porated said Prlda pqunds year gt arrmvnMIpn1$W1Wm meflrw csmnntsruosurshrsemsu salaryT large group of Astudenis trom Grade Xi at Sarrios Sliver oi Torontoanoxecutive oi Physicians Services incor the lack at Interpretation Canadian Medical Association principles Isplaeinp coiiee es day sitar day an an ust and un tenable position Speaking during panel on the current robieml prepay maul agcn as in edicineal the Canadian Media Associa tion meeting Dr Sliver said an annual health examination to Ontario could cotibetwson 010 and tree depending on who does It He said that without deiini tied at an on lihonith exam Falconbridge Paid For Not Shipping By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF Ca nadian company is getting paid tor nickel doesnt ship Into the U5 govorrunenlsstackpilc Congrosslonal had tcderal ei tIcials said thatunder three woy deal international Nickel of Canada Limited has agreed to absorb some production from Falconbrldge Nickel Minesd Limited which otherwise weal bavato be accepted by the US goverrunenl under 1053 stockpiling contract The contract they said pro vided that Falconbridge which has mining properties near lnco tn the Sudburyaraa would get bonus equivalent to about 41 cents poundahnve the market price Though Falconbridg Is di vcrting nickel to lnco thech eminent Is still paying Falcon bridge the 1053 bonus in iulfill meat at contract terms The bonus is being paid In the term wot sIntered nickel oxide powder taken out at the governments stockpile at Philadelphia ascension nachnaa During March the govern ments nickel stockpile declined by 1050403 pounds to 403145 090 poundsstill 110145600 over the national target OItIeIols said the March decline was en tirely tn sintered oxide Value of the stockpile on April was placed at $160947400 lace itself acknowledged on previous occasions that ityplaya role ineasing surplus prcs sureaon the governments stockpile though it has not dis closcd details of its operations On April 16 the company said It helped the US government diepose at more than 12500000 pounds at nickel in the last 21 years At that time it said also that it the US government makes arrangementwith the producers for long term orderly dis posal of surplus niclrel there would be no serious problem because the tree world was con sumtng more thanodtl00il00il There Is no indicationwhal no is doing with the nickel diverted from Falconbridge The presumption in congrcs siaaal ouarters is that law Is carrying large stocpkiie hav ing the possibility of longvterm market expansion in rnlnd Congressional investigators are making detailed study at various government nickelcon tracts in preparation for public Di airline Said earlngs planned tor early July he Democrats are attempting to prove that some ol the metal and other companies were ia red with inordinately large Kreiits by the iormer Eisen adminlslroli Invasrlenra rvrcnnc The investigation is centring on these nickel companies Hanna Mining Fryeport Sul ondrlealcen ri ge in San l1 committee has inspected th ann Cpmpanybaoks andrn close lathe investigation id ey shew nlckel profits betwccnioo and T00 per at risktree investment is nvestlgation said that hold splashiparty st nearby Baseballs group Inntlon or the type at doctor who can perform one the agency Pail It placed in po sition oi impinginq on the doc tor latienl readership by having when policy stand Dr Me ntyra oi Win nipcg board member of Man ltobn Medical Service said that no such problem had existed in Manitoba with MS and the Manitoba Medical Association deciding these points inamie abia discussion Dr Bruce Leckhart oi Sudbury resident of the On lario Med cal Association said service plans operated by doc tors sroa business and sitive measures must be to prabntly one reason for the price Incentives altered by the administration was that In the immediate postltoreun period it wanted fast expansion at pro duction and tumed to altern tIve sources when It concluded that lnco the biggest producer wosnl expanding lost enough This investigator said thriean other reason which he described as freasonabio conjecture is that the government wanted to reduce lncos dominance over the nickel market FreeportSuipbur was given profit incentive to expand min ng ineiiitles In Cableand at the some time the govemmont built up Its awn Nicaroaickel roduct on on the Caribbean it and Beioro Freeport Sulphur could start delivering on its contract the rise oi Fidel Ces iro to power ended all Ameri can nickel operations in Cuba Says Unions Face Crisis JONQUIENE Qua CPL Jean Morehand president at the Confederation ol National Trade Unions says trade union ism In Quebec is tracings disc turbing crisis because oi the large numberot Social Credit members elected to Parliament in the June 18 federal election The workers he saId Friday have practically destroyed by their votes union movement that had taken 40 years to build Mr Marcbnnd was addressing the annual convention oi the National Federation of Metal Workers iCNTU being held in an area where Social Credit candidates captured alt laur district ridings =Lapoinie Chi coutimi Robervnl and Lac St Jean by hetly majorities In all Social Credit looked at Quebecs 7d Commons seats log the Socredmovemcnt ex pourienced begin Ing similar ier Mussolini andFranco Like fascism Social Credit sought to drain the bases of democracy and trample on all the freedoms at the worker llerc arsmen whohave never done anything for the workers yet they succeed in have in them Not Ila Rigorous ousnac ch La pointe elected lustMonday as SoelalCredil House at Com mons member in Lapotnie said Friday fdiscipllne within the inarty tenet as rigorous as in old traditional parties Asa result hellold prcss rnembericauid vote with tile voted dti keep insurance on insurance to He compared Social Credit with Fascistdletatorships say polIticalJe mes otHlt keep out outsideiintercsts and not to touch doctorpatient relationsht uns The association concluded its weeklong annual meeting on the slime note It started dis cussingmodlcal care insurance in general and tho Saskatche lwan medicare plan in particu ar Members the Saskatche wan College at Physicians and Surgeons eve long battisdvthe CCF government over the act College President Drill Dal finish of Saskatoon says it will niringe on the rights of the Silt member ltdoctors In the Inca Preamo at Toronto CMA econorrdcs secretary said Friday that doctors in Saskat chewan are it ling for the rilthtl at all actors in Can ada Mr Frcamo said during the week the council hasxpromlsed complete support tortbe doov tors oi Saskatchewan as they are standing In the place at each one 01 you We hope you remember this because what he peas in Saskatchewan will at set each of you hope you will support them in any way they may ask you In the future PIIW Canadian Dancer Gets Red One TORONTO tCll The Na tional Ballet of Canada has an nounced an invitation to one of its soloists from Russian bal let company todanca at one of Russias major opera houses Slaiinï¬ritdborn Galina Sam tsova as sent the Canadian company telegram saying she is rehearsing to star in full length production oi Swan Lake at the Shevehanko so and Ballet Theatrethe SSlts third largestIn Kiev June to Miss Samtma in Kiev vis lttng her family was ranked nsa iirst soloistwilh the Kiev Ballet when she rrmrried Canadianstudylng in Kiev two yï¬ars agoand moved to Can She will wear National Ballet costumes in her dual role at OdetteOutta role she has danced in Canada but never be fore in Russia Miss Semtsova leaves Russia immediately alter the perform ance for scheduled appearances Julyls and 15 at the Strattord Music Festival USSR Exercisesl lflflth Veto Bid UNITED NATlONS tAPl The Soviet Union hascasttts itethSecurlty Council veto and killed an Irish resolution calling tor new lndian Pakistani nego nations on disputed Kashmir into suburb stats supra mads none iiy by series oto atIons designed to turn him oto ibecernp David llecd Cameron at or chard Park charged that tour doctors conspired to other and maliciously and wliiu yentered intorofscheme to rtmcht upon the body ofrthep infill Cameron did not ap ear and no further details at him were available The papers said olsorwas known as Jean 00 Washington Backusxl3uti Palace butlalo and Dr Ktoepl Snyder named eral Hospitsi plainl an the operations were reriormed Dec so 1060 and he toliowlng March 25 lho operations the complaint charged were undertaken without regard to the psycho logical or social consequences tor Cameron complaint cantinucd Comerv ons physical and mental health were severely impaired The suit charged that Cam eron wasicft without sex or sexual reproductive go bn 1t George stipulates Said Surplus OTTAWA CP Atcdcral budgetary surplus at $04700000 tor the first two months of the current fiscal year is reported by Finance Minister Fleming ihcrcalso was surplusin the AprilMay period of stir 000000 in the separate old age securityutund from which pen stone of seas mnaih arepald to everyone at age 70 Mr Fleming said Friday night Budgetary revenues do the twomonth period were soon 600000 compared withycxpendt tures of $030100000 For the same period last year revenues were $072000 000 and expendi tures setasoooeo resulting in surplusof 057000000 The surpius oi tili700000 for the two months resulted mainly trom rise In receipts from corporation taxes customs and excise duties and sales tax Ex penditures on subsidies and tlsv cal arrangement payments to the provinces fell sharply under the revisedatcdcrol ovlacial agreement For the full fiscal year end ing March it Mr Fleming has cstimalcda $745000000 deficit lhe record peacetime deficit was methadone estimated for thelast fiscal year story otThe no1nonnn unsold words MIIIoGalmntllcywprucnis Smiflramottl WWII having the ushestosmlners be 1MON 5ATandS NDAY AT intro Box0ttice Open at l30 pmv end TUES ONE SHOW AT pm MATINEEWED AT FM enlce onruis ancaosrntnr volumes as any lien sruoaurs oars Mat relays or leapfercncea Social Credit govemmcnloa issuewhite Asa rcsult thee tweer Vim JJOCIstfsï¬VWZdAiï¬tsstahMtmsw msmlrrmcrrm vwflmuw lit in obsolesccnt prohibitively sisvanl end evon ag amend to view one influential qu voice is Ihaloi Professor lien Kissinger writeron mltlta tactics whogwould like Pres dsnt Kennedy to tslteanolher lookstthscase tor French nu clear aid Economically old Europe ï¬pnirpnis tbsUS5witb equally ttltult problems The llflttntng trowth oitthtucpesaEeo nomia Community and the worldwide ripplesicausedby Britains bid for membership have revivedtalk at an Atlantic economic grouping long tav Econ kl says in och an Intcgrntcdntlantic commu nity ielvard which many to his fluentlai minds in seem to be grppin mlshtbespared tween American ad European lntlu in tile TORONTO rally on Canadian Flock mar kets iailedlrlday as prices were once again knocked down under waves at setting pres IlllB Banking stocksercb tor the last two days have been de By AlictiMheKï¬NztE arrows CPlTbs national executive at the New Demo cratic Party Is to meetlin lor onloThursday and the partys Parliament will caucus inWIn nlpeg July 12 it was announced Friday Ihc position of leaderl Doulgtos crsonally defeated In Rog no Cty IsthamaIn inn mediate matter following Moa daya election which left Prime Minister Dietenbaker with ndnority Conse menland for the first pic since 1045 SocialCrcdit hold Commons lllr Douglas may be asked and choose to tryagato in byeleciion tie told reporters here earlier this week that at least three NewDcmocrats electedMoaday have altered to slcprdown so he can run in their constituencies Evenwlthout Mr Douglas the NDP emerged trom the election with impressive parlia mentary firepower it also plied popular vote greater than Measles 10 newly elected members at In third party status in the on the pulse otQuebcet in 50an edlttprob tsderat rs held wraps the nest lroiessorlcon Dion Laval University width is atstvisw Social dt almost cer tainly would have swept the ioweaSt Gaspar Peolas seats ifIt hadbeeu as well lo aaiud there auto parts of the provides no speculated tbsltho II data 300000 mtlsre site thing that might seriously harm Social Credit in the nest ear is an alliance with alrodt anal party the Progressive taltvss or the Liber Professor Dion also ggssted that rminorily Coassrvet govtme liorthsnsxl two or three years me be the only hopeot Ceasdss twd pnrty zystern ii an cllulng sharply were the only Isstlesto recover eariicr losses The salt foil in bankswas attributed partly to space tten by investors that the Ben at Canada interest rate may be pegged aboveiive per cent Machiaf the setting was re NDPWill Meet In Winnipeg insomnia detunct cord which it replaced less than year ago Nearly weomplele totals gave itm per cannot the popular vote against 05 per matter the CC In the 1050 election CANTREPLACE AEGUE But its pitch to the lam vote tailed to turn up anybody to replacellascn Argue tomes llouselcader who detected to the Liberals and won his Assin Ibolo seat In Saskatchewan by from wholly or predominantly industrial urbao arcas The once powerful Saskatchewan agrarian backing was gonere duclng NDP candidates to poor thirds in most at the 17 Sas katchewan constituencies Geographically hand numeri cally the base at support was broadened The tumor Atlantic coast anchor of Cape Breton South CCS train 1040 until 1057 came back lntolhe told Ontario returned more mem bers six than it everdid tor the COPBritish Columbia chipped inhenvily with 10 and Manitoba with two knew ourcaadidaies are and for tbspoor They eye on acousin ace with the big shots We ow lhcywili workforce HAVE LOST TOUCH lhs desperate attaeks by in bartenders and politicians Ias gt wrek indicated how much land portad to be causing tram over ses tnveslors but brokerags houses reported that domestic buying outnumbered toreign and domestic selling by almost two to one and apparently Aught about the bank recov ery RUSH TO UNLOAD It was dlftercat story among other industrial Issues oslnvestors rushed to unload tom Monyvbrokers are looking for stippart at the market tops on the Toronto industrial index at 1960 or around 500 The index compiled from 20 representative stocks tell 771 to 51450 Friday Volumevon the Montreal and Toronto markets was heavy but nowhere near the volumes of the greutselIait May dd and gee sharp ratiy the toliowlng ay The Toronto volume was 935000 sharcs7 heaviest this month At New York an estimated $4000000000 was chopped Jrom the quoted value at stocks listed New York Ex chang eavy selltng con tinned The ticker tape was tour minutes behind transactions at the close of tradiagand earlier wasas much as 10 minutes late wv New York stock prices were hammered to now 1062 lows ag HURONIA DRIVEIN new WORLD THAT TIME FORGOT the one spot an Wing Wilson Social Credit Pl Sheehaa founding resideut the Canadian Mattlmat Uni tCLC has been char sdwi pointing loaded sits at pelican tables its also was charged with keeping loaded zscalibre automatic pistol illegally In his Police witnesses testified the incident occurred shortly alter midnight when the constables sought to verity reports that Sheehaa 47 was carrying firearm Illegally ludge Peter Shorteno Friday released Sheehan on $400 bail pending trial on both charges June 27 gt Sheehaa whose union has been at odds with the Seafa era lnternatlonal Union lad figureda month ago as the in tendedvlcttm ot closerange shotgun blast as he was enter Ing his car1I1abIbst missed but lore 10inch hole In the side at Sheehanscal Roman Grslowlcz an SiU or in connection with the incident Judgment in the casewe terrcd to no STARTS SUNDM ganiser was arrested and tried