Christiaalaiihhlr1m auheh inthe Jettea mo Prayer the ruled lill¢9nttilitl at ioiiwo modem lorbldc the so trlegnec take partwas nimble and non denominational it realise Almighty God we acknowl edge our dependencepoo thee and we bug melon upon us our parents or tea are and our country it was draited in 1951 by the Board at Regents moron mentalbody which has wide su pervlsory legislative and ex ecutiVu Powers over ublic schools New York sin iiio prayer was adapted in Shareholders Pass Control rosouro icb Sharehold ersoi Brazilian Traction Light and Power Co Lid hsva anv proved resolution empowering directors to dispose oi the alsels oi thocompnay without iurthcr roierencs to shareholders Henry Borden president in asking ior shareholders apw proval at the extraordinary pow ers said Tuesday it seems clear tram the announced policy at the government oi Brazil and horn the wording oi decrees titat sooner or later negotia tions will be commenced with View to acquisition by the gov ernmont at all our publio utility enterprises He said the time oi tuch negotiations at present is com pletely unhaawato us but as an organization we must be ready to enter upon them when called upon to do so The volume 6590013 shares tor the resolution and 3242 againsh jPossible Increase InIiquor Cost try me CANADIAN PRESS by for oi any car in the economyciassh masterpiece designengineeringandextraappointmsnisyouwouldotpeciloflnd 849iuiiyfosulpped The economy set that shimpl only on gas croutoko so FRENCHMOTQRSILTD Canadians may be in ior higher liquor pricesrlghtucross the country British Columbia increased its prices 15 per cent on Monday and the iollowing day Quebec announced increases ranging tram four to eight per cent The increases came swiitly in the wake oi Prime Mials ter Dleienbakers announce ment Sunday at an additional is per cent federal tsriii in im ported stocks other provincai liquor boards are studying the situation AttorneyGeneral Robert Bon ner oi BCrsuld the increase covers the15 per cent and the higher import prices brought about by therecent pcgging oi the Canadian dollar at 925 cents in relation to United States funds Lorne Power Quebec Li quo Board administrator said the increases in his province will go into eiiect next Monday Allan Grossman chiei 0a isddt will advpeartmenisr trnio liquor commissioner said his department will advise the Real fiveadultsize interior roomlness Ii trunk thats largerthan youd eVer think to find in an economy car All cradled in Simaas rugged body Ami this is Just the beginningl The only thing small aboutthisbigperiormsristhepricezsiMilq uncle The economy ear that Ihlinps only so new user DRIVE noon cabinet within we weehs whether the price oi liquors shouldbe increased Cerffllioni Home TV Urrsws or Bennett Certan American publisher equally at home lnthe world at banks or television says TM is not the villain oi the modern worlds literary piece The president of Random Iiouse publishing company said Tuesday publishers have al ways complained that every in hovatiop1intcricres with read gt ingrwhetberit he trolleycars bicycles iaiapies movies ra dio and now TV TV is not the monster some oius would liigoto believe Welcome enioy books nothz ing willstop us from reading in Cerl out pun st on the American TV lhflW Whats My Liaei spoke atua luncheon spon sored by ftbe librarypublisher relations committee at the Ca hsdtan Lihrsry Association He said it librarians teachers and publishersdo their iob pro pdriychiidrenwlllgo on and ï¬end hooks for the rest of tbei dhoolts ï¬tters one tnoro than nos As class to heingvratiieprooi as car can he And as safeas Sion everything The only thing puny isits $1849 SlMflii Th mnomy can that shlvnpt only commons Whitmils nus We Hills in the no shuthim runs soon miles in Askiteutovsem deliverysiau One rugged weldedsisal unit is Simons we oiid ilnigtnd body any car is This brawn extends to Simeas brakesengine suspen mm wasflammMinuw4=mï¬smMWtPW BindsHaverilteeninvited DANCEz to Young anti OId More byBob McDonald me His nhwhmalm when snow moo lHons Shesiltchlng Competition Helicopter side PenyRldes Amateur ï¬how Model Alrpla no Flying Demonstrations Twist Fentest tutti Eating éontest Midway andedes logo 5596 of Prison gt 4WEiuuorouj £ijth rumination