the astgmonth about12507 oo obé for demo bfought Canadanthrough th cvr1s1sof the Liberal reCessiondespiteitlle vo es of fglo soeager to sell Canadashow For the ï¬rsttiineinflyeamy Canada is selling Vgtovrevgoods abroadthan is importing ACtedithaslbeengexpanded inflation hï¬sbeenehecked gt The veteranourzolderpitizens the Week and afllictedé the forgotten men andWomen of Canadaifivefyears ago fare today enjoyinghigheirStandards of wellbeing and achievement Every Lanadién Provincevhes beneï¬tedfromanational program for expansion and development the longgneglecped Atlantic Pr Vinceshave been given new measures ofequality and oppOrtï¬nityfAIOm GoVernment that believes Canadaunited and etiong Parliamenthes beenrestoreddrsan stmmentofthe icraéyarenWbux For five yearsgthe Went of John Diefenbakenhas ghtmare of thepast wellIthaeï¬ï¬‚ï¬lleditspledgesghonour your tiflstand képtfaithrwiththe adian people ThereisI1nore to do more buil mofeto challenge and and dOOm who were lflrnmentofiJolin Diefenbekér Wflldoifin SIouiservice and invyourtrust gt It worthy of furthefllnandaterwhich yourqpefjsonéll balloteanhelpb aboutbfy voiing for yOurzPro essive Conseivative Can date onlnne 18th