Wuanwwwmemmmemmwwmwï¬rmwarewwmrmrmmmmxmmmwrmmï¬wwï¬ï¬‚tWWWEW yo Bo poasthlllltes being menuoueauy muttmuse art oer the encylrpolltlg cal oandldalea and ErlkNlalg ren Progressiveuonaervntlva march aeléntlst conferring ltleGlIlUnlver Atty on proposed proteéts term at Montreal dead relenee andProf ErlanVCar helm Vlctarla Norman Boul the Canadian Peace nestarea Alcoclr Toronto Prof John lfltlll ther Charles Yoï¬nalaxplerer Hanson Follows Grandad kl The grandmoot the pendan ol the Unlveralty at Toronto erephot Sparbo on uranorlheut ot Devon island The HUBCHILL Mart OP Slr Ernest Shackleton ls ono Appollonlo and sponsored by wlng the adventurous toot ol llm¢n1runnttlnxtl com the Arctlc Institute ot North step otlhlaexplorér grondtn hiredoceanographleal glaeto America 15 based at Cape rake Stanaijror roam ilflflNK Aonlcutrunr musr movrvronwano Farms are homeshaswell as work places Thefamily farm should remain vital ele mentinï¬the life ofCanad able to Brodide standards of living comparable to those of other Canadla families The Liberal Partyw ll there fore take vigorous action to enable Canadian farmers to Htwmlumwr EARM SPROGRAM Expand Canad exported farrh products farmnpoliaies Improve consultatl aloout Establish researoh lcouncil tor marketi prqceSsing and producti 1° UnderWrire provincial crap insurance programs lniprqve farm credit Maverlreb tter surplus anal promote deficiency paymentsj the Idea MPlor the Yukon Mr Nlelagn tntrodncedln the lfouaa otrcom rnona the MU that created th newrldlng from thedlstrlcta ot Franan and Keewatlnand the nlno Mack nlyrtrctched the ackeozla lnto theworldo larg est doctoral dlstrlet not created prolernaand expenses in pro rtl ltaand outlogml it on num portlon tsalzo hle votera about 13700 as our emonouor Mr Bordon lntenda to dlacusr Isoma posslble solutlons wlth Chlet Electoral Otlleer Nelson Costonguny aasoon lathe elec tlonia over Ar atop toward keeplng up wlth the It Hate Eeldmoaat the dlatrlct Borden tavora same IaRANcHT permanently rests llnx dlmvtglonl be mote rather than mottlh as or com tn the tr lion vote has been extended by the ehlet electoralioftlcer to July to and the data for 00 tantrums rs he an thento Juno Abel ardle Llhernl candidate save the Franklin and Keewatln areas should he cho pedfltmm ï¬reMaekenzle Dl let agntn and glven separate reproaentatlvela tho Commous Thlsrwoul parallel the arentlon or Mackenzle ueneyjllself lapped olt ulgun loam lhe proposal would permit aegoudfleturn lng ofï¬cer to work from here lnstead of having thla area looked alter trom Yellowknlle more than 1400 roller away Veomplimehtadl Matcorason INSURANCE When it comes to Im loam other service wllll Wt3ottlclel tabulalt immune than mapplna trontlertlrr New Golden Acroae that border Aurtrnllaun noon Astana neighbor ï¬rst time New Gulnealr worrying Ana trallanaarlaht now far more than thoprohlema Nam and lhatla near the great malaiotrnuse trnllana who llvavln tharaouth east corner ottho country 2000 mtIeesouth otNaw Gulhea New taken the Great island recondrlur est tn the worldthathnnga one are brella ovortho top of this country the northrnndwort not tare the heavllypupulatod countrleaa Aatn for our worry tonAustrellanar flu thoroth ta thesrent elnpb opaeo otNorthern Au trallnwhoro acres arecounted la rntlllona and people In rion nhlchlndguosla clalrrin north south border route 110090 square rnlla tropical Inland roughly to two It we made In 1899but nelther the Dutch nor the Australians over vworrled much about marking lta smalls length News Pnlnunvu The border runs through lam 1ylnglandnnd aurora hlglr team the Minaamqumrrp GHURSHv mountatn ranges Along lt llva prlnuuvatnptlue trlbes who neither Know nor Ieare whether they are lntha western or the eoatempdrt Soma at them have never seenawhltornea Oltlelal soureea dlsdoro that Australian mapper lately have been surveying the harder both byfalr and land The almla to forestall posalhle border lnote dente