Homeowners Kompsniclt Bay Kiwanians mst lorlunchcon today at Bay vicw Terrsco Restaurant with TOP meCadetS Gather camp Borden For Training CAMP BOBDEN Slatit From Fort William to Ottawa and tied Lake in Windsor an elite High School Army cadets have arrived at Camp Borden for tho annual summer trades training course This year cadets will he lodging in tents at the camp for he sevenweek course being held at the Camp Blackdnwn section of Camp Borden about seven miles from the main am yltatiretn Figure Explosion Victim YOUNGSTOWN Ohio Apt Youngstown racket figure whose brother was gunned to death two years ago was killed Sunday night when an explosion wrecked car in hcnted ga rage Dr David Bclinkcy the county coroner identified the dead man as William Billy Naples brother of Joseph Sandy Na lcs whovwns stain with his gir friend on the front porch of her home March it 1960 Last July 17 James Vlnccnt Dchro so racket figure was killed by an explosion when he eniered his parked car That bombing like the Sandy Ns pies shooting never has been solved In the last it years the Youngstown disiriet has had 76 homblngs ail unsolved and three oi them stair The course includes intensive training in radio and telegraph transport drivermechanics and rifle instruction The camp provides the boys with heal thy outdoor atmosphere said Capt Suzuki public re lations oiiicer at the camp This in turn leads cadets towardgood qualities oi lead ership patriotism and citizen ship he said Officers and civilian lnstruc tors of the cadet services oi Canada also come from all parts oi Ontario to further their own education in instructing their own Cadet Corps When the students return to high schools it is hoped they will provide leadership tor the cod ets who are not able to attend special camp Cadets wear the Royal Cana dian Army Cadet badge The badge is the Maple Leaf with the motto Acer Acerporl meaning As the Maple so the Sapling neronrs 0N nuns resonro catran lands and iorests department reported so iircs burning in Ontario woods Monday There were to burning in the Sndbury district six each at Kenora and Sioux Lookout four at VPcm broke three each at Karuskas ing and Sault Ste Mar two each at Coehrane Wldteittvcr andlairy Sound nndone each at Gorsidton Swastika Gogoma North Bay Tweed and Lake Slmcoe President ursydon Kohl presid ing Kiwanis Club oiBarria meets for dinner at one pint today at Bob Bay Restaurant Barrio Plota Hov aloha Blddcl 1st viceprssidcnt will pictures taken at the nth show sands convention oi Kiwanis lntcrnstlonal last month at Denver Colorado GOING ro IRAN Donald Helg Eng with his wife and three children are leaving for Ahadan Iran formerly Persia Mr Hslg so is son ot Mr and Mrs stc Hatg oi Midland He will head sisman team oi Ontario Hydro experts in running new power protect in iron For the past three years heather been superintendent of tho Ontario HEPC plant at Cameron Falls BARBIE PRESBYTERY Rev Dr Him Jack minister of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Huntsville was elected Moderator of Barrio Presbytery Loon lasagna off one and onehstf pinioth ar Lott shows the strides ad Ballad on in horcliuwcstloa at the annualmsotlng haldio Knock Church Part CarlingHo succeeds Rev Jennings minister of Knox Church Mo ford and Streets thombury Rev Wilbur Young Coding Wood clerk at Presbytery ac captad an invitation from Creo mora to meat there on Sept ll enema mousse nili Gowan Creomoro farm and umpiro oi South simcoo Baseball Magus suffered broken shinboac in freak sc ctdont in hisysrd Ii loose stone was thrown up bys horse ho was hitching iho rcsuilng brokon bonc requires cast from foot torhip and he will be laid up over three month HIBTORIG SITES Both the thoracic Museum and tho indinn Village at Mid land have hndexccllsat attend once to date this year daclt Bridges who is inchprgc the lndian Village which is erated by the its arent out said almost one thousand poo d1 plo passed through thegnts one day last weelr lune Boom Employment Month More Than 500 Piacedin Jobs June was boom month for employment in the Barrie dis trict More than 500 workers were placed on Jobs From May 31 to June 30 there was drop from use to one ofunplaccd applicants in cluding 129 males and 58 to males Registered at the Barrie Nat ional Employment office on done so were 998 applicants comprised of 63 mslu and 362 iornales Clem Kramer manager of the Barrie branch of the Nat ional Employment Service said the demand for service workers wasstrongcst while farm is borers and construction workers motioned steady There is also shortage of qualified toot and diemakers machine shop worth erswelders and sheet metal workers he said EsselSchooi Prometions Fiftysix pupllsfhave been promoted at Essa Rural School No The following pupils will be enrolled inthe grades listed who the new schoolfterrn reg Septemborr Grsd pWayneEiliott Mou LTcrty lflll Cherie ssnn suns anon Cnipcisase Anna Dodge Helen Dodge Douglas Hopkins Gradeii Patrick Brandtr Grace Elliott Christine Fink bclner Marie Fisher Grade 6Kesineth Dodge Go don Elliot Verna Jennett Do ias LandrypBrlan Hobson Bi aidv Btoddart Joh Wilk Sh ley Williams Principalris Mrs Shirley Riiey assistant Diane Reid Grade Bonnio Margaret Cumming Denise Chipchase Fortyseven applicants were registered in clerical and re lated occupations and iii le maies in the some categories Registmd tn the calm and related occupations are as males and so females in service workers 130 males and1251c males in contruction 51 males in transportation as males in unskilled 200 males and alto males Sunnidale School Promotion List flirtythree pupils of Sun dale Breniwoad School No were promoted at the close school last weekl The follow2 ing pupils will be enrolled in the grades listed when the new school term resumes in Sep tember Senior Boom To Grade 9Cltiiord Derby Boards McCailum To Grade aCheryl Day Ht WrayMcQuay To Grade 7E olse tkguslns ion McColium Rt Darlenei McGtilivray Eonnic Murray Patricia Murray Marilyn Paddison Ht James Sargent Itl Robertrstatnton tii To Grade ojtttchnrd Oflsea pa ngeis Hirth ly Hi e1 Th Sargent 11 To Grade 3Marika Hittit Rhcinhold 1ng Betty Mur rayj KathiecnPaddlsoo Marilyn Hanson Patrick Kelly Angela llg DavidOShsa Cathy Trottth Llnd Ha Hiuwdusan liopkins Arthur Howell Stephen Hunter Wendy HutchinsonyDavld Landry Hea ther Bohson Carol dchandla Grade4ltieky Altman ma iCochrane Earl Elliott Bon nie FJsher Mary Garry Robln Groves Barry Howell Deborah Schandi vming oaassanoproa snow They werent the beat dogs in the world in Bic mutt show at therJaycec Festival vectorI in Grade 3Bonny Allen Bev erly Chipchase Jimmy Cuml Tommy Cunningham Michaei Fiakbeiner Linda Gare Scott Hunter Karen Don dry Brenda Schsnrilen David Btoddart trade zltonald Cochrsne Maurcen Binkbclner Christina Peacock Gordon Robson ty polio nd charged wlth break on road theft on gSsturday night withn of the discovery th cannes Geffeeishop Collier eat had been forced opensnd looted Policesaide backdoor to the building was found open and window had been broken More than tl7hashwas taken irom thcpremtscs and bio wasiound or the cos rcgtst Policemade an arrc youthwas found orsicd hand mum Kflwflimflwrï¬ï¬‚ï¬nmcrMï¬piftryurmgmflgflwayflmh ntrnmwm slngin Coltesof march to tslrsfirst placin the create it bracket was IIom Oplis1har andthlrd place went to Bi Muihoilsnd in tbsundg or rixj to ems cartons sou Cbarlotto Maude Bolt died and aradciia thermom ing to the sworks splay dance in to evening szcco res at waits sat late last June so in Royal Victoria nos length moi Burris vs sitar She was in war The funeral dune to to Harris and in Midland it VJ Lakovlew funeral home we conducted by Camelotn automotive Charles Wat ton Rick Walkiuson Dr GrisoJohn Jory Lewlor and Taylor Charlotte Christian was born at Msnchast Ontario She married Aioxandor William Bell Mrs Bell resident of Midland community for so years partial tedin many community sotivl or she was activate the StAnd ol msay oificu inalt through of the Presbyterian Church and member oi the Midland Horti ctuturai Society Mrs Bell play st golf and curling Latteriy she lived in Toronto srrlo and Dartmouth Her husband Alex Bell Mid land businessman and two sons Fredrickaad Kenneth predo caused her She is survived by two daughters Esther Mrs Pear son Flowers Barrie and Ruth Mrs Harold Sawcott Dart mouth NS claim Reitst Mrs so thlilsnd Burlington abloihcr George Christian Honolulu five grandchildren and threcj great grandchildren Outoitocwn relatives and friends attending ths service came from Burlington Toronto Barrio mouth CA Ladies Auxiliary and rows Hospital Auxiliary the years member Bali Burial was Ithr noes nsnow krona ESTEVEB Th lkcly wiit manyyrizea at champion shipxconspotltion but the dogs entered in the Jaycoa Festival itiutt Show yest orday had youngowners who felt they had the best dogs ovor Pmudest owner in the show was Mark Williams with his dog Boots Boots not only won the grand chem ion rlblt bed but also took prize for the best ionghatrcd dog in no show best shorthnired animal was lodged to be Butchf was by Lisa Decoric The owner whose pet Cin dy won the prise for the smallest dog was doline Hobbs while Lisa Decorie won again with the best grapple dog Billliiuilhoi lan big dog Skippywoa the prize in this category whiletbs trlckdog award wentto Jim traser with Sequin Grovcnliurst andtipsrt Despite besvytrafiic tluougha outths Dominion Day weekend aniygtwo persons were injured in accidents on highways in this area between Saturday midday and Mondny midnight Th Barric 70 said irom Saturda midday 12 accidents were reported with interior in two of them 312ath Gordondoh ton Hoot Lawrence Avenue Eest Don Mills was treated ioran ry sfters rear listen on Highway 27 ball mile uth of the ONE railcrossing near fihohnton ldclciand by PubiiusChircop speed in the city on Sunday after Two Persons Injuredbiightiy In Weekend District Accidents vacationers returned home from their along wcelien in one instancoconcernin bound vehiclepolice had to set up road block to stop high noon Mr and Mrs George Hay oi 145 Penetang Street both suffered injuries when the Barrie Pl the more bands rm dinette footurodwith fios clowns and ly evohtwiastbs bugs srodo that men at Stthnconi Pork and toceodad ior marrithan wo mils tho Agricultur Perk whor Itbrokc up to start the day ctivitics parade itself was hi lightoduiwlih six floats ivs bands and the marching oi the and Barristh Hunters and AnglersGoon rvatton hasooi nth cludodtho Kompeuicl mpet rillidiom the Canadian cadamy of Mes ic Acordlon and tha Barrio City Coacoht Band qu the second yearta row Barrioiflnsrnon Club cap tured the award for the best floatlo thapnradc The trophy was protected to Kinsmen pro olden wanrosunne and hisdaughter Susan The second rizc $15 elect Henderson Lamb cash want to the observation Association ior its appealing float Tho trophy tor the best float tsprcsented by the Bar lasa Associati arsdc most youngsters Mr staithwsitosaid list family could easily have made accomplete day out oi the lap tival either briuglagiun making use of the many ro treshment booths scattere throughout the blaze acrcng Instead it seemed tho they were at least four diff at audiences at differeh part the day with many turnin the momlngpahade different crowdfor th noon grandstand activities nnottier for the sports and other for the evoningbsnd petiti Bands Entertain Festival lntment that not turn out for competition at the Jnyccc Festival last night the more than 300 persons who lis toned to the music seemed ant isiied to hear Barrles own Kempenielt Trumpet Band and the Barrie Pipe Band For more than an hour the two bands andtba mainrettcs from the Kempenielt band thril led the audience invitations had been sent out taabout 1a bands to participate in the Domino Day iestivities but prior cou mittments for the holiday ligcd the other band to decline Winner of the evening perfor mance was the Barrie Pipe Band when it tallied at points out of possible lot Len Cope Despitc ding Crowd land drummaior from the group co on ed the Jaycee trophy for this achievement irom William Bralthwolte pre sident In seeondplaces era the majorettes fromthe emlt penlslt band who won cash award For their participation in the morning parade the Kempenfelt band was awarded atrophy tor the best perform once At the conclusion oi the par ads the audieace watched mammoth displayof fire works set at by 13XRoyai Catnadisn Air Force Supply Dov rThe day was brought to close with dance tntha curl ing club The music was vlded by Bob McDonalds chestra lefto nonunion cans their vehicle can into lamp post in city parking lot Mr Hay wastrested for multiple cuts to forehead scalp and nose while Mrs Hayghnd cut to the nose item Street Toront was un able ston Hear the drlvcniby Danict Edward Fcbr ardsuck so oi 351Baglan Ave sue on rand detachment oportedo number of speeding psriicutarly ih authbound traffic early vintagmorning as eit Highway 27 Violatioils congregation to the closing service Sunday ownfas theugh iced and heart otta