reversion oro Mrs lisnnoldcssup 915w first time at North Bay cnhyed themselves immenseg calves help from Albert Stand ish 7s anhe bowls for the BOmb Re organization may deem fit implementation WASHINGTON AP The United States would not exist as it does todnyoin the belief of Lewis Strauss hadrit not been for the momentous deci sion 12 yearsgago to manufac ture thehydrogen bomb Strauss former head aithe us Atomic Edergy Commis clan and long active in nuclear developments stresses the fate fulnessl oi the decision in new vbook ubllshed this week by Double ay The book Men and Decisions tells oi the great controversy that surrounded the atomic bomb and the ilbomh as well ssothcr issues intheyeara be fore during and after the Sec and World War Summing up the arguments over the Hbomb and praising President Trumans decision to go ahead with it Strauss wrote We wereable to test ourfirst waopon invoivlnga thermonu clear reactionjthe following Au gust fhe presidents decision was not only sound but in the yvery nick of time By so close margin did we gorne to being second in arma meat not only in the eyes of the world but in factilad we began our development after the successful Russian test there is no reason to believe that we would have been ac corded time to equaltheir ao campiisltnieui waronan nhssrarvs In his chapter on the dean aron iodetcct Strauss cmphag Wednesday marked the Saskatchewan mad ical care crisis which enters its the Keep ommittee which weeksto delay July of the Oct governments compulsory prepaid medical carainsiursnce plan met tomap new strategy Police were ordered to so tect doctors and their fam lies at VSWlit Current following threats by an organization call ing itself the Swlft Current citizens safety comnritt Lettersslgnsd by these mittee ordered doctors to re funr tonormai practice by Frir day morning orsuffer such harm to themselvestheir fam tiles or theirproperty as the had sought In the wake of the threats two rdrtctars left their was at Saskatoon at least temporarily tojget their families out of Out all The two oidstcrs both bowed monomer and sponSible so ToddySrUS lzcd the urgency of ienrnlrrg whatftha Russians were doing lino nuclear way behind the lron Curtain Detection was possible by measuring radioactivity in the atmosphere but Strauss noted there was much opposition lrr Septemberlliiiilhc mo toring system pushed by Strauss picked up evidence that an atomic explosion had occurred within the soviet ii on Soviets Plan ilusiria Visit MOSCOW Reutersi Niklta Khrushchev said farewell to Austrian Chancellor Alfons Gor bach today and declared Soviet leaders have accepted an invi tation to visit Austria ThoSoviet premier spoke at the airport when Gorbach de parted alterun official visit which included talks on neutral Inustrias bid for associate them bership in the European Conr mon Market Gorbach repeating the theme of ids visit said Austrias pol icy of neutrality would remain unchanged Iï¬iormed Austrian sources said the Russlons put no pres sure on Gorbach and his party to refrain irons talks with the Common Market ibut Austria has said it wiltnot seek full be inconsistent with its neu trailty emergency star for Saslsa declined to release their GUARD IEGISLATUEET At Regina Police ChiefA Go Coohson would neither confirm nor deny reports that police wereciosely guarding the lag pislative buildings in case all demonstrations or fresh fight flaredbetween the government and group of radiologists and pathologists at fccted by anjanncuncemcnt last Saturday of extcnde outpa tient diagnostic services Wenty five representatives oltha two grou sat Regina meeting deman so the governi meat withdraw implementation at this service whichwas to be provided under the Sas katchewan hos pital serv ices lan Thcvgroups saidin meat we cannot accep Current The doctors were duty in so any more than we can accept the Medic Insurance membershipbecause this would Two Leaders Ho FinalTalk Today rants neuron i=rursair ds Gaulle aad West Gcrnrsn ly GP Wiraphotoi ogyst ing more thanioofwomcn and girl students by convincing them his doctor had proscribed lovovos the only cure for him has bcemscntenced to 10 months imprisonment The at dent Nikolaus Relaslg has won eyesight is bad nitrite The courtfound nullity oi repented instilling behavid bodily injury The often are comndttcd three or fouryoars ago in the Tueblngen district The courtsoid lleissig can fided in his prospective lovers hat hisdilator could prescribe only oneuhope for himlove making Without love he was doomed to go mad blind or die Canal War ls Simmering VENICE litPiQThe fwnr ot the canals is simmering again with the ancientlgondoliers chhl lenging the increasing invasion of modern motorboats This picturesque Italian port city was all but paralyzedior two hours Wednesday as the gondoiiers blockaded the main canals that are the streets of Venice More Ethan 400 gondolléra lined up their black boots acrosethe citys Grand Canal Other gondolas blocked smaller canals The steam ferry boats that provide Venetinns with munici latest move ot the government pal transportcculd not move 4andfor thesamevreason About the some time Health Minister iW Davies Ann nounced the government tapro pared to continue discussions witha joint committee set up several months agoio find the bestwayato handle outpatient services Mr Davlsrsald it was femv phaslzcd thatthe services were extended only ltor thouoxtent they uld be provided gists sold in statement latest directive is furthar move toplace farther physi ciansJErvlcea under the direct control at the govcrsment He sold this would result in anintoleraltle increase in the demandfor servi tall not equipped mlcet the demands staffed to thiaweek Representatives from commus nitles throughoutlnonhcrn Sear at hospls Chancellor Adenaucr coniarred for three hours today in tho third ondiinalscsslon of Ads nauers weeklong official visit The two lcaderr whohadv 1Mnlnuta session Wednesday with only interpreters mesh met for an hour longer anhsd been expected They talked pri vately again for half an hour thonwsro ioinad by thoirfor eign ministers Maurice Cohva dc Murvllls and Gerhard Schroeder There was no immediate word on thssubstance of toda is talks Discussions Wedncs ay focused on Britains applica tion to join tirevilnropesn Com man Market and proposals for furthsr political integration the six Market countriu assessors lliebuncle Hermans rsiatlvas were all gnthcredin thelaw yers office Ceremonlousiy the attorney opened the envelope and lntoncdti Being sound of mlndlispem all my money ed someirregulari oi the plll at hospital ilvhorlel lhcI of any setbackin the taryear oldrformer prime ministers re covery fromhisaccidcnt weeksgotodayn The medical bulletin said however that Sir Winston is comfortable andhod good night Sir Winston broke hisr left femur in fall lnMonto Carlo Hewas flown back to loaders the following day andths frac tureplnned together in on oper ation Wednesday was the busiest dnyv forSir Winston since he was operated oniast Friday He got up for lunch forthe first time smoked several cigars talked over some business mat ters and dictated in few letters alses snows ssssjrnaim SALONIKA Greece Reuters 16yearold Greek shepherd was shot dead by Bulgarian frontierguards We day while searching the border area for stray latnb Greek authorities announced or its also tried slow leg exerg Bert McKay of Moosomin Sash sold ins measure wag have lost the battle of the legislallvswhulldlugs later hatchewanrrmat to outs plans or In RegioahDeputyPremle ll Erockelbank saidtha provln ciai governnicnt considers the medical care situation appar tiy under control flon joined crowdof ing Ngcrlnns uredtinto this capital today or so independs enceivictor party at loyai units of the natlbnaliat army Premiar llan Youssef Bcn lflrcddal re me vs duper ateiy to brn order Govsro mental adminltlation Virtually ground to ahelt teenage Mo lomsinbiuc loans and rattalva stuck in their beitsroanrsd the climate helping toY direct trsi After wll nï¬htpollcoln cludingxboth Mo cars and Eu mpeanIaucceédcd early today in closing off someoi thomain streets for the victory parade Ail night long the citythrobr bed to the thmio yell of lla Hya Chouho ailong live the fighters from the triumphant man woman and children de iightedly screaming and danc ing in the streets Againstthe ubilstion lenders ho rn Algeria iockedin pawn SElZE APARTMENTG Heady wltlt independence Mosierns seized apartments an homesonce occupied by Frenchmen ond stoic scores of Europeans cars from the streets No one moved to step are trcillcllws They swamped in remote uniformran arcade oi Modems Itili ceobrattog independence ro claimed yhronce Tues ay used throufh thostrccts of later lgnorng all signs add law French policementrying direct traffic Groups of nations st gucrrtié some with annbsnds onthair workers overalls roamad through the streets proudlydlsplsyrng their guns Others took up our our nubilebuildings but era was iiie to flrotactinsida Alnn ul oiiEurope who showed up towcrk lath Al gloss protecture whispered in empty rooms in many ofliccr papers were strewnjontirofloor EUROPEWE FEth Algerlas European mlnprity expressed grow on pessimism dhsvc safe snd Oran doubted that thatance boomingjcommsrcloi contra could regain itsiotmer prosper ough some Mosiems were beginning musicals back to worktberel several points in thalntarlor comma porfthi complete bolt in nomlc activity Tho governmentalypcuum was created by the sudda with drawai of Francis ofiicthv an the lack of Algorian Moslems to replace them Governing power supposedly rasts until eisciionswith the Frenchins heads FEM Butkactu with the nationalistgnvcrnmcnt nonsense errcannon non oparatln railway unions have put pr ce tag on their new contract demandHlmost eraoooooo year for wages plusjan additional til 000 year into yenrsfor tr job security program The figures was made pubv iic Wednesday for the first time lines the contract demands wore presented last December at the opening session of ted ernl conciliation bonrdset up to try to iind compromise solu tion to the dispute The union brief drawlng heavilydor support onthc find ings of previous boardamadegt it clear that the nonops have tied their demandfora flcente snbour wage increase to the durable goods standard That is annveraga afwages aid in several basic Canadian ndustries it has been selected for yearsby the railways as yardstick to measure what the rnonops should bepaid Thempage union brief read into evidence by vat negotiator Frank Hal sal ondard has received pp ry rnilwayconcillation board sincetha eridroitha Sec ond World War The standardnow is about ta ta an hourabovo the aver age ops wage otjlm on non Theunlonssay a22cent incr se is needed to close the gap ond matntain parity Athroughoutths life of twoyear contract orrosa srarvonnu Although the railway argu ments are still to be presented to the board they are almost certain to include renewed nt tacks on the standard itself as wallsa on the unions forecast ofhaw much it will rise dur ing thencxt two years The rallways counterpropo sni to thciunions wasrfor an in deiinite Zwage increasesome thing roiccted out at hand by theunlon negotiators There was no immediate offi cial reaction from the railways lo the unions arguments to sup port their controversial job so curity programa plan prei viousiy decried by the railways last aning amiu ruia DreienbalrerIoinsCelebra 0l01d Mormon Settlement possessor Alia celluth tor Prime Minister Dicienhskerbfn his first outoftown engagement sincAJths June to federal aloei rs than 500 Wednesday nigh in celebratlngtthe 75thanniyorsa oft crmon settierhe as tea sh spirits after ninehour trip from Ottawa congratuil th Mormoncornmunlty for tributllo Praires Cardstonsrtownai 700 settiedrin lelrby ll 37 Mormons from Utahyied by Charles Car after to cral manned by crews from the Sea losers international Unloawas launched ataam EDTtaday in the GrestLakcs and st Lowv rencs River the Canndlan In bor Congress announced here The CDC laid simultanqu action against jSIII manned lblpl was taken at key points inthe international inland who erwayat that Welland Canal between Laku Eric and 0a terlo at tho Cornwall Canal and the Beardramois Canal larfhe heart of the sosway routsin tho at Lawrence ltivcr at the no my entry locks at Montreal and at the ironoraport of Sept iles Que The boycott was aimed lt stop log siU shipsfrom are use ing through the away it also Includcd an embryo on leading SIU sinffcdi are ships at Se tilcs 470 miles northeastot ontreol The denial of usage to falnedtuntii there in ccssatlon ol the campaign of violence harassment picketlng holdups and boycotts oi Canadianowned ships in the Great Lake ports and elsewhere raid William Dodge CLC executive vice president orrrnns Nor monsoon Ships mannedby members the Canadian Maritime Una ion thoCan Brotherhood of Railway nsport and Gen era thaflUnited Sicel work nd other band fids trade unions as well as foreign austere Mr Itodgs state cat was first rialmoi aclrxrlowledac ment by unionofiicer that tho boycott had been launched The 010 sold the decision to ships Will be allowed unhindered drum and coercion unparal iclled in Conadianabor his tory Thaviolance erupted as two rival marina unionstho Cona dinn Maritime Union touched by the can androrganited labor generally and that Seafarers intcmotionsl Unionof Canada 1weroiocked inyrn blitqotrugglo forwupremacy among take us mea TROUBLED itlBTOPY Thovslll headed by Amarip canhom flail Banks of Merit col was expelled two years ago from the 1107000omcmbsr inborn congress for roidi was later expelled from the International Trans rt We are Federation for nterfercnco with the totem affairsvol Erit sins National Union oftscamen it hasolao been found guilt by tha Canada Labor held one Boardof fraudulent practices and rataattempts at mis eading in certification proc ings before the board llrocongress said the boycott will and when xi Assurance Ihns baenrss calved thattho reign oftaro ror on the Great Lakes has bccn ended 2Csnadian vessels tied up and subject to harassment at United States Great Lakes ports are being loaded and allowedto proceed to their destinations withoutunlnwtulfhindran willie Canadian go mmant glvea its assurance of vthe Cbcgreouest for the SW which under monomers qLCPresldentClalldeJodoin sought the smrlnvestlgatlon in alerter to Prime Minister Dict enbulser last May 13 Kids Hurts loot ORAN Algeria APiA vio lent gun battle brokeout in tho centre at Orans Europaoncity today and hospital oifioiais said more thanloo dead orwounded had been brought there withhr 45 minutes An officialof the citys main hospital said allfhoso brought in were Moslcms But several ropesns also were idlled or wounded The gunfire panicked tens of thousands oiMoslems in the midst of victory celebration Thebnttle which swept through the heart of the city nppenredlto bathe most violent outbreak ot fighting dn Orans recent turbuleathistory It was not immediately clear as to who fired onthaMosieml One Moslcm policeman shouted that the firingcnma from the terrorist European Secret Army Organization it was the first known out break of violence in Algeria since it became formally inde pendent Tuesday STREETS DESEETED The streets emptied within minutes as Moslerns and Euro peans scattered Three Euro eons dead or woundediay in streetoutside the Grand Hotel inthe heart otvtha Euro pesn city as Mosiem policoand troops brandishing guns moved into the area They began rounding up all thchuropean men theycouIdï¬n 3313st lordaniansllillad Soldiers JERUSALEM that Israel romJerusal em oldcity pd wounding three clvlllans Weds iianvictlms nwaaraportedto killing two lsraeli soldiers nesday night 0neof the alty old girl Was lllilnlltISsna has accused Jordanians oi fir itions across thearmiatlce line Oran consortia if