flmrwflawwnvMWrmw es tctUrii altogether tho is of its bondiwhichisb cm imported butiouveï¬ caused total emme mentto liows loareontb pose of playing softball Not only that youvegven Barrie District $edior Softball League stair ki inthepan he cheat you fellows whohave no hoaafida excuse or goofingoft dont come upjwith cry about the weather Regardless of earlyaveninf rainn no onefofftctally cancelled the game An if youv lived aroun dthese formers than couple of weeks even you outdknowtbatlt takes fair amount ofpreeipitatlon tolrnak the diamondat Queens unpiayable Tomyknowledge there waano attempt made to have the game postponed=ihomas was the seabed uled home team For its default there is no reason JUST noses Arnold Palmer quotedasusing the word helluva lndeecribtn young professional Jack Nicklaus Guess thoword hereto stay But as wrotabefore thorelmust be better adjective Release of the Barrie District Senior Softball Lea gue batting averages indicates that lot of ood hit ters have yet to reach their stride Flied hurlow former battin champion was at 250 in the release Bill Adams oi inesing was at low of 107 Gear ChaEpel of Bristows was wallowing at 200 ll of use follows are better than 300swatters Lacrosse fansln the Alliston area are reminded of the game at the Community Arena this evening at 845 between the hosts and Huntsville Allistoh Armstrong came withinan ace of winn les last year ing the intermediate aero no good to know that things willbe hopping in thercity on the July holid ber of Commerce iveathis Barrie Junior Cham of events that should it be worth taking parade softball tournament teams mutt show model airplane display pitching contest twistycontest pieea games of chance rides etc horseshoe contest berry Wood called this morning to say thatiStew artsjmnch andTorgis Automotives have agreed not to enter OASA playdowna so asto give their junior players chance at golngcsgon way also adr an vlses that Billy Bertram Stewarts clubare eligible Thatolubs looking better all the time Bosses SleptInf ed Cutti of his for junior competition and Jlm lit Eachoi these fellows badtivo hltsnndtiguredtnsiioitbe Tsunamis llttcCsnolgndlélltaa mastmnsaongw Armstrongli bits to score tbresgrua liourthiiining Martin goton base on In error and Home and Bertram rapped base hits in thetltlh inning McConn was re asle for both tallies on omer Martin slaggeda fourbaggsr the next tr and Jim Arm strongrwas ontbe sacks again in the at th inning when mo Cutting ouhled to score torus the lead in ibs Minesing second frame as Corby Adams led the home hall at the stan za with fourbugger well into the trees in right fieldstngics by Win Downey Al Bponoe and JimPrait gave Minesin two more runs in tile sovent but it was not enough and toolate Jim Armstronilmwilh relief from Butch Boyd was cred itedwlth thelpltehing victo ch Downey who needed help from Jack Valr was the loser stewart who lead the loop by ustra sings Torgs had only to start the By JOHN CHANDLEK NEW YORK AP Cicada the tough tomboy filly who could probably beat most three yearad colts sheets for trot coo Saturday in the Coaching Club American oaks ratB meat Park The greatest money win nlng fliiy in history may he posed by seven or eight riv To Save EasternLoop Vs MUARTLAKE OTTAWA CF General managers from iivo National Hockey League olubs have taken sicpsto prevent the EastF orn Professional Hockey Leagus folding in closed fivehour meeting with icague officials Tuesday the general managers of lies ton Chicago Detroit New York andMontraal approved plan whereby losses suffered by any illaedsix EPHL ï¬lubs wouldlba among spa scrng NHL teams The plan will go into eliect BllSEBliLtiiECOBD if it finds favor with tbeNHL owners it came aboutaiter New York carlierhad threat oped to withdrawtts support from Kitchener and Ch cago 7mm Sault Ste Marie because of heavy financial losses The leagues other fouriran chlscs are in good condition HullOttawa backed by Mont real and Kingston by Boston reportcd profits iastseason Dc trolt is reported satisfied with orations in Sudbu innd the crib Bay club is lEarhart by the NHL itself EPHL president John tirie By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League WL Paul 80 25 500 0000 576 134 70 540 32 27542 33 31 010 lib 30305005i at 05 470 3105470 Boston 2864 452 Washington 21 at 339 says Tuesdays Results Bostons Cleveland Nawflork Baltimore Minnesota Chicago Les Angeles Kansas City Washington0 Detroit Cleveland Minnesota Les Ahgclcs New York Baltimore Detroit Kansas City Chicago Chicago 254220Vs New York 1745274M St Louis Los Angelcs Houston San Francisco Cincinnati Pittsburgh Chicago Philadelphia Milwaukee New York Probable Pitchers Today at touts Sadeckt car at Los Angeles Padres 3d night Houston Bracesi at San Francisco Marlchal 104 Chicago Ellsworth 49 at llhiftiideiphlo Mahoffcy Cincinnati OToole so at PittsburghtGibhon 11 or Law night Milwaukee Cloningcr 11 and Washington at Detroit Probable Pitchers Today Boston Conley es and Cisco tailor Kolatad 10 at Cleveland ll=ehrtry so and batman 34 Burdctte 54 or Hendley so at New York Hunter il Game Thursday Chico on Phil elhl new York Eord so at Baltic mi gin mfg more fBarhch night Minnesota aonikowskisot at immature Mesa Chicago Herbert tthtght Bobtail Lloknngeier Bowsfield 13 3021 650 at l1tenses City Walker 74 347L586 ng cassava any Was nï¬ion stcnhouse +2 at 19 20500 is Detroit ossl Hi so traumas oamcsrhuuany 2534 we Iï¬gidngeles at Kansas City 24 37 39315Vs 50 Minnesota at Chicago Buffalo Toronto Rocheste Atlanta Columbus Syracuse Boston at Cleveland 0nlygasnes scheduled National League PctGliL 47 20 671 is as ass on 0028 503 Richmond Rochester Toronto jacksonvilie Buffalo tlontat comeIron Jacksonviila at Rochester ngeles Nt Ban Francisco Ctnclunat chmond Amerlc Assastaiion si calm lt lndianapo players from the said the future now looks much brighter for the league which began operations in the season of 105060 Tha threatened withdrawal of ilnencini support by the item gore and Hawks two weeks ago clouded tha ieagues future League officials predicted then the loop would have to disband New York general manager Muzz Patrick told reporters be ore Tuesdayfs meetingithat his club dropped 00000 in Kit chener during thelast two sea Will Concessions will have to be made lfiitsngcra are to continue puttin money into the league be an if the losssharing is approved by the owners Patrick said New York would continuesup porting teamclther in Kit chener or in another city DISCUSS RELOCATION Urlesaid the meeting had talked of relocating some of the teams but that nothing definite was decided He said it is pos siblo that all six teams will play nextseaaon in the some cities as last year strong supporter of the sharetheIosses planland the EPHL itself Is NHL president Clarence Cam bell whowato tended the mac log He praised the EPHLasa valuable tralning ground for young hockey players and said tics of theleague It wasnt fair that one or two teams should suffer huge losses inrthe league while the other olubsmsda profit fAli the NliLiteams can draft EPHL and all should hclpgto EPHI clubs badtbe advantageol con trolling and directing th earns clrcuriutance not full new octane centuries owners MaatzefIs Houston 0th Philadeipbis 9° and Win Downey Winning pib cher Armstrong losing pitch er VDowney Officialsr Larry Campeau plates and Bud Knapp bases qrrses main professional wrestlingeard Their opposija can Yukon Erlc andWhip tiBlt tso amine assoc freon as lfltocbos Bedwtngs Johnson sacrificed him ond Nail Chrisley struck out and Schaiiernoth walked pitchidg staff continues at than New rate of fectlveocss it has showed in the last threegames in the IVsmile finale of the rich New York iriplaicrown for lemaam happierdaya ahead takes of her brilliant career Flaming ace it he they may goplsces in ternatlonai League fillies But she has beaten most of the opposition at onetime or another apd gwillr he sa odds on favorlte to none the 13th Cicada could find her taught est opposition in the Canadian bred illiy that won last Satur days £75000 Queens Plate at Woodbine Taylors Clcada whipped Flaming Page in theKcnIuoky Oaks at Louisville invMay but it could be another story Saturday Flaming Page defeated Can adas top coitsin the mantle Qucens Plate and previously took the Canadian Oaks Sha basiproven herself at the 10 must do this weekend Cicada bay daughter at Bryant Satsuina from Chencrys Meadow Stable whipped King Ranchs Tamar one in the Aeorddiakes at Aqueduct and trimmed Berry Ryans Firm Policy in the Mother Goose Stakes atVBelv mont three weeks ago The Oaks the triple finale may be her hardest test No filly as won all three ShantyBag iind Central Win Cements Central and Shanty dewon interChurch league softball garneriant wofrontrrinst night Central edged St Andrews 129 at Shear Park on the strength of born by Ken Skelly ro and Bob Chappei JimCairna and Dan Miller had homers for St Andrews ZShanty whipped Essa Read an Bob Boanay had fourhits Bpleceyand Ivan Cameron and Ed Cockbum had two each Essas thrgeblt performers were John Lamont Bill Hunter and Paul Smith aileron no hint Photo splay Commercial Photography Ci ted two runs find it hits inthree gamesainca losing the opener of doubleheader to Richmond Virginians last Sunday Herb Moiiord shut out the Vs 70 Tuesday night Just three sln Bowers Bobby Saverlne Pete Ward and Danny Kravitrhtt homers Syracuse Chiefs won odouble header from Columbus Jets 32 and 01 Tomato Maple Leafs downed Jacksonville Suns and Butfalo Bisons outlasted theAtiants Crackers Hula 10 iurlong route something Cicada in no2 tie in the sixth inning of the first game Bob Veale was the victim in the alghtcap al though he gave up only four hits in the five lnnlngshe worked But he walked sevenrand that proved his downfall Schsfferncth was oniy one from fourhit shutout when the walls came tumbling down Len Gabrielson on the Leafs ninth with single Ian ed szinn the ni Jackson musing for Nelson The Wingsitiave strug its slots and tagged Jackson but ftis baii popped outfot his and that warm His burlers have all ed lust emitting gies while in other action Tucsdaylnight thiih Bu pe ome run bro largemmm of Key Coius went Pay the highest prices in Canada for coins Jacksonville pt tsOiFiCERS ChautlianAriny assessments inge artthe Queens ommisalon You can haves wellpaid ob wi travel adventure and tea tutu through the OfllearCandldata ProgramApplioanta meeting da qualify for stars rds 332 Service Gingham after 80 Weeks training This may be converted apermnnent commission to Appllcotldns are now being accepted tor coursesbeglnnln late in September but recruiting wit continua only until quotas are tilled It you are single aged 18 to 23 With Junior Matriculation patent education get full wrtbonl obligation from Becralti to go all the why home Catcher Harry Chiti grabbed the relay sets Floor Toronto Ontario list not toasting crankshaft does the tricktlio rottiaal Weldedboiiyl No louncingl Just smooth ride that Will change yourmlnd about esonomyncarsi And we mean economy $1840 futly equippedl SIMEAEQT quick isiooatvourshoutioornsand discover TESTJDRIVEeiIIODAYi 132 FRENCH MOTORStTD lhe biggest brakes by fat ctanyear withinlhundrads clusters at its price make Stone the safest stopper you caaetinvtï¬e features Simon offers The only thing email ab the priest is snsbvirzioonv raahiCii MOTORS no 75 Brsdiard sneer Bands Ontario