Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1962, p. 15

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wtlh olpllll sees to RENT ELI lnneimuiyie also September roar room Micks Mr ottoman at from hot Catsi Bluegill Mlereter urti nucxnlrol nmro on Priced irom snow idenlior the cottage TVand Appliancesir 1n DUNLOP sr re sonata The Barrie ii youWouid like to have re prrnts oi any news pictures taken by sin staii photogra phcrs please call at our Busi ncss Oiiice We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 55 x7 8f $1125 sinstar WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest priCEipaid Old Vehiclespr Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Duniop St West dust acroSs Hwy 400 PA 59666 BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS See ou selection or tents stoves lamps sleeping he life jackets fishing tac ie Also used army tents 425 DUNLOPS PA 60622 11o DAYS ONLY Furnaces Forced oir oil or gas installed complete wltlr duct workas low as 275 PER WEEK no new environs Udell roll burners ironiv $25 up woooumnn AND son DISHEVRFARRANi tr possum Pit80274 BOYS ANDHGran Bicycles and Tricycles lor ante Reasonhie Telephone IPA stool moments Ninthpln excell ent ndition Low price or quick lion rs sores or on culers GillI RALEIGH Bicycl in ccilant condition thrco ned car rier and kick stand included Ar ply so Metrosev Avanue Burlc OUTBOARD MOVED laan Chilis Houhle eedru Dresssrtl Chest or Drawers Ind Bullet Tctephone PA adulior lurther iniormlti nnvmrronr and two arm elreln ior sole Will sell as set or separate err desired Telephone PA Mild ior iurillui inlormltibn PIANO Uprlsht in land conci bic ior home church or in due to ill health Telephonastroud will run ci tnlormtien gt wing mac nee vacuums dpolirho lreatly rs duccd ciur Limited number ginger sowinxugentre to mull VINLAY 50 MODEL Ilcctrin nge iioniotlc eiccirle clathor ry vcott npor iurnecc MU retl on room hour Wilson Centrc lei one Teiephrme posited $1 00 ates Wheat tn eihr ahotilce sliver some Machines stiller roldine It mall Sit Oil ei lmostneth elb secretions deep weiipomp seed working condition come with pipinl ulsu WED 010 Col lilfll meet new liiosbed csutmme end mull mos II tinged condition 011 lrieeretor mos lgl orator Wit Ii Um Devl Autome wash Used in new condition lob ette tuner lieav ou 80 40 Molt eds with piece Chee howcem dinner Ber TV Dreumt Floor Lamps 1ill reason oulck Tele rautra DRAWER or A5 Willie Perkins Mi unit it BOATS MOTORS 20 CRUlsEitt 35 hp Johnson 4995 convertible io MAHOGANY moon Convertible top 10 hpJ motor to ocean strip 15 hp Johnson 5395 canon STRIP iihrcglass ed 10 hp Mercury motor DELANEY some fBeyfield PA new ID ILP JOHNSON Sea Horse bio ier or sale rebuilt in good on giilpn Apply lid Ell need to pm llFOOI CEDAR Strip Boat in load condition lien 25 hp Johny Ionnloetrlc Motcr will seil use ciy Apply at as Cook Street HAIL BOAT ior sale in test ins lonl complete with decron sells rudder centre board etc icie phone PA H379 ior dcteli 11 troopers Plywood Cabin leet vliih Ls hp anlldo controls and alanine Rudy to lo IllIo hp Scott Atwtar Telephone PA 57014 eitcr ll Ilulltlmrllll Carton Boat We loo Johnson Motor Seii separately to it itedrish tlhcr as Boat takes item as up up My time Street DOGSlt PETS noxsn PUPPIES or sale itcris lered Sevenssch oi Melee $75 smile the Apply otMenla Ave ARTICLESVWANTED unors movers wanton tom Blroyolers 011 W10 ng Powered Electric RI znr wanted in Md Phone PA was ramsss MARKET DEAD STOCK nest pricerpaid or dead or crippled cattie no he Smali animals removed For instservice phone BARRIE PA emr collect or ask ior 2mm suso ruo anneal on no ielioot lle red leather at noun dl17HUI one ICKS DEAD STOCK RB Foxmcad Ontari Licence N0 172062 Nicailioutague Prop erlillAliNior is hip roor sound throurhcutun lIiiy pond Telephone 50ml inc tobacco PA scoot ntncrr tranlttor lc revn years old nielcphnne Delbert swnnoro are POLLED lHIMiFORD Billie ior nle Servieubie Ile Reasonably Telephone 4554716 Choklw YDUNOPIlrIbred Herciord Eulil horned Nineteen weanling Pigs no one Waterloo Ssperetor lon wheais Agpiy ioltlvlncalrns telephone Mon FEED SEEP GRAIN TWO FIELDS Btendlnd Hey Al tails and Timothy Hemmond ivy tilts lIQUARI BALH cl wheat and anwmmrcmwmem mumwussnm VmrlfiomuwWMHWZMmvrvintcm AUTOMQIIV MOTOR CARngR SALE RAMBLHER ViauiMotors Limited 17 Gowan Street PA 636488 BLAKE ST PA 61321 WANT To an HAPPIERDRWER Boys newcsr now with towieltjkinlured scorn PLAN JOAN TWO DOOR Dodge Goodrunniog con dition $175 Private Can bc 3425 iinanced Mr Elbert PA was CHEVROLET or quick Cheap me ll PONTIAC Sldln had motor Will ull reasonably loie hone Angus Bullock Hibi sites pm llll DODGE Cilii Station We gonior seie Vo enderd tune mission Ai condition Telephone PA 64677 51 PLYMOUTH two do beau titul rel lreen deep trend or full wheel covers Low low price Telephone PA 870 hllitcliltY Hardtop Must nearidcc Take our low payments Telephcne PA WI alter pm and ask ier Dan 1953 FORD Convertible excellent condition new motor and top iolepiione PA ems anytime liter MMOBCYCLB its 250 cc Mliohlcsa MM miles like new Rauonahie otter accepted Cook town Mm between use pm IISZDODOE Scden radio Ind new tires Good body end motor Ap Fly to 07 Letitia Sim ni tele phone PA H797 between 01 pan METEOR VI elltlw WIIOD hilck Ind white in rim ndiiion Ihtmllholli Bell ccmiortsble powmu PA lost rtmourn rear door radio ceilent body lood tirea Used second car Price $150 or phone Creamer do MERCURY two dot in vcriHoodcondition ne ill loll or trade ior boat April Fh Iifllind lor prr Telephone Shroud ill cylinder Ite in first clue condition flood ilrel tires incilldlfl HG idlinan with intcriorulm miles Whitewait tires Tendsu cover nhe houxht inr 125 down and assume bsiencc eiephone MM loss soup us the or 1951 Ford C350 limhisteo its Ford mil sprouis Supertest iiiahwey 21 one mile south vi Thornton Telephone ivy unit or an honest hllii sellout Feirlnne iour door and white includes custom radio whlo weitiirel window washers and hump Llilh not be told from new and hire overpayment of nonrandom FAIlildi 155 JOHN PACER iotlr door nnin Oxlord hlue while with automatic fillllllillllallflill radio washers and backup down and assume ply per month Owner Teiev m5 VAUXHALI Victor Deluxe In steaming blue and tray with matchingielther interior bucket typeuet decotned tires lipid undies nation of his car can be bou ht tor the lcwprice on 1095 with down owners mm Telephone PA cross so easy ill Panel Traci in good running condition Telephone PA com org iuriher hip Iti less itlEIICURY threeton loIVY duty omhinatton Ile no cw til 1oz Coldwlicr experienced townships Ore Navy is rewarding heuenra lotyoung ediens initials or seamen is allowed by scrvi otll navel ship ior practical experience and lobtradcr training during firstcor mcntpcriod oi three years pcriancc training Vega rfiqlfilqu titmoose Sehoo lily requires workin on or service dunno summer the CIIIIA sibility They receive tree mcd tool and dcntaicere itidays annual leave indiiservice le continued on career basis pa on retiremet you are ngio lcaily tit and have at lest Grade education learn to DAYhaw to quality by contact Navoi Recruiting 0t Si AVE EAST lOitONTOtm 92 iovinship in 13414 west limit oi the rtmiee cursor oppor lunlilcs for seamen jln ihaiioyal Zonadian Navy Name Age ens orlrtion to 4d it time on Last school grade illicitossiulll completed ii log the selling protection This is your bigopportunity We after you eSaiery plus commisilon and bonus eruii training at all expenses paid Men selected will work the Barrie atea Car essentials interview by appointment only Phone on sleet woo to or MECHANIC Mechanic WANTED as apprentice tolaarn all pbas oi the printingtradt at Beirie Examiner Some know ledge oi typing preferred This position pliers sechr int and all employee beuei Apply in person to MR=A$HEPHERD will MAN WANTED iogworkjll mink Applyw Lockhert Therm lNOLI ANinr dairy arm tree with machinery cmnt Telephone cnohtown theme CAPAILI PI Baker required ibrhlknry Janetn1 Molt be Plfllllnfl Ontario YOUNG MAN Vilnth to work in Pientiotcrelted in ieemlnl dry clclnlng business machines etc Steady year round employment Poly Wright Cleaners CONIHBNHOVI Young hills moot stlttillli required extra help or summer on no Mint or specuni power pmen truck etc TllilH Applyilt Pfllm to mr nonon cm and rie withiiiewlellh Prtduots too weekly part time than Wri ll main plant4 1y Apply to has 10 Upon the premises is reeled onestoreyvtrame dwelling For iuriher tcrmsnnd cularsepply to woons ANDC accuse ST nose TO ONTO MORTGAGE SALE tinder and by virtue oi the powers contained in ascertain mortgach which will be pro duced at the timeoi sale gt there will be oiiered ior sale by public auction subject to reserve bid on Tuesday the third day oiluly 1962 at the hourgoi eieven oclock in the iorenoon DSi lart or Lot No so accordllrg Io Registered PinnNo 190 in the Township oiVesprs Coun rty oiSimcoc as described in gagisiend instrument No 140 There Is said towbe aipArtiy iinishod irame house located on the said land fifEliMS it per cent oi the purchase money in be paid down attho time oifthe sale balance to be paid In accord lance with the conditions oi sale to beproducod at the time and place aioreseid For iurther particulars and conditions oi sale applyto COWAN ANDCOWAN arrislers and Sciicito 53Collicr Street Ontario dsy oi dun 12 TENDERS TOWNSHIP VINNISFIL SCHO0LAEEANOj2 Tenders will be rcceivedup to for the supplying oi Furnace iOiiando St Oilio hools nybrae aand Knock ior in once all Sighay Point Old school for Steve Oi Separate tenders required each grounoi hools gMTAWAEAG District Commisssinner Jo Scoutarea by Distiicticomnlis and including June 22nd loot LoWes circle Phyie oil sum stalwarts The ilret annual Notiawasaga District church was held in Aliiston Sunday sitcrg noon iune lo It assembledst the Arenazunder direction of composed ci Girl Guides BN ADC John Gehrke an wnies Cuba and Scou man Catholic children service at St Pauls Church McGivnoY presidingvctergyman The second section under lead under the leadership oi ADC Jim Burns and Rev Father ership oi Scouter George Mc lLaren marched to the park where service was conducted by Rev Mr VCroit oi Aiiieton The salute was taken by tile Worship the Mayor of Alliston Mitchell who was acce mpanledv on the reviewing stand RegionalCommissioner oi irt Guides Mrs Arch AllistenDistrict Commiss oi Glri Guides has resident at Nottawasaga of Boy rite of CanS ada Major Fra nhler and Bishopc District Comm sinner do Bistro inanemomma courses Anspeeiai leudars basiotrsin lng course in camping we conducted Camp horde ner ottawosaga John bishop June ifherolwcrarzs to train in theGi oi camping representing arrie Aurora Newm he Gteniel Alliston Edgar Conkstovm and Camp Bordenilamp stali con sisted oi Scoutera iim Burns quartermaster Gehrke instructor AD Scouting Moth it Ed Coooar= maps and com Tommy Thompson insi tent pitcthing and aloe vincl time hawoul have oi lemhrctlrement to thaNDPiothecamp dictcdthetithe dayiaap sch gwhen Canada mpiete mod and Bill Moriomi cc pecial priviiese Would be ught pod dcleated Thursdays reliyw are special scarves emblm tie at position oi honorary camp chiefs ior the weekend Tllc scarves gold incoi th diamondi rn con tained all ih tron ooiom oi the Nottnwasaga District and were made by Mrs Zalu siry and Mrs Perrier oi the Ladies Auxiliary Trophies donated husinu Packs iA andAlliston Pack under the leadership oi veral Alicia Elsie Fisher Thornton By MRS GEOllGE HOLT wr Ramparts Ladies Whoare the Correct tour Thursday cars will leavet come at lemonsored by Thom Wome ns1nstitute Those whowish to ttend thesecond class in 143 lbs oi Meat will be glad to know that it will be held ursday June ca from 10 to pm at Mrs Thomas homcEvery one bring box lunch as lore snout aylunsJw oucnwortsu Congrntu ati as to Mr and time were won by brated their 50th Wedding are nlversary phleeday June 12 with open housci Congratulah ionsaisogio Mr and Mrs hob he P1d too who ceiehra their22ndwedding snowman on the same data Mr and Mrs Cameron Mo not attended northern ot Camerons cousin MissBarbere McKenzieoi Duncan Mondeeyd June Sympathy is extend reiallvcs Mrs Mnaylieli Barrie the weekend withhar nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Duckworth Congratulations to Mrs Elsie Good who was elected wile commander tor the secondiime to LidiesAnxiiiaryIkgiou Mrs Frank OConnor Mrs Leslie Walkinshaw and Mrs Ernest lianunond have rciur ediromlitoyal Victoria Hos tel Barrie Mr and MrsNorman Coui son Toronto spent Sunday June with Mr and Mr Cameron Melina Mrs WillisAlired and John Ashcroitspcni the Week and with relatives at Londo and Sarnia DENTAL The HealthiLesgue uremia estimates upwards of 5100000 ooo isspent in Canadaon deu tal costs annually ment

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