rontthiutrsnroe no plan ted tn iro nus woman Rev EWiliis attended eonterencs in To ro olast week Mrs Reynolds and Mrs trwin Reynolds visited re latives inCookstown Monday Mrs and Mrs David Rae Toronto were in town Sunday Jons 7M Butt Gordon Bell and go Rutledge were on lurydutyat Barrie during the past week Mrs Agart oi Vancouv er BC spent the past welt at the home at her brotheria law and sister Mrfand Mrs Milton Reynolds it hirsand Mrs Jackson Gloss lord called on relatives in Ora ngevilie Saturday Mr and MrsEari Hammett snd Hammett spent Monday evening with relatives in tor onto llltss Beth Csthcart Sudbury washomo to the weekend Mrs Fleck Shetburne and Mr and Mrs Gordon Ho ckley Toronto attended the continuation services in St Pauls Anglican church Sunday momingJuns Mrs Murray landMr and Mrs Swinton Alliston vis tted Mr aad Mrs Elwood NI chol Tuesday Mrs Pettigrew and Mr and Mrs Wright spent Saturday in Barrie Mr and Mrs Larry Ney Simcoe spentthe weekend with Mr and Mrs Frank Link Mr and Mrs Roy Armstrong Mr and Mrs Mason and MrsCeoit Reynolds attended the national annual meeting at theCansdian Farm Radio For um in Hamilton Wednesday and bus trip iollowed to Niagara Falls and dinner at the Sheraton Brock Hotel William Tooth is patient in Stevenson Memorial hospital the result of injuries received in oar accident duringthe past Week gt Mr and Mrs Adam attendede tuners oi the lattersyhrolher gmiilonWsrren Mia the past week Mrs JVA Wright xislted relatives in tbronto an Guests at the ho and Mrs Ernest Latin during the weekend wereMrand MrsA tells andtnrniiy and Harold kits Toronto it Reid has purchasedlla Lilly residence 1go Lilly Street irons Mrs onto MrslCecll Reynolds Miss Hann and Walter Reynol at tended the Toronto horseXshow at the Bgitntan Hunt Club last Vweek Mr and Mrs Boker Bars rievisitedMr and Mrs Leilalriday Mr and Mrs BS thdash spent the weekend with rein tives lnKlrktield Mr and MrsDonCsmplin and iamiiy Buitaio spent the past week with theJormars parents Mr and hirsuliarryj Campiln Mr and Mrs Kir Co oksiown visited Mrand Mrs James Porter Sunday fire broke out Saturday aiternoon in the residence ot Mr snd Mrs Garnelt Pegs Main Street Considerable darn age wasdone to the root and upstalr Mr and Mrs Earl Hammett lackflleddy Gould and Susan Hammett spent the weekend at their cottage at Nantyr Beech Luke Stmcoe Mrand Mrs Mrpand Mrs Hagerman and ï¬nish attended the hand concert at the grandstand Ex hibition Perk Sunday evening untsosts By MR5 GORDON MOWi Mr and Mrsleos Watson and son Lionel spent last weekend at Inst Channel Mr and Mrs Alvin Brennan and Mr and Mrs Ctittord Por ter spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bod Stark Oekville The WMS meeting was held lllesday at the home at ers Herbert Goddard with Mrs Malt Suhltter presiding ihMrs Richardsons absence Devotions if were read hyMre Jamie sentRoll call was weli ash son Grillia sndMrs Mervin andsonMrand Mrs George sweredby Missionstudy wsl st in readingltroin the hookmn Blhle women Plans were made to holdebske sole June the expense tund United Church Women met ilcsdey evening at the home oi Mrs Wesley Josnstan illsdals Womans institute met Thursday evening at the moot Mrs Glitlord Porter Mr and Mrs Jackson Tor onto were guests ot Mn trent MacDonald and son Carlyle Mrs Irvin Johnston itiinoslng spent tow day ith her sis ter and broth Miss Bessie and Roy Row Mr and Mrs Albeit lhomlr Ganton Tomato vislted Mr and Mrs Osler Copeland Mr and Mrs Glen Murdey motored to Ottawa and return Laurenre Sea Mr Ketchaa and son vDavi orgua were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Gordon Rowat lttrs Jamiosonspent the weekend to Barrie with Mrs Emut Jamiesan HerbertGoddard is patient lnPenetang General hospital Sunday visitors with Mrs Herbert Goddard were Mr and lm Mrs Em watkins and George Mr and Mrs JamesFlem ng Brown all oi Toronto chansons ay MRS Jrnosssn Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Smith on thehirth oi daughter at Royal Victoria Hospital leWednesday June Stanley Todd has been supp lying at Craigvale school for couple weeks Best wishes to MissCorrle Nagel and Roger Sturgeon who were married in Churchill Uni ted Church Saturdayatternooa Junes Mr and Mrs Allan Todd en tertained Friday evening lune ieyin honor of theirdaughter Marilyn graduate ot the 62 class ot Royal Victoria Hospi see vice will behsld Sunday June 17 urnso pen in tWysvale United Churchcentre ev Cli ttosd White at tropotitan United Chur adon0nt to with ovtdodthy will hetheA snooker Special EtmvaischnrolSocloty There will be social houroiter the service cordluitnvltntihn is extended to everyone Peters Anglican Church Mary SloansMondsy evening Mr and Mrs Harry White sides spent last week in lor onto HildPl€kï¬illfl TEAM 10 GUELPil lntha hasehall field iiith lino school girls played Moons Wednesday at at and Bell Ew art at Churchi of last we Itth lino winning bothgsme The Chilli Wllit Junior For rs played Noitnwssaga and lvy ot Fen nelts Saturday altarnoon ihs ChlliiWlllts mo and will go to itcldday Saturday saris Gregg Davis and Mrs All Davis oi Bsnie motored to the tuner cousin the lateMra William the annivers servi laneysttnm Sacrament at the Lords Su per will be dispensed in Gad rte Presbyterian Church Sun day June 17 lit 30 Mrs Mellon attended the nurses graduation din nor at Sundial Resluarant 0n Mr and Mrs Andrew Hughes and tsmliy Ihronto and Mrs Meltonv spent Saturday with Dr and Mrs Melton and SATlllJRDAYSp son on dunno metatMisses Lillian and thitrsday night Guelph to itakepart in the Niagara Fï¬lis Sunday to attend servicessottheir in ere attended Cussoun Slawtosr Bun rinse tlnctive way yonrrshopping easier See all the many pedals on sale week need spec tanssltlloewnKlNGSBEERtsbn dt vowed to ev For relaxation and rot hmsnt KINGSS RI