Insnt at Lhairdaushler Dorothy Cor III beloved wile olttha nu I2 ltlfl L50 CE to Bay hood nearest ryonra temper Juice build lsrritlc 1undwich arena it with As omens FROM it PM minutes and save 30 be glad you did WHEN was occasron bananas mmnaurar easnma hear 11 MOST comment with ELOWERS BIRTHS was OCCASIONThl birth olycur chiral To tell an lood news to Manda and astrhbon in tenm mmrau Clulldlt In aa nnrniyour tele Vghniu iha day of birth tult ill PAbdilt The rate is only lllnrlAt has it at Victoria Hospital Barrie on day Juno l9 with and lllra mast inlllh lie aio strut limit no Minna Ernest WNWAt till Royall Vin torla lIorpltal Barrie on wednw dutnnal amend nun luleho harden Collier Strut Barrier arson ENGAGEMENTS CALDWELLGRANT Till lb ganmant iaannounead or Jame lilria Caldwell daughiar oi rel Nomn Caldwell and the Ilta orlpiicaldwall bl Harris in Don ald lIIrvey Grant Inn at Mr and Mrs Hervey Grant marian Ontario The marriage is to taha llca in Central United Chlilih arris on July th at 130 pm murmur wrnoox Mr litre Gaorsa Campbell oi Bulli rte wish to announce the ensse Ann to Mr Even Wilcoxson iiir and hire ll Wilcoxvof Bsaion Ontario The marriage will tali plea in Guthrie United chum on Saturday My 1a loss at Ivm DEATHS millNY Isabella Atlthe Itoyai Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday June It 1W Isabella Jul Guilloylanaar mother of John 01 Male loaapb or Benin and Helen ldrs Bernard King oi Midland grandmother or Man rarot Sharon Stephen and Cathie Friends may call at Stackisy FuneralHome Worslsy street Barrie aitarnoon on suturey Funeral on Monday June lti to St Marys Church Barrie ior RIquInin man It in Irn Interment st Marys cametsryr canns or THANKS ANIONWE wtnh to extend our hasrtiait thanks and apple elation or the sole or kindness melulu ofeynrpathy and vboauv titul Ilorll tributesmeived dun lns our merit bereavement Mrs Jamlsron Ind finally HeliumSpecial think to Dr Seymour Dr Doldge and Dr Blenhm tho nurses who treated has re kindly while in hearts Rev Mr Adams and reboot air Thslah you Ill Llndl Sch aht HALBIBTWI Willi to extend our hesrilolt thanks and apprenh ralion or the acts of kindness message at moathy and belti and floral altering received Iron neighbors relative and many Manda also thanking the Patton Nursing Home eapeclally thanking llev Burton Ior his coneolinlworde and help In our IllI bereavement of lovlnl evil and mother Mr minus and sanity OMING EVENTS religious Lecture arid Discussion DEATHI THENWHAT CliRISTADEï¬LPHIANS 300 on June 17 YMYWCA as OWEN STBARRIE Noemlleotlnn or admission garage andpaveddrlve For mmlrnlty Centre Wasagalleach DOB SCOTT andthe an dianvPoneers Callerr aHAROLD HARTONM Featured orchestra and caller irom CliTOs Country Style TV rq it bungalow louated on one NlIA mortgage CORNER TORONTO AND ICurlom built home nicely land and madam Ame wonrmrvorpNernoun Wednmagpflulï¬gv or nlc rnluion BARRIE BRANCH 01 THE socrarv roe mavennon or mount re mains will hold their AnnueITa Da FRIDAYJIlgNg by SATURDAY JUNE SATURDA caaanaisma couaanaonav PINECRESL 50 couple For table reservations yrsarunos cubes 5pm Hilisdaie United Church ADULiE 0120 OlilLDllENoDc am ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker ram in mi ascent St af INVESHVIENT PROPERTY Incomsnetslm on this low priced iour room house oom pletelydoae over firneutral Low taxes Easy terms HOUSE FOR RENT Five rooms and bath Oil lur nace Quiet street close to schools Reasonable rent APl FOR RENT =1 llltra modern ilva rooms in triplex iilcd bathroom Large bright rooms Fenced yard beauliittllyvtreed rwo ACRES am 1N THE CITY Close to schools shopphlg cen tre and highwaysTerrliic po tential Give us acall CHARMING BRICK WITH GRAY STONE Three larger than average bed room Living room 14 13 Kitchen has extra cupboards Painted basement All in extra ant condition This is lovely bungalow mortgage tlionay Availboia mean MARSHALLPA item owmrpmm meat saunter imnYPA use RealEsture ker Owen street 31299 Barries newest thehuslness he tug of this nieer situated 1050 wooded lot closeto schools shopping plaza and bus service Only $1000 down balanceron For ap polatment call Ioe Vraugdenbli GROVE STS scoped gracious living room full size dining room 4large sized bedrooms two bathrooms dens large heated sit oom inspeetion oallWaliar Co We will discuss with you pa and your lutuls home locatto sale oonnon mlboutrsaa mu WALTER cormsratwrr SANDY comaraisins mm mm madame Barrio BnAnrono be arrang jHousé or non coNsraucno Ingood condition containing tour bedtoomS sunroorm on the second floorl First floor has an pantry and dining room kitchen and met all heated vln room ti ck kitchen hill base lhlebouse must be mined in In Open forbids APPLY Memoir 05 Collier St TelephoneiiA 32487 fOrifurtlVier details Keith PAD ilgWNN 5T HAW rah mane oases amber Harris and District Iltltl Bill MR argon ltnihnro that door to the Imperial Theatre 745A DUNLOP 57 oAKan roan souAna One oi the better buys bed room living room ktlchen dinette bath lull basement Priced to sell Call Happy Hopkins PA ester evenings PA norm AGRES With nice bedroom home suitable ior large ismtly or rent the upstairs to your friends 1Small down payment will take it war oursron cm This bedroom bungalow situ ated on largeilotso 250 Prled to selhwltb lowdown payment Call Gerry Mallory PA 06481 evenings PA 84501 wash alto this abadronrn home This Is one of the better lrept older homes nicely situated on level lot Call Happy Hop kins PA total evenings PA moons rnoramv 0d McDonald Stillhis duplex has 150 monthly idcome also other possibilities For further iniormatlon callRalph Basie PA00eoieventags raccoon IN ALLANDALE Any working mshcan thienlee bedroom bunga meat and monthly payments to Cali Gerry orv1A easel main one PA Egg attra ltd dining area lotsrigour boardsand storage 01 heated Colored bathroom iinttnes van tty dividedbasemeait Large liltttll good residential area close to shim and schools llELEPHONEBflii Call Ralph boake PA ester evenings PAY 508035 moiisaornrtiias ries for 575 per month HE oelra GARVEY RealEstate Broker RR4BARRIE gt2 mnrnonaw my on mean vuliA avosa Owner frown Nearold iroomed bungalow nice lot good locationFull price $7500 Easy terms may bearraaged COMMERCIAL PROPERTY or Du Op West no resonant age depth other with family ten roomed house prie ed to sell Easy terms one mortgage at interest 5RO0MED BUNGALOW Wiih dining area and reeves tion room in east end years old Perfect condition Full price only $18000 Monthly payments We 1LT COMPLETE PRIVACY Large older typo house with full high basement brand new forced alrheatlng system new bathrooms on iiretand second floors hmpleteinterlor lstmodern andln Al condi tion uThis house islncaled0n large wooded lot overlooking city and baywith sparkling springiied streamnearby Pro parties suchss this are hard to iind call us today Iess than 09000 full price for itienrhcr Barri District llall Eshhï¬olrd cannot omnnros Lardner hadrons ioconnrnnsinaar rat anon MAKE errant Spin and span bedroom briolr bungalow on lovely residential street Car rec ti heasonablypricedi Downpay tonne01659 to schools Asking moon and mortgage Car room on ground level tread lot garage Onetcompieie bathsnd mwvfmflvrtmrrmrwretemaare new Ftrtipr es timo wï¬itbi $000d0wn or om rick nngaiow Bright basement Iihsco st em screensand doors Sprln built in lots St Marys ngton Fruit trees Excellent iav it drive Clean roua naonoons rA panesroan as mm mansion swAiN lA mos liornber or Barrie and District and Ontario on Estate lioardl FARM BROKER RR SHANTY BAY 17A aztoo HIGHWAY OPPORTUNITY rni store and service ata iii comfortable dwelling drill ed wall and waterpressure lFull line oi groceries hard ware household needs tires batteries and garden supplies Lot 174 or Well builtup area community in of two1 busy high Owner lsrretlringAslrtng price $30000 ior property and Staok at invoice in excellent state oi cultivation level cla loam soil well fenced excellen elght house large bn good stab lin hog pen implementshed and garage Prico with crop 00 Very reasonable term Other rms for sale atprlces that will interest the careful buyer iiirtoray rug brick house bedrooms rge =livingg PHONE BY OWNER Luxurious levelhome logood residential area Close to pub lie and separate soho slrahie ieatures includ Three roomrlsrg bright Willi tradit al bonrda family roomyLiittached Vtwojpiepebath Completely tine ished rec room bar shadow stone ii in north To gmmvwriiaoo Box VlalvAwlyBob Munir Attractive spotless brick buri nannoonr Erich Irony anorenrv tinp10 rubidwuliiml SimpsonsSear LIFE lNSURED $3544ai $9QMortlhly ï¬dlld limit it WI ma Conemm PEIVAII All xll IQ MB sunmn bulidln lotunur reorealon park lo mlnutas from Ir na Mina slag ll arv FOR SALE near anriw bell Livia RREN warnso no am on vcr°mf°diilti all7 Bod It Barrie Examiner WE HAVE savanna clients want amu no Y9 ll htmirere In Real ravine Meal inlsIA 60344 BUS OPPORTUNITIES DANCE HALL AND SNACK BAR Plus room sellcontained apt large parking lot Known as am Peggys Piacai atLeonards Beach thials real going con corn in very busy resort area Good opportunity for right ty to smoke good living ileav son for selling ill health Friday orfilaturday evehing ap poiniment allows you to sea business in full operation Own ed on premises at all tinies JOHNS nnrvnvo sermon PA6l277 AvaiiahlnAayI or Evening For Releasnd Manhattan EXCAVA NG Excavating and Grading Water 11 DUNLOP ET Mnmbel Ontario Ida Brolrarf Auoeiati MONEY AVAILABLE roe Consolidation 101 Ellis repairs at OBONUS LOW RATES $l 549 dir$56 Monthly it $5000 an month modern buildings Salt to cammarelri or light indns TelephoaegPA More La Telephone renew new route anooli borne on neuronrear unrain raquira phana PA arm days only BUY QDIRECTORY non APPOINTMENT 30 Anne Street bed mammalme be are ardent Rent rou uiolreaidantia treat Draperm indedon wlndowamm he nanr in per man Hornsrain Houesswanrs hours wltlrthm bedrooms near while and also echooia by inn olIPIMIl PA Mm nus men not Willie to pay up to lIzrnonlb leles Bunnies service From tadmonthly Monlmfuareo room apartment or rent with threepleca bath and rtvtta laundry room Apply wrunmsnzn three room spa mant hosted clean and tom MODERN fourtrocm nniumishad no talent lel contained 1rairi Iralor Ii ply ts Campbatl Manna IXCBPflONALLY Illl apartment available wanton fol Bedroom Home In wanted in not immediately or by Inna ldodorn homeilust lher 54806 or PA stov reirlgerotor janitor PHONE PA 010 Marcus etnae harrin Private entrance West and lion risononegm was or pplybl clan street copy Completely salad stove and weakly Park nt at ruiiahlo or children immediately new modarn buildtna Antoine atlsuad maintenance service an nrrilantor tioall ad parlLin Vientlltlev or titre lrllcrmaioa telephone PA HIM SERVICE Ask about Low Rates By MonthoritearL ca aonaaawiis AP SERVICES TQNIYS APPLIANCE AND TVSERVICE hour service 47 DUNLOP ST PA 621142 DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Servlnglinco loos ANvminna 68551 learning lIow lo Drive SEPTIC TANKS FUMPED Delivery Crushed stone Illali yard Backhoe tor hire DENNIS MORAN Barrie PA non TQPSOIL andGravel Loading trucklngand dozing VJOHNELLIS CONSTR UGTION PHONE PA FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag bin cementlsusiingo boom shov levelling an Barrie ORGAN SALES CONN Triumph infibne Sales Rentals Service Planar Tuned Repaired Bought Sold WRITE or PHONE WSHOEMAKER Zephyr ODIN Mt Albert 134W PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Banging Spray Pointing Service Since 1920 PA oases alienatean Printers and Decorators anon mrMAras ON Interior and ExteriorJVork EDWARD DENOUDEN Pncnnra sorevfl PLASTERING PLASTERING REPAIRS FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL STUCCO STONE vnrvaan Free Estimates SAM CRYERQV LIPA61675 STUCCO srongr QUIKBRlK AND VPiASTERING tCEILlNGS ROOIIIS VARCHWAYS PATCHES FreeEstitnates Budgeiyierma RADIOAND TELEVISIONWSERLIICE 24 HOUR snatnda ALL MAKESOF RADIO AND aavvrgnt anaernomce roan notoriouo team Adelaide st erected Cedarlpests Waited seed eat ror sale All rtelephone ill