ror our or run first vehiclesvtn pnss through the Department of Transport Vehicle Safety Test unit at barrle Plaza yesterday Vic Jewell oi Oakwood Ont sup ervlsor of the unit is engag cd on one aspect of the check BOTTOM Alloeal volunteer in the Department Prepare for Swim Classe ity and Recreation Servica has assisted locaigvswlmmlng and of Transport Ve clc Check team Barty Ken of on Ecclessfrcct North tests headlight beams for alignment direction strength and dii EDGE ItiIesit Vehicles Barrie Majority Fail oestrous How randworthy is the aver age moiorfsts car since the beginning of April carowners in centres all over Ontarlo have been finding out This week is Barrlcs tumr 4A Department of Transport Vehicle testingunlt is set up for the week 1n the parking lot at Barrie Plaza and any one who wants to may take his vehicle along for check Within eight minutes the test ing unit can produce verdict on vehicle According to one spokesman for the dc art menththe answer has an thumbs down on more than half the vehicles tested Department officials and pel lee have streassdhowover thnt vehiclesfalling the test are not obliged to return No prosecutions will be brought against owners of cars found to be deficient burrs or wants William lift Glenister an ac cident preventioa organizer for Announce Promotion Of RCAF OfliC CAMP BORDEN Staff Group Captain it Hilton commanding oficer RCAF Sta tlnn Camp Borden has announ ced the following officer promo ticns which became eftectlva on the first of this month as 11 Beveridge the Protestant chaplain who has been stationed at Camp Borden the Department said since the units went into operation in April more than in percent of vehicles failed after the first test had been brought back for second Hesaid there are five units at work in the province with each being made up of aup crvlsor volunteers from the community being served and portable equipment provided by 1h Department In charge at the Ploznthls week is Vie Jewell fromOok wood Ont hir Jewell who works out of Toronto said his unit has carried out test weeks in Peter Hamilton Lindsay Port Hope and man rather central Ontario commun es He said between 1000 and 1200 vehicles could be tested in the average weekdependent on the number oi volunteer stnff available Mr Jewell said for efticient running of the test line he so since 1953 promoted to the rank of Squadron er native of firuro NS he is being transferred to RCA Sta liou Summerside PEI this month Also promoted to Squadron Leader Wu FL RA thawden ofticer in charge of the photo training school who has been at Camp Borden for year He is native of Londonond 12a servedin the RCA since Gray an armament instructor who has serve in the itch since 1930 was proi mated to flight lieutenant He has served got the camp for five years gt similar promotion was awarded to 110 it Stewart an instructor in the ROM air trafficjcontrol school He served with theArmy and the RCAF during World War if and has been stationed at Camp Bordenslnce 10M sYnflSCarl Eldon Ir Sudden in on nature the result of lays Jun MW don belov if Syme manta nyne smcs June this and imberley lovcdgrnndsyolh of Mrs tbci Murray flortianLmen Cflspei 1312 West at nuifcrin esdntf int not so line needed two mechanics and four other helpers in Barrie serv vice stations are supplying mcchnnics for tho tats and other volunteers have come for ward POLICE 0N DUTY city policeman is also on dnty ntthe testing lot in case of any incident Cars go through the test as though through an assembly line and one lo yes the lot everytwo minutes ltlr Jawell estimated The first check is on wheel alignment then headlight align ment distance and strength of beam both on full and dipped register The front end of the vehicle is then jacked up and steering and exhaust systems are checked out gt contraption for testing the braking capacity ot the autom obile is the final item on the These vehicles suing the test are given sticker but ii liston andDistricf no intra fiva Swimmin Conunittt ity of establishing that their vehicles are in fact tit to foa°°hlih ms Ortllts Chamber Comm lofsvor of holdings vets rs ilquordoungu and dining Hmmfapoll showed Howsv or Msyor George Mcicsnstst ed it would hsvstobs senor ate vote tihetd sinosgtstim steroid not include such for Hnwnrd Me ehss been is staffed as prcsidsntjof this Bot ary clubmttOrlliia succeeding KenCuttis Itqualheatre lchlng Pork shouldbs entirely raid joff this your and this club was em on osw oi playground eouiplncn Sincoe 0th Communities Stirst Countycommmltles have been rapsring for months for swf classes The Slmcos County commun day campcommlitm Consul llve isipwos given to the Al the Penctaogusbene Recreation Council Qualifiedpersooei has been employed at both centres to give swimming instruction and waterfront supervision in manycomd1unltlcs local committees are arrangingfor swim classes and day wps They have asked the Slrncoo County Recreation Service to supply leadership and qualified supervfsion Seven itsd Cross swimming water safety instructors avs been hired toteaeh swim mingr classes to 15 groups of children in various parts of the county Eight dsy campgleaders will give slmllartype of leader ship service Each team of leaders will spend two weeks in commun ity and then move on to an other Tharc will be five day camps this summer The Simeon County Commun ity and Recreation Service has released the following outline of places and times for swimming classes and day camps to be held under the cooperative lead ership scheme Tottenbam area All classes at Totfenhomellpond Trten ham County Monday and Thursday mornings beginning July Bondhead Tuesday and Friday mornings beginning July Tottenham Tow Tuesday figures show that less than half the tested vehiclesgare wearing there This is the first year the units have been in operatfon and it is the first time the scheme has been set up in Barrie though the unit has visited nelgbborlngCamp Borden where heavy turnout was reported for the Army and Airfares this test was compulsory To the private citizen it is matter of choice but police and department officials are urging motorists toxtake the opportun drlva in sansounr canon The upper body of the white tail deer in reddish brown in and Friday nlog July Moody noose beginning July sinyner ii ach area Cofing wood alternoo groupVWedncsday afternoons oglnnl July at Pirates Stayner group Monday and Thursday afternoons begin ning July at at Oakvlcw beach and Pirates Covs Colingwood 11 Thursday and Friday morn Ings beginning July 31 at Cell lngwood and Fridayyafternoons beginning July 81st Pirates Cove Advanced classes Mon day and Thursday mornings beginning July at Pirates Cove lnnlsfii Area Bradford Group Monday and Thursdoy siter noons beginning July nt in ntsfii Park Gifford group Mon day and Thursdayrafternoons beginning July near Gifford Beach Leonards Beach Group Wednesday mornings beginning July 11 at Leonards Beach Highway No 11 Monday and Thursday mornings beginning July at Lake Slmcos stVlo concession lnnisftl Advanced class Tuesday and Friday mornings begtnnlng July10 at Gifford Beach near 15th Cob cession West Gwillimbury OrriLnko Areaztail classes at Orr Loire Eimvaie group Tuesday and Friday mornings beginnlng July Mount Sid iotilsWednesday aitemnons be ginning Julyts Mapleton group Monday and Thursday after noons beginning July 30 of phln group iuesdayand Friday afternoons beginning July 31 Advanced class Monday and Thursday mornings beginning July it Supervising director for the swimming classes is Mrs Mary Elliott of Barrie Instructors are Joanna Andersen Margaret and ElaineDru James Iiow er Lynne Walls Margaret Hal lett and Marilyn Davidson Gayle Tucker in volunteer Follewing is the Day Camp Schedule Collingwood July 313 Stayner July 1727 Elmvale July 30Aug 10Palnswlckiuly 10h Glencqlrn July MAug Mrsblorence Fish last an visor of the day camps th Floyd Griesback assisting Stait members include Laurie and Bryan Mctcalic as day itcarrip directors Helen harden Tony Baxter Collen Campbell Mary Dunsmbre Annette Retires and Wayne Megdonai Volunteers are summer greylshln winter Janie iaherr and Ellen nine QNNATIONALSRANDS errecrtvesurviro Uin7r noonusiair spray Reg Lav BROMO LTZEtt Reg BABY POWDER iAVOltIS Reg 125 98 Re or GSHAVEReg80c raven creme Reg 1133 PEPSODENT To n1 Paste entities Milk 14 Essa acne noted thstlthe rogram nevi rich golden color promiscsngood average yield on log nsonhssbesnrather ilcult for tanner with fare acreage withoniy two orthrss days of goodlw tber are time ollowed by lhrssor fourday week with short but rsi lMost oi the hay malts pod fecd 11 weathered as eariycut browned with rain or two lsusu Oats and barley are morevar labla some fields being thin yandrhort and others look good enough toylcld wbushcis léy for ey crop Msny tumors are lncllnedto blamo their seed supplier for not having treated tbelr nedtborleyp par bn unfortunately there is no to final method of cbe cain treatingvseed bartoy to prevent loose Smut This particular in fection is carried over inter game thsésecd bar on novchcmfcal treatment can get at it The onlyeffee live control is the HotWaier Trcstmantt but this method is ed so difficult and costiythst only the grower offeundation iteglsteredSeed finds thaflot Water Treatment practical igcxpect that numborofcur seed groom will seeding plotrof barley nant Wf seed that has been specially treated to contrcl loosejsrnut Greatly increased interest has been shownln com this year Is Bmwns com th411th have one of ourCo Tests thisyear and on whole fie tlrolyircs for and be on rowszwhero tho sprayer had dry in thlsileld tbsAirallne had killedevery weed nclud ing th Foetall which can bejcbc with Add pr Mr Brown hfldf not cultivated his corn field aftar planting and no cultivation will be used Tn complete outcrop epo potatoes and tobacco our most important cash or pm stemming along quits welir The strawberry crop was rather disappointing except where irri lit gatlon was available due to the cold dry weather at blossom time hutraspberrles should do much better if we get good rain or two every week AdvdcdteséMore Land For Industrial lnordar catengto needsof the city in the next 23 years constdtlngiirm has recom mended to Barrielcity Council that land designated for ind trial use should beta mutation of 1100 and minimum of 10d0 acres The recommendation is tained inn bitpage repo ing considered by council The report is expected to be valy unbla asset in councils delib erettons with install and Van pra townships in annexation proposals At present the total amount of land available for industrial use amounts to Just 710 acres 450 acres short of that which will be required or the city if Iheiorecasts made by the con suiting firm of Proctor and isedfero prove to be correct uranium There is in the Barrie are an unusual amount of high land that may not for topographical reasons befsuitnbie for in dustry Another reason given why Barrie should be well prepared for large degree industrial expansion is because the pro gresslve actions of the city and its industrial commissioner have resulted ry high rataoi industrial growth it the City in recent yes The report adds that there appears to be little llk ihood of curb on thelincreasing trend from agricultural to in dustrinl employment in addi tion the acreage required by theClty to accommodate its growth until 1965 is approxim ately 600 acres for residential use rder to keep the boundar ies ofvthe City reasonably straight thefirm has suggest ed that small amount of land not actually needed for develop ment by the City shouldbe in1 cluded within its boundaries In susnmnriztngBarrtes ind uatrinl requirements theiireports states that the anticipated labor pool of theCity in 1035 would be between 15000 and 10000 The number of persons who might reasonably be expected to work in establishments in industrially designated areas therefore would be 0000 and 3600 The firm feelsthat the im provement of Highway 00 will make the surrounding arcatha most desirable land for indus trial purposes abutting the pre sent boundaries oi=the City Mon mimosa incognitoisrttitEIrooms unanimous Uses There org us tion in design oitrunk sa ltarysawers througbouttha re seot City to provide suifl ant capacitynforthsr propn nexcd area It feels should be undertaken porn the cost of sanitary pumphouse ln ths Vlndustrfal area withtha cost of deepening the trunk sewers Also in connection with en gineeringthe report suggests that the capacity of proposed siorm water pumphouse could be designed so that by the add tion of pumps additional land remaining in Vcspra Towndnip could be drained 1naummary tha reportrcon eludes thatjit may be said that the acreages set aside for com mercial school and open space uses sppeargadequata st theneeds of the comm ty The report devotesiour pages toaganeral reviewiof what school requirements wtll be in uses including public separate and secondary school require ments for the city and district 1t estimates that lube popula tion in 1085 is 40000 than the increase over thepreoent school itsgura steam willbe about