Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1962, p. 4

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so is of the province are bearing the bayou of the tragic medical situation in$askatchewan other citizens of Canada and indeed to certain ex tent tho rofsssion in the United States or watc ng with cloae interest alnrm 50miuhe CCF government of Saskatche wanand the College ofPhysicians and Sur eonsreached such an impasse over the edical Cara plan that the 000 doe tors ineifoct went on strike July offer ing only to provide for emergen cases In this the werawrong They ad the su portof be me orityof people in Sea ko chewan in in battle wit lthe gov ernment By goin on strikean illegal act in this case an by violating ethics of the profession which call for health of the patient first they may lose most til tic support They should have carri Lon under rotest and relied on that public Winpatiiy eventually to force the govern ment to make the changes necessary in the act which would have beensatisfac low to them The fact that exPremier legislature it it Ml as au ovarnmen iftheqdociorswerewmtn taxis tithe preferred revisions in once thesewore actually in the act the government sh dhara waited untilit couldaccompllsiithbfors mailty even by pedal esaion the it is notthe actual matter ay and collecting bills or themanner treating patients which is at issu Saskatchewaniheidoctora are fighting against state medicine Ifa overnmeut can takeover whole pro essionond treat itasjfia civil servant under direct orders where does this end The dent ists and the lawyers and others must be wondering too in any tease this should indica to other provinces with wouldheadclallst governmentsthat this is goofisampie of how not to start medical care plan New For Right Directtion One principle of politics is the same everywhere no matter where it oper ates When the politicians get the coup try into mass by carrying their ideas to extremes than it becomes necesaa to call in the managers the technicians the scientists and the financial experts An example of this is seen in some of the countries behind the iron Curtain where new managerial class is taking control of the industrial society The expianationis aim le noted the Sudbury Star Communis party mam hers charged with the responsibility of keeping industry on its toeslack the technological corn etence to manage the complex industria society of today This is the roblem that iacu the political ide lo es that would im ose state contra on industry The poll cal leaders may be expert in propaganda and the manipulation of politics ut they DOWNME BarrieiExaminerlJune 201022 Th Town of Harris and the Townships oi Vesprn andinnlsfii joined in homage to their soldier dead when Memorial Sta me was unveiled at the post office square His Honour Colonel He Cock shutt LieutenantGovernor of ntario officiated Rev Roy Melville rector ofSt Georges Anglican Church and veteran of the Princess Patrician Canadian Light Infantry conducted the dedication ser vice Telephone tolls raised to 5c per Barrie to Stroud 10c to ivy Premier Ernest Drury spoke at North Simcoe United Farmersof on tario picnic atWasaga Beach He refer tothe rogress made inthe twb year of his PO government Hevsaid posed toany grou rul TSmcoe CountyCounci added $5 to road system JSanford county treasurer 25 years agowhodis appeared withsome $80000 was report ed as living in South America to have tion by presint treasurer Dan Quinlan from source known only to him Board of Education decided to leaveun changed salaries of all women teachers olnt where big lawn bowling tourney at do not possess the knowied to organ ize direct and control indus iai produo tlon in Hunga the situationreached the Communists invited pro cssionslmanagers and technicians of all politicalvlews to assist in industrio ilzation programs Premier Janos Kadar made statementdn which he said it was no longer feasible to entrust key production and management to party members for the sole reason they had been loyal party workers No one canforecast theresuits of this collaboration resulting from the weakness in the Communist party or an ization Numbers of the party fal ful may become annoyedifit means they om their cushy jobs in the manag aiclass and again put into the cate party hacks takingorders vingorders Barrie heat the South 61ln benefit game for Burns Leighton Emma and Ered Plant pitched for Barrie while Dewey Hopper of Coolastown and Lefty Lockhart of Knock were mound for Stars Thirty rinks corn eteti ame Main prizes went to Newmarket Tor mo and Coliingwood foursomes Barrierinks were skipped by Andrew Hunterifennedy MacLelian Young Walker and Pete la Allandaie skippers were Knight Walker and Patter Minets Point Park intuil dancing every afternoon and full orchestra three nights pi ce rnBarrie also jitney service Grand Qpera House put on benefit show orinyured Barrie baseball playerFilni Across The Continent starring Hal Creswicke following graduation rlrtary College Gallagher leaves forSaint io as also over Anglican Church curate OTHER canons VIEWS ROYAL ViSlTs T0 CANADA Evening Patriot Charlottetown Recently Canadians have had visits rom two members of British royalty the alwaysstimulating Prince Philip hus band of Her Majesty the Queen and the greatly revered and still youthful Queen Mother They were welcome visitors for both have contributed greatly to maintaining that understanding between Canada and Britainwhich is so essential to the wel fare of both countries Prince Philip has hown himself to be man who can par The Barrie Exa iner nutno mood Post Office Departures and payment III in Ith and statutory Hoiidaya excepted nmnwanaa Publish pause seasonings Menage IL MumflDN Managing Editor dally arrisr no sin is eon fly mail in Datarlo air nion are three monta not Ontario you ouuracoaa ticipate intelligently and with some au Britain is in constant made their contribution to in public iavor the woods But haplelgls less thority born of his surprisingiknowledge in discussions of economic affairs and theIQueen Mother still possesses that in ordinate degree of tact and graciousness which in her more happy days endeared her to Canadians from coast to coast it is worthy of some comment thatthe Royal Family was never so po uiar throughout the wholeComnronwe and Empire as they are today when Britain has no longerthe great international prestigeithadacenturyago Then the English¢speaking press show reiuctance tocriticize the Royal Fam andoften did But today when struggle for ec ononucsurvivei the crown is more higldy regarded than any other tim in history The Princeand the Queen otherhave FRIENDOF MAN ll Popolo Milan Because of an unhappy love affairpAn nio Gregori tried to hanghimself in trange dog saw his unconscious Gregori down dog barked until farmerac cue and took Gregori to when am to those hlsgreatgain so soon coop non Maire pood Teets rior VariousReasons Joanna enemas ran Dead Dr Mother What is blood tested for in checkupi Eif new Blood can be tested for hun dreds of things However relatively smal number of screeningtests are audio as general checkup the blood count gives three buic bits of information the iron content or hemoglobin the number obred cells which together with the iron content suggest anemia if the com is low and finally the number of white cells if this is high it may indicate infection it very high leukemia if low other symptoms will beatudle for less common conditions be studied to identify pnrtfcular WP be more numerous in allergy cases or particular types of in fections or blood ailments Thenof course the serum iliqnid part of the blood is routinely tested for the presence of syphilisthis particular test of course is the blood test re quired in so many states before granting marriage license Stlll other tests are for sugar levels excessively high levels hinting strongly at diabetes and for the nitrogen content whiehvls elevated in kidney dis ease The popular cholesterol testis morsend morcbeing in cluded as sroutine procedure for the indications itglves of the arteries an approximate matter sa yet but helpful If history and observation raise suspicion Mother con ditions special tests may be in names in politicsi order to confirm it uric acid for gout calcium for parathy roid disease iodine forthyroid disorders Lupus erythemaiosus disease not asrare as we once thoughtis subject to blood tests And many ofthe rarer diseases now are being identi fied quickly and accurately by highly precise tests beingused in laboratories with special equipment in the case of severe and atobboutinfections blood is cul tured to determine the presence of germs inihe blood stream as well as to discover the exact strain involved and to know what drugs will be most effecm tivo indeedg special materials may then be prepared to com first the precise type infec on Thus blood test is not rigid fixed procedure You be gin with avarleiyoi basic and rapid teats then go onto the more dlfilcultiones if eircum stances indicate the need Ir Dr Molnar Is it pnssl ie for woman who has her tubes tied everto have chil dren egainfj Reopening the tuhesreq delicatssirrgcry and no docto can guarantee success Ho avar with skill and good to tune sometimes itwnrks al it vwa having heart be at and on jumped at him and finally differential imear may esoiwhita cells which may felted their candi dont cf the attacks oltcn now but it still on my mind Does one ever outgrownthisz liqult smoking fiva yearsago an gos iswben itcaaed oftMRS Paroxysmal tachycar in means joccasionai rapid heart beat Sometimes thecuusa Is navor faund Sometimes it is norm Quitebiten it is sens ltivity to gt tobaccoasrinyour case if tests showthc heart to he basically healthy the bunds of rapid heating are not danger ous and the more you realize this the less chance there is for further episodes Too much caffcin es from cofiee teu or other sources is another com mon cause crowns noon to invites Soclal Credit her to iolnhls cabin up Mr Diefenbaker sauna two report which had suggested an and Social1 Cred an em deny IH fowouldbe busy all tbetlrnet flotba gestion that Que hec Social Credit MP trig be invited into the cabinet be added Certainly that state ment is wltirout any foundation There has been no Sioundntlon and thatls nil Mr Diefcnhaker said there would have to be some cabinet changes are result of the per sonal defeat of five of his min isters in the June iageneral election but wouldnot say when theywould made were to aliiha re PDiscass Maidrities itpo Politicians by PATRICK NICHOLSON What are the record majorl tles racked upby our most successful politicians in federal elections have been asked lrlme Minister JohnDiefen bolrer enioyed the iargeslmn jority ofhis political career in his own constituency of Prince Albert last month now does this compare with achieve ments by Canadas other big in this years election some 7750000 votes were polled in wt ridings balloting in there rnainlng constituency was pas mowing to the deathof candidate Thus there would be an average of about 30000 votes cast in each rldlng Butarouud that average there are enor mous variations No less than 110523 votes were cast fntbe tsstgrowingToronto suburb of YorkScarborough at the other extreme the Madeleine islands in the Gulf of the St Lawrence had onlyttfiavoters yet they also elected one member We annot expect either of those Aunusual constituencies to pro vide typical majorities DIEF ACHIEVES the $4134 electors wbb voted iniPrince Albert iast month staggering 71 per cent voted for Mr Dicfenbsker while his three rivals shared the remainder VHis percentag was at or nea therecord in fourcornered ght Not one the repress atives of thethree other parties attracted as many as half Mr Dlofbskers total of votes soall oi them for dacy deposit of over his closest op previous successful elec ons ree in Lake Centre isn Prince Alberthe had achieved almost progressively risihgmaioritles 280 1009 3432 3001 6554 all 127iii ve nebriv hit on achievedby our most omtnent Conserve the unprecedented Dlefeobnker sweep in 1958 saw some records which may never beexcelled Thus in nearly average poll of 42007 votes in CalgaryNorlh ln 1958Hon Douglas Harknessf then Minister of Agriculture won 71 per centof theppll against three rivals and achieved the record Canadian majority excludingnScarb ough of 5446 in Quebec East in 1053 Minister St Laurentwonynppei cent of the poll against onlyjtwb rivals attain majority or ores LESS srnnsn Also in 105nthreeother cab lnet ministers won outstanding majoritie llon Gordon Churr chili 19795 in Winnipeg South Centre Honk Donald Fleming rennin TorontoEglinion and Ahghstn1setlng of Parliament that haveho foundation warm neon iondon England Correspondent For The Dorrie Ennis CHILL iSLAN beauty is in the eye of the beholder The truth of thetoid adags has been borne in on mymlnd ssrl have travelled among thelakes talnsand valleys lrelandwand has brought its light as new vistas of loveliness came into view One thing have isamed to my own satisfaction at least vlx that theplaccswblch are most publicized are by means the most beautiful tar oi Economicrand ment lion hobo lshop tiydaeintihfnkhe 911 we wlilfind this out and will do something about Ilndaowitbman tnecdI m1 the Dublin and which ad new tural beau ewe of silver In aroma of tree cladhillxn unmrpaasedthy anything else have seen in tbislandf For jury travelling through mountaingaea and scenery of unchanglog iovello meant count the trip around the RlngofKarry now being gist thupublicity it merits at inspiring MAzn ormns Kiilarneys Lakes present too much are set piece type of beauty to compare with the city of Gaiway This is in lreland For instance no part of ireland has received greateL acclnlnTldFthbedfify of its lakes and Tells than Kiliamey Perhaps the fact that sword famous song has been written about has helped to create the illusion thatifillsrncys lake districtrsurpasses all other beauty spots not find it of Mourneslso immortalized in song Hound gloomyde pressing and disappointing And while theravtas beauty on small senieVatthe meeting of the waters in the Vale of Avoka there nothing breathtaking there mom ncnurr snors As think backoverthe manyplsces havescsn on this tour ofirelsnd there come mind several which for sheer cgnlc beauty surpassed thosei ave mentionedNothing equalC ed the thrill of looking from lookout point over to the cum on Moher on theauanuc Cosslvof County Clare Glenda lough southwest of the vale of Noise was another place which found about two miles off the main road runningpsouthv from Fiion Howard Grean 10089 in Vancouver Quadra And Die Bell backbenchernow tipped bymany as likeiycnbtnet rnlnister racked up 19009sisovi in Carleton Ontarion Mr Flemings great maior ityiike Mr St Laurents was won against only two rivslain lose in astraight fight against Liberal opponent only Wally Nesbitt scored 75 per cent of the poll of 29304 votes lnD ford0ntari0 to votes ity was attained by thepopular longtime Liberal MP Alan Mac This yearythe largestknralorr naughton who won Montreal Mount Royalby19503 vo Social Credit candidate won as per centof the poll in Quebec Montmorency to attain Can highest majority of das second the gt My titanks to the readeriwho wrote to suggest topic with its unusual slant BetweanFermoy and Lismore the way to Cork we passed ough the Knockmeafdowu contains and there new the greatest massesoi wild rhodo Idsndrons and pinkand white hawthorn trees Lhasa ever seen anywhere And coming up from Gsiwsyto Clifden oatho coast through amaae of lakes others wasncenerythat lmprer sedrnemore than anthiogd saw around iffilarney do not belittle Killsrney becausetbsdlstrict is very beautiful although the village Itself liass rundown endshab by appeerance But do want to makethe pointthst it is by no means the only area of rerescenic beauty in lrelsnd noras saw the country is it the Ins 10 DECIDE FUTURE LONDON Reuters Brit ainjannaunced today it will con vehe conference in Noveml her to decide the future of in African state of Nyssal oat lovely and enchant ThekEconomy yearlreview anatomical ndyfscECom any Limited wear WAflVFt sun mm no WellingtonSrmt sou

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