no BWYMNHSI detonation Georg votcloa ttloo touching the tom when was asked year by Com itsciork whether nee lnith heycentral dopartrnoa stuns no CORNWALL departmentsaid xiho aoyeoroldsdoit who march on he laid Stiil tutor pulled by ialonor Mr Justice on inoro explicit rhid hoLvoiécd conlidcnco our with reservations but indicated Tuesdoyhe dose tIUDWRihu hodr dis cussed wtihtho commissioner tintian atettertroma man he Sixyearold Save this son trceway pro leci neor htr riders tho tireplug hlsternp oi Dcs itioinei lowa perchcl proudly on limping as he to chcs grading tit on Shaded by icttovertot love con home yeaterda his cowboy ha nnotlicr outing orary headquarters as side wolk superintendent AP Wirephoio neeUrged To Establisli 3rd TVChannei Immediately LONDON tlteutcniA gov eminent committee report to day recommended that the Pilbr iiclyowncd BBC bi allowed to set up Britains third telev ion channel as soon asjpossib er The report to the govern ment expected to stir up con siderable controversy criticized British commerrlol television alleging poor broadcasting and declaring it should hevrcvrgon tzed along less ndvertiaingcon seiouj lines The 11 member Pilklngton committee headed by indus trialisopubilc servant so Harry Pilkingtonsaid that it com mercial iV proved its capa city to realtae the purposes oi broadensttngl fatter the rear ganization it also should be inï¬rm Says Not LINDSAY Ont Cl wont let him iiirs Leslie Frost wile oi Ontarios tonnor premier said Tuesday night Airs Frost was commenting on speculation that her husband might figure in Prime Minister Dielenhakors cabinet reorgani zationplans The name Mr Frost who will he 67 Se so has beené mentioned in gtorne speculationl with the icdcrai finance por lelio now heldby Donald Flem Mrs Frost cam the report said wont let him havent heard anything about this cab inet post and im sure he hasnt either But he has retired Hes had his time in politics Mr Frost laughed when told of his com cots lVe shes an and Id beiterlisten to her he said Whatever she says thats oi ticlal At Toronto intemntional tir portnon his way home from to Winnipeg business trip the tor mer premier said he had not heardoi his candidacy iors federal cabinet post Shootssgif one Holdup CALGARY torin tityear old Winnipeg youth idenï¬ited as the gunman who robbed grocery store Monday of 38a shothimseli to death iitesday despite etiorts of six police at ticers to taikhim outoi it iiis me was withheld by po lice The youth kept the oiticers at bay by holding anealibre pistol atahlsbead while he bud died against building in the warehouse district Dont come any closer he wanted several times as the BBC permitted by the governmentvto provide another chatutei Committee at indi catcd their main yardsticks tor the quality otrbrondeosting wore public service and entertain mcot with the accent on tho tormer With London and provincial stations the advertising tree and commercialTVs In dependent Tolevislon Authority out tall iheftctly in Briti aln ctr channels competcï¬in must army Both EEC and itll have gov ernment named ruling bodies but operate as independent or ganizatlons Todaysreport not binding on the government alsocontained bad news or advoeoicsoi sct system to titsline thc lnternu lineup local commercial radio stations rhelonsc has radio we Adsorrsnmo THE Winssr RANGE or niscouNi PiiICESiNOUrR son srocu aroucnon ruarosss BARGAINS OFFERED 40 so wait thHTBULBS toowArr llGilTBULBS 2VC0MMON NAILS COMMON NAILS totraditionBruits gytopnnrmnr waitriaours lilroodcasilng monopoly in Brit on iho report declared that one serviceand one onlyoi 141ch radio broadcasting should be planned and provided by tho BBC with the revenue it gets tirom governmental licensing ot sets zther art also called or boosting is combined rndioviV gaunt licence tee to ugiromv included 1Relecilon oi plons torpny asyouview TV Color iV should be intro duced as soon us possible it Britain should switch irom wall to 194 or 1955 other key recommendatiohs described on Mr idorntngstor forernbor ot Parliament in gambling house raided atVCom Scoltnnid the latter had been written to Cornwall municipo depnrtmentnnd vouched lor character or Nerowhorn hode scribed us gamble bookie incoooection With the establishment in Cornwall branch anon gt cini Ciuli ilto iwriter was its iiorhlngsto hos been MPP tor Vcltnnd slncdlitit but Scott could not identity the writer be yond the surname SEARCHVFOR LETTER ihe constable said he had looked tor theIeittir in OPP tiles but has been unable to tind ttand Mr Wilson soldloter otiieers would attempt to have itgproductdby morning no sald he wontcdhto see its contents bolero deciding whether Mr hioraingstnr should he called out vidonce renging rove many ï¬elds as the commirslo hooded towardap an expected Friduy odioummp or iii sumrrie there wereal developments Coast Scot testtyne as in its present405linniirvdoilnition tionalty agreed slundai in gen contluctcd oneman expose ot policegombicrtlcup tn the OFF raked the attorneygen eralluse throughout Europe It ersls department over the coals Les LBS NDHWVE HOPE OUR ESTEEMED CUS SALEENDSSATuItoAY toy AND All riotous lormer gornbiingrqttad Sgt John Cronin who dug some $50000 buriod not lnrl whenï¬ho quit th OFFlo not admitted thattn not he approached Cpl Jushrubb nboutproviding police protot tlon tor gilmblingclub at Cookryiilo tannin contusion rte donations denied howas ctunilylrylng to or rbohllsh ilxu Shrubb who turned down the proposition new it is potlco chic at PeterborouohJ itloore tes tied at invldny oi 1955 he and 8c doredto delay theme scquently successtul pronecutlonfot sov oral pinbnilgoperstora in Essex Countyuntil attention election Tuppnrenily the Vl ncint elcctlon at June toollho direct order come from Shrubb but he did not know where it orlgl notedr TELLSOF OFFER Prosperous motel uownor Cro nin who won on do stood when the inquiry recessed until today was controitted by earlier ovi donceby Shrubb tho the titer sergeoni inio55 do proposition while representing himselttns portgownor at club at Cooksvllio under control all oscph Mc Dermott nod yincc Fenloy Cronin wholprovlbusiy had denied dealings with titopttlr while on the force said he did at representhimselt as Cooksvlile partner but did ask lt Shrubh was interested in ooklng alter the club didnt hnvann interest in clubl certainly was res teseutlng nobody Cronln sol Then why did you make the atotementll askedLhir Wilson ttrtttuctstttouto stir rotors canoes swmt FtNS ODDLIN£SOF PAINT BRUSHES Asitod wii bo his nucleation nrai not ot the attorpoylannrnle do rpsrtmontf while he was acting roses arena utsroitvgrutssatsj is TOMERS WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE or THi enumeration obttuori bbouostion would have Shrubb had not retooled bsrepiied iii dont know rid poutny noted to thonttorneygcn to lot Sit too would have turned him in then It itiolybo nothing him there would be consider obloomount ot money in help iop three clubs Mr Wilson asked Monetmolt indincloy warn re oring to others For igrio andwihodlroni Cronin he was not interested and the iorrnor sergeant said ho had congratulatedth otticer on his honesty CONSTABLE foisrunneni Canst Scott toldtho commieg sionor hthad become turbid st Isomn statements hnd thonrd touchinl no person nucleic or agent tniooo All in all he Ialdt lthink didnt have conitd cs Asked tor reuse he said he had listened to iioore recount George liovios cohsrndcrton are Barrio urnsaim 35Irtnt bi thot quooihndbooo him in the Not vir uni ulti uranium Clerk pli Commissioner ith tho not tusesitine it no tim can on tinnitusrequest Variety norm ttht iii iopon Anoth more up utii onyvonutsd port Wineiota tut Molten it extrateuy to spoon out babys tood tluhtdowntothalnsthlt in the bottom oi theior SliillllID ACH éonvéuieuce classroom Gerber offeisover 100 strained and junior toads to teach baby the delights of many different foods provide the many different nutrients he needs By serving wide variety oi Gerber Baby Foods throughout babyhood you pave the wayioriuturo good eating habits All are prepared by specialists to preserve theutrnost iii nutritive values the ultimate inquolity