Wmflwewmnm PMWWWMQW pï¬ï¬ï¬‚mwrï¬hqwnwrwnvmmemmnm 3Wfï¬ï¬ï¬mmfï¬ï¬mm iada it wiliï¬idva you may Hot Itovatlmd plem up the wormedml like iii Cheek tire harry othereummer rigbtlieatmol around our iriandl Dominion and thousands do EISHA sou TUN oHoIce GRADE ephemerano totaavertaoa cooice it hm Mdy iii nitowy 13193 an snrooswsou asee SPECIAL alr oi knee to catch the it 24 oz 5sz udgae eyes it wasnt known swtrrsPREMIUM skrNLess Iite won the contest but aha Itirely attracted good deal at attention to Win HOLIDAYWEEKENDSPEdlALesiit smmfl roam12 COOKED HAMS photo yPostpone GRAPErORANGEPiNEAPPLEGRAEEFRUITORAN orpineappterLonlohduitEH SPECIAL cGORNED BEEFt2 H53 HIC CANNED JUICES oc HlTeneo on co now Melting little ohoclted by lit all tiny entrant in the Red River Exhibition baby serene nomad 47 CA Ariorta roahreo IPECVIALV CANNEDMILK 85 do eoncoceANurcReKM rte PKG Heanngs sthKLmoharnesmuoipontNopnv SPECIAL ieoz OIlAWi tCitJiho novorn Jan 80 OZ hornets mente ouaterity pm rant her iiepoalt noseaRANo iorced cancellation hearing SPECIAL that the royi commiulon on nomad 29c IWHIfEOR PINKTWINPLY one onocome anon CANNED topecrhu AiTLEFORDS wax direct it fortune Nomads 00 PAPERA Formidable Cili5ititYGitAPEORANGECIQLE erectile caeenume The commission announced that due to other heavy call on the time oi oitielatl irom the ilnanee department tha Bank oi Canada and the char will notb called an witneaaea until next tail All three group wz HY SMWMW 43 WW soar oniNKMIxHLAvouas en boyrixlrrtfenanlr1ieltletestgvo canoeaae ourom day to try to retraoo the ate BAZAAR oi 19th centuryttrappera at NorthWeuiCompanyon endow gt SPECIAL livDZ TINS were to appear next Week iniormanll laid the declaan arlrer irom activity flowing from the iovernmanto lave thadollor movea by bolstering the oxehangd iund and the cen tral bankr signal at higher in iereat rater th lta pegged le Ement bank rater BlCKs wHoL easelu GARLIC DlrLLS hot59 iii$35339 iereditiankaraAodoelatlon they LSPEZCiAL mile canoe trip logenines other room serum hYLMeeHALves CHOICE CATS 13253 37c AVLMiRFANW NATO eeEEIAL JUICE 55c TOMATO soup yathheh aosfoN anoei AYLMER CHOICE PEAS AND ISPECIALW gt CARRoIsin 49 an the tSPECW atom FANCY insert 55 32 aohoeNSINsrhnrsrARLae smug SKIMMILK PFROZEN rooost aeaoihaiwnoivirvoxrmor cur cam Vspeeuu 39 Bonusz pommioN willie on PINK anEdiAL irom Fort William The voyageura are from St Johnl Cathedral Boya School bere and expectito make the trip in 22 daye Carrying all at their supplies in the sodbound winot long crait the group will have to make 100 portage one at nine mliea graph 1s by faces Charge REGULAR shoe aurNow AND SAVE LONDON ohm or Paul David Franks is iarmhand MODESS REGULAR waaeharled Tuesdaynight with at he oz rma SPVECIALi 15133 49 itl th th agitatlgtlgxutioya Slanedaebooo HIM 0R FANCY Ireo armor who was iataly beaton and robbed Tuesdayi Mr Carter was iound uneonm loloua beside forage harvester PRICED came momye my machine hie wlie Mary He died later 11 hoapitel in London idmliea wuth oirCiaadeboye Mra Carter drove hailmile to another arm to call police when she discovered the tele PIPE BAND phone line in her home had been wt OUii PARKING LOT homer dh me einee wag ererestild FRIDAY JUNE 29th 730 pim SHOP Arsmcor PLAZA pnuos ANGELOS HAIRLSTYLISTS COINVLAUNDRY PLAZA CLEANERS corronjs HA HAR WARE rim one ahnnxe at Exoter by provincial poiiee Police eald they have seized weapon but they would not give details They aaid Mr tere wallet containing about 3150 war miaelngwhenhe was found but it was recove late BIG FEED ciuhmombora liege ore bi op oratora ihe itotar clubused ten of beef hoary 3000 mi oi corn and one gallon oi coi tooeerving about 1500 peteons at thelraecond andual barbecue ll LONDON 0nt tCFiEorvice uuuinuuiuu VALUES EFFECTIVE IN ahnmeunrue mSAT JUNES DOMINIONSTORES LIMITED