Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1962, p. 12

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Garnish it our celery olivesond pldtles Sel ection oi CHOOSE1 Choice oi dessert and calico $135 EVENiNG nlnuans Facts Eu Drlve minutes and says to Youll be glad you did BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE News oi the Blessed Event can be announced to your iriendo and relatives iuronly $150 Just telephone PA 82414 rucacemrnrs MELVINCOLLIN and Mn Robert Melvin annullnto the engagement at their daugh ter MIOIIIDI harbor to Ilr Ronald liarolllon Collu god or hlr and son William It Colium ct Barrie Ontario The marriage vtlil take place Saturday July 11 19nd at iouethlrly oclock in St John The Slptllt Anglican Chute nlalr 0nlrlo DEATHS EARLSBLWVHIJIII Nelson At Civic Hospital Pelcroornugh tarlo on Wednesday July lost or luluiarn Nahop Earle in his 46th year beloved husband oI hiargaretilulh Scott and dear lather oi Margaret Adrlanns and Stephanie Ruth Beloved son at Sin 5001 Eerie Ind the idle Dr George Earle Omomoe one tarlo The late Earle is real ing at his Nsidrnca in Omcmes Ontario until ISM p111 Frlda July thence to Trian Utlltld CRHNII 011le ll lll p111 interment at Emily Cemetery Omemec SlADRDOKDulhl suddenly at Hospital lllrr on hlcuily Jilly ii Bertha Wllkinsnn ot Widdillm Centre the lain ma Seabrook doar mo ther oi Edmund Mllrey oi holler ville Jim ldliroy Doris M11 Eelcockl uracc Mrs weath erup Helen Mrs Hollies all oi Toronto and ma hora George Hamilton Jr at liarrle in her Bmhyear Rcsllnl althe bioti hillcrli Home Wetcriord Ontario Funeral services Friday July it at put Interment Teetclr villa Cemctery CARDS OF THANKS INGRAMI would llke to thank my Iricnds and neighbors or their kind enquiries Vlslllr cheery cards and rlits while was in hoxplbdl Thnitl also to Dr rlekdll Rev David Rutu 1115 sea and hospiill stall Alma lngnm roman rN ansn LAS PALMAS Canary Is lands AP tourengined Spanish Air Force plane with 34 military men all rd crash Wander at Gaado here Wednesday Officials said one man was killed and 20 others were injured The planes land ing gear collapsed alter touch down and the aircrail caught lire spokesman said ClAdehD ADannnNc TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements ore rserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times do per word idrthree fom orfiva timesrand 2m per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional chargeli not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FORANY CLASSIFIED ADI VERTISEMENT 15ch FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R 5106 son 24 worms no CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone insertion orders are accept edas aconventenoo to you the advertiser Thereioro the Classified Advertising Department requires Ill advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately liter flrst Insertion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported hetore am in order that some may be rectified ior thcinllowlnlt days larrruan order Wewlsh topalnt out thatulha Barrie Examiner is responsible or only ond incorrectly rlntcd insertion on any ndvertsnmeut and then only to the extent or portion at an that involvesthe rataprlnt Error which do not lessen the urine or the adverUsc plant are notcllglhlo or correc ions by make goods Coming Events on per1ward minimum energetion Birth and DcathNotices or up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per wordlextral InMemorinm No tides $150 if verse used do per word extra BLIND LETTER REPLIES Iniolmallon regarding advertlsers lllld Lotte Itoflied to Lettarlloxca ll hedonly to days utrr ut pt publication dyeddcpoenta an yo verllaménts which must inrby 1201 noon precedlogda and ty tylre omls it Ontario beloved wit ht heat car garage Lovely land Lol oo rioo NHAcarries lor Fora co D0 can split oval me ur lion ET 11 ON TWO AND rnnnn Bedroom Apts iov rent irom fit per month ed up Coll Doris Nuttycombe any time ROOM ROOM ROOM Older brick home with dining room and iour bedrooms on large lot close to schools and transportation in Allandnle Full asking price onlytlllioo Cull Norm iiukeibu INCOME PROPERTIES Apt bldg 413000 lszpi bldg moor Both at these are excellent in vesimcnts and very close to downtown Coll Curly Kloosler man for inspection or iurther details EVENINGS CALL Doria Nutlycombe FASTEST Maryann Smith PA Moll Norm llosketh Ill IItill Curly Kloorlarman PA duos Les Pope PA llm 1m Lovogrnve Anglos 11 M11 Members or the Barrie Ar Diltriot Real Errata earld Slouti AgenCIes Lid CENTRAL ONTAHloS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET Ens5901 OPEN EVENINGS TILL RSI SOLID COMFORT in this bedroom brick bunga low on St Vincent Street sep arate dining room mort gage carries for $6879 PIT Asking $11900 URBAN DWELLING bedroom bungalow on pic lurcsquo it acre lot amongst beautiful trees ltitthcn large living room sun deck Ii pc bath miles from city in new Crystal Waters Park Subdivi sion Fully iurnished with many extras included Close to large swimming pool School has past door See this ioryoluei 1oz hinrteam roads Aviilabie Evenings Cnil Men or Ede Oould Oro Told Harry Slessor PA dooil Orc Ilrown PA oozes Lloyd or Iioris llockiey FA doll Loughcod Sidyndr MW Keith AdarshaH anal carers pnotren PA 82592 I5 CLAPPEIITON 5T BARIUE SEE THIS ONE TODAY its so peacelul in the country yet its just few minutes drive irom town Folks heres 2yearold bungaiawyou will tall in lovelwith Pretty as picture Large living room dining room kitchen good sized bedrooms and illedi piece bath lull sized basemeniOil scoped lot 75x 200Ior only $11501 with aiow down pay meni13uianc on easyterrns CLOS T0 BARRIE 40 acres with tmut stream through property Across the road from ogalt course Priced tor qulok sale FRANK NELLES Memberharrle Real Iktdto PA noses District and HENDERSON REALTOR 19 comer eraser PHONE en cadre R0 MY RANCHBUNGALOW GeorgeD es but St area lovelynew homes Large drnlng and living area Fig Hanover kitchen Three generous size bedrooms Pang elied rec room semifinished lid $101 including taxes First time we have offeredgthis home For appointment call Emerson EVENING cm 11er soANnnm Pll asses DOROTHY WILCOXlA nests rnhcrrolrn PA organ masoN swAiN PAvdiidol as her at Iinrrlo and District and Red in in air and call nicely located amen it deeplllhls iully designed thovor ch room and ndth fovertlow room lathe mentlrhmaculatc throughout now vll ant Imrn LSHAPED ERICK BUNGALO ALMOST located in Ev Sb Ilwoli Howard Norm PA It SMITH REALTOR PA 60241 Venn th class telldhapcd ogolow igher quell bomu EUNOBSTRUCTED VIEW COUNTRY pans onoon no 18000 $56d lor lull particulars tins as mucousen error hauntsPA rem humor an La almoth am Orotm HIGH ST JoanLang PA error REAL canard alto Smith Campbell PA 87369 eoo down aymcatls required to in mortgage thlllr aarlying liils house is by one oi Bmloa betterhuli ers and lose than your old We can entrance hall dyingdining and rooms and tiled both with pretty vnnl possessiondict now NEYMAKING ausuyos programs no scoop on your own snls on busy highway lhla lucrative business be taken over with minimum oi ctiort with help dent the to get you started comlortoble modern bungalow ioryour living quarters About hali cash lent modern plan del fie evaumos cars la FOSTER7M Hm DiL OONNILL PA 765 umnmeaanrs DISTRIOT REAL ESTATE BOARD Norman SheISWell pstalrs wuucrr PA Jae well PA Norman Shela PA Charles Read PA Memos oI Barri Ind District lleai Estate Board melanoma am aawnrn 15 Donner so nasr Graydoa KohlPA olcoo Marian RutledgePA solos Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffllt St PA 6r1881r overrides CALL KIIl Marshall PA cam Emory billion PA 805 Member at the Home and District Roll Faltltl Board rear assarr prom 78 TIEFIN STREET BARR CALL DAY 03 EVENING PAl82379 $4800 full pr alowiocated on an Excellent residentialiiotln 1he north end of Barrie of two room lar The bomef consists drooma large living gerkltchen pantry iece bathroom and nporc osy terms ember ortho Barri addolstrlct Farms Businesses REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER PhoaeclAdrmd Oppoxiidfi and Store OWEN JONESPE WRIL JEFFER PA A1 119 DUNLOE STRE BARRIE wlrcn trots raeanevanv an PA 6648 FAB7952 l07 STRABA Attractive ihreelbcdloo bungalow Lshaped living dinirig roomiarge kitchen Hanover cupboar roo room and NBA moltgag laar living boar oy NEW Home With rec livingroom with dlnlnt plcce both with vanit iii paklar Pi on corner ct Lsndact to north Vyoons PA vle salt Drivel Dtcolltivs bedroom unchwbuo living room with ilr IOOlnl tch moombcau decorated rcc an minis b59 olc pouosrloni kitchentgocdbtd or ow vacehH medial required Blond us at PA FAB9901 yes First Mortgagetunda Available interest 00 oi value NoFees Charged SERVICE STATION SNACK BAR GROCERY All in one On busy highway Doing goodallyoarghurlness Fully equipped Stock included Will trade tor Isrm or town property or straight sole Asking $28000 with isa good one Call Jack Willsonior details $500 DOWN $85 MONTHLY CARRIES Two storey brick with rlorge kitchen llvlngvroom dining room downstairs plus etbedrooms and pozbatbzu downtown Collglaclr Willson rvemn canr 510000 down This PBELLT 112911 nd afar Next door to the imperial Theatre 45A DUNLCPST Member at handyman Dillch Ileal Estate Iloard GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY OilNIGHT Member Barrie andlilairlct Real Estatoiioard basement Attachch enouc ear occa kitoise with late dining area lots of cup damage Oil heated Galore bathroom fixturesvsn lwadonoonl Brick roatlon room um the styles rtllcd bicythroo 11er with itlcb garagund avod Oordei withrshads ireel bower owner occupied tor inlet to scout ah it tan mud Ac OWL two at htroom hora harm thmiatlul lulltole drive that ion to to ptr martini or wit or brick 0nd CHI Icr lth wide CHOICEAPARTMENT Moderolon todroomhniurnx ishcd he dd pdrtrndnt Bolt th sundry and ioclii limbs possession TELEPHONE IAfitdl V0 mfintaron erm nioHnatlon Md TIIRII DIDBOOM it til in maggot111 on ILMZMu can and nucleation Water 10 minutes from Alaland PROPERTY roe sacs ornrur NIW Tum DIDROOM Hero on In lot attached glrago All aton Camp Itordon 11 Telephone H1 Allister tor turthrr lalia WAN ED T0 Aranrnml 11 room theorem and kitchen 1a rent Telephone PA MI IMCIOUI littdl room Illrniolltd artrnant Very Close to coping plus 11 business eon plump to rot no BACHELOR artoilnt eihadroo our com roun on Molt IlldroomJlnun wanted to rent buyln the minim ol rys Church giving Its tnhox ll Samafiemlnen BUSN OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWNBUSINESS Owith 100 Canadian Oomp any 0Full or parttime men or women may applyi otsooo yearly net returnsl Ionly requires hours oi your tlmoweokly PINITIAL OUTLAY LESS THANfiWli Join the thousands who are operating successitu in this new lead industryi Write wire or phone Simplex Hothar Sales Limited Suite 103 so YonchStreet Toronto Telephone raccoon FiNANCIAL NEED $50 TLL PAYDAY protests char 47c son rwo wears Ask ForA PayDay Loan plan FAQ0203 Crescent Finance 26 Dunlop St errata anrcnoes 1st and dad hought Commercial git rtv mmllnlptwobadroorab iiiicmilnd arilin Avuhh habit in Telephone PA elm rltleONTlit Murderoueeolral Close to artrnanl Imhly decorated oil at sintor Tlillll R00 Iillitlrnllh moot ground floor Ad located PA NSIP tor Itll spool ursrAlns Throe room iumlrhed Iplrtmant with private baht clean by welcome Abltalnon lloat ed Ncar has It com or or Tim ROOM salt oontainod apartment with stove and rirlg or flenty oI arltln space lie on location mmedata pos Telephone PA Mott UNFURNISIIE heated Iv meet our coma sellcen tained 17 trance Oargs available one child welcome us Apply lop bradiald street river noonls hlteh dining room living room tw bodroo lhroo icec bath rnont locald Near ohoolr llsrcsy dtret pm FURNISHED Bachelor Apartment Downtown location Priv Indtglllowsr Fro mon re ppy days PH Mitt or evening PA sisal awnj Telephone PA 60242 water oupplod At thrad room apartm Dunlop St East or 019 mm bedroom Iplrtmontl rivatc sun ccknn balconies rapes our luridng and artist is uaonn ran on Edd Plans Tllepbone PA 68191 UNPUltNldlld three room sol at to Prle Parking loiitg Heated Reasonable rent Telephone PA ooeoo room Irtmant with our hathroolil cos monthly lnolu heat and land Iacilitie tedpn Street pllond FA Ni AND modern one and two bedlvoom npartmoatr overlooking Iconlo tidal wa dmzitrlrdumliuhlilnw ll mm PA WI urnllhcd two parlmsn 1n stroud artlnant house around monthly lower tinder no Ulo oIIwImminK poo No objection to baby Avellv able uly Tale Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED YOUR BUDGET 1E YOU NEED MONE eonanlldatodebti oil exiltlnd tlwrtll mortgages coming duo emc lm rovemsnt we hwhlla or PA 08131 cilltlca include TWO MODERN hodroom Finished Sara some cry can apartment bulldlnd on Clap ertonatreet studio ed Telephone PA lt encouo FLOOR Apartment wl room living room wi dlrlingIEreI Itllcontained holtd Fstral location R23 inlet occupancy er Morrl an Mill on contained parb meet large bedroom la 101 ng room kitchen with lninl area piece bath Laundry tscllt Thls lg not human men on street parlrt luly Apply Perl NICE llRIOlfl tllre ro turnlrhcd heated uplex dccoratcd stove and rairilarator supplied New tiled nears Pr1vatc blthSepIrgte entrance Laundry nullitlel Rent monthly ei at rAvallohlg immedla pauper xCEPTIONAbhltlargs tlyo rooro apartment avallaba lmmedlotol rn hull ngVI separate school ndry maintenance ndvreirtg ator cpv tlonal Paved parking Itiu For Iurthor iniormatlon WodorJA 53354 LOW COST SPACE or treat modern building sullro mm lalor light SIS MODERN to room kind nursingcars good Iood TV room atdtlon wa Eon ionoutlngr leiaphons don troud OFFICES srongsrytrur JRHC AGE torrent wollvio fdilldwttl Could it Large DVD roun ononoont arich Ho rent Close toWost End 11 per month IX ROD Molarfltmt Zroptl Telephone to Monte for 15DVNOALOWior rent bad room with gauge in All Now cant Apply Rogers Ca Very near asp hell Iloaltora Phone PA Hold school Parking led Italrlturator and aroma ll bull No etcslurcr Children welcome pots please in Napier St tron ranrurursron RENT ll SILTCONTAIN unfurnished YURNIIHID room mrtm Parkin UNrUItNIIIIID Apartment three electric month end TIIII ROOM 11le linear in mm and pm daturdlya only moored thm roomy Ipartmentr Tflflll RIDROOMS litoitdn dill at area and livin contained largo two bedroom PA rance Available PA 5671 WRNII ED th Parlrin pho sPAI7llo altoro WW wlth or Stoveand rti avails 111110 more itoorn Apartment cross or odor PA coroner turther laiormatton glove and relrlgarator includ dut sin Ayaynuo Hooly to Centre Street lihlllilrilslllto Apartment heao Bayvicw Apartmentsin FURNISHED HTOL rlargs living room islcph selicontslnod henttd Can ral TA 83495 THREE ROOM Apllim iehed three piece bath hardwood Close to publ and thigh choolsand bu Reasonable itiliwillt it nuroaslou mom nurocboelb no brill In Laue Wtu IIIOIIT VIMOHII pc month Fortppointmcnt pa error alter 1pm rl loliopho ROOM AND BOARD oun itndlor gentlemen Ema phdda PA omio aparo bedroom basement na Park an tln Telephone PA rooms and both cell ntllnad artma come ed trip1w our lot bat gighiloxllsothnugxh on To llittlle PA 1561 room contra lodolod Rants or too monthly timer information toldphon TWO BEDROOM 1mm aporunmt ior with Private rcem apart rivato both leollitles East ondl mudlato pallersl ment in ow hnma In to Grove Street area Amplg room oraga Parktnl illlndignn July Telephone PA Mutt PA GM decorate Holt and one small ran Newl badroom UNFURNIBIIED one corn arlment separate to bath contral has water supplied Tsicphonv UNllllllelllm ground Iioor aparimont thrsc large rooms and aid Ve barand drydr Parking Iiopho en mu PA HOG BAH END Location on bus route Ono badroom apartment telecon talned hoot and water suppll elabhono PA horse or 1111 am Timid hoonilAparlmont private bathroom and entrance Hot water oil holtedyrelrlgerator heavy Located on Burton N11 AM we Bedroomlearo manta hontcd private entrances clue and reasonable Close to West End Plan Tele hone PA some or apply as St ed electric atovc rct orator supplied Laundry room and lock drum ohlldron Available Juno all Dunlap soars St Ea Telephone lned thrr rooms and Downtawn location Ltdndry iacll itica Plenty or closets duit couple or business girlv Telephone UNSlianlll bedroom Irtmcnt ground iloor on lister Idile talned ituronabc Av iuly 111er oI Mlod bsiorarll MODERN unlurnlahcd one be room Apartment Largo diving room hltchen private both an entrance Ndnr churchu schools It Perkin deool lar kitchen any th dated an co mar It flgeratorltove supplied lid ired Parking AvalaivllhluAlll raand downt allndry Igollitles APARTMENT VNWNlennp two bedroom clo tolharrla Po drnund Iloor modem lrking clonn stove reirlgerltor rapes supplied is desired For rthcr 1niormatton PA Hoot NEWLY Furnished modern Ipl ment private homeowen litre Bedroom hathroe living roo l°°il°°i who II II DD nurrcp greierred us Telephone FA SECOND H111 One bedroom Iplrtmonttlnrgc livln room it com with excellent into cation ltcnt no it Merrick IA 2137 nl erttl tum ritolri orator and hen toys oiicoatglmd ocscuon pp rowan to Quill mition sARTlCLESFor 5x7 airlo his is PHOTO REPRINTS available at TheBarrie Examiner it you would llkolto haveprcv prints woi any news pictures taken by carstoii photogra phers please call at ourItusl nessOitice We are sorrytwo cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 $125 plus tax WEBUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prices paid Old Vehicles or Wtecka AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlop st West dust ocrossliiwy doe PA 666 slooAYs ONLY Furnaces Forced air oilor gas installed complete with ductwork as low as 275 PER WEEK N0 DOWN asyhanr Uscd oil burners iromtltuo wooowAnoANosON PA dorm on smouo one smouo ASPHALTPAVINQ lls OurBusiness treeesllmatcs HERFARRANDELT BARRIE PA 110274 Refrigerators Ranges andTV ruccysousaauraaop Priced item 5de deal for the cottage TVandkAppliances 147 ouncor so SAMMIE novs AND OIIILS Tricycch PA Mart Telephone GAS HRIINOI used Mn natural gas Dan be nvrvrtird for Telephone PA lab Bicycles and Iiouonaly Propane trouble toot reconciling prayed COLEMAN Oii Furnace will Itoroy

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