motnmi as tretala AEszthehtélarlclltateï¬n ma flndlv mono monsoon yella Pml Etaffwrltsr rhinohlsisreed go up its food Elprssrcnisto Atcarloul elem in this earcontent as seen by Amarl caaresearch analysts is that th ported lncrcass include canned meatat time when Soviet rs rat Khniahchav claims there lsï¬o shortageat homeaecauitot Ropercent pricerlse for Say at housewives Theflniied States agriculture department estimates that on ih baslshf the re rtcd agree meals Soviat sipmonis to Cuba indeed machinery and fertiliserle rise by 40 per NEW YORK AWAnother sharp clamp and leterebound by the stock narltctl further bdshy President Kennedy for business eooperstlon and the question of whether federal budget doiicit would benefit the Ifseconnmy held the spotliaht this week The market hit by dis couraged selling for four straight sessions sank through the bottom of the May as black Monday level to its lowest point since Nov 1960 But on Friday rally regained much of the losses President Kennedy said in speech at Yale University it was false issue toessurna any and all untavorable turns of the speculative wheelhow ever temporary and however plainly speculative in character bare the result of lack 0fcoa fideuce in an administration Later at his press conference Kennedy said in response to questtan he couldnt believe that big business would want an economic slumpjustto get back at president Sitter Shot By Tllcoldent Karasramor on on Police sslda iiveyearold boy shot his habysitterln the lower beck with 12gaugc shotgun Friday night as the glrlsatoa awiadawledg Tilllce Postma rt lslln fairly good condition in hospital at nearby London witha three iashwide wound She was watchingthe chll dren allunder five years not age in secondfloorapart mentxwhlle the perenlstr andxMrsr Harry Boersma worked in their restaurant and bowling alley downs ram irom less than lnrfeet away He 16 it an an out ch New Dsrectors Lennon Reuters aneut era announced Friday the elec tion oftwo new members toits board of directors They ra Er RGlcave direcr lorgeacral manageread edl storlnchle ofSouthera News papers Ltd publishers of the southern Evening Edho of Southamptonand umber of other newspapers in he south otlEagiaad andt sir Frank Packer managing direclor at Australian Camulidatedwlress publishers of The Dally Tele Sydn rolls homsen chhir shot the board of Thom soils1 ewspapers islmited was ac Cuba with barley talocs veg vegctebewollw but canned meat cannedflsh food andtrlcoslh ars dltlonto trucks toriel steel as bocco fruit and metal ores in anextcaeioa aimed to May aadanno ced the Cuban governm agreed to step up supplies this year in eluding some tons of honest flour 20000090 cans olvmeat Treasury Secretary Dillon testifying before the Senate fl nanee committee said some investment analysts it stools prices have fallen to about the right levels inuelatlon to share earnings KINIS AT CHANGE Federal budget director David Bell said in New York spend ing and tax policies may have to he changed this year if the USeconomy begins to lag seriously IThe biggest question he said istwhcther we are heed ing into budget surplus too WW3 announced retail sales in May declined oneyper cent from April corporate profits dropped intlxe first quarter and ersonal income showed ems erthsn usual advance Even so he said averall economic figures still look awfully good For the rest of the year he predicted good vslcENIt saruaoAv maisunaflovti NE re not fSTAltTINGVAT 230 1DAILY rouaseac svle an increase in unemployment in fell off to an estimated 141090 from 1500w last week but was mCommerce Secretary Hodges wellghead of the 129274 of estimated capacity dnsnouaroya FKEMPENE rear Cubas dependence on was dislant sourcaiortpsrt of her tion of Fidel Castros roblcma in his own Latln ortcsn blchflldw in terms of transportation costs it would post lcssto rm erfcan hWeces much togd is sher at The icon slon eemeto be that the Kromlinreellzea th importance ofjfood in foreign policy operations Critics canbe JFKfs Bid For Coopérqtronf lv Highlight QfBusiriessWeek labor departmea ported earnings of factory era reached their highest peak in May and nonfarm employ ment was the greatest for the month Rowenaindications were for June and poorerthanexpected lob situation in construction and soft goods manufacturing Gerales in the first 10 days of June totalled raises com pared with lenses year earlier Production this week yearagoi lha situation in the steel industry remained discouraging with production last week down for the itithconsecutive week Mills turned out 15800th tons of steel off 04 per cent from the previous weels and re re sentlagvabout 525 per can of TOURS