Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1962, p. 4

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meantas loathing ex aerewerd articularllyglio svieeor for up flavorto The waiter in yslarge hotel gener ally regards tip as his Just due Whether theservice isgood ornot The employee as come to re ardths tip noias grat uity butpsrt the wage Somepeople vertl some undergtlpnfew rsrelywaiis utwi houtfleavingzan thing We recall one local traveller is of the time couple of years ago registering at hicago hotel The porter carried onesmall flight bag and Wasproferre 25c The quarter was gromptl handed back with the remark at he he guest Biiié The threelfiftbs clause in provincial quor voting dates back more than 50 years It requiresa majority of 60 per cent to vote in lounges orto vote them out erance movement throughout Ontario backed byline churches was highly milit nnt Locai option was potent measure forrestricting legal sale and weare told that at successive municipal elections communitles voted dry often by narrow majorities In 1905 the Conservatives under Sir James Whitneycame into power in Ont ario Whitney was not temperance man As opposition leader hahad been im pressed by the unstable liquor situation with municipalities constantly swinging ennnnonnndz Barrle Examiner June 10 1937 News Perry Ryan has joined the de livery serviceoi Brennans meatmarr ket for the summer BarrieAllan daieDairy acquires three new milk trucks irom dealers Harris Morley Livin ston and lliart William istantlal Accor lylieput mg fstl gr ova uitynlready fnhhdded inglhe bill The air lineshbav shownliow niuclrmore pleasi an uld eliminated outdnotvobfect to have dto ebilltocovaribiaq Liquor yadophed should have substantialma ority behind itwlih the At the turn of the century the temp777 assurancathat policy would continue until reversed Vaimaiority will sob ree fifths element statutebooks of Out tario and there it remains to this day it has ride for stabiilt in localliqiior polio ecause oils or more than aimpe per nt majority hes many years this clausesorvedto safeguard substantial investments in he teis where most of the iiquorwas here Now the process is reversed to iotisvn continued demandsfor too out id at are because of better off than Argo DrNorman Rogers Jack Ciemmena Joe Seagram and Knight skip formed winning rink at Ailsndaie townhowling tourney Dance pupils of Mr and Mrs George Jukes ave recital in Roxy Thea tre Donnie Bed was featured tapper aininglde sees in Honor course in Camp all Duntroon killed in car accid Arts at Univers ty of Toronto were Cath my Hare didsparkiin out near Beaten where Kings Birthday celebration was held RoxyTheatre featured Errol Flynn in The Prince and Pauper Capitol haerougiasFaiibanks Jr andEiissa Landi The Amateur Gentleman imperial and Victor McLag len in The Informer and Hoot Gibson The Last Outlaw Judge Dudley olmes in county court dismissed charge receiving stolen goods against Arthur Tuck Barrie secondhand dealer Dr Frank Maxwell elected Barrie Hockey Club grammar school stud ville Northfiearoiina stopped in towni vior1 lunch on way north to Caiiander to see thaDionneQuintuplets Meaford Knights heat Barrie Simcoes 52 in North Simcoe baseball Sid Asbury and Cott Iribble divided local pitching with Don Ramsay catchingglac Mooreand Tom fielding for Bar Red Storey oca1 football star ready to sign with Hamilton Ti OTHER ED esident arty off27 from Greens Guelph Daily Mercury Why is the Russian Premier so strangely quiet gWhy todays indecis ion and hesitancy ofteliing us thatwe are suffering from fatal fundamental and malignant disease and areiying on our death bed Is he sopreoccu so with dangerous Emblems at home that theseabsorb all is time We knowhe lost all the bets he made in Asia Africa and the Middle East Wearealso aware of hisaarm ab utva hungry and sullenRed China at iii And we know about the forces of huge now at work in the him to exhibition Glenns spacecap ThefiBame 5Eiiaminer Authoriudnllecondciue Post Office Department Otl and for payment leg ulcer tlnlver Strut Montrssli ii to Russia and se nightmare of illclad peo rine Brown Mary Crew Henry Sims Ed ward Short Lloyd Morrison Graduates in Pass course included Jim Hamilton Clark Hood Ruth Malay Quin inn and Lenore Simpson Third year hon ors were gained by Ernestlltyan medi cine Maurice Beverley geology and Doe philosophy Smith Barrie Business Coilegepurchases Orii lis Business College Adam McKenzie Barrio baseball plafy the new English league as coach West Ham wrote about conditions Barrie ladies lost to Oriliia 62 in county golf match Mrs John WalkerMiss Grace inner Miss Erial Watterworth Miss He en Garrett rankfipry Mrs Lou Monkman Mrs Laidman and Mrs Harold Patter son comprised Barrie team Sports editor reported thatof the asebail players in the Ivy tournament Vic Rey nolds l5 Barrie catcher was the young est and Red Storey Barrie pitcher st 220 pounds was the biggest ITORS VIEWS rwuvKocHniiesaf suieinrltussia aces Titos capsule big Russian display featuring soviet space accomplishment but he retuses toltake Glenns capsule in return And on Mayli an American worky man long identified with Communist activities in theUS returned to his home in Philadelphia and warned of what hesaw inRussia fivwould sug gest that any Communist supporters go is what is go ng on he ulte enough evilbad thug Its file afraid of imvback ick thepieoes and start sat ihe admitted he had sai sale is an strangerst living in hove hoping to afresh made tragicmlstake and regretted it Thoroughlyldlsiliusloned David John son 32 returned home withhis wife nd two alias and will againbecome hometown of Charlottetown Guardian The princi ai reason been is the there mi possible conflict is CfAébv KNOW ABOUT H03 by BARRY DIBSTON This well illustrated book will be of special interest to pee pis with curiosityabout and an interest in horses It is do signed forbeglnnersboys and girls men and women as well as for the more experienced horseman First ot allthe author pre ssnistundamsntal information concerning tlieanstomy nature cars and history oftha horse Then Mr Dissionteils of the usual horse activitlcsjon this ntinent such as horse shows foir hunting steeplechnslng har nass racing and polo There is also section unmounted games or Gymkhana Gymkhana is particularly able for children and inexper fenced riders and is means oiimproving ability and pro viding variation and increasing interest in riding Games such as musical chairs and all and spoon race and bun eating con test are usually included in Gymkhana In this book about horses there is also seetionon beag ling and bessettlng whichls re cognized as an excellent Motion to fox hunting Mr Dlsiton is an expert horseman and fudge of the American Horse Show Associa tion andhns written other books relating tohorses The illustrations in this book have been done by Jean Bowman one ofAmaricastopliorse painters to Yahoo ilor vW anon Wiusivnv Dr Leon Whimsy has had dog not only as veterinan lanhut alsons breeder and adviser to many kennel owners life experience covers dog shows as well nsthe training of dogs forfleid work and for huntinglle is also interested in research especially thastudy of heredity and nutrition and has rricd on nume lhlslfna the an an decided to spank openly about dogs because he feels that people realize that many bre eds hnve changed alot inlha st years and thaxehanga has worse in the past century them has been standardization of breeds rand tharesuils Wars good but to day dishonesty at eh and wrong breeding standards are producing inferior breeds yMr Whitney discusses frank ly the roles of dog breeders petshop owners iionncl clubs humane societies dog shows andlieidtrielsformahlogddgs whetthay are today liealso has something to say about the faults of dog owners Many owners will not take time to read about dogs and form their opinions from tole vision or inoorrect iniormetion they recoive tr elsewhere They are unable to train their own children much less their dog and dive little considera ti Dos oursws eons by ooiv oinannu TORONTOThs deputy mi later of welfare James Ban has niggested that perhaps men on relief should be compelled to take vocationaltraining Aside from the pointthat this isobviousiya good ideag the majority ofthosc nnpub welfare are theunskili factlthat Mr Bond says rep hope they should be he ned illustratesxone of the unusual facets of our weiferavplctnre This is that because clothe historical fare state community is hin dered from renal lIiEfuii ad vantage from it For instance althoughibmerlhat communitiesihave wanted to receive work in return for wel fare payments vjand though most of those receiving the pay ments would this for the jsciirespeotl it gave themthis not been permitted reportervfor Associated Presshiialhv oyie sayiLthah nhlsopinionihelifmost nti gremarkotthe century was nation little girl who after listening Apierican poet CarlSandburg describe 1in War battle turned toand nocentlyyasked Suppose they gave war perhs regard it question had come from 1th an adults wisddm But fool aduit iis position tothe wel probably prefer that For The Unemployed lf we could gstclarlfiedfn our minds Just what we mean by free enterprise societythat Lvstem to whlehwe pay so much lip service and under stand sovlittle For this probably le the great est singie block tea more rgpld developmentto practi otharffelds of social endeavor Not knowingixreaiiywhat free enterprise men nd what area itshould co ardent advocates gun at any number at whiehto em appear socl stlc And down dont usually succeedth it you notable Cann di chamber of Commerce which some time ago got started on promotion cemw paignforfree enter rise has now called it off at east tem porarily Anybodyrunninisuch nigh has lob of thinking to first Then must think out but the proper osltion enterprise is 1962 if thcldo is andthen run intelligent they on beudoing io our ist real deal of experience with welfars program as to its while their efforts torycil them subareaer wareWires mammwsswwmm majpartsof world iodsy Only where good behnviorslass takes sgrsat deal of patience and llrm si dog pro srly author excellent dogs almost all breeds can rliilbs obtained and ifaaii those interested in dogs workrtogethsr it should be slibis tan rrt iinesiin allhreed with in few canine generatfo andnursing any to beiborn if you want fuiimoasureof lfowaver togot back tova nai rspair thosegltretchlng ta uriesere minon com to and theynshould he colreeled very real Jtmflthd air is form oruieras plss to surgery dont disagree meenthati piastlcsurgsomin hs cosmotlc sense is required General aurgsonsand gyneooioi Practical Guide towin mai Health will he of great value to farmers and stock men lhe authors point but tiiutthis book is notlintonded to take the place of profession al veterinary service but to give the stochmansound and practical information and illus ratlons to guide his actions when deeiin animals There is large financial loss from disease of domestic animals andmuch of this with diseases of could hsavoided if the owner had access to reliable informa tion in book form especially if veterinary Iurgeonls not avai bl Th to recognise early signs and symptoms of cdlsease the condition can be brought under control more easily and more cheaply The authors give advice on how to meet the various anlmalhealth problems that areal tonarise on any farm or ranch and what to do till the veterinary lurgeonarrlvas The two authors of this book are well qualified to give adv vlce on animal health Dr Wright is Professor Emeritus of veterinary Science at the University ofSasiratchewan and Mr Ewanis professor of nial Husbandry at iha some university ran rouse or sMANs evinn ro wanna suune By TOMDOBWIN AND assassin too if the girls perform the operatic nines anyisurgery involv south The aorta alight strolls but the is still ye actlveIsln ontlrciyponlbis for iavaivetiia brain can lichens BIBLE Itlndhth his bed lest he fell i0orinthlanl one History verifies that pride lies and vanity poorly covers on dslipisncy are aunivsvwaooaus MOSCOWfReutsnl Arson stsburnaid down small town lynsgogue In the Georgian lie public iast month Jewish gsources sefdghore today The iiicldsnliook place in Mikha Tskbeiiay IMPERIAI owpsuowmo WILD as 700 any as no some riskrhowover small per pctunliy urge that wenever relax vigilance and never rs TODiiY lli nisronv ay THE CANADIAN roses nominee Robert Sample govar or lnchlcfjot the Hudsons ay Territories was killed 146 years ago todayinlsiti in the SevenCaiismassacre when the Red lilvar scttis ment was attacked and de alloyed by men of the North West Company Nineteenrof hismen and with him in the light with some so Malls led by Cuthherthrant lfldhrhiancaa giftsto the United States the Statue of Liberty arered in New Yoriif Iuiiuiand Ethel Rosenberg were oicctrocutod at Sing Sing prison WILLIAM Water skiing is afast and exciting sport on one that is veryvpopular Thl san inter national sport and the Iauihors trace the origin of skiing on water and show how it has grown anddevelored The readergwii learn from this bookhow to select aids bodihe basic instructions for beginners skis are available in range of shapesand sizes by and thematerials oiwhich than are made also va Most of the skls are made wood some of fibreglass oricomblnn special skis designadfor slalom tricks and ium ingThs authoradescribefhe est hind of boats and equipment and givej illustrations of Sthe hend signalsusedby skier lo oommunicaiewith the of thahoet The authors also rose importance bf safety procedures courtesyaancha mmo sense They explaingtoursment skiing dvantages of DENVERiAP tremors one to the Denver metro wereuregistered unday on Colorndo dchooi of lace instruments at Bergen the Park West of here Professor John Holilstor said the there th sharpest felt in in De er isss Uslalom sales any innit noubus flanlVlmfillflPiff sisosnowsud plumban BAKE western Georgia

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