roamsiaorsa csrry lead through street in Duane do Carlos limit during nation Shout BraZilidtis Taste Lead RIO DE JANEIRO Tanks and troops chiorcad colrrt on nearby Duane do day alter ironzied mob ing wowant ioodt iuadamd more than 100 stores run nlng tight with police and shap keepers Mayor Adollo Dnci said to persons were killed and more hon loo lnlurod bcioro army units quellad thn rioting and sackingia that cltyolsomoh0 000 about 10 mil ndrthwest oi Rio No olher persons wererev portod itiiicdjlp similar but leiss violent iood riots in the ltio sub urbs at See Jane do Meriiland Nova lguacu The riots erupted during lgenorul sirlk calcd by leaders dcrn ltion uii lcliist Prcs dent Joao Gouinrt and the Conscrvaiivcdominnted parliament Alter coaierrlng with Gouiart the national union leaders called halt tothe strike lest midi night lint union chicls in ion lartshomo state at lilo Grando do Sui injected plea irom Governor Leonel Bliltllll Gou wills strikeiand unrest that struck the country yesterday lortsi brotherinlawfl aad de clarcd new work stoppage to lllGllElt lflQFlTE the cod riots resulted irom the ovornments attempt to controprices on such staples an beans llour rice sugar and salt lantheiaoo oi the countrys laiiailon Storcosmorsohave been withholding theirihmple sup plies at these items in hopeaoi getting higher prices later Long llncsoi housewives have termedin iront oi Riostores this week asvsuppilos dwindled Early this week 20 persons were iniuredin load riot in thesuburb oi Niioroi lha transportation crippling strike settlrc stngoior the vi lease in bonus do Qantas Th llroussndsoiwmksn tourench owners futirlngl violence shut tercdthclrshogs Angered or or marched on one storejahautlng we wantioadfl guard drew pistol and tired two shotsbit ting child witnessrregortcd The mob became cnrage do the guard to dosinsirlpplat store and burned Expect To lieachiigreéilleni To Settle Truck Strike Today MONTREAL CPlAn agree ment settling the strike that has tied up eight Montreal trueklng iirms lor three months was ex posted today Company representatives and the international Teamsters Un ion ilnd conciudeda day of intensive negotiation Thursday without public comment but it was learned that joint state mcnt would be made shortly This coupled with reports that the 1400 strikers would be asked to attend an important meeting today indicated an agreement has been made and that the members would be asked to ratlly it No details were made public orrnwa CPlLiving costs advanced during May to atec ord high level due to ssharp rise lnlood prices and higher costs oi housingand clothing Theconsumer primindex the wake of the Maya dollar devaluation rose twofliths pointlo 1305 on June lair 1301 month earlier Todays report by the bureau oi statistics did not indicate how much at an lmpaciwas caused by devaluation oi the dollars exchange rate to 9216 US centsostc which in creased prices of mporta The latest index level com ï¬areawlih the previous record lgh oi 1303on April and is points higher than the its mark reached June last year Thelndox is based on prices equalling 100 Food prices rose on broad iront during May siiecting basicfoods such as beef pork lamb veal ehickven ilour lchecse cake mix coiiee most iresh cgatableo grapelrult and apples The load gt index irose more than airpolat to 1256 on end personal care June lliro 15 amanth eare ii owe er prl ior some The union had demanded wage increase oi so cents an hour and the companies had oi iercd 20 cents spread over thrceyear contract The trucking companies were reported to have re worded some of the clauses in the pro posed eoniractnnd the discus sions llrursdoy apparently were about the new phrasings Although wages are the main issue number at iringe bcn lite and work rules are also at stake an hour ior yard helpers Highway earn about average produ eggs ircsh milk some lists strawberries orange juice and canned vegetables wan some now STEth Clothing prices other Varese onsumer budget hit by lnercasesi Price indexes held stable for transportation health and tobacco and alcohols ihe advancein living osts iollowed slight decline in dustrial wages during April The index oi average industrial wages and salaries at May latest date availablewas seer compared with 1072 month earlier and tell year earlier The index lsrbased on 1040 wages equalling 100 The wages indexer compute from survey at firms employ as more than 10 persons and covering wide range at indus tries represents an average oi total wages paid increases in rentshomeown hip costs and pricesoi iurai floor coverings utensils and egrdpmentpnshed the hous Ingpriceindex to 1340 from 134 between May it anddunel minority in parliament and the Basic pay rates now are $155 transport drivers 750i year on the soureeii at the the tire increase rs gallon at new gave ov AP Wircphoioie er Then the mobinoved on down the main street withclubs and arcs Some riotors tired pistols the witness said Police an shopkeepers taught the monitor several ours as shop nite hop was sckcd R10 CLOSED TIGHT The general strike virtually shut down Rio No plavaes buses trains or lorries moved Most lndustrias banlu oilieu and shops were shuttlght The strike was less attractive in other cities The slopgnqe originally had beencaiic protest the naming oi Conserv ativeSenator Auru do vMoura Andrade as prime minister in stead oi remember oi Goularts Brazilian Labor tor ohiyss Andradevqult the strika inca dirtputn wlthï¬oui last over selection of navy and air force ministers inr the new cabinet Des lie the resigna tion the an leaders went ahead with the strike to try to force parliament into naming member at Goularts Labor pubstyte the prime ministers it But the Labor party is in the two bigger Conservative par ties are insisting the next pr me minister come irom their ranks hours out Apriestvwas making his way horna one nlghtwhen man shoveda gun in his ribs and with string at oaths ordered the clergyman put up hishnnds As he complied his clerical collar become visible Embar rassed the thug apologized at admonished himl ï¬lesson to youlI priest nsbai ti iss ginlu saide Faulkner iii varsity some homer in Oxford Faulkner his recent years sity at Virginia lecturer in Arnori ll He won the prize in loss jDetails oi the de available but sourc oatcd it was of net Erlctc visit Australiarirom Fob ate lllarch asvncxt year mashed their way into the liicr Street llns Serviceststlonlutnlght lore lag open illin cabinet ranv lockingthooiil saghhroak lag peatha tilt to llarrls the st onpro said tiltsmommy he so not yet calculated how much bsdbecn stolen entire extent at ihsdamaga lie said he had locked up the station which stands on the corner at Colliersnd Clapper ton Streets at pm and iseovsrcd breakinset am too clock inside the elites he stopped at are Mr iinrri said glasspans ingths was sent door had been smashed ad feltfpntrl hadoeea made through that oer Barrie City or are invost tins ï¬ESULTS Harrie Ccalral Collegiate examination malts win be ionarl an Page Queen so via Australia In csuaaann tllpulor ihe Queen and Prince Phllinwlll Robert nigh He said theroyal tour has been attended to Iallow the Queen andtho prince to relax aboard the royal yacht Britan nia along the Australian coast it was originally announced that the royal couple would spend only about iour weeks in Australia They will tour New Zealand irom Feb to to Premier Keith Holyoakc announced in Wellington llasoid the addition at two days to the go originally planned will allow tailor pro gram without ovcrtoxiag the Quoaaand Phlll monste announced gt With out Home Lennon floaters lhant acting United Nations secretarygeneral held world ranging talks today with liary eign Secretary Lord Home Thant here an short oliicial visit Thursday night had dis cussions with Prim inlster Macmillan The talks were understood to cover such questions as UN iii nances the Congoproblem and stalling otths world bodys sec retariat once by the Quean Buckingham Palace wmsaaoo helium ltod Laver sirokedbls wayito as a2o1Cvictory ovar tellawv Australian Marty Mulligan to day to win themeno singles title at the Wimbledon tennis championships for th soeoa consecutive year noaaavna on tCPiihc Tranche River iirerronrnsd throughlhs uninhabited regions west at here Thursday like hour In berry patch The ciiorisoi ooo lumber Jcks and soventonker aircruit wereiutiio Authoritles sold only has rain could stoptha ilre whic has doubled size to more than so square miles in theilast two days Hall dazenother mater tires also grew lnthe Quebec woods Thursday but only has threatened geommunlly Villagcrs atLae Csyamaht oomllos north at otthws turned to theirhorneslhursdsy night niter0u llrciighters halted blaze that threatened to ds siroy the settlement They used bulldozer to build milelong halimiie wide and barrier around the village Flames ate thoir way to thin lilo test at cement the houses The wor tires were in the LocSt Jenn reg nsurround ing this continual yiss miles northwest oi Queue city and 11g Dbclcrss Leave EGINA CP Fourdoci iors leit Saskatchewan Thurs day as result oi threats aris ing irom the doctors strike against the COP governments compulsory medical care insur ance plan They left amid speculation that Premier Woodrowbloyd may be seeking outside media lionan idea which the Saskat cbewari College of Physicians and Surgeons relected earlier The speculation grew aiter mprcmicrviiew to undisclosed destinations in Eastern Canada Thursday the ilithday eithett strike lie was expected back here tonight ortearly Saturday And Deputy Promised Brockelbank saidvthe cabinet has been considering calling special session oithe legislature to aniattcmpt to settle the dis pm in Regina the Kee burDoc tors Committee whch had sought delay in the July start at the medical care plan an aounced plans tor mess pro testrally Wednesday on the legislature grounds committee statement said fWe will demand that the prov incial government ceasezto lg nore theexproseed wishes oi the people and take immediate skips to suspend the medicare ac The College olv Physicians Surgeons has said suspension at is necessarybeiore docto Vclis Medicare pagploy BRONTO is seasonshrine charges he ccomplice la scoomrnunisl plot to overthrow th arlyle Brockoi Eric icmple said Thursday allned medicine islnspired and has irom ands sons duri lot one ay on killed 753 persons our it ideal time Tuesd 3A leaguamnlie him was homing so miles north at hero on Chantisrs ingnon Limited Property along the Portal Rivers About 2000 cards at wood went its the slash ilro The Trenceliivur lire also in slash has burned 6000 cords oi wood we th0000 andtwo wooden brld es as Well as low scatter iishing comps Two other tires were burning nortboi Lac St Jean on leases ownedby the St Lawrence Pa per Corporation One was eight armors mllcsjin site the other V9 Largest in tho Abltlblirogloa was tire so miles west oiPan out line on the Blueberry River An llCllFv helicopter bulged lorry in 400 men to the out rock on Eddy leases lit ValSonncviiie th ior nstry department reported numerous tires breaking out over oasounremllo areav and iira between Barrauto and Val dor was eight miles long and one mile wide Anather in the Malartle re gion had any 1000 acres rus shreots service More Ihan200 oi the colleges 700 practising doctors sat up omcrgeaey services at 35 dec ignatcd hospitals when the plan wentvlnio ellcct Spokesman said the number oidoctors has dwindled by about sound it is uncertain the iree voluntcr service maintained Thursday Medical Care insurance commission adminis teringjthe plnn made its iirst reimbursement to patient De tails payment were not disclosed At Canora Seek 50year old doctor died Thursday of heart atthclr hospital officials said Dr Kasey had sui icred heart condition for some time Another Canora doctor said both he and Dr Kusey had ceived anonymous letters ear lier in the day which accused doctors oi rebelling against the people At Swlit Current is senior doctor in the district coroner Dr Davidlerczan ieit let tcr with colleague announcing his dapartu because oi threaism letter signed by the Swiit Current citizens saictyi commit ee threatenedharmliidgeiors ITEFS ng official oi North Saskatchewan government lmperlaiehiei3 rotation at Saskatchewaas communist meat announced today duriug striking ship handlers Labor Secretary gt Algerian factions ayrHODEBT lCE oTitllVAiCPllhegovern seeking court lion to halt the shlpthsadicr bo cgit which hastlpdup the to reuse Stairway and wlliarpoiat commissioners invcsiiaa the opcrationandraetivlties oi the Scalarors intsrnsilonslU on oi Canada undo vih ouncemedt wasmade Minister comment by tuber Starrbnd Trans rt Minister aaicer altera ong coniaronce wltli Prime Min er Dicienbokor Mr Eelcar said tions ihoboycoit are be ing sought in Torontoond in htonirca LEHN TORONTO CPt Mr tlco Fraser oi the Ontario High Court oi Justice today granted the St Lawrence Bea wsy Authority on lniunctlon or beck to work The announcement said the special iaquiry will look into matterwelding to thcdisrup tlon ofshlpplngvln the Great Lakes the stLawrence ltiver system and connecting waters ltlr Star told reporters that the composition otihe inquiry boardwhether one orrnore members would be decided soon As soonas we set it up it will be in he said Mr tar also he has been in toucer Arthur Gold berg to seek renewed Us cl torts to release ilv Canadian ships owned by Upper Lakes Shipring Limited irom boycotts in ive American lake orts lie did not name the pa or the ports The statementissued by tub two ministers came 21 hours alter seaway workers members at the Canadian Brotherhood oi Railw Transport and nerai American ll vessels carrying is trownbal sing to the SW in Canada United the the States the St La bound1tohavo on economy at this anti unrcst creaied by the puics lathe sh ppin industry Canada the president ol the St Lawrence Seaway Authority will apply to the courts or ad iniunc ion to restrain thefboy colt by tho calls at Sillr manned vessels seotringto cn tor the St Lawrence Sc ay and the Wellandycunal Atthe some time the or nautical has decided to cstsb lish within the next iow days an inquiry under the Industrial Relations and Disputeslnvesib gallon Acta into matters relate ing to the isru lion shipping in thaGreat Lo as the St baw roneo River system and connect ing waters including the opera tieh and activities oi the SlU The termsoi the inquiryas announcchby the two minih ters appcnrcdto be wide ranging gl ng investigators scopsto dig into all aspects oi the turbulent maritime union situation on the Great Lakes in ciudlag SiU activities ihorhavebcn regained sp or alias pcnlsstartlng more ago for auction love at the SW which whalhooted out oi the Canadian Labor Con gress two years ior delylng the congress constitutloa Egg othertiliions mern The SlU headcdby Hal Banks on American cutorcd Canada in lesson in campaign to oust the Communist led in nadian SeamensUnlan Since then it has gained dominance over Canadian seamen manain lake shipsa supremacy chaf lenged now by new union the Canadian hlarvitime Union established by the CLC to oblit erate the SW illgerianisoiiiio Cairo vTryToReconcile Nationalists By new sac ALGIERS AP Algerias delegate to the Arab League ilewhereirom Cairo today to make new effort to reconcile opposing nationalist leaders in the wake oi bloo lawiick e1 Medsnlbrought an oiler irom the Arab League to mediate the dispute between Premier Youssci lien Kheddas moderate regime and rebellious Deputy Eremier Ahmed Ben Bella radical leitist The leadership split has raised the threat of ciyiiwar In the iant state mi lienï¬lZella who fled lane alter breaking withrBen Khedd last weekend conierred Thurs day with Modsnl and withlres ldaht Nasser oi the United Ara Republic whohas tried unsuc cesshiliyte reunite th inning Bea Bella arr Mosicm today with Abdel Khaiek Has sauna Arab League secretary general who has altered the icaguesmediatlon and his own Arcadineas toga to Algiers to meetwith Benlthem ion Bella opposesnen Khed daa policiesoi co operation with France and with Algerias Europeanmlnority but insists his dispute results solely irom lienllhcddas dismissal last weekend at 5three nationalist army com ma all are Ben Khedda accused them at plan ninzl coup to install Ben Bella invpowar Halithe commanders mil tory zones withinvAlgeria are baeking lien Bella lntho dis pate dThursday the com manders the loose xman nationalist army still in exile in Morocco relented Pen thd das authority and declared they do not recognize the dis missals gt path Vwith the mayiii ti Union