Houston or Philadelphia to Bclsleys VGrjqnd Puts Giantslngfirst By nuns earner Associated Press Sportserter A1 Dnrks ti genius or so it seemed Tuesday night as events uniolded at Sea Francisco where the Giants manager camoup with series at manoeuvres rcsuitlng in do litinning victory over Cia cinnatl ileds that sent the Giants back Into ilrst place in the National chua Dark made his ilrst move in the seventh inning when the Giants trading so loaded the buses with pitcher Jack Seniord due to bat Darklookeddowa hiabcnch tor pinch hitter and selected Ed Bailey hitiess in his last 17 trips Bailey hit grand einm homer the iirst by pinch hitter this season in the 10th Willie McCovey inserted in the lineup against rightbender Joey Jay opened with single Going to his re serves again Dark seabprea viousiy benched Felipe Also in in run tor him dioubrokcrirom firstvas 0r lando Cepeda rliicdo single darlngly rounded third as Veda Plnson tired the bailyinto the in ilold andwas waved on He beat Don Binsingamee relay by THE CANADIAN FEE American League wr Pet uns Cleveland Minnesota New York Los Angeles Baltimore Chicago Detroit Boston Kansas City Washington houses 42 82 568 36 30 545 Eli 32 543 36 35 507 lid 37 493 86 34 35 Milli 33 as 465 We 33 40 452 2415312 161i Tuesdays Results Clevelnndoa Detroit d1 Minnesota NeWLYork Los Angeles Boston Chicago0 Baltimore Kansas City Washington Frobabio Pitchers Today Cleveland Donovan 111 at Detroit Foytack 51 Minnesota Kaat 84 at New Chicago Pizarro to Esl timbre Roberts 32 night Kansas City honours at Washington Hamilton nightlv Los Angelcs Lee 54 at has tan Deiook Games Thursday Kansas City airwash Chicago at Baltimore Minnesota at New York gt Los Angoies at Boston Only games scheduled San Francisco til 27 040 Los Angeles 11 25 632 11 Pittsburgh St Louis Cincinnati Milwaukee 341 17 93 Philadelphia 31 as 4511 131 Houston 31 10 437 15 Chicago 1747 365 10 New York 1050 Mr Tuesdays Results lwaukee Les Angolan Cincinnati San Francisco St Louis 15 Chicagotft New York Pittsburgh Probable Pitchers Todny Milwaukee Shaw 93 at we Angeos Drysda 1H night Basnnauiancoaa dlru ILS sliding under them with the winning run GIANTS TAKELEAD The triumph pushed the Giants backon top iortho ilrst tlrna slace June halt game ahead oi Los Angeles Dodgers who were limited to live hits by Low Burdette in 21 iiiil waukoe victory The third piaco Pittsburdh Pirates whipped New York Mots 52 the tourthplace St Louis Cardinals wolloped Chi lcago Cubs 113 and Philadelphia Phillles detected Houston Colts twice 210 on Jack Hamiltons twohlttor and B4 Aiter Baileys grand slam tied it in the seventh the reds went boot in treat in the tap oi the eighth on triple vaJflillltt Edwardsand pinch single by Jerry Lynch Edwards earlier had hit tworun homer as the Reds built their 10 edge in the last at the eighth Jim Daven portfpgain knottedthe score with homer and set it meter the 10th inning iiroworks that gave Stu Miller is thovle tnry andDavs SislertzS the 055 Burdotte who lost his itrst tour decisions won his sixth in row with his iourth complete game The Braves then pushed New can so at Pitts burgh Friend 111 night Gamcsihursdny Stubouis at Chicago New York atLosVAng Nit Philadelphia at San Fran ioniy games scheduled internationalLeague Pct GEL 4912676 39 27 591 ii 37 18 569 Rochester 34 32 515 11 Syracuse Sldm their 31 across what proved to be the clincher in the sixth when Hank Aaron reached base on Maury Wills error moved to third on Leo Mayes single and came across one sacriiicailyto Del Crandall ROOKIE PACE B1108 Rookie Donn Ciendenon and Don Hock such knocked in two runs as the Pirates won their seventh in eight games with the Meta Clendenon got his pair with triple and homes while Hoalhasedn iirst inning double or his two runs batted in Four homers by Gene 01 ivcr Billy White Charlie Jamal and Ken Boyer paced ihhii oiianslvo that subdued theCubs and enabled Ernie Broglio 52 to so the distance despite allowr log 10 hits Dick Ellsworth 411 absorbed the deioat Hamilton as got nllthe sup port ha needed in the opener when the Phils scored apair in me second on ClayDallympios do b1e singles by Don De meter and Frank Torre iorce out ands wild pitch by Colis startthDickFhrflli 5h Bit Mohaiioy stopped the Colts in the nightcapon seven hits and drove inwhat proved to be the deciding run with single in threerun iourth so so 478 inst 3t 38 441 16 so as an 11119 Richmond 25 44 3412 2116 Tuesdays Results Atlanta Toronto Jacksonv ilod Builala Rochester Columbus Syracuses Richmond Games Today Atlanta Columbus Atlanta at Toronto Ni Jacksonville at Bulialc Rochester at Columbus Ni Syracuse at Richmondtlft Tuesdays Results 1ndianapolls dDenvor Louisville Oklahoma City Dallas zoo Omaha Hi raucousfailure 11017118 Finns Phonlsno AP The Wimbledon fashion line plungcdshnrply down the te msie back Tuesday but didnt reach its promised depthsl Ladies day at the tennis championships played under overcast skies Mast oi the tournaments1ovelies cov cred up On an outer court Sonth Airicasiourth seeded Reii Schuurman performed pro gious feats in awhile dross with pale blue trimmings oi rattled ribbons But the sharp at the back of her dress dropped to oniynine below the shoulders iWhere then are the rear cleavages supposed to screech to halt just beiore the point oi no retumi THREE INCHES 8111 South Africas Val Forbes momentarily held out promise 11er attrsetlvowhito creation hadvgreen lace trimmings and deep cleavage at the back EutMrs Forbes gave up the eitort three inches above her slender waist despite ad vance word that the view would beunohstructed dow to the middle fithinis went quite iar enough the graceiul South African model told reporters Toke look at Marla MariaFueno di ï¬red hear shamayygo the is my But when Miss husno rived oncourt anthour later she too had surrendered to custom She wore an all white dress without any trim Her back cleavage was no deeper than nine inches Lt Col Teddy Tlniing pacesotter at 11 lesbian and responsible for most of thedresses nevertheo less halted the whole thing as triumph ALL STAYS 0N he body hashad to char have some support this back Nothing has dropped olfi dubs clubs can eat it to et in the eoniines o1 mish horde parhsbut notfdsch sonviiie8uns rhr aunt ridiaa noisier the tutemstionsl League today with sirgame issd games on the read they coal keepup that rate at home the be so in to treat thst no or team Would have chance at catchingthem rvAt home they have won only oi their to enter co that would lust at bold own third placeiorylhem At bulian thuday night the Suns struck tor tour runs in the eighth iaaingto edge the Bisoas so and run their current sing strosicto six Mitre sla Ho and Harry Cbttleaeh crashed some run in the but inhln But it was re ilei pitcher MAbernstby who drove home what proved to be the winningsup when he sin ave woe to oi Coiumbllr Jets trounced vltochestcrited Win Atlanta Crackers downed Tor toils is tools so and8yracuse Oh at Richmond Virginians lion Brand eadBud Prtt ehardeach had three Columbus victory over Bocbuu iter1om smaswenisil the wayior th Jets tor the tint time in 11 starts this season Jtin Klithclia ths Wand beats with live hits an Atlanta totsnaps ionssame looy ing streak The wietory ran his season record to Jerry Bu 11am choir and Jim Baumer hit two run homers tor the Crackers This Byrscuse decision over Richmond ulted the Vcbleis out otatiewi the losers tor the league cellar Joe McClain got credit tor the victory sndholped his own cause by driving in two man American2011813 WlMBLEDON EnglandiAP Billie Jean than at Long Beach Calli who dancesthev twist to keep her weight down may not win the 76th Wimbio don womens tennis champion shipbut shell still have place in the tournaments rec ord books The bespectacled Billie Jean pulled oii one at the biggest checkers in the history at the womens division Tuesdaywhen she eliminated topseeded Mer garet Smith at Australia to as 71 was the that time the top seededwoman was even olimlv bated onopeningdoy Sometimes my wei gets up to 155 pounds at said Wthen We got to do something about it lba twist is pretty soon way to keep it down Miss Smith is practically blasted Billie Jennoti thecoutt in the iirst set but the Mysor old Amoricancsmo back with an inspired spell which took her to also lead in thesecond11av TonSeeded Smith changed the mstob service tor the and their reeled oitt two more games for the up Miss Moiiitts triumph came in the second round alter she got iirstround bye Second seoded Darlene Hard oi the 115 who also had bye in the iirstmund beat Mrs DJK 11 1ingworih oi Britain 6061 1nirdseeded Maria Bueno oi Brazlly Wimbledon champion in rose and 1960 deicated Mar garet Varner oi the 15 in theiirst round Fourthrseeded RoneaSchuurmon at South Ai rica beat Miss IV Macm nan oi Britain 641 14 in closed it out she promptly ran into trouble Miss smith raised her service power andwon the that game oithe final not love She raced td 34 load and then led 641 and 3M onvhor service nacnasaahsvss unit at this pointwith tho Austra lian rushing the net BillieJean unseeded in this event and third ranked in the United It seemed tobcoli over but States puilhd antigen incrad lhe tennis dresses this year are notable for their gay trimmingafln blues greens pinks and yellows Yet the custominf tlte sport dictates at tenni be played in white Nobodyxhere takes excep tion toHIhese variations though we watch themcare inliy sdld spokesman for the tournament organize Were happy 111st long as nobody trleiiold tome panties again Karol Fagsrous oi the United States appeared in old set of tennis bloomers some years you At iorSanhs thsbtsisdstih tin othflwltehtoaunhntco uw Moron titted rt iisld television alight Shetook the game pusher tallesyou on apersonallycolilluotelltourV to autismchitin liysiiugulshed FAS gION dySulnifoer utth inattgbtweight suit from it this theman withlstyleand of thellpphfltlhndddlliibge