Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1962, p. 1

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7i can lag UNJecrstuys tsktn =0illooi itor til uranium rgnaatwslir thlbsadria Planned to York today to my arm client be Wow karao Diplomatic sorrroea said they Chmawudli ultimo ll commemorate limb at the nsgvlistlons by retired gmen CUBliN harbours snows on one refugees srtiv held all by illce tort is so are they were 0d at Tort audeldale Flor tds in select boat and were about an hour not Claims oiiicls arrived the Orbm all men ages ranging between tamer and hadleit Cubs be cases they were starving AP Whvpbotot Discrimination Denied By Luke Resort Operator tlOltONlO CPiOltver Da vis to Toronto born Negro who says he and his wiie were reiused accommodation at litre Lake resort because of their color said today their visit on Saturday to the Pleasant View camp was planned test tor roelal preludlce it was organized by the hu man rights committee at the Toronto and District Labor Council the sleeping and din lag car railway employee said in an interview LW Franimwsld proprietor oi the camp about 00 miles east at Toronto has denied his slaii discriminates against Negroes Alan Borovoy executive sec retary oi the human rights committee said today the visit lgn to was iollow up cam series oi letters iten last year to summer resorts We wrote two letters to this particular relort he said in an interview Held For Trial On eKidnap Count LONDON tlieuters Yosci Yosscle Sohumacher the is rnell boy iaund ln Braoklyn NY last month was kid napped three years earlier on Jerusalem rahbls word that it was divine mission iudlciai panel at the House at Lords was told Monday Thu rabbi spoke in deicnue oi the boys uncle Shalom Schi racks otyearold religious teacher accused oi perjury and abetting the kidnapping The House oi Lords is Britains highest court oi appeal Schtralrs was taken irorn Briston prison here where he is awaiting extradition to Israel to appeal against the dismissal by lower court at his plea to be released Josei who was eight at the limo his abduction was iound living with an orthodox rabbi in Brooklyn June 31 He and his mother Mrs lda Schumacher were reunited July and fer turned to irrarl aesn non TRIAL Schtraksuarrested last August ior his part in spirittng his REESE lire reisare oi Mohanmred Houdini shove enemy at About Bon Bella dissident sit cabins at the resort were Union lost Yosei the night my aeolian discstoo no premier was One lettsr indicated the writer was Negro and no reply was received The second let ter indicated no race and is voirdabls reply was received be hir Borovoy said he has called tor public hearing oi this clear case at discriminar lion lltr Davis said he was told booked until the end oi August By prearrangement white couple Mr and Mrs Archie Lambert oi Toronto sougtrt ao commodation later that day and were oiiered scahin tor the night Mr Davis said that beiore he could In Good aitemoon an unldenti led woman at the re sort asked him What do you want Alter rho told me there were no vacancies asked it we could inouira later but she replied nephew out oi lsrael is wanted there ior trial is lawyer John Foster read an aiiidavit by trade itugler chiei witness for the prosecution describing meeting attended by lilo per sons all at whom were said to he prepared to help in abduct lng Josef rabbi present at the meet ing the aliidevit said recom mended that he he taken away irom his parents so that he would not go with them to the Soviet Union and lose his Jew ish faith He described the ab duction as divine mission The Schumachcr iamlly which never went to the Soviet ler and Schtraks drove him to settlement near Jerusalem Foster said the government at lsrael was intolerant to its as thodox subjects and resented their desire to educate their children on religious lines and that intolerance and resentment were thereason tor the charges against Schirake The hearing continues promisediiotiay by Mohammed Khider Ben Bellas rightth an Boudlal was mated by probed Bella erepboto none arr ot sleet No no no Mr Frankawslrl says he was not at the camp when the inci deat occurs it could ave been my will who dealt with these people or one at the girls who works tor us he said But they dont remember say at the white or Negro oeu ples coming through Mr Frankowskt said Mr and MrsLambsrt did not stay at his camp because there wss no room injuries Fatal Driver Charged OliiLLiA iCl Mrs Eva Sauvs has died in hospitsloi lniusiu sutiercd in July as automobile accident that sent to people ioIhospltal Mrs Sauve was iniured when the station wagon driven her husband Archie collided with car driven by Peter David Lita oi West Hill Oltt Mr Sauve was charged with careless driving liS Torlleview CSll Activities now your CP Labor Secretary Goldberg is scheduled to receive Wednesday mum inary report irom the panel he appointed toinvestigate dis pute between rival Canadiail seamens unions which has led to diiiicultlcs in some us ports Samuel ltosenman New York lawyer appointed to iaebiinding panel on July 12 said the panels report will be tentative in nature Labor oiiiclals in Washington had expected the three man board to ask tor an extension at time beiore reporting as the subject iscomplex and their appointment recent Mr Justice Norris oi the bum Columbia Supreme Courtis conducting Canadas in quiry into the current dispute which involves the Canadian branch at the Seatarers inter national Unlnn and the Cana dianMasitima Union The SIU wasousted irom the Canadian Labor Congress some time ago andths CLC then hei ed estab lish the marlthne un on The battle or jurisdiction has brought picketing violence and court actions us diplomat Ellswprth Bunker who prodded over the talks The commas lsn still must ltdligva by Nsth erlsnds indoneslan govern who our cross liGlilll to scam ORle iCP William ltiasurlkl it at Port Sev ern hss lust learned one oi the basic rules in the so dont andhoaorablagsrns oi honotrsding at least two people have to be in beenrcmsmed sumac irasrwsusron Dr Shizulri Newborn valved double my pony was reported stolen early Bun day item the tann oi Ed win Murphy pair oi bl nocuiarls1nwasutelII andl note noeu are were worth ms Some in hours later po llee at Victoria Harbor siapped the youth Ind charged him with iheit at new Police said the binoculars were reported to have been stolen shhrto prleot is Ipictured with Pope John XXII at hissum nrer residence in Cloister doiia itaiy Dr ltialrubal some at the Kenkum Sinins in Kyoto Japan lie was granted dominate private audience with the Pope It marked the iirst time in Vatican records by liriilign man CathotiFChureh Dr Matsuba said his visit to Pope John mums visit 10 years are to Keolrum Statoe by on tollc ntlssiorracnt by the at MoreWomenilhan Men Suite Prom SchizOphrenia Lennon Reuters About 31 Comersioney Of The Economy VICTORIA iCPl Attorney General Robert Bonner says British Columbia Is the cor seniors at Canadas economyf it other provinces were doing as wetter BC Canada would have not deiicitll in international psymen an sus pro gram would have been unnec essaryyho said Mr Bonner who doubles as trade nriuister said Brltish Columbias exports are running at more than $500000000 above imports and the balance will probably be even greater at the end at the year he said Man day in trade department re P0 The report said crude all pro duction to April 50 was up 8164 per cent zinc production upsix per cent copper production up 280 per cent plywood to June 80 up to per cent pulp sales to the and oi May up 20 per cent and newsprint production to the same data up it per cent Among the declines were pro duciion of lead down 20 per cent liie insurance sales and coal production Must Toe Line Huiierites Told EDMONTON GP The Farrna Union of Alberta has asked the provincial govern ment to iorbld iurther expan alon oi Hutterlte colonies indi herta until the religious group abides by the curriculum set for public schools motion approved by the un ion also asked that feonditlan of further expansion be that schools for Hutterite children be required to be built on gov ernment land outside the color pres The group decided tooatab ilsh committee to study the Huttorite question Alberta has 60 Hutterlte oriented with to tal population of about 6000 robots Srocrr polars bompueo byA vs Dunlap at Barrle alumsarse Dis Sass Darn Found Dons stares am Al oar Albertl Bu Alla Nat Gas Atlas It Bill at Belllel Brsslllsa BA Oil 30 Power Cdnllflpflkcom Cdrr Brsnr CPR Eda Cement Csn Chsnsiesl Hurt as ON Lshsil leslllld Mac Pow Massey tars Csa Dyna can Husky Csn Devonisrr camp 2th gm Dsi ma Haitians Horse Pit Home on imp To seen in Areapt inlsnd rm inter Nickel lnierprnv Plps Jockey Club Nor out Moors corp Main Pore Dslsswa Plcldc Peta Fens Pivl Pass Ears finalist on lek lldflli MS Itothrnsns lie at Dsnk Gild do as shirriit ills Simpsons saw Shawlnlssn 11 Steel oiCarr 1W Tumour Bk 51 vlraus Can itIr lrsns lit Vs fired Firs Texaco Union Gss wrum new Vt Md Min Riv Kerraeouois Lsnrsnus rs gt It Msrttlrnsl II It Miss seven times more women than men suiierirom schiro breath and most at them are sp nsiers says the British Medical lta search Council The councils annual re rt iorii46001 published to said manyschizophrenles whose disorder is marked by development oi spiltpersonality characteristics suiiercd all their lives ircm suspicious ness arrogance egocentricity Doctors Say emotional coldness and marked soliturlness all characteris tics liable to isolate the indlz vidual noisily Because spinsters ranked so higharnong schizophrenics the report suggested eiiharihey sui iered longstanding deviations of personality or that iallurs to marsyarld the relative iso lation in which these patients are obliged to live contribute to the onset oi the disorder Barrie tbts illli Vfthe building will stand on stretch Ferris Leno overlooking High waysooaadwlltbeerectsd room space will may solos woman last or three bulls lh ulldln wssdulgnadby Toronto arc teci Donsld Frsrer sodis to be principsz briiélr hcedletflmigdern dents or use gsepsra mm the mpsta structure spokesman said the elites portiontoi the protect will be completed ilrst to allow ser vices to go ahead wlrlls ihe pro eet continues chapel will serve cog synopsis It disturbanco csniredin eastern Ontariothis morning was moving northeast ward bringing an end to thun dershower activity in the cast em Ontario and liallburtonre glans Moist air and extensive tog over southern Ontariorwas expected to disappear during the morning giving prospect ei mainly sunny sides over southern and central Ontario this aitemoon trough oi low pressure moving across north Wt westem0ntaria will bringzscit tered showers and thunderehow ers to northern regions by alter noon Luisa St Clair Loire Erie Lake Ontario Niagara Laird Huron southern Georgian Bay Hallburton regions Windsor London Patchy log and hriet cloudiness elearing midmorn tng Wednesday mainly sunny with widely scattered aitemoon showers Not much change in temperature Winds light Hamilton Toronto Sunny to day Wednesday mostly sunny but with chance oi thunder shower laioin the day Warmer today not much change intern class Bunch President curu lordw liarrisonroorptmted this building willbot only be monumon the community but so sspreulva symbol at theme and arrow literer been itiorrn militiamiii if it years iirrtbuildin we on erected lacs church are currently in the city working ior church fisriturs wodnosd Winds Ariana limdgamipsouthern White River northern ueorglan v1 ildhlli dim illrlhh so so scattered showers or thundsru showers toaigtrtdlsduolilll partly cloudywlih not much fihrrlnge in temperaturs Winds ZForecsst to unless Low tonight High Wednesdsyv ndsor 7a St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton Si Catharincs ioronte Pciorborough Trenton Killaloa Muslloka pr Moosones Sault Ste Marie Mount Forest 55 Elmé SznnrrierlSafetyf lContestlVo CaitliouirrndThlrirpgppggE Hm is the tint oi ml Summer Soll1 Contssts its easy lots oi inn toantar The picture is based all my rules LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE YOU CROSS Till STREET andWALK WHEN YOU LEAVE THE CURB Start right now to ilnd whats wrong in tbs picture You may win new ttelslplr bicycle or lane nears wrrjnr ion fool LC thleontrt of ti All tmsbanrbstblple mfirhsfliorlfi rlmrrrlrlwnyruenenranddiinor iiiol looks like this la sstrlmed Children at srnployeas at on nsz anus and sensors Lro mo lines and raw or picture and later It Ll on separate street oi the seven things wrong in the rims at contest and no to seem an Entry Form Dont target to ill in your name and addreu Any and at may onion ContertNo NAME ADDRESS lirriefond Walter Adair insurance Asency li7 ilercsy 5t It Bentley and Co Formerly Flynn insurance vii Collier Si idweil Insurance rArenvy on Sophia Street East Coulis lnanranaeAgenuy elementary school age tram Earn the onrsna Seiclyls islgll Cycle lndltstrln may not enter dlfltilfirl is imal Bruce Dernliroii lid Bradlorrl 5i Henry Eirielr and Michia 150wen fit Malconrsons Insurance Agency Rel tlDnnlop St Mallory Innuendo Agency ll Crelwlclle Court 171 Moore 51 Peneiang Vst at or conisrtwlll so wistuymuthoynlu iha iudprs isiricl lnsurtrnce wrrosr menace or its actions at sinner proverbs liens boys arid one girl SONGLIT Combination bleyel GIVEN swAvrscn wrrK and tight hotshot austerrr so nos irer it some occurs Barleant InsuranceAgency Ltd 49 Dunlop St Stereos insurance Agency 10 Collier Stt Stevenson and 00 llMJJunlop St lom lstterssil Parksldeiirlvs serrrr troop or loin A5506 atsrnrcr seems lame Arnoid Cousteau Dunns insurance Allinton Peaches insurance its 1Itildlrurot in summoned inosrruoiur rNsupAwcs Mrs

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