CANVASSINO CAN be ten are the isntimoote oi tour yoorold Robert Clark end his lwayenrold sisterSusnn as they enjoy their ice cream cones in the top photo Their SPEAKING hlr and Mrs Herb Lemny and granddaughter Donnie Lyn Desiardine oi Duiiarin Street have returned to the city alter holiday at titles Michigan They were guests at the res idenco oi Mr Lemnys brother and slaterinlaw Mr and Mrs Bradley Lemny and tamlly iormerly oi Barrie cornea PARTIES Coliee parties have been held throughout the city in honor oi Progressive Conservative Can didate ior Slmcoe North Haber Smith and Mrs Smith Among the Barrie women whocnter taincd were Mrs Gates and1 Mrs James Webb at Mrs Gales Essa Rood residence Mrs Ciliiord Hamilton oi Gran ville Street Mrs Writ Molloy ni Worsley Stree Mrs Walter Dayliss Titiin Street Mrs Jack Duval Clapperton Street Mrs Anderton0wen Street Mrs Ken SkellyhielrosaflAVen ue Mrs Earll Cote Strnbnne Avenue Mrs Jaek Garaer Melrose Avenue and Miss Belle Miller and Mrs ThomasBur ion were cohostesses at Miss Millers residencaon McDonald Sireet reception was held at the Creemore residence at Mrs Smith Wednesday altar noon in honor oi Mr and Mrs Smith WINDUP rresra Members oi the Jaycettes en tettained at windup fiesta at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bristows farm on Letitia Street Conven crioi the event was Mrs Fern Cnnnell AFTERNOON TEA An ailernoon tea was held at thovhome oi Mrs Joe Snso Duhdonald Street in honor oi Mrs Evelyn Clerk who is leav lag the city to take up resid enco in Toronto Theguestoi honor was presented with leather handbag by friends and cats at the event GALA JUNE BAL Thai RCitF Association will hold argala June Ball at the new quarters oniiigh Street tomorrow evening iimliughes entertainment chairman and Mrs Hughes are convening the affair Dance music will be Mnbel Kos man orchestra Prist tor spot dances door prizoa end bui iet supper are some of the highlights oi gt the evening RECEPTION reception was held in the church hall of St Georges lla mau Catholic Church lahngton in honor oi Ile CopyMcGin nis iollowlng his ilrt solemn high mass ln the receiving line werahismoti1or Mrs Prizes ior homeoi Mrs Robert Brown mother Mrs Jack Clark see and irons ieit spandl most oi her tree time working liar the Liberal Candidate along with hire Arthur Stewart who an answer at the OF PEOPLE AN and Mrs Dennis Moran and Mrs Norberttitloran On Sun day Father McGinnis will any mass at St Patricks Roman Catholic Church at Phelpston reception will be held in the church hall following the massnkalher McGinnis is the son at Mrs James MeGinnis and the late MrMeGinals ior mer Phelpston residents MEETS QUEEN lthllER Mlss Esther Hirmosa VON ior Barrie attended the meet ing oi the Board of Governors and members ol the orderheld at Government House 0ttawa on TuesdayGov Gen theater and Mme Vanler received guests Among the guests were Miss Jean Leask Director in charge ol the VON and Mr Jeiiery president oi the Order Her Maiesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother spoke at the event Miss Hirmosavhad the opportunity of speaking to the Queen Mother Elizabeth RETURN ROM EUROPE Mr and 1s Paul liesknmp Penetang Street have returned to the city from four weeks holiday in Germany Switzer land and Austria While in Germany they attended the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr Heskamps parents lrl and Mrs Joseph Heskampr roi Epa Highlights of the holiday included attendance at the State Opera House in Viennu and theperlormanee ot the Spanish ridinghcliool on Lipp lzanr horses Mr and Mrs Heskamp returned to Canada via BOAC iet airliner The Barrie Lawn Bowling Club has oiilclally oiwopened its season Thirty members and several rlew members attended the opening The gate prize was won by Mrs Zeke Firrhan oi William StreetSpider prize was won abyIrving Robertson two high doubles weie won by Mrs Frankie Sutherland and Miss Mary Me Lennon Mrs Frank Perkins and Howard Handy Reirésn ments were in charge oiMrs Frankie Sutherland it hasan aunuuaced that be open bers arei Brideelect Miss Irene son wrisentartalned atamse eellsneous shower held atlthe McDonald Street Tuesday aven ing Miss Evelyn Hunter saris ted theflhostess Following the presentational gills bullet eupparwu served Party included Mrs Bud JumesMeGltmis andilhis god mother Mrs Kathleen gMoran Barri Among the Barrie Meets at tharecaption ware nkMraDnugllarrl WilliamEiaon oi wrczrmNtmwrwm Mmmmfllrgruvremmraveu FABmés Fumes Fumes Work 1110 Eiecii Electionisyer its running hight And Barrie women have caught this contagious disease The women who suitor irom Lara spread gtthrougheu th city rneyibaye been working in committee roomaicanvassing New Democratic Party enm paign headquarters are Mrs itth Bonney leit and Mrs Etts Dukes who spends great deal at time canvassing on the telephone PLACES Mrs Benton Elliott and Mrs Calvert oi Waston The brideelect is the daughteroi Mr and Mrs David Watson Napier Street The bridegroom elect is Bruce Milton Farquhar oi Kitchener The churchoi St Giles will be the setting ion the nilernoon wedding oer omony Juneaz nut canarawknu Mr and Mrstilnn Kelsey Gowon Street hnv received news that their grandson John Wingert oi Regina Saskatche wan has1 been chosen to ac compnny the Air Cadets to Vancouver British Colum bin John 14 years old is the renal Mrs Negei theater mer Miss ollvo Kelsey FAMED BALLET First periormance by the Dlaghiiev Ballet Russo at stra vinskys La Sacredu Prin temps was in Paris on May 1919l3f1 BRICS fumes pretenses rimmed comets Terryclot Knits Plain item door todoor spending hours thetteiephone and distributinglilerature Theirsomeone luhcheons iv it their neighbours nd iriends door Above working in the Mull oppummih met the candidates have added note at sociability topolltica ornan mortar This happens evetS few years when groups ot be ewiyes whlsic through 5th ores and leak an early hour They usually irovel lo heirs loaded with terlnl arrd ruih out votes itltjllltt cholca its diliicult to estimate how many housewives are work ing in this campaign says Mrs Ken Chnntle Sh has organized the ProgressiveQCpn servativeWomens tea and cot iee parties which have been heldi ward one Chantler has alsoh responsible ior for to the groups of telephnnaworkers Women are play an portant role in this electl says the busy homemaker who is dividing her timabeiween her home and family and working tor the candidate oi her choice eel this is the most im portantelectlon since Conicdeï¬ ation dueto the world situau tionsays Mrs McGuire vicepruident of the Barrie Womens Liberal Association Shehaa been working ior many weeks iriiivard tour which she is chairman lm so enthused about the FABRICS FABRICS FABRICSFADRICS FABMTCS nFABllICSI FABRICS Sharksklnï¬allCieth Drl Dry Cotton cotton the itrst time ibatwowomsneat out on theirdoorytodoor canvass tor the Progressive Conservative candidate that hardly he said Anyone who hasnt worked ior an election doesnt know hnt eboi is missing its interesting Mrs McGuire been work inglor the liberal party since she was it years old The women bebladgthe New Democraticbarty orchard at it too Mrs James Dukespre sldant oi the NDP ladiea mun in Barrieï¬lr taking an active part in campaignlng ior lough she has worked behind the scenes other years its wonderlulaxperience and love it she said its tiring butvery rewardin She feels that in her eiiorts she is helping to hcquaint the people Withthe candldateand the policy of the party weeks The Youth Group have been great asset she stated iTheyhnve taken over the handling of all the literature nonresident saysthat lthis is one at the most important elections ior Canadians andtshe would like tose re women Viorking inpolitics Above all shazurges every wontan in the rididg to take the tlme to and vote on Mon WOMEN WORKERS The its life insurancecom panics in Canada now employ more than 5230 women an Aflflllu rtywn thahomen Mn it recheivib Magic or odours duoveningrairc resented within ountaln Pottery ends andaeighbm dwell was it ol blue her iri Powell lrnow eutw station See tut and Mrs Po all and th chilï¬n will be lehlvlngntunQ Borden that lnluty weekendguest atlha home at Sgt and MarH Rogers wasll MM sirWs er Ottawd iviriting stihe home at Sgtt and Mn mlhertand liamlly araSgl Thiberts Dbl eats Mr and Mr Monira can operator tell woman to leave than moronaaadl one you will woman to is char tidrealdt homo Perhr ii letter it miylhop BASKET case Dear Beckett undisciplined children at hornet beauty shop should on to relax You may loss but youll add otho than onewoman her chen adbeotrty arlon because am ildren ave your ool umnzabout tots bans peltl There ll wnyto got rid alert people to it When silent caller phones tor the purpose at annoying yang ontbang up hang on so as you are oa the Altar tow tacit experiences Fvi against bickering oi Youcan only meka headway you get an early start pian our schedulerenila ticaliy an fkeep busy Dont antagonize ruperioravand do try to maintain harmony with both parse al ess associ as sea TitE metro litomorrow isiyour birthdayl your horoscope promisos tine achievement within the nets year ion go iobor busi near progr leaned in July should culminate auceessiully quite possibly with the aid oi an ihiluential person Financial matters which may seem to be at stands lltpres ti atron aisov ow eiidit eadn Septemb late olt vember late December and the that three months ot gloat you feen alsoexpect to make iurther strides invthia connection Personal relationships should prosper duringthe next 12 monthsgand travel will boun der unusually beneiicent aspects in October During this period look for some stimtdetlng social experiences also in December and January For1the single 1962 will be outstanding ior ro stubborn telephone the partwlll louveyou alone hope this helps solve the problem tor the thousands ol victims who are bothered night and day by uddled character who have more time th lamina TlT son TAT Dear at Sorry ljuat checked with supervisor at illlnois Bell and she says your little system wont worth The person whohang Oils incapactates his own hone but the pest needs only to ban ttrespel clniiy propitious parloda indi cated in September and No vember launch and marrlag Private Sauna sruu 9em rarer2r amine rmmï¬wwawtetvrwznwinrmrmwwwwrmmmwmt2mm MWMMHEWWPW Intern true it the ptrentaar against Can wage to mother andrelate to on rightfhnmcs Can the arants on girl she is not married Thankfyouv ior answering thetoouuuon lat TROUBLE Dee It You thanked There are too jand butsin vtoutdnot attempt to error your questions cod thoadvicaota law cannotriaitord one tySarvico Association it direct ilefal aid Goodluck it until II iyoure makeher ve upxher bub it some neck not your luck lionryyite oyur Ml your Joe lboul our enormon next time hl writes rlption tar hit Yoda Garden And Flower Bede gt atteanbru sueeurs renters it Wilts ii Blakaflt an tam HIPPO orr Ncw Speed Seal COATS lN DAY songs Asaulgv Asasuava ease77125 ensures rebates SDIIIKVSK SDIHEVJ SOHKVJI SQIHHVJ SDle SOIHEVK taweLLeas LTD SINCEJSBD come in in sheet Your Strand Today Overlookinde choose from