Wmtswrrwjamn Wmmmmqmw457w detonators 1011 nd broke histblgh hi°°iit ease eers Biiisli1gi inl ld repprtereafter doles eratlon enoperot ea access lapossiblc new that Sir Wintio cert be transported to London tomerrowir Churchlil was taken to the hospital alter he fell wbtle get ting out at bed in his eighth tloor penthouse suite in the lux ury Hotel de Paris where he had been at log since arriv ing trombon on Tuesday on twoweek lie was visited in the hotel Riv Di Chntoiln and Churchills enaco physician3Dr David Roberts Then was rushed to the has the Princess Grace Polyclinicby ambulance and xrayedh an official medlcnl bulletin asld he suffered iraeture oi theneck oi the fomiirtho uplt poinarrow part at his left thighbone in London Lhdy nounced Sir Winston flown homollridoy len Cvibe retirement hurehl toih ltl ere since his mm ministerin 1W to he holiday at Raque tuune inmi essouth oi Franco when he was etreekby his old enemy led by For some doye oars tor hie lite and members of the iamtly hurried to his bed room Early in 1968 he or spend sldo irom various parts oi the world not two weeks later he Was sitting up the famous cigars that have be come his trademark in 1050 an indispasltlon wlth West Canaan Chancellor Konrad ltdenauor thcnvialtlngr London buthe recovered within 21 hours inihe autumn oi 1060 there was concern when he tell at his London residence and broke small base in his back was up and about withlntwe weeks celebrated his oath blrth tiny and had fuiiy recovered by January mi handkesmnn at the hospital said wartime British prime ntlnisterwos quite comiortng ble The spokesman added He is so cheeriul that he is talking about his return to England but we donot yet know en he will be able to leave churcliiiiuhnd been staying in en eighthdloor suite of the lax ury Hotel do Paris since arriv ing fipm London Tuesday ior ek visit dy Churoiilildldnot accomao any her husband on the trip ghe was told of the accident at chorlwell the Churchiils home iii Kent Dr Charles Chaiclln chlci surgeon at the hospital in Mon nca Dr David Roberts and Dr ntndra Fissore on may expert examined the British wartime prime minister sin viusron CLCUnionariii StiiiSmouldiersy OTTAWA GP Like dor mant but dangerous volcano the dispute between the Gene rdian Labor Congress and one oi its higgestslfiliatcs the Car penters brotherhood is stlll smouldering Barrlng sudden sew oil thanext eruption may come in August when the CLCe top brass meets here in executiva session wlth the problem oi the Carpenters Union sure to be high on tlis agenda he dispute started when the member United iirotharg Carpenters nnd Joiners second ranking union in Can ada started to organize loggers in Newfoundlanda jurisdiction claimed by the rival Interne ilonal Weedworkors oiAmerlca flha head oncellision ot the two unions has raverberated for monthsithrough the halls of la bor threatening to rupture id bor unity by driving wedge Outflonk OTTAWA tCPi ihe exis teneeoi Russian missilelaunch lng submarines means that North Americas defence sys tem has been largely out looked oiiieiels said Wednes They emphasized that this doesnt inake North American Defence Commandobsolete arise the air threat to this continent will continue Eutr hereasthe ballistic mis site we ing system and Distant Early Warning radar line in the Canadian Arctic Alaska and Greenland could worn North hmeilcayof rocket or bomber attack missile bombardment bysubmarina could come with ourwarnlng This is onereason why Gen Laurence Kutei mm at NORAD rccï¬ntly called for ex onsion oi te ballistic missile warning system it is also why lhcdefence da artments ofACaneclo and the nited States pro pressing ro ch ilnto an underwater between this building trades un ions andother CLC affiliates in its recent actions the Can pentcrs union has virtually dared the CLC to suspend it it walked out of the congress con vention in April stopped pay ing its monthly per capita dues to the congress treasury land iinaily proceededdespite CLO Newfoundlands two big logging companies to represent the is lands 15000 woodworkers Labor sources say the car penters union so far seems to be standing alone in its fight with the congress reers that other building trades uninns could pull out vi the CLC have not materialized nt least not up to now indications are all sides will let the dispute simmer quietly until it comes up at the August session oi the congress execu tive councll lnncrcabinet of or ganized labor in Canada IrMilseile Subs NeAa intelligence sources say So vlety submarines right now hav capability oilsunching claar missiles against North Amciicas coastlines Theyuesti mate their present maximum firing range at 350 miles with ran eioro long Some recent antisubmarin measures The rudiments oi stationary underwater submarine alarm system will be in place well oit Canadas coasts by nextyear The eysicm will harbored on aircraft faroui at sees inttho submarines bent on bomber wins North America $22000900 destroyer co version program to fit the war ships with helicopter landing platform nextrmon The helicopters will carry noréwhlchcanba low and into the waterand tor gathered at nearby Lno Beau warningsyto slgri contracts with Liberal LenderPearson thegpossibility of for greater moored sonabuoys dropped by likely channels of approach for scheduled tobegin nddrwnter detectlo in bed and smoking lorccd hirnio put on meeting silenwonren almost theetilira labor iorce at the SAGE deien sltelat North Pay Ont want was on elections rather than parliamentary strategy Wed esdny as 27bi SecleiCreriits member at Peril cnt port ior their ilrst pestelection CHUNG ï¬e caucus is expected toyend today whenn press conference is scheduled Vwith national LiberaliliiPsBacir Pearsons yd 5Deience OiSOund Currency OTTAWA CPi Newly electod Liberal membersl of Parliament have unanimously endorsed their leaders de mands foran immediate ses sion of Parliament to discuss the vernmcnts iinanclsl gt emergency measuresv They pledged co operation Wednesdsydn elfsctiva meas ures to protect thcsoundness of the currency But they said it was distorting the fuctstho pretend thnt the emergency arose suddenly Defensive emergency mess area now are essential but they must not lastbeyond the emer gency the members said in statement issued after their first caucnsgmecilng presided told reportersafter the oneday gathering that the Liberallparty is ready for an cenn surveillance system doe so strike Weddesdeyie sup port at sYAgrfavbnce by olec tricalfwerkers the leader Robert Thompson anddeputy lead oel Caou cite answering the questions ednesdaye so it iyg written statement said the members are completely and sincerely united behind Mr Thompson and Mr Caouette There has been speculation since the election that Mr Ca ouettas weighty Quebec niin other election but that win perform its duties as aspen sibleopposltion it would support the measures ltthought essential for the pub lic good but vote against iness ures itaopposcdhii this brought down the government and forced another general election that will not be unwelcome ENDORSES LEADER Lionel yr Liberal Houseï¬eadcr and MP for Mont resl Laurler said the meeting also unanimously endorsed resolutfoh prnlslng Mr Peter sons leadership and election campaign conduct The meeting broke up with three cheerszand a1tiger and ehorus of ii Gagne scs Epau lettcs the Frenchlanguage ver sion oi For Hes sJeily Good Ijellow svoninnn ce Sldvington pickets in port at theijinlernatlonal Bro dierhood oi Electrical to erophotot party iMr caouote ersi members would bolster the 116 Progressive Conservatives at Prime Minister Dieienba rnmeat and would lstrateglc absences from the Commons to prevent the opposition tromovarthrow ing thevvgovemmen TALK ORGANIZATION But mostly Kthe Creditisies Mr Thompson was the only one at four westernmembers able to appeartalked about organization for another gen eral election Fernand Onellet tireless 30 yearold rty organizer said he will try to organize 50000 activeparty member hectand aboutdiitm in the lnntic provinces The object we be to have four to each poll in Quebec where the party at election time clalmedtitmu active members and two to each poll in the easterly provinces Meanwhile David Wilson at Toronto would aim for two so ltive members ineacit oil in Ontario and the westcr members would $14 one infees attendsem are on party doctrine and spread the word in their nelghl borheods rig commercial TV wenresidonts caught in deedloekybetween the governj meat and the provinces doc tore7 are waiting uneasily tor fresh move in the bitter die 11 pate over medical coreinsur IMO There ere no cations irom either side oi change in plans whlch are pinned to next Sundayle slartlngdate for the overnment program Lennon BioslvePiiklngton report on the tors of broadcasting says there was much evidence than British newspapers entered commercial television solely for commercial reasonem The committees contra findings saldthat if oi the out set the experienc of newspa per interests had belped com mercial television to develop news and comment that help was notneeded news Werecord that one company ith In particularly good reputa tionior current affairs pro remap has substantial press interest the report nys Thccommitteej adds hat in company out Scottish Television Liimlted controlled by Ganndian ilsherlto Thomson By dominant we do not mean holding more than hell the ELLIOT LAKE Ont CFls This model mining town in On terios northland shaken by the cancellation ot uranium con tracts will be digging into hui man paydirt duringDamlnio Day weekend ElliotLake was dealt crip pllng blow in 1959 when the United States cancelled its op tlnrigto hay uranium siteriiiea Minors and their iamiiiEs began to pull out New local businessmenthcir numbers depletedrby the exodus have put themselves in the red to organize summercarnival in an attempt to dig up tourist trade Everyiocal orgsnlz on has itched with theCh oi for thetihree dny ng June 30Dut the chamber already has $2000 overdraft forlts trouble and oneoi its directors cracked up under the strain Th ckcduprogramlncludss wat sports romawlmming to can tilti ysparts events from salt to eportsecnr rnlly idaiices barbecues and picnics nor Marne The uraniumrruners Will pro Vide local color with an eidil bition orirock drilling and to rat the mines ohn gMooreLa Chamberhi Com ere director was the Pmss no in gainst hunger and thirst all convicts were Westernistote Peniten arently determined to towérl emnnstratl lion Rob er th voting she 11 Conv1ctSfStay on Tower ToProtest Prison iCruelty sprawld todayon water they conkeep up Wilhlhe Itortroi comp sory prepaid medical care plan the Collegeoi Physicians and Surgeons her said dociere otlleee willelosesnd on hos eloodfirm in refusing to dela startoi the plan until its di ierences with the medical pro iessienore settled hospitals in rSeskeioon end itegine have prepared iorms int dicetlng to patients the nature emergency no ice to be veileble in Saskatoon thebobrd ol trade ermounced plansfto llsh editertiesmenia adviilng toorlsie there maybe short age of medic care in the pro late this Iumm lniitegina Mineral Resources Minister Jy Brockelbank an nounced plans for air or ground ambulance transportation of pa ttents to hospitals which are staffed in rhlbarta or Monti toba it necessary mean that it should no he the largest single interest the committee says mursNo neuch Where less interest is dominant as in Scottish televls also we recommend thetatha contract=ehould not be renewed on its expiry in ions unless the press interesthas been suffici ently reduced In achart showing ress bolti ings in British televls on the re port shows Thomson Television as owning 80 per cent oi than with shares ot Scottish Tele vlslo Thomson Newspapers owns all of the 252000 nonv ing shares twin afootnola tolha chart the committee notes that Thomson Television is not in itseli press group but adds it is wholly controlled by Mr Roy Thomson who also controls tiiomson Newspapers Use cannula Tourist Liure iirat casualty He became run down and contracted pneumo nia but be continued the or gariizatlon by telephone while his wite ran his eating and plumbing business It Elliot Lakes snatch at sur vival succeeds the organizers can only hope iobreekeven But if tourists are shy of the craggy hardrock grabber who wants to become agenlsi host then in the words of alocai Banirlnterest no no Upped honro or Chartered banks Will increase boththein terest paid engravings deposits and their prim lending rate Within the next few days itwas reliablyi reportcdtoday in bank ing circles The savings rate will be in creased from per cm to three per cent eiteetlvo July it is statedrend the prime rate will be increased from 5lrper cent te six percenthuiy No change however will be madein the diapercent ratet appllabieto loans under the Small BusinessesTLoans Act on wn from the gh ca elk within period around dinner it was felthhe sight tiling into the mean all ting Dignne quiriiuple These were some at th ode velopmeeie Wednesday sgaintt tight to introduce comp henslve program in which the government will pay resldsete doctor bills The College of Physiei and surgeons representing the provinces Widoctors opposes the scheme on the grounds it gives ethegovernment virtual monopoly an on proposalsto allow actors to practise outside the editjal CaraAct nndztor eel other sections at it ihedoctora said the prepoé obitFLEEaiadvice to them had indicated provisions to practise outside the set could not be made withth leg Research To Boost Sales MONTREAL CPl re search and promotinm effort designed to boost Canadian sales in othercountrles was announced Wednesday by Elliot dian Ex erters Assorted Mri the gcurrent move is on growth of resolution adopted at the associations annual con ventionin October which called ior nnrappielsal oi the organiza tions alms urposes and pro trading conditions The appraisal on which new plans are largelybased was made byiohn Deuisch versltin Mitchell Sharp Toronto fonner deputy minister of trade and commerce and Arthur Smith research director elation of on Montreal reeommendatlo the asso paid president Association so as membership of ested in Dionne one oithe ioursur whoen tered convent in nusry 19th to becomen nun has leit the nu itwns arned The superioroi the little Franciscan sisters convent at Eaie St Pauf55 miles north esstot hereuseld health the backdrop oi the illsyear Ialernust be incorporated into the scthtlore they arezeccept MrLittle president of theCe tile who is chairman oi the bosrdoiAngloNewiound land Development Co Ltd said gram in the ght of new world vicevprincipal of Queens Uni Flaming asso In addition totbe appraisale tion plans to engages tailtime change its nameiio Canadian Export