dulled For appointment to Inspect PA ems THEE BEDROOM Brick Billin low oil Iurnacc finishedrccraav tlon room with threplaca and lotsth bedroom last end location Lentsnt to achool and shop ping Talephana PA assoc van allch Bunslowithree bedrooms larsaitvlns room also in area builtIn china cabinet and bullet kitchen tour piece IF YOU WANT Your Next Heine To Be Near ASohoolr We limit Cool In summer warm to win tor this solidly built brick home on Torontostrcct across them Hilicmt School WANT IT SOLD We have increased our sales Iorceand are laiposltlon to give you even better service Prop arty listedvwlih tta receives our personal lattention regards less oivnlue and lesdvenlscd regularly Call aowand let no talk hover with you You will be under no obligations MoleiSltea Moiclr Subdivision Land LAND WANTED Your Innd listed with IL for sale hasa better chanccol being soldWc have cash buy era for large and small tracts Call our land department for eiIlclont sales service ACRES ONLY $7500 EASYTERMS Your eyes willpop out when you see this land with LIVE STREAM running through natural LAKE SITE Toicnty two 22 acres Phone is nooaas Real PA Mortgage Funding over SimhpsonoScars UNLOP ET Member Ontario Mariusa brokers Itaaoei tion MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation at Bills Home repairs etc No BONUS LOW RATES LIFE iNSURED $l 549 ot$56 Monthly $5544 at$90Monthly tip to 35000 and ottmoath to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT PA 66477 I4i Dunicp St lllillI aauaoois Nome ideal tier iarseIamiiy Ampia play ground or rhilar school III inst room Iraaia house not Suitable Ior no any tlibs llanta or lilo montb Tenant may aubls art See it at 17 amped suitable telephon Emory REAL ESTATE aaosaa 232 Tiifin st rs oiaai WTNOB CALIA Kart Mlllhlii PA 917 Ema Millar PA eons Member at Ilia Darrin and District nut liltllo rd PAH37th JOANNE STREET Real Estate Broker Nice bedroom bungalow rea 50mlny priced Down payment Estate Broker PA 07236 or RR BARRIE and monthly paythenls to be TELEPHONE Mrs Norah Raikes0ro am arranged Call Happy IIap DAY OR NIGHT ltinsvPtootbi eveningsPA PAR7952 asiss LACE too WELLINGTON5mm Surrounded by plenty oi trees nice bedroom bungalow on Le Drive areas APARTMENTS FOR RENT me Will unfurnished one bedroomapartinants rivata attir deck and balconies rapes aur IlldRLlilIld hint as anon ear Dad Plaza Teio PA Mm Try Examiner Want Ad PHONE on oasis QBUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ear About Low notes By Month or Year Telephone PA 02414 LET us DELIVER PLASTERING IT FOR YOU PLASIERING do REPAIRS Community Centre Wasaga Beach soa SCOTT had the ConadianPioncers Caiier HAROLDHARTON Featured orchestra and collar glam CFTOs Country Style TV ow DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 coupla Fortahlc reservations PHONE ELMVALE was OHRISTADELPHIAN Openhir speakers continue their indoor talks at the OWEN ST YMCA Infant baptisma are the can crcte evidence that the churches of Barrio are teaching for doo lrlnes the commandments oi merit LEARN TRUTH AND LIVE You must be water dipped upon correct belief to he saved Wevfealure an open questioning of the panel THIS SUNDAY EVENING PM All welcome No collection lire Nominated For Umon Posts BURY total of minalcd for the nine positions on theJamporary executive at Local has of the International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workersrtlhdt nok Corld Albert Rouilltfo Thomas Taylor word It hated for president oltbeoi7 Buttmember local Vatlrig went through two shilts Thursday and it was not khanas when result would be Iectlon followed the to expiry of the termini he executiveboerd led by Don ls branded to human Smith Norm Deskth Curly llllaostarman Lea Pope bestowgrove Memoirs at the Barrie Ir Keith Marshall nuns Larsen siiom PA 84592 is coarraaron so BAHIIIE ACRES on paved road close to Barrie Largo brick home kitchen liv ing Iroom bedrooms basa men Somo lruit trees See his one today for only $8000 Terms arranged IS income property what you are looking for Then he sure to call us today for an appoint ment to inspect one of the ex cellent buys we now have One triplex on Wdrsley St sellcontained apis with an in come ottzts per monihPneed Ior quick saiaj One apt bidg on Victoria St with self contained apls with an income of $310 per m0 ozaoo FULL PRICE For this lovely lat overlooking Kempenteit Bay 60 200 FRANK NaLLiis gt PA Milli Ilambarl3srria and District lien Estate Board HAROLD snacoMpsnv Realtors oeaaYIIELD sa PAOMSSQANYTIME WINGS CALL ttychmlae PA 37de PA M013 Pli Old PA NIH PA dlifll Rear Estau Board Homes Farms Businesses REALTOR PPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTAT BROKER UNLOP rec room Forced air oil heat nnm an eerie District all corn Iott Iait Drive zxacutiv in the country Six roamed frame and=stonc bungalow eonslstihgrai lovely living room with fireplace large family room with ample windows large nieelyplanned kitchen sun room two bed rooms and tour piece lllcd bath Good pourcdcemenl basement dry as hone year round FAO heating Large lot 130 150 withdoubie garageypatio bar bonus and modern steam bath Asking price only $15000 with 85000 down Vendor villiake back balanceon and mortgage with easy payments DOWNTOWN BUNGALOW Tidy six roomed bungalow hot water heated in condition ante and span insideand out with garage Nice lot Moder ateiypriccd Just the location for elderly people or tamlly without oar 67 scans 0ftlcvei land on good road two miles iromhighway with about ten acres at lovely hard wood bush surrounding spring Ied stream An ideal spot for trout pond and relaxatl ECONOMY FORTHE LARGER FAMILY threeyearold storey and hall six roamed home with large kitchen living two bedrooms and tour pece bath on main iioar zbedroonis and eoe bath PSIEIISrFllu base meat with nearly aomplelcd Ing This house Isimmaculate and priced at only $12495 Termscan be arranged to suii the must at pocketbooks Close to schoolslaad churches INCOM PROPERTY On MapieAvenue near Rosa Priced to seiluAn Avi short term investment Iull price pine bath with sunny Located kicerark Square distal and issrde bedrom anolt Ilvl home well located Has dining desired NHA terins0wner Member at well trecd lot beauty it you ever saw one See itiio day Call Ralph BonitafiPA asset eveningsrPA soars We have several excellent terms for sale In the surround lng district Call Italph Bookc PA 60401 evenings PA 00001 ALSO PROPERTIES roa RENT 45ADUNLOP sr PA 66481 Memberol Barrie and District Iteal Eatata Board HENDERSON aaeron iocoaaim 5mm PHONE PAS1678 NEW LISTING lovely rug brick Five rooms Recreutloaoooin Above aver age landscaping Very reason able terms Call Percy Ford LARGERANOH STYLE Davies builtOver 1300 so its Attractive sa 160 lot Lovely farce big Hanover kitchen tiled hath with vanity three bed rooms panelled rec room Nearly new Immaculatecon ditionmstomo Carries for $104 including taxes For appointl mcntlcall Emerson Swain COLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL lovely setting in an excellent treed areas Fireplace in Cir shaped living and diningtroom French provincial kitchec oer amic lllebaih with vanity three bedroom divided bssc ment for two more room it moved ou Scandrctt WRONG CALL IlIIItrSCANDIlElI on asses aoaom more as new raiser soap on arose EMERSONBWAINPA ease to town Call Rita Owen Street Centrally located t25000 Cus tam built home nicely land scaped lull size dining room four large sized bedrooms two bathrooms den large heated sunroam garage and drive Call Walter Coulis For those who do not wish to pay all their lives Each unit consists or living room klteh en hall two bedrooms and bath Small down payment Ven dar will hold first mortgage Call JooVrcugdcnhll couar BOTIIWELL Wcil maintained brick see room bungalow with 1004 sq It Iloor area kitchen accom modates breakfast sat living room ism dpc hath decora concretc floor and blockswalis paint gate rice $12500 NlIA mart gage $0900 at monthly pa meats 50172 Owner tr red Inspection ooaDON no courtsrs Mire warmm ALICE WORMGTONATEOUD Attractive three bedroom rick bungalow Lshaped living and dining room large kitchen with Hanover cupboards Flnished NHA mortgage bath llnlsltld recreation room landscaped Near schools ah pins and bua Telephone PA 01 or PA amt so Daniuz AND Area properties sold In the past law weekar Client with 000 down looking sor brick bungalow in the west end Clientwlth LOW IWUIJI Ior two storey brick home in tha weatend Client with $500 looking or house payments not to exceed era for month Client all cash rcqu res home In west end II garsh Real Dials PA Real Estate Broker Barrie THIS IS SPECIAL paved district Define property Ior or rcn or three unit apartment near Oriiila canalstlnl at large list on paved road No unit has kitchen llv in room twobedrocmarandbathr No bachelor apartment has DUPLEX dowANI so Indbedroom and haul nnledu Baaernont apartment has kitchen living room and three bedrooms and bath Hat air oil furnace Ve neat property linking price til Jaw down ent Must be said Owner tea area Cain baliand slimy Reli nuts III TA Donald Camp CORNERJONATHAN CRESCENT Manor cunning bell PA 42292 U5 OPPORTUNITIES ed In pasteiIhsdes Basement Backyard fenced with anafc Real Estate Board PHONES crncé rs sues Evenings asedrhrr otaarnca District THAN Noni loia Oietboiisands who are operating sueccssiully In this newiaod Industryi erlc wire or phone ShitplexJIotbar Sales Suite 100 sotYouge Sir Toronto Telephone 91 lOITT PA 82111 UTIBuPt um SANDY CO Iilm Lawn mannaas seats Ion ununamvauprnjsszos iozsiaAaANE ijamp Borde LAUNDRAMT FOR SAL 17 Units Thrivin usiness Contact aseyh Cit 43284 Iohlolt nd washroom in ltached garage PHONE MOVING Dont forget to transtcryour INSURANCE rid ityou need tga coverage any kind sea STEVENSONS VTELEPONE vDIRE ORY tyros Nitsrea Nu aaas anon Ian at lane with som amall Irult trees Owner Willi laundry room Good view Wall kitchen combination living room Parking HAlRDRESSERS CITYWIDE Delivery Service PA 83949 silt to on DAILYI INCLUDING sunoav APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service lil DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING SERVING SINCE sosoi FOR APPOINTMENT manna PA scoot excayarino Flu GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS POMPED Exuvatiag and GradingWatzr Delivery Crushed stone Hal yard Backhoe tor airs DENNISMOBAN so Anne Street Emir as new FORSHOVEL W0 Excavating Backm Clam DEEWE Cemct Busting or soloing may boom shovel Iro tioadlng levelling or tiling Doses work and trucking Good top soil OCIIV cred or loaded oaryourown truck Phone SRWBTICOIDIWC tlon as can FLOOR COVERINGS annals FLOOR lie WALL TILE SALES AND SERVICE IA MAPLE AVE Opp bus terminal Ltnaleum and Vinyl Ills UBheet nods Coramla Ltin Cliardwood floorins Els Colgplzta line samples Free vstlmaies day or evenings Workmaasblp guarADiecd Tree PHONEPA OW EVENINGS PA 34952 Charles Lawson Props CLIFFORDI HAIR FASHIONS Individual ityling Moderate rates GRANT scissor STUCCO Ii STONE Free Estimate SAM CRYER PA 61675 STUCCQ STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILING ROOMS ARCHWAIS rsrcaas FTCOEBIIIan Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK PhoaoAl Smith Lelroy 60M Collect sensationalist EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Denim Spray Painting Service sincettm BRLBarrla PAW EXPERIENCED Painters and Decorators TREE ESTIMATES 0N interior and Exterior Work Dawson DENouoaN PHONE rs omi REFRIGERATION VsiANVBRYSON aaraioaaarion scams as captains St UPHOLSTERY uMAYFAIR CARPET AND UPIIOISIEBY Cleaning On Location Or III Oui Plant Pickup Delivery and Storage PA sisi west OIGGING WELLSDRILLED PUMPSDYSIAIJED av Licensee ohmsas nape assurances Coupland Drilling PA 87646 bpsn Day belore publiaolloii PHONE PA 124

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