VltIAW chums reeleli go lag this season oi the tinltedchurch We wer convene at the Slrawberry Social held on the church muadr last evening salad Platelallowed by variety oi plus es more thrnm ack McLean leit hi loci Eversltrhlrei Gordon Ma louder and hlra hi hich ready to serve the these low the young in have hieir Penniara MisSion Circle Group Plan MotherDaughter Banquet ihe singing at hymn and roll call answered by scrl4 turs varse containing the word understanding sued the use motto of ie Ponmara Jesus Each individual must ap roach Bible reading thought lul roverentlyand expect antly that what is read my be blaming totba soul tenths at the lee are Ready yesoold son at Mr and Mrs Partrldle Willow iiarrle and Thomas Shirley eightyearold daughg lerflol Mr Ind Mrs be once Johnson bl Edger By DalstonUCW he no The Jane meethtgoi the Dal ston United Church Women was held eithe homeyol Mrs Lorne Handy lhlrtaen members and one visitor answered theroll call with veneoltheir lav orlte Psalm The president Mrs Stan Wat soncalied the meetingto ord ANCE Social oornmlttee oi Countrytauh has planned en ï¬gural more or thiaiSatur even wmmenc trgat nine oclock Since lt is ll weekend largeustiea dsneeflls anticipated as some stagnbere willxhehpavlng cuboi cerraagevlll vide music for dancing Jansen guests or several da thi week oiMra lreoM rtloirie or with theilhemdiiymn and preysr Mrs Victor lekar in charge at devotions The minutes ol the previous meeting wereread and dealt will1MrsGiarencsi3rotvn treasurer reported on the pro tits the UCW made tram get llns lunchatMllton Bonneys Victor auction sale and catering at the banquet Mrs Gordon Jory sealed Mrs Norman with alare well gilt onbehall olthe WW and with best wishes in hernew homey Mrs Ken Dinker read chapter ollhe study ll Hx ten the Day Mrl Gilh ass hereottage at holiday in with her liealoy or it known wander thro anybody can vein the mposlng ge leilerlas Street celebrated their solder wcdding anniversary at th me at their so tnlawr snghter Lambert Wlliso Cookstowa Junta 16 nicotine werem eterbo lseacCouch nJane lo rm They one son Charles dtwadaught Lembort Will sndiielen gran ohll Susan Sondra Paul alloi Lindsay Emily land congratulations lca assistanteware McNabb Head ld ernniermmwrwwm Rite aoL oiellullflli Sydney Doyle awarded rises taker thetehlld psychology book will twat right across the back Stro meeting oi th Womens institute are Copsmuoltyi list their psychology you suggest that pareniaiaeek tun blahle talk herseil bluelo the lace and Sony you are it Stunt declare and do athrwgh devious metheds rt grubby hands at eaEtsjal mailing lists ï¬nger is Lenders new tly you adv young moments and glveher vlouryearold shocked suggesting thatchlld thevayteydlscipli chli hitthern withibo disappointed uentlyln your oolumn professional help or their chill area This is olcoursa the en edapproa How doesit happen that you are now re Deer Former Admirer it your radelhis column regu ierlythero should he no doubt aboutw elstand ialiiy andviolence No child should ever he stopped the laceystruck on your out out meeting was held The roll call What do or that ied up ieeli was sn chimiwdwï¬ by 17 members and live to be llgh ouae Followln dinner at the Hotel Bionic vi Ontario Hospital and indoors in Manor Residents of the Manor waraenteriained with taggers and reheshmentr pro dog in at itAad mt lanthanum or Fania lat Mint ll the girls feelings lorlyou were genuine sounds as liyou twors out lune love song cant be role it must be duet lilisii Abus trl to Panels was hi hilghtpl th June met ghteaeing tour oi short business in Partt ors an Maw gave the mob whsn ou arena the rocks le were made to the Womb gates ol Buckingham Palace lesion Cir oi FiratBaptisl Mr and Mrs deilerlesre The month newscast given the hea mathsback members and mono Church in than meloi Mrs Watts Bayilold treat The President Mrs Wal thcr conducted the business period during which members were reminded of the need for volunteer bandage rollers to complete the shipment at White Cross supplies foriorclgn mla aion haspvala Plans were made Vlor Mother Daughter Banquet in September gt Miss Edna ilteadoros group were in charge or the program devotional led by Miss Esther Hermosa challenged the group with the question fBible Reading blessing or curse Through the use or appropriate crlpture passages it was emph sizcd that the true purpose of Bible reading must he to knowGod in Christ ment of by Mrs Gil art Horton con tained report from the home Lmislon church in Picton the diamond anniversary oi the baptist Church in 0mm Boll via news of tho increnscd lac illtlea oi the Soulhern Cross Radio Station in Bolivia and glimpse into the very dllllculi field of Christian mlsslanary endeavor in Malaya The topic themewas lindia our longestestablished iorolgn mission lield iliiss Theodore traced very graphically the his lorlcal beginnings with the work oi William Carey the establish Canadian Baptist Forel Mission Board in the hiarlt mes and the excellent groundwork layed by Baptist missionaries among oie ogu people at India social period concluded the eyenlngszaotiviiies CQUPLE Wan insensitive Miss Luclllai Anita Du quette and Thomas Davldliill were married at Penetang the youngest daughters and Mrs Edward Du The bride graduate oi ll Royal Victoria Hos Ihorntoa Womens Institute Wine Copco in rr Th evcnln roo Mushrooms used as food since early Roman times coni vitaminsL copper and protel the meetingzwiih worshan ser vlce Raireshmanta were served by Mrs Lem Joryand Mrs Fran els Williams assisted by the Williams alllltedflry the hostess FOR TOMORROW it good dayior planning secur ity lortho future Conferences with your lamilypsnd business associates should work out very well andyleld some good ideas Your hesthoura ion accomplish ment alongthesa lines will occur before the QVdlllllE hours in the late pm relax sadealoy some retrial ity son ran slumber it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that where ilob matters are co monthalso in into No vember and late Decemberyou be periods where inga resourcclulaesslswill bit so try to make your linenceteliin spheres where ey wlil dotthe rnostgood Sap tomher incidentally will also anetiivcellent month ior those in Eli V9 or travailtherea strong possibil thatyour dreams will be re zed in June late Sep nodio the sentries and scribble thalk name in theQueene guest en ti blotter supplied invali justf oi The Inndon bobblesgunrding the front gates are wary ol sightseers demanding tours oi the building But lirsomeba reasonably well dressed politely where ihevlsltars book is they willprohabiy be shown the way pa ace spokesman has con ilrmod that the antaroom is open to all but add it everybody starts coming it be ghostly bore For the police the general rule is nothing irivoious0a an average day only thine or laur persons leave theirname in the book Onaday recently the namesdistod were those of peer major and an army captain gt palace Achlld born on this day willg be sensitive and reserved but will have to curb periods at lethargy SERINERS To MEET momma CPiTake 15000 shriners some 300 horses law and elephantsabaut bands and it all adds up to one oi the biggest parades ever held in Toronto In all some 75000Shrlners plus wives lam illes and irlcndslare expected to arrive or the 06th convenV tion July 13 Already aoommw dailon has been booked for seine Soar mantles di one reused gills floral bouquets and Guests were presont lrom Brooklln Lindsay liamiltoh Brooklln Lindsay Hamilton OrllllaI Newmarket Churchill Holland Lsndi Bar rie Toronto Strand Cookstown ï¬r of business were denitwlth neighboring institutes were dis cussed also the Quilt and Rug President openadthe meeting with The OpeningOde lollowed hy the Mary Stewart Collecl The grail call was answered by naming Provincial Cabinet minister iihilii The notes of the May eetiug were read also the correspondence and several lt invitations to visit Fair who held at Boston Mrs Smith turnedthe meet ins over iothe Program Com mittee members Mrs Bradley eyholds and there is nocontradlction cause my Dad dledand had malherandtwo sisters IULY Wannlnof Mr and Mrs Percy Stilton at naouneeii theengagemehiol their daughter Missifleverley Ann Sutton to Stewart Douglas Leap san oi Mr and Mrs Stuart Lee of Tomato Midhurst Unit ed Church will be setting for the alternoan we ding cere irony July 28lha brideelcct is gradual ashore Teachera Lerestingtaikon Nassaudllllngthe Easier rivecans shoves The lirst sale to boiaada byr Woolworth in the Dr eysthanlted the Mr ducted won by MsCHMcLean ihedraw were won by Mrs Harv gave an int her trip to holl presented her with William Sutherland can contest whichwas ill Kneei Andrews served Vre 15m are to an unid Cost otihe item armator legs and have re posted my view times without nllmhcr agree that psychol ogy can be wonderfully helpful as guide or raising children but therefis no substitute for common enee=and mothers lastlncl oungslers understand quick patch on the rear bet terlhan they updaratandphteud in the position lm expressingr Dear Ann Landentl ImJl and in love with girl who is 19 Ilauli collage last year be to go to work to support my We are sanncmn Male this your heedgnertu or or the balï¬illdlnl in come and hrowni Wrsvnourns sock Verona so names on Hess pleasedo co theiwe are Exclusive Agents fo antral warn or Lennon Sinus wooLLarts towns is and Aulhenlic Tartan Specialty Iuc Shoo illictilll 53°55