Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1962, p. 14

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1130am AYVIEW TERRACE Shaaty Bsy Rood ailstate on Help youracll to aoup or lisch and build terrliic aandwlch to aultyou Garnish it with celery olives and pickles Sch ectton oi cheeses Cboice oi cltasert and oolice $185 EVENING DINNERS FROM it PM Drive minutes and save oo Youll be glad you did WHEN iltEWCOASiON oEMANos saNrinaNTsL oasruna any li nosT conninENTLy WITH FLOWERS BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE News ol the Blessed Event can be announced to your triends and relatives tor only 0150 Just tolophone PA Will DEANOr and gag noo hicria are sally auction the birth at son warren Polar he Toronto East Gononl Hoe fllaauy June MI lilNG At the no Il Victoria lioaplial Ernie on daiaadsy one liter to Mr Mr India Iting Illl has aoII Iéi °tt°ll on cog MI to Mr andl MIT Iilfil dalth ltd ttodney Street ar ado Earnhard Brucetu DEATHS your gory aaiaoa one only stroud on chnasrlay one Iii 1m Gregory James Lew malgdd all months dIIriy bolov an Ion oi DonaldInd him my dear brothsr ol Danny of Russell and Dorothy sryand oi Mn CorI Thom aon the late Dormld Thomp is hosting at tin stoolsloy Fun rIl Home Woraisy street liar tor runeral servch rriday or at pm lnterman la Camltory lnolaul vueoaao luoe td Dbl ltaonath doorgo CKanaIe balovad hitband at Ma aim IIthr oi Donald VI Gordon Jean Mrs and Vina Mrs Frank Jonas all or mic and non or brampton brothar oi Mrs dean swoeal nd Flosaia Mitch all both or ronto in hla dist Resting It the lonnatt Home in Bradford st or tuner service on Barrio 22 ans iii Plidll tarmant Barrie iN ManoaiAM WM Iowanin lovlngmemory at dear laihar and grandfather liIo owl9y who passadaway hours and dsya ot sin led nIlItt And in our aching haarta wa know Ha has ionnd sweat rest at llat Dar remembered by daughtar Norton and randchildron fsvonna hlaurica and alter CARDS OF THAN K5 cowANél would like to ex my thaniia to tho doctors pmbrcvnlwWo wish to ex proaa mirjaincero thonltl and on to our irendl nola on and relatives or kindness shown us during our recent ne raavosoont lntho death or isobal Gullto lo Spaclol thanka to Fa thar Father Elackwoll Dr Smith the lloyal Victoria Hoapi and Stocking Funeral Home Giillloylo Fem ty EmuWe wish to than friends nolnhhors and tho Orange and Block Lodges or their beau tilul floral tributes alsonr Ewan and the minus pithdltoyal Vic toria Hospital or their kindness fltflln recent hercovoment in thsloraot chr huabandlnfl tJl Oarllald CARS adored Nut door to the Imperial nastn 45A ouNioa sr amorous COUNTttY Livnto Large three bedroom bungalow jirahaped living room bright cheeriul kitchen large our porch ALSO two bedroom basement apartment forced air oll heating This lovely home overlooks diojboy and may be seen bycaliiiig Ralph anke PA mt or cveninga PA HEM JUST0UT Ol TOWN two DOWN to monthly curries thisIour bedroom home Large tiled ldt chon Plenty oi kitchen our boards but lot bargain at the listed pr ce Call Gerry Mal lory at PA Will or evenings PA hill PlCiURE BOOK FARM Nestled in the very picturesque setting Lnrgo six room house Spring stream acroaacorner oi lot Dug well Hip moi barmllan house and hog pen School has at door For inspection call Ralph Bonito PA 66481 or evenings PA ooeoo Form bones on good road with nice bun galow All modern convenianr cos Exceptionally good woll chickon house 20 40 in good repair This home must be seen to be appreciated Must be sold aaowncr is moving away Can be had tor lowdown payment Cell Ralph Bonita PA 63481 or eveningslA coats PA 6648l Iiombor olwllarrla and DIatrilt Ileal Rotate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Ilifin St PA 61881 soqu HOMES all to happy homemakeis We now require more house listings as we have wallln clients Just Give Miller try When You Sell or Buy PA than EVEIINOB CALL KIII MIlaIIaII FA 11 nl°lo°ln Real Estate Bofild mums OSCAR BATES REAL EsTaTE TaonNToN PHONE IVY noun roomsm soon well ionoak no isnt ha is op All tialcsah Milk are of with balance on chose this tbedroom irarp graft niilvprlvocylwithiovcly tr itoi fluently beach Plowinzmrteaianwetlwater Bethhousowiihwashroom and shower ILivlog room masaive atone lira OScpIrate dialogymodsra kitchen at commuting ran with riiIososnowr In nlcelydr to cbIInatoro bedroom modem to location lust miles south Barrie vary ing andachool this is almost attractivefir ngaiow with builtin geragesnd wide plant cra Faced with vo eyeappealing Roman starts it is uptodate in design and modern commentdouble slnkalnthol kitchenvanity lntho apiece bathroom nail the urge bright show thI lover home ill health lorccathu owner to vacate Excellent tcrma altered and see it today srha It moonsm uni Emunvos coon with one open mortgogc Call roamed soon common moo Emma BARN MENU REAL ESTA BOARD Norman Shellsweilz 172 REALESIATEHROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funda Available 7interost 10 oi Value No Fees gharged EXCELLENT auv 312400 FULL PRICE cIous three bedroom brick house only and in trieot condition and situatedon so toot swell ior particulars KEMPENFELT DRIVE ON THE BAY $2000 FULL anioa lh living quarters til leotol lake frontage plus to loot outboardandto hp motor several palraolwatcr anyother artlclas Call Norman Shela This is spa lot 0311 Norman Shel JDouble boat house wl akislilc preacrvera and In in roams halaqu are lilo RA Iislof BARRIE 54000 down wlll buyone oi the moat beautliui lo acres close to Barrio this landscaped pro perty nearly all wooded on good road has spring check lstoelicd trout pond Alovely room home has two bathrooms COMING News RUMMAGEVSALE All ET gODD FELLOW nacaGardon garage and ehlclo on house Thisproperty right at the city limits is oiiered lor sdIo low valueaa owner has $38 ntorestawhull price did mvalo Ontario wlll bedAt enamona gown their Manama large building ntthIng tlvcsaiid neighbors starorand mil AIURDAY JUNE 30 52 down 1onaIartnieIIIsimnieiIE pm and to 10p stairs Otters good chance do the occasional their 11 IIrepIaee and heatedlbyolliur Graydon KohlPA 34603 Marion Rut IQSVPLITIEVEL 93 STEEL STREET Beautliul Stellar built white brick colonial aplit level home on Ncor public and ooparaia schools and Iargelotiyith lovely tre shopping plaza Limiter REAL ESTATE Blake an aaiié th Dunlopst Mortgage itionay Available owmi JONESPA aioni ANDCOMPANT Realtors on EAYTIELD ST Paws ANYTIME PA 3401 PA Mold WWOIC ldaryarsnrsmith Nomi Hcakath Cur lflooatermao PA assoc ope PA HID Lea Lovegrovo AngliallE Mill Doria Nuttyeonaha Members or tho Barrie do Dirtflat Real Eatat BoIrd Ilsa Tram aTaaaT anions CALL 915303 EVENING Poe2379 ION wia sedan Howard Norrie PAW YDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 nUNLorgsT EAST ihlsa bedroom home with iircpia largo mfliogany colonial kltchensndrnany other extras was built less than one year ago and in excellent condition FOR APPOINTMENT To inercr Tats LOVELY Nona dial PA 328455 33min nicerareaa Terms can he arrange MAME mommies cocoa gt mm sunburn um FOEIOSLszER PA 957 an em PA coin tour years old ell landscaped mm or warm as scan Nor5m asimau so soon Bill RawnPA ooia ePA osiaa wrn ow African BOY oiaccr From owner or less by saving they commlsalon tee Dovaly three bedroom homLin one of sch Owner moving Irom price only 515500 175 Barrie ecte iiona menace FORIAPPOIIITMENT Dont target thoranslcr your INSURANCE and it you need extra at any kind SEE stataNso ePA moor 11 Dunlap at in GARvEY Eitgilltlnolléer ldcmhor IrrlaIhdJDlatri lie Estate anus or complete moving saier endemic Call COKE CARTAGE aunr om Bltti We are proud to dandy twoyenrold brick duo in in immaculate and new mortgage nicest treed lots prams Papaanon Immediate St ihroe EM kit builtId mahogany boo dlvldedbalcmcnt with tails to lie Barrie Examiner Mortgage Loans Anywhere ITo consolidateth 14 Northgate Drive Dowhsviewd solisilphonepAgeaxiiA to liarrio on good read withtroutatresrn rough prop erty Priced condition showdown pandiho owner will hold an open rst ljor iulldetali Rita Scandrett sac Nata RESALE Lovely all room rug brick ranch bungalow one olBarrlea priced or rule avallah avamnoa chm RITA scmnm PA NM monocular rooms amberlot Illarte Ind District In outmod am DRURYtANE itl storey rug brink house bedrooms large living room iinlahed recreation room Pai DBVEN ROOM two Itoon brick house or Isis Centrally located possession Apply at lust Cornontio ulnaTOP VIEW Onofi ye brickbisngalow Must ba Eacloua bedrooms on dining room large living roomgwltb fireplI ad plumbing and fireplace Many ox ran in ialra about this ptlon albu rem owner PA PROPERTY WTD TO BUY ORRENT WANTED TO RENT OB BUY4 bedroom house vicinity oi St Marys Church Writovglving do MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lstMnd WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGEI YOU NEED MONEY ay all existing mar mortgageaeomlng due Mortgage Funding over Sim sonsbears ma roan ht er Ontario Mortgage Erokela AnoclItlno MORTGAGE DANS currentratea on any type property Anywhere In Ontario DELRAY lNVESTMENTS rosin noon unfurnidaedapary mcnt or rent Prisat bath lip stairs Tel and pom Ont MElroac sonar monauaeaa lot and and bought sold and IrrarsgadComanrui extolled mortgages Ba gage BNKIYIgtPA Hm Classified Ads gel re lmmodla EIGHT EOOltI Radial BIRMIOL 01M nous to not near donor Elec flelopbona IWD BEDROOM Hall In Houses wANrsD aannaa with two chudnn WNIOR Execuuva requires six bava at laaat alxrnama with dio APARTMENTS roa RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS July1131 team on Thieptaena PA cam bonl zniaa seeing this heated Ipartmeot around noon mmqfirmuA gwwauammwommmwfir mu aiad llVlN ROOM Ho Central location mode om ta location AvaiiIIn tomes IOU Telephone PA Hell Crown Hill actrictl Talepb hart mu monthly iIlaphen trio thrubedraom brlea nclesed aunroom vallabIIJllne It soon or sea ibraa hadrooma ng notionI Htlhln bath odfi choola hi1 Stove nlrlgIrItor wash am noon mocha vaii iily id phone PA Milo EMPONIIEW FllnlLv Mllll bousI with thoIstdrooma near public Illtlhlgh uboola by July Tolephotll PA M731 lngttwe orthrea bedroom ho Reasonable rant Phone altar lvpm room house wlthgaraga to rent or August Would aonaldor In nuIl rent in advance tor drain Mr Williams PA econ dayum only EXECUTIVE Halli wanted blast log room Urgently required by responslbi adults Will as rent comparabl to account ttom Contact Harold Forster party Realtors PA cocoa Convenientlyfi located fncar schoolsI shopping and busand witbi walking distance oi downtown na andtwobedrooma aloonlea OBambo Drapes overland itidgea Cindivldual thermostats elnclneratora anyotheriin Childrenweleome Sample suitogmay be seen byxcalllna appointmedta living roo kitchen with diningarea La dry facilities and gara Iow era owner uicupled Close to schools and on Possession two bedroom artment or rent arata ermoatat Avalla ONE BEDROOMfipIrtmontibawly decorated atovsand relrlgorator Hosted Use waabor and plaoaia PA aorta TWO BEDIIOOM iunlumlaltefl Parking lacltltlea close to but Ella and annual Apply to on rec UNPUILNIEIIED thllo room contained apartmont or rent Four place hath Private entrance lurk in HR won rant Tales WE Inn tatnId baalltand wat no meat orPA antagconasmaln ion CO our frtaerItor and AvailIble duly mas mum at apartmntlwltb Ito labad healed mant Contraly located in west en Good parkin Inio accommodation Telephone Mention 0le patch 5troot Garage bathroom and entranca sou mimeone TONYSAPPLIANCE AND WSERVICE 147 DUNLOPST PA aim gt lfiiitleaadd on bus rnuto gt WM tad mfiantoyfiiudm 34 alaonooePA um tor one bedroom ap bath ova Iva pdatngtoo Elna obath baIiIn bn Street area dot on noon us earn apart rlvata bath and entrance Available In 85145 OVERLOOKING EA the Dominion shopping Pi is Idroom apartment stove and retrlgorator laundry lacllltlaa own thermostat Downaviaaa Drive Telephone PA oooso nooaaN two bedroom apartmentflln apart ment building swimsuit pool No ohiootloo to baby monthly lelaphonastmud 48 Ivaasansa Now apartment to with stove and roirigcrator waste or and dryertcloplione PA 57m unfurnished halted Ono bedroo or call It in Cook street idolan rive room apartment his and room upstairs union had and hosted llreplacanom rioter Iellcontsinod Very can It in apartment holidhsg oh Include ad lsphone PA VNIUIINIINED three to in mant ior rant heatedh or to ar Gon erali Electric Oarage it needed ild Ind but avatar supplied month Free noiirsuiy telephone any as or over 1M1 Telephdnh PA IO Midi or 111 Site USINESS PA M1 at cation Rent gflnwwmmm ml MOM unmmlabad floor Irimont cantr Di Id so dentaloed Available July Whetween pm Saturday only Close to bus ttIM aan In Boevbetore Ianunr an Mannom bedroom oludlng bedroom tehvn builtIn osota Redrl vaahtng ma raooc til lu fil°tit ar an om adwltti excellent dissing Iraa Joltcontained hosted Control lo Marriott on cam in cools partment Kitchen living pleas and valor and hydro cludod at monthly Dominion shopping iiaaa telaphona PA oiaoo WWRNIHIIBD Apartment Three reoma Indbath ullocpatathul Nowlydecoratod sated parklng around anorNoIr city hall Now love and rarrllcrator anyplledw olophone PA Hedi aiinaa ltoOltl jApIrtmsnt lum iataod three lace bath tam and Heart Ra aerator and chit stove Beltcontain dia poaaoaolon App strong Hardwarede Dissiop Ht MODERN aelt contained apart mont large bedroom largo liv lng room kitchen with dlnln area lplece bath Laundry iacl ch This is not basement art meat street parking AvIl able July Apply on Peal street lilon has Rent or tban one lane two bedroom modern apartments Heated Itove ralrig orator Ind llvlngroom drapes suppllud Close to store on paved road near Edgar in minutes irom barrlc how real to right tllllllt ly at East Oro General store toapnons Oro lNfll Jennings Ore ea MOST COMFORTABLE pIICI to llvadn Barrie Madam large twe bedroom apartments availahl ow ln brand naw buildings located In lovoly rcaldontlal lstrlct Parkin Hot water wwllaane lrtgera or and stove tlorial laov itor aarvlco Reasonab rant AD rnIl 1151 steel Sires Barrie or can oicoi SERVICEer onscreen 15 About Law no iaicbiion APaLinNca SERVICE 14hour acrvlc ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH panorama an BLEMi Perisapa CanHeip aox no2 EXCAVATINGf lliLL GRAVEL TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANKSPUMPED or Eacavatlng arid GiogmgWater By Month or iteaa ea or aLasraaiNo PLASTERING REPAIRS STUCCO dz STONE VENEER Free Estimates Iv SAM CRYER ASTUCCQ STONE QUIKBRIKUAND PI TERING in CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHIVAYS gt PATCHES Free EstimatesV budget ljerms SlMCbEQUIKBRlK Phone Al Smith Leiroy 60M Colieet PAINTING AND HPAPERHANGING oowsao SMITH AND son Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Eervlcofilnco 192i RRLBarrle ESTIMATES 0N nterior and Exterior Work PHONE Pita7267 Examiner Want Ad

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