Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1962, p. 5

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casa niacin Agents of the Eedernl Burg vestigatlon place lIan dollars In cash on table In the bureaus Newark NJ olIIcaIodey The money along with pistols and gammuaitlon rim foreground in the Inink to es la garage by workmen yesterday The Fill saidilles HUS Has Device To Stop WASHINGTON AP The United Stator has Informed Its European allies oi the succesa iul development of new as crbt electronic lock which will be used to reinforce saieguards against the accidental or unau thorizedflring oi nuclear weap om President Kennedy Ia ex pected to ask Congress soon for an appropriation of funds to compete work on the device and start manufacture and In stallation In nuclear wea aus Tho allies were told rough the North Atlantic Treaty 0r ganicatlon It was learnedythat the new electronic lock will broaden the margin oi satety In nuclear weapons control sys tems and strengthen direct con trol over weapons by top com manders USi oiIicInls said the development of Increasingly sc cure control systems becomes more important as the number oi weapons Increases The ocking device already Is periected tor the larger nuclear weapons such as warheads de played in the European NATO area Ior use on medium range ballistic missiles MIdeat can authorize the actual The device Is described as an use at atomic weapons Benne domesiiiul Swinging stakes electromechanical system con trolled bya radio signal to be sent from command head quarters remote from the actual missile site In eiiect the device In Its nor mal position makes break in the electrical circuit necessary to the firing of the nuclear war head lt couldnt beilred until an authorized commander dis patched the necessary coded ra dlo signal that would operah the device The device ltselt would notdo the firing but It would control the arming ot the warhead This Is com arable to cocking rifle In Vance or firing It Associates said Kennady has put heavy emphasis on to surround nuclear weapons with variety oi saieguards need They mustbo protected against their any kind oi accident which could cause an explosion and under combat conditions ageinst possible use by hard pressed local commander who was without presidential authority to start an atomic war Under US lawonly the pres Ilt Charge He Caused Dip VICTORIA CF IPremier Bennett oi British Columbia came out swinging Wednesday night when Trade Minister Hees blamed him for Canadas dollar crisis He said Mr Hers should re sign its the only honorable thing he can do The Social Credit premier also sold Princess Anne Gone To Paris LONDON CP Princess Annathird in line at succes sion to the British thronehas gone to France on what duck Ingham Palace spokesman de soribedas an educational visit She arrived in Paris this morning Plans tor her trip werekept secret and only handful of people knew about It In advance 15Princess Anne will belt Aug mean trip to the French capi talto see the Louvre and other attractions 0n the other hand It could mean that this is pre liminary trip to aIFrench edu cation The princess already speaks schoolgirl French This Is only the second time the princess has been abroad andthe first time when she has not IJEeIl accompanied by member of her Iamily lame she and her brother IPrince Charles sailed on the royal yacht Britannia to Gibral tar and Malta where they met the Queen and Prince Philip on their return from sixmen Commonwealth tour IRON EETTICOAII With Bob hopeiI Katherine Hepburn An educational visit may never been less than 000 year AVnMllor Noth on Hwy II 14th Lina pro wranmo NO sonson THEPONY anaw SHOWING TONIGHT FRIDAY aISATunnAYI Since election night June In when made certain ob servations have been ex tremely quiet about the federal situation But there willbe time when IwIIl not be quiet about the debacle ot the icderal govemmentMr Hoes Is just making wild election talk The trade minister said at ProgressiveCenaervatlve cam paign rally in Cornwall that withdrawal oi capitalinvest ment in Canada started who the United Kingdom became ap prehensive about Premier Ben netta expropriation oi the Brits ish Columbia Electric Company He said the EC government undermined the confidence of foreignvinvestors In Canada HLAMES HIZINNEITl Mr Hennett Is the one who harassed thiaksituatlon Mr Hees EBI Mr Hoes addressed the rally on behalt of Grant Campbell Conservative candidate in the July 16 deterred election in Stormont riding Mr Bennett said Mr Hees knows nothing about economics It has taken Mr Hoes nearly year and an election defeat in the greatest election de tect oithe Tory party in his tory to come up with an alibi It shows that Mr Hees along with other from benchers Mu lhd It extended Iliroughout found In the front oi contained material on lice Investigation of lulled New Jersey gambler Joseph Newsboy Iliorisrt AB Wtrepholo itov Wayne Grey pastor oi Covenant Presbyterlan Church In Monroe La was named Imperial Chaplain of he Shrlncrs yesterday Mr Iray la member oi El Kar rbah Temple in ShreVport in Announcement was made at Toronto CP Wirephoto IwoeCar Collision Kills Hurts EVELETH Minn AP Seven persons were killed and two injured Wednesday night in the headon collision of two cars on the outskirts oi Eveleth The victims Included aVIr ginia MIan couple their two sons and the girl one at the boys wssto marry July 20 The victims In one car were Andrew Halunen 56 ot Vir ginia his wife Mafalda 50 their sons Jerry 15 and David 25 and Anna Marie Johnson10 of Eveleth Davids fiance Killed In the second car were Charles Turner 27 of Evel cth and Donald Murysla as of Forbes Minn Itppoinimeni Is Announced The Ontario Economic Coun cil announced the appointment oiW Campbell President of Wallace Barnes Com anyLimit ed Hamilton as airman oi the Industrial DeVelopment Come mlttee of the Council The mem bers oi the Committee arelead ers in business and labour in terested in the Industrial de velopment oi this province and are keenly aware of the chal lenge to expand our Industrial output and productivith The Secretary of this Commit tee will be Holland De puty Director Industrial Dev elopment Branch Department of Economics and Development 454 University Ave Toronto On tario The Committee will be ex In Lhe TOIYPartY his Capt aminingincentivas to expand in city to govern the country dustrlalgrowth In this Province The reason why the Conserv to strengthen the competitive po atlvu brought 721mma it sltlon at our export industries knees In the doilsrorisls was due to the continuous year afteryear deficits In Interest payments and trade balances which during the lite oi the Dietenbaker government have DRIVEIN THEATRE ARRYVON TEACHER gt was anamo Kenneth Connor and to meet thechallenge of providing 05000 new jobs year In this Province FAMO PLIIYE THEATRE In militia thauio cohatry soon poorlbl Iha government also mm color television Bullion iodide is audit rodent common chi TV reintroducing by the Phi afloaoomralttaa whlch released to report las salt alter ionisith it as Local so lnternolio Unioniol ilndl estimated at more than 01000000 shouldInotho allowed to loll intofthe hands of any Intemstional union is being cir culoted here The petition was drawn up Tuesday night beiore the On Itario Labor Relations Board Wednesday indefinitely to poned decision on tomato the local contested by the United Steelworkers oi America CLOL It Is being distributed among workers oi the internalloas Nickel Campos Canada ILIm ItedFalcon ridge Nickel Mines and Canadianfindustrles Lim Ited Agroupoi workers from these companies drew up the petition Signing oi the petition will autborlzc representatives at this groupto take whatever action ls necessary to make claimto tho localsssaete Keys ol the local new leader less were turned over to the shoriit during the weekend when president Don Gllliss term of oiilce expired Halls and other property have been locked and is bank accounts Irozen The labor rclatldns board is hearing an pllcatlon by MiueI Mill to Inval date vote which gave control to the United Steel workers by margin ot Is Tuesday nights meeting re solved that Mr GIIIIse term oi ofilca be extended until the dispute Is settled Mr Glills has unoIIiclaIly been handling ths locala attaira since the week Quebec Blaze Running Wild noassves one leerrho smokiest and biggest seen lnlo years in this neck of the woods ran wild Wednesday riding the wind eight miles down th Pierrlche Rver All 400 fire lighters could do was stay out oiita path and concentrate on checking the the tram the rear and sides Feasting on more than to square miles at paperdry slash the big blaze has been out of control since last Friday onCa nadian International Paper Company leases 60mllea south west at here Five alrcratt helping tight the tire have salvaged woods camps and corded wood3000 cords worth $50000 were burned dill ing the weekend VISIBLE 150 MILES Authorities said the the Is so hot It is forming cumulusclouds that canibeseen In TroIsRI vlcres 150 miles south Meanwhile another serious tire was reported burning 40 miles due west of Eoberval on Chantler Gagnoa ILimItea proV party and twomore bIg ones were shame on north otLacS The provincial government has closed Roberval County and the northern areasioi Lavloé Counties to the public Eleven western QuebecI counties also closed Wednesday Outside of Lac StJean and northern St Maurice Valley re gions fires were burning in Ablti County andthe Ungava US astute0x Mine Mill and Smaller Workers Tranche River iire hottest one10 square miles= In sizeI lette Quebec and PortneuiI Frede diam Iowan at Ottawa was convicted last year of iorglng an endorsementoa cheque and Roger sax Mar antotts oi Amheratburg was dl barred for falling to keep proper with clientsf trust Iunds MIAIIIIBEACH Fls CPI ytieorge Clarke 07 one of the organisers of Clarke Steamship Company In Montreal died at his home here Tuesday He owned the Roscdale Sto blru at Cumberland ParisMd which raced In Canada and the United StatesHe moved to Miami Beach in 1943 Mr Clarke chains and his threebrothers pérated the James Clarke Publishing Corns oI ior many years The firm 1eterexparidedilnle the United States and England where they published the En cyclopedia Britannica and the Century Dictionary Cant Claim OTTAWA ppm persons expenses In getting from home to work and backwhether by car and chauffeur or alias leamer are not deductible when calculating Income tax the taxappeal board has ruled In judgment made public Wednesday Chairman Cecil Snyder and 10 Weldon the board dismissed the clamsoi William Martyn oi Toronto is TransCanada Air Lines pilot that he was entitled to deduct 91min 1900 tor car expenses ncurred In driving from his Tomato home to Melton Inter national Airport Sentenced SUDEUHY CPIFive esca pees from Burwash Industrial farm have been sentenced to penitentiary terms Reginaldlionin 33 ot Sud bury William Kenneth James Deshane 22 of Eellevllie David Francis Machsrdy 37 ct Glace BayNS and Charles Arthur Lee pi Chatham will serve an additional year InKingstaa pen itentiary Daniel JosephIGoudresult 25 oi Vlctoria Harborwss sen tencedto two additional years because of previous conviction tor escaping custody Goudreault and Bonln were recaptured this week alter only day at freedom Desirane and Machardy were taken into cus tody six hours after their es cape last llilirsan Drinking OTTAWAICP Canadians are gradually drinkIng their way to the $1000000000Aayear mark Sales of liquor beer and wine increased three percent to $025134000 In the yearthat ended March 31 1001 the bar eau oi statistics reported today Governments got more than belt at it4073000000 not in cluding sales taxes OI thattig ure Ottawa tonk $235908000 in the form at excise taxes and Import duties Tlierolume excluding race Edward Island which didnt reportalso went up Figures with Ithe previous years sales volumes in braclp eta Liquor 14748000 gallons 14299000 beer 255409000 gallons 233053000 and wines 3302000 gallons 7752000I Percspita consumption tig ures were not available accouatpand to deal property char aalic auto aspook and sketofierstor now Mountoer avaa gwdfllm aehrug Ia 11 dont vdih It ltwasat orig haters he die covered haeooldn1aks moralmoney taking beta than IFuneiaIfServices LORNE ARNOLD FUNERAL an United Church at bokstown was filled to capacity Wednesday afternoon at the fun erai oi the late lame Arnold Implement aodlnsumnce agent In that community Mr Arnold menus at arparty In carloail who were iniured In motor ac cident number of weckaago He died In Brampton hospital toliowlng second heart attack brought enon the accident oth ers oi the party are still being treatedan are considered In scrim condition Over hundred members the Masonic lodge were In at tendance at th neral and took the graveside ervlce together with the vetervins oi the local Legion OntIIprrevious even Ing the Orderei theIEastern Starheld aservlce in the home Mr Arnold had been one of group returning altar attending function oithat or the accident happened He will be missed among us were the words oithe minister of the church atthe iuneral service TENDERSfLET Tendcrs tor steel culvert were opened and considered by Council at the meeting July and the bid by Pedlar People at Oshawa was accepted This firm represented by tame heave oi InnlsilliCharles Henry has persistently been considerably lower on materials sold to In nlsfll This time the price was dccldely lower and included the sales tax sliable amount of over$2000 oartaaoc coauacrroa IA group oi as pr perty own havc been included In the area recently set up as srbage area In roudhhavelsu tted petitio have public garb age1collection The area when defined andratcd will require separate tenderIso al to be added to the recent district start ed In Stroudwith first col lection this WEEkIIte addition will mean new tender and ad Iustmeata to rates Council agreed that the clerk should have the matter arranged PERMISSION TO SELL The approval oi the Municipal Atislre Department has been re ccived to dispose at certain pro perties set aside on plans as lands for parks purposes and to place thefunds In special account to purchase slmllar landsThis willenablethe dis posal of blockleit In plans for ed and wh ore suitable lands are av ble they can be is requiredtomake the recom mendationsn ADOPT RECOMMENDATION Following aleiter received re garding retesand assessment tor the Panic High School it was agreed byCouncil that In nisfil should request that com mittee consisting of theasses sors bring report for the municipalities oncerned to as certain it the division of costs is tairly proportionedA Intermo tlon requested an arbitration Threeienders wereread lor the workat the park gate office are belngnddedknom as the Powder Room by Councillor Torrens Att amid ers at St Paulsf whoshoiild recreational purposcesfsnd unuss purchased The Planning Board PARK oars stamina wherea room and blush toilet edch Mervin Boot awarded the contract the workto be completed for thasum of 842500 Including the drainage tile bed work Another smal job was ed to Budhtartin otter delay In ascertaining ass This was to havetheo dltch filled across theamlr from the road to thecreekbed the material Iobeplaced atacodolvccgats per yard with topsoil suIt able to grow An account tor road grovsltag tor $0000 was paned for gravel placch on the road In the park REJECT MEMBERSHIP Alter the reading oi glowing letter raggeatlng that the man Iclpallty becomes member In thoPimnIngAscociationa vote was taken to ascertain it the membersio 0502500 would be worthrlle Investment This he was voted down trunnion comesnm to ask thatthe dirt lett mm the municipal ditch throughhlsfpro petty be levelled back lie was told the the engineer waare back would not be paid till an Istactory report was filed nolAaorrionar aooan Applications from Whip up refreshment booths In the as the contractor there has tranohlssIIorI the season Mr Carscaddea that over the holiday weekendlhc booth 1m ram anions lettertmm the Highways Department advised Councll thatIthe costof painting road lines wouldhe Increased owing to the cost point having been raised from $5501 gallon to $000 per gallon some Hou rouaor AT 23a 33 Frank Corner came to Council extensible and that the holdI groups to have permission tosct Park when the Township Field Day Ls held were turned down yearla recent ears but he Inevcrwsecmed derive much eaioyrnaat from ft chimed Moriarty as pcturedaradour ascetic man with time friendaapd Iit tie to lay use lll gassing lorna real and are as nary When sted Iaattinie in bitttlelvoi t0 diltcrent kinda Offliil his pockets ever went nightclubs orIllvcd high its neither Ismolru nordrlnks It you owed him two eean one acquaint once said ha haunt you pill he collected It iiudson County Prosecutor Lawrence Whlpolo and thrc aidasspentIa minutes with Moriarty at the prlsonand told II oi the lad Youve not lost H000 Whipple ad he iol the Ho listened deadpan Whip ple related then herald you are telling mathls hlr Prose culor He wouldnelthar admit nor deny ownershipoigythlng that was Ioupd He oha would get alawyar He said he would consider making stilts ent alterWord DANCE even Saturday Rock ondllliwist to THE RAVENSVr sitho ooo FELLOWS VHA HURONIA DRIVEIN Adult Entertainment sunrnnauhn II horsepower THE TREAT PLUS maroon grouaszr KEMPVENFELT oo coo 9oo briinrv BOA llNES GOVT DOCK FO0T0F BAYFIELD ST FA scars lOUR BOAT AVAILAELE FOR CHARTER radiantnuance 00in PANAMA iRAIiKS

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