inhuman insisting Bud es daii willowszand palms sd Trinlty Anglican Church Sherring unit ibe bride lathe daughter of and Mrs George iioilowoy Barrie Thebridegroom the late Mraod yetomn of Copenhagen enmarira Given in marriage other the bridojwuu lradi onai iuil iengtirgeWnoi ivory bite hroeedcd toilets The resswas fashioned with tit ed bodice with softly seal oped neckline enhanced with soitly scalloped neckline en speed with seed pearls and point sleeves The bouiiant iclrt oi the dress had an oven oi tulle illusion which tell chapel train rlcoronet oiseed pearls aï¬ngertip veil oi tulle The rid uï¬hol lilyoilhevulley and rs Ir carried cascade bou eert roses Alan Jackson oi Oak was her sisters matron honor Miss Joyce Smith Stroud was bridesmaid flower girl was Miss Deb Ie Jackson of Scarborough The ing bearer was Michael Jack at Oakviile The matron of honor and ridesmaid were similar sheath owns oi asiei turquoise bro aded ta lis overshirtsi Their headdre weresatin roses andtuiie tones Tbejiower irl wore bouiiant irock oi hlte nylon with turquoise mg dain special Also thoyvrnust be rotated they willireceiv the aunt of sunli ht We havent ince our honeymoon Imnot type whoenioys going oii neAm fool it my wife ont take vacation with me hisvsuilimm should so ï¬sh iik am 24 years oldand have alone needyohr advice FEVEB Dearlungié Fever Tell your lie to line aplantsitter It relcses leave her home itb the tern and letzhernrotete he urns tu herhesrts content ourrw friend should go ï¬sh is ther on llanders lln l8 nd crazy about ngiri who is anSbeiis real doll Ann her go out unless her 17 or id sister has daleand com Ions Her sister isa cornp nter This means she eats too uch because allelhasaproly thinkits probahiythe dshe has ism ecause she eatsit vacation sash as hudre was this ric rose lhe groomsmen was hlan Jackson of Oakvtlie Larry usher The reception was hold at the home of lhe brides pur cots The brides mother ro coived wearing hrocaded set ln gown in new Beavershade Beige accessories complimented her ensemble For travelling thebtide chose pink aheath suit pink hat corssga was of pinlrv rosebuds On return from the wedding trip the couple will resido at Bexbiil Court iaitngton Guests attended the wedding onto ScarboroughiNewmariret Oakvllla and London Alarm Rings 5in For UBC Strident Marcia Tessier second your agriculture student at the Uni oiesses start at At that time she is grooming feeding watering and walking the horses at Lansdowno race traclr 25 miles from the unlven slty She is acquiring practical ex perienco in handling and can log tor borses she hopes to become veterinarian and is earning moneyio put herself through university itlarcias love of horses started early As child she hoped to become jockey because couldnt get 5date for her and wanted to he with my girl is this fair7 Whatsyour ad vi rnmaajs Icaown ris parents in behalf th eirndaughtersp sister whenever possible but getting her date should not be the price you must paytorper rrnssmnto go out And theoven weight girl needs doctor more than she needs dates NM EASY Bear And Lanrlersryl was never so disgusted in all my hie as when readyour adviee irom herbhusband rand tasked yogil rtfit was all right tugo out me marriedYou must be nuis Her husband is still married too but Ill bet he isnt living monk been separated irom my jerk voree in Canada is like trying to figure out what the Russians are going to donext Im caught in that weliknown tsplegally married to man whohasa giriiriend our the sid He doesnt haveto marry me So what am supposethd the bookshrivel up and diet mighty stable on paper but its lot eafsrer to writa it than to Sqwhy gont you stop smugjn nritanicai APLE LEAF Domitian never said it was easy to home and sweat out divorce lhsnueatlon was should woman who is still legally mnrried aeeept dates The answer was and is No not if on vol As in iiv l1 Bierlsnd of Toronto acted as and brown accessories Her from Montreal Quebec lhr vaucouvan or re varsity at British Colwa ar Crowdz No itrnotiairr old person should speak generous to fix up to the giriowhowasaeparated You said VNOyoti areetiii or three years Getting di her long as hes marriedto dowhile he pulls everytrick in Some of your advice sounds garnistirlvelin and log it she assesul WAthaiscstraaArserIs ensarsvsnrwne 3ArAeAnsZoe5 SuperViues ssAMLessMESH Nylons rim qualiw leveb shades snares sors MESHBitlEFS AND sees istherewithï¬rstouste MySlisR terrest eops if CANADIAN 4MAiiE tore Eiastiowaist eolore log assortment ism zipper closing issslrfeflneet Amerionnlnsported Enjoy awhole new feeling or oar elegance in duster from Walkersexcr caloriet none Carat Mint Blue Orange Pink Yellow told Aqua some denim styles in asunbsust of stud to to to tbebrighteetstrmmoreolorsl allele through Mnmjbe Penumbra and girdles are tyled perfect comfort perfth fit this out standing combinatie of at alkeratodsyl mimosaaqu Prtooose this design cotton bmadoiofls tau oenhatrh1 deeds breather hmd