Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1962, p. 13

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10 MRI AifIIII and Bronte cnsn TRADE for sale Telephone Dialysis nuns ram MACHINERY Jointed lrla lta Mnfoddiuan DEAD SNlili ngbcai prices ontotor dead or crippled cattle smallsnlnaaia removed tree Flor service phone BAItIliE PA 751 too All or ZENITH allsli ltit CBAilGEt at Morn darn om Ill NICKS DEAD STOCK Rji turnaround Ontario tucsacc No lIM Niel Montague Prop LIVESTOCK POLLID IIKRIOID Bulls or rule Senlceaola saunauansbly ram TIiepbong Cooke Fol flux 10 Yorhhin Pin raven more old Apply William crittendcn can mo awnbin ml lAlaIl We Ieruy CW1 purebred and blood larlcd One mob and one to ireban IIiil month Michael Yurhaw nirouo flit isms rEEo SEED sham BALI riaan IVitlllvEiraw I00 SQUARE BALM iii CIIIII iha Ind Dal Straw for sale lalaphona ivy iJiltl Hay standing for sale 0n ngh 111 near liyliy Telephone PA CHARLES CHURCH ifarm Supplies it Service luCue New Holland David Brown Easily Farm Equipment TERMS vi BALE ELEVATORS Limited quantity Buy direct and save from SHAKELL MANUFACTURING CO Lefroy STROUD 73ml ilcconsllclt Deertnl bindsr tool cut oil balhyin good cvndlv lion Talspbcna ivy lDRid SIDE tillale Rake for salt Vlohn Dears two years old Teta phona Moonstone fliliii Anus anthmns Enter can old excellent condition Will ais onl Bill lilseley Metres Harves ar Daaler Cookatawn scams POULTRY CHICKS BARRED ROCKS Still hard to beat for eggs and meat over ty years of per sonal selection behind our clos ed flock Registered hatchery Baby chicks started ducks capons KENNYS roucrar FARM an stranruar AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE SEE ViAU non RAMBLER ViacMotors Limited 17Gowan Street PA 66488 222 BLAKE an rho1321 no nova wind CERTAIN new CAR Buy it how with ax lowcost Iifminaured scom PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA TWQiTQNE DOOR 195d Dodge Goodrunnlng con dition 9175 Private Can be financed Elbert PA curse 151 wheel drive wrrd mad transmission newcar condition 000 ct iiat price Tilephona PA 610 1952 DODGE Sedan radio ltd tires Good body and moior Iii ply to 107 Letitia Street or tele phone PA ram betweensv coo miles cDiBr Tull Er it one PA laoo truncuny two door hardto In very sgood conditions Ono owif or Willlsellorirndn formal or arty lipply lot Coldwater 0rlllia cephons FA 44101 BN Deluxe cur windshield matters amorous urtllnli down and take over paymsn Tlilphbnd PA Hedi loco omnonrsn Iic tomuni Matti andhomo your own gtWANTID AT 0N wmzzuowu TravelTraller Sales And Rentals 77 aromatics Pasties ll IILTMII nevuswan AIM 03 Ill PM nitrite me later nookup rebelled clipboard space Isct ales Pasloot condition No to black andlwhtto PA PERSONALS ammo DoNll Ladles cell it due blouses lunartruer Russel liauonabia Ma all means WOMENS COLUMN TOMUNI TILLINOI De Mi VIII your fortune told as It is so Ieiepbons PA sol fcryappalnt manl anytime litAUn snor Cnidwau etc by certified bslrdra be tut is or as vice Bernice to HELR WANTED MALE HELP FIRST CLASS BUTCHER Wanted for progressive local firm in Barrie Steady employment with all bane fiIBAppiy to BOX 80 Barrie Ex miner DriverSalesman Preferably no to years of age Married Previous selling experience balptui Ndphysieai handicap Good driving record Avail BRENT AFTERNOONS Lakeview Dairy MECHANlC Young aggressive mechanic wanted for an expanding busi ness Good wages Bonuses ad vancement possibilities Contact RON THOMPSON PARK morons loo amorous STREET Bosnia YOUNG MAN Good are wrill lion snrtovusur waurso woman II of during summer antb our on usee lac nuances noncerocaconocs ANDOTHERS In The Estate QiFlorenc Gladys Farntield ALL persons having ran against the Estate of Florence Gladys Farnlicld late of the City oi Barrls in the Control Simcoc Widow who died on or about the twentyninth oi Aug ust tool are hereby notliled to send particulars oi some to ills underalgncdon or before the First day ol August rm alter which date tbs Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which the under signed shall then have notice Dated at Toronto the lib day of June loot THE STERLING TRUSTS COR FOBATION in Bay Street ronto Executor by BOYS GltAiii ND ROWE their solicitors herein is AUCTIONSALES AUCTION SALE Saturday June 23 1280 pmaharp DST otmodern household fumltura including electrical appliances man 22 cubic foot deep freezer boys bicycles and many other valuable articles RAYMOND GUTHRIE 50 John StreetBarrlc Straight across the road from the deposit Funeral Home Terms cash No reserve as the owners are leaving for1 Call iornla JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer not Arrives In France PARIS ReuterslState Sec rotary Buskarrtvad here by air irom Washington today on the first leg oi aluday European tourplmed at further consul tdation oi the Atlantic alliance In brietntatement on ar rival Rusk said he intends to WANTED as apprentice to learn all phases at the printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Some know ledge oi typing preferred This position offers secure future and all employee henetlia Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARBIE EXAMINER 3to5pm daiiy smote MAN or high school boy to work on dairy sarna Gordon Wright phone rad Apply Its Barb Bunioij Walt omr Collier Street III Dealcrln townships Dre Madnnte and Burris Write nawlalgb DepL rims loud Richelieu Montreal to worit on mixed iarna Yearly employment and extras To start immediate Telephone Janalaaon Drillia FA FEMALE HEtP $4500 pér an An immediate opening nowell gar Applicants should have varied experience in general accounting shd related proced ures Duties include the pre loll of accounting records balance sheets etc The suc cesstuiacandidatermuetpossess llative agplaasaut its applications Wlll be held illlilifli confidence Telephone Mr Ay appointment PARK MOTORS loo Bradford sneer PA 6596 LADY between bly alnsltiynlnl knowladn required trusting position in Barre ilcanoa neteua rte It III causing basement flooding and MARRIED MAN with small family tats for tomato allies mana confer with Allied leaders on our common goals andour common commitments as they client the North Atlantic com munity and other parts oi the world STORM HITS CITY WINDSOR CPI hriei but iiorcs electrical storm hit the Windsor arealste Monday property damage Hailstnncs the also oi mothballsstruck su burban LaSaiis strong winds uprooted trees that knocked down power lines and cavad in Itheroofoionec swept only 130 rcammcvnmnssrr No cabinet ministers had close calls Finance Minister Fleming stood off Mitchell Sharp liberal former deputy trade minister after ding dong battle in TorontoEgllnton And Solicitor General Browne Mrs Williamlrosion or Halifax didnt let her age or broken leg keep her from voting on alection day Continued from page met In the western provinces in 105a lIlIstlme they took two St Bonltnce and Asaintbola where NDPdcfeclor Haxen gue squashed in The liberals picked up four seataln British Columbia They had none before They retained their live InNewieundIond and won two In Nova Scotla where they were shut out four years ago They doubled their iotol lniNew Brunswlck to six ihc Comcrvstivestiiis tlmai on province Prince Edwud Islandwhereas in 1060 they blanked the=o ition in four PElNova tis Manitoba and Alberta ot the 150 seats at stake in Quebec and 0ntari0 The Con servativeu tookonly so tower than onethird but they won 42 of the to Prairie seats enough to see them through The Conservatives narrowly led the popular vote obtaining 374 percent oi thototalto the Liberala 3831 The NDP had cr cent and Social Credit crown Hill by nuusMonr Gary Tuck bad nasty hpiil from his bicycle last week when he collided with another cyclist ll natelyvno he were broken Mr ancLMts Gordon Atkin son were guestsnt the Swan Shanlr wedding at St Andrews Presbyterian Chur Saturday Mr and Mrs Harold Drury wereyhosls at supper Friday to Egbert Avlson and daughter my oi thlowdaic of Toronto formerly ills bllhbirl election Ar ill has in Barrie Maurice Premier Lesages successful Toronto Maplo leafs hockey you how dwlxmmmn on an every one at wgvmvarcws trio She continued lb tradition oi grandmother who oncerodev so miles on horseback to vote at Wutvitle MS Mrs Pres Will WAIT SOLDIER vorr won an equally close fightaln St JohnaWest in Newfound land Liberal Premier Sm wood had campaigned vlg ouslyogalnstihlm TheNDP inWinnipe Stanley Knowles farther CCF memberanda mldwile at lhs birth of the NDP last summer NorthCentre Mr Knowles led the plEallns battle against the Libero in loss the issue lthat helped topple the aformer go ernmeot iheloliowing year The NDP nlso won another Winnipeg sonicncl gained sis seals in British Columbia for total oi to in that province They took six ridings in Ontario gaining three but losing to the Conservatives in Petsrborough where Walterritman had won lmbyeleclion to bacomb the NDPsiirsi MP Mr Douglas 57yearold for mer Saskatcho an premier malElalncdtha Social Credit in Quc so was only the old Union Nationslepartybt the late Prev mier Duplessls it had deserted Mr Dielenhairer alter support inghimin 105s Associate Defence Minister Savlgny returned in longuculi attributed Social Credit victor though he said the party did not always fmaksntuch sense SEES ANOTHER VOTE iihe 44yearold Mr Caoucite said there is no questioner So clal Credit iorming coalition with another group He pre 10 months Mr Flynn th ousted mines minister said Soeial Credita Inroads in Quebec crehte He was detected by Liberal JeanFaulCantln Maurice Lamontsguc aconot mic adviser to Mr Pearson was one of those defeated by Social Credit in Quebec East other prominent liberals making their first bld forlhs Comlnons were more success alier Gordon national cam paign manager and chairman oi the royal commission which reported in 1957 on Canadas economic prospects wan Jinr cnio Davenport ousting Dollglas Morton and Charles Drury the former deputy ydelence minister wonln Mon treal St AnloineWestmount auve manager of 1060 election campaign look IlesdeiaMadeleinc from the Conservatives onetime dancing partner of Princess Margaret defeated Egan Chambers parliamen tary secretary to Defence Ministerdlerkncss Rod iieliy player took York West from the by candidate this filicturnedwith Mr Pearson ware Pickersglll orrncr immigration ministc Lionel Chevrier tanner transport In later and Paul Martin form Ilcal minister MrMsrtin won election in sex plurality oirnlore wonin hlsold seat oi Winnipeg In QlIebec to new ideas nl downs of public lite To those dictedlsnothcrelcction in 12 to unstable situationi nationally John Turner of PrincoAlbertvlieissid Mr and Mali Ross in Jean Elliott were recent and ifs to Ing Noncmbc uou other work there liot LADiBBl mo About 00 Mens has net cw oi Books tailors repeled by the iilcsday even rs were sung by the Mens Club ousrlctta lion For Ban Wi infill and II Lloyd Cum Jacltson with M11 accompanist Worehipwu conducted by Jack Marquis and Max Goody by an election worker 0n the rim is her husband who is or CF wlrcpholol CITES CASE KING 1921 rnluca aLasnn sun lCPi Transcript of re corded radioaddreaa by Prime Minister Dleienbskcr Monday whlchha lsrgsly rs peeled on television My fellow Csnadlsna while naturally disappointed that the Conservative party has not an overrun maturity want to lay thisuser the present situation is otcourso notwithout precedent it will be remembered that inmi Mr Mackenzie litng=cecured lllsentswfli There were 01 Progressives so Conservatives three Labor members and one lndepandn cnt And he continued in fice until 1015 We shall have to wait to see the result of the soldier vote in order to make any definite Vandlinnl statement in this connection On this occasion want to congratulate all who worst successful and express my regreistbflbosé wholvaieIIOI crs have hicnxin public tile is long while and have had my vicissitudestho ups and who were unsuccessiul hope the days ahead new opportun itles will come torthern Above all want to thank supporters everywhers across Canada tor the magni vilcent light the work that they did the service that they rendered And in my own constituency ot Prince rAlbeyt words can not sdeouately express my feelings tosli those who our opersted such wonderiul measure give me the larg est majorityoi all that have had throughout the years that have served this country Continued rom pole one blockrlo the party committee or nin im If him He looked serious but Iiiii smiled and waved his hand The results were scrawled in chalk across waillength poll countDicfenbaker 010 votes alter on of but polls had re ported ills nearest rival Bag Carter of the New Democra Party polled 4015 votes wrns bouncer Masonlryg It was the biggest majority oi his careerhis seventhjperu sonal trllunphlsnd his third as nationaileader friendapl first want to th Wendeltut support in the constitucn Later he recorded briel statement ior radian then re posted it emotional tele couhxie lll10tn ave direresult Guest Wiley oiN speaker was luv Jaclt cwlowell can soon IN auousr lllsCgroup of St James United Church Stroud hold the June meeting at the home olr Mrs che Worship service was conducted byMrs Goodyear and Mrs gltoli call was answered by naming favorite bird seen this spring Members discussed the annual bake sale to he held In Ellis lnnlstli Park August Next meeting will be Wednes day Sept The bible study lven byMrs Camp hell it the absence othlrs ll Black who is in Ottawa Mrs We read story from the Day unit lunch was enjoyed ch regular meeting of UCW Unit oifStroud met at the parsonage Wednesday June with 10 members present Pro gram=war=prcpared by Mrs Harold Wallace Mrs Bill Giv ens ond Mrs McLean Mrs Roy GoodieIIow led in Bible study Lunch was served it Black and Mrs Alex Black WES boo Heston the by Mrs ronotvro course Rev Fred Jackson attended the oath annual meeting at Tor onto Oonierencs at Bloor Street United Church Mayraducal At the closing service it stud enta were ordained to the min Istry Lay delegates attending iheconierencaewcre Roy Good iellow auditors Hubbart ENCE CONGRATULATIONS To Mr held at their home both WEDDING ANN Mrvand Mrs tiara Wallace and Mrs Herb Wallace attend cdths golden wedding anniv ersary of Mr aners Wil bert Snider Toronto Tuesday evening Mrand Mrs Lloyd Webb Diane and Kim also AMISS Donna Webb attended thenur ses grsdustlon ceremonies of East General Hospital of which Amelia is graduate atlescb ers College the social iunciion mother and daughter tea Fri dayxafternoon father and daughter tea Friday evening and Ana graduation Salurdayl Sympathy at tile community Robert Smith Sandy to Barrie and Mrs Albert Brady Alcona Beach who cei ebrated their 31st weddingan niversary this past weekend It also being Mrs Bradya birth day family gathering was Sunday ERSARY mung it or vanilla Minean institute were hostesses banquet to over iWLpersongin St Peters Pariah hall The oc coslon marked the prescnintion oi their bookmarking Comma unity Histom Guutaat the head tdblc were introduced Harry Lord and included Mrs Donald Jacobs oi Barrla who grscallcd crossing Ks mp it felt Baywlth hcr parcntsover 00 years ago on their way tattle Wilson farm ontbs eighth con ccsrion John Sianden allian oniowhh was born at Mines Ingn years ago their iami history is recorded in the bio beginning in 1002 Charles Pan car who is the oldest oi the rsrldanta ill living lathe co mmunity in which he was born 00 yaaraago Josaph Orchard of Barrio third generation at theOrchard family complete history of this family is also recorded Alex Notice of Mlncring Station grandson of Joseph Tomlinsonlhs first act tlcr to come Into Mtneslug aft cr the survey hlr Boiliitof sPeterborough ghter of John Young wholived to cells brate blai00thblrtbdat her stator thelate Miss Bernice You did considerable work in compiling the history Unable to be present was Mrs Oliver lracay of Colli wood wife of one of the rly pioneers whose article Mom oirr by Oliverlraccyvcra ra cordod Dr Wilfrid Jury Ins dlan archaeologist with Univer ally of Westamflniarlo who has done great deal to un ioldilla history oi Simcoe county was speaker in Dr Jurys remarks hewent back to the early tory oi the community Irnpottanca oi the Nine Mlla Portagscans not be over emphasized it wastha routs over Which all supplies passed munitions fo od etclethouttblrporta the garrisona on the Upper Great Lakes would have been jeopardized and the areas held by them wouldundouhtadly have been lost to American contro Dr Iury relamd to the Ilow Fort which has be en restore the Indian Villages at Midlan undo the Sirocco County Museum on No lid Highway at which Ross Chanl insn ls curator The speaker stressed the Importance of pre serving nnyh to cal relics which would bervarlable in the museum for tutors generations During the evening the For rla family oi Cundles entertain ed with instrumental mus which included Mr Ferris Gor don Ann ind Ruth MrsFsr ris was thcionnerJean Par ken completc historynoi the schools churches cemetery and early enterprises are included in the Minssing Community History output include the preparation etsan

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