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51Pitehers flgueetn DOWN 125mm omelet ibiYellawllh brown 1LWatgt souroel durum 1eonra rueluumo 0Cste eotmd 1Poem 851am DDeeeptive Admitted 17niuigure 10Vedde IDJielll meuurem Emma tion 101ood dwellers 1260 pg stairs mites dtueo inmate 13not 466 name Recipient at MissloniarySoctetywes held mplng live COUHG bid Wcst led the scent hearts As oregano can plainly sea it doosn skill to rnekesix spndesnwith tnlre agroat amount ol this bondbut South wound up goinndown onol 0n theqneo nll heniis East Jack Elulenbnch ol bosmnne lee pl ed ihekingl West continue declarer assuming that the tour henrtbid woo based on ninecord sult with the queenl nun Declarer now led the seven oi spades irom dummy East playingthe six Souths imagin ation nowstsrted workldg over time He had seen Ehrlenbneh follow low to the second heart iesdiand beganto wonder why Ensthad played the king on the opening trick if conclusion that the only sen ible eXpinnation tor Ehrlen bachs play who that he had started with the 10 ll of spadesnndwse trying to develop trump trick tor hlmseli by panicking South into rolling with the queen So deelsrer iinessed these en and went down one Easte imagination provedto be more rewarding than Southsl We otter no opinion about deelarers which might have turned out right butyou have to hand the laurelto East tor creating the opportuni itylhat gave South chance to gowrong marrow Test lyour dummy only Qnosswono sateen some ointmen 11 Trouble 29 Oiudoe note 3017 emblem bird with heart and Declarer ilnnlly came to the DONALD Ducx AIT ounuwrnuvoum media in wn LBMILLI sees wot are enema Has AsrsADY WT no mourns was at go vicinity title New YA KNOW WHAT MEAN wueN realest YAT BE CAREFUL moss cwuoa DUST oar vow CLEAN APRON ALi DIRTY nnotrsncKsi nlmwoorssone SILLYchllilGS enr nor may sluv touannIERnruevn memos mm renewsrounded one or version NMIONRLFARM Stlllitll Myeeronrwononm orient WEllflllikill Mimi 10m will IM PlilVllWEDTD WM10W LllTLE llttte WHY WOULD WERE 10 mu MGM am 60 MRlEDTHIS 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