ihiiedeiphie rum no New York hiele broke men theieet yam theree iuet no toiling at he might do We got veryihlug the expertexeeld lee amine epeed And the Loe Angeiee Dod ore pitcher celm end lecid iortthie ueeon le Inuit experte look goo Ferrelitehoked oii aim wine intrix the tell HIM to hte beetotori ml in one at the prime mov re in the Dodgere drive to the on oi the National League He notchedhle tlih victory theeeoeon lueedey night ee the Dod ere moved to tilt em ventege over the ini erlng Sen Frencieco Ginnte net eeeeon he didnt get No untllee ti lite etoe nine hitter end ie eighthv com lele some one with were ulty hitting irettk Howard helped the odgere to 32 victory over MuieiCardineie while Sen Frencleeo woe taking drubbinggt thehehde oi the urptieinl iioulton Colie BEDLEOI MOVE UP in other Netionei League game Cinoinneti we took vurthlrdirom Pittsburgh pdging the Plratee zl Chico Cube cemo irorp behind to beat gueme ioelng etrlng egelnet iweukce Brevee oil to othhnierotthei mo lead in the 1er end he ecored pieyed gounderio the month Curt iood homered ior the the winner on mie Cerdinele who have now ioet ioueietreleht mum erore outrm Houetoo right bender Dick inthe ninth ee the Colte knotted son Frencteoo venother game out the mooThe Colte bolted Bill ODeii Mi or three rune the itreteod weie never heedod Hel Smith homered tor the winnere in the eixth end drove in another with in hynh on hi third the game Bleelngeme with therunvihet hrolte tie and puiledClm cinnetlltlnto third piece tie with the Piretee nit wee the itede elxih victory in eeven gomoe with Pittehurgh The Cube collected their iiith etreight victory in the come heck egelnei the vPltililee Phil ndeiphiehed lead going into the ninthhut the Cube iommed in Philedelphie pltohere Roger croiuo Mi eeven hitter endnhome rune Gene Woodllng end Jtie Chetopher were the big item in theMete victory over Milwaukee iheirilliit in six mitt °°° drove in Don eix rune egeloet tivo Chi Bite1 evlelo Doeihlee Robituofl nethfl telpleeRenow Roman 14 Home Rune ï¬e Stolen iteeee ileLoe An gelee iii ltohlne Pnritoy Cinch neti ma Americereyuue ABR flPci Rolline Min 2573601 354 Jimenez City 110 is Me Runneie nohlneon Chi Al Smith cm ioeoguole MoeGreen Minneeoto 5L Rune Belted leRo neon ti tilteRoilinl err Danielafloan triolee Fox end Rohlneon cego me RuneW Loe An esteem stolen beeeeriioweer Ken eee City in Pitohiul sDonovoo lend 102 mt he hitgrins WEEK ercorsuotrlveptAzn Alli CONDITIONINGiSBElNG INSiAltED TliiSliEEKENi snot AIR001$ chmonrwnntotos ottttt seve actions nhhtmnm newyw on For The Heir it Compere el Lee PARKING Alto Mirth SAME TIME Monevonppnuas tCHECKrhisrttttureitnanOINOURCELEBRATION hem COPPERTONEB SUNTAN OIL hires some By Rieherd Heed Houee end Gerden 98° lteiiei From Poleon Ivy lineect Biiee FILM 1274520420 Reguier Veiue 60o eeeh 3in88chin Kooncunome Mow FILM 379 Mtnmoteeeueulton the Whiteeox when he cracked hie itth home with mean in ii iiret oii Jun Pizarro So Eew Jim Ree vie Pow end ob Allinn homered in live mtmh PM molten eroee mine tallihlionho uettewooieeiieli theilndiene ohnd won four in row end nine oi thystzlltfhi homer geve Clev dso oolie tedeil oi their hite end three oi th rune ï¬lial Ruben Gomez the ex etionei Leegw melting hie iiret aunt in the ore etnoe imhrenlr Meieone homer tor Bolton eted hie eeoond vlo hmiii eeeeon eitorael ht iutlle the end wonthe et iiret timee1nceAprtl ls evith hie ehutout over Weehlngton ftttottwettttonvsonésr thh53 Toothpeete Ecenomy sine BACQN Iene Perker om hotelier Cute GROUND CHUCK tso Aligned Smoked Mined fllnrlieu itl7e WSAVEiiiOeji mom 53M Rebeflenne imynrte MARMA INSTANr5POTATSEs LEMON or JELLY noLL eimo RlBMRQAST W31 negeehtooeAVI1uo 529 things if 394 cm ointment Itliibhtfwi eanntegij WIENERS when home BoneleuPlete por ROAST Pure Trey Peek the Silod EEF BOLOGNA one Reedyto coomtoe Pounde eonmarowu chelISe Qunlity eeerrguqttes Polleh sAuseaeemasj Jnewhlrd benn If pence enters GEORGIhYEtLQWiREEï¬ONE 1the erode queer reach Newï¬rep Iveie No1nrede onANGes Mumshm ruin moi urede Jumbo er