aver this it all OTTAWA iCPi The United lnsdomrslgned cameos contrast with Canada today for the urchase oi 2400000 peun at uranium over pa pried extending into the early mils Tito contract was signed by Trade Minister Hess for Crown Cownedbldorsdo htiningand lie Lining Limited oi Cehads and Sir Roger ifaitins chairman of the tinlled Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority following weekend continence is contract will carryi efic the letters of intentshs tween the two organizationsro changed in the some in std Joint statcmentw Britain willpny basic price of 03 pound compared with 48 originally envisaged flow under provision providing for prom mg and carrying charges to be paid tiritaln for determ ent of del vcrles Mansemm ntrsel gives an lite to Coast communities psrc tleularly the Benemit sn mind as at oatsrl its term srsriissi edto en sure health uraniuminduslry in Canada until the early me when uranium is expected to Blgnlng new so diets and power stations and it uses called for rice of site pound or total some embodied tween 1m and lose ilowevor the letters worsen changed at time when world uranium supplies were short for its weapons and atomic power programs This iclure changed drnstlcr ally wit the discovery oi largo coatlauston at be in demand again ior nuclear uclsar Theltt7 letters etc ihlent with deliveries to Inksplhce bar and Britain needed thametalv Saturday in Hamiltoniwheree womandl telth1 vreachcd at his gStrattord Thoiatest case was reported she had seven monthotdlwta boys wlthm frmeda sgsndiegsi Federal enlthidinistcr ltiou home saldhlsvdepariment sym pathisetl with Me parents and atoot ratrudlng irom its lthe Hasi authorities ds red to scuas thecose AVancouver woman whose as born deformed altar confirmed earlier Ottawasle no inanclai help ratio teokrthe drug was told by pr doctor that the child may be uiierlngirom congenitalall cal and nettram the eltects oi thalidomide Thcweman Mrs Joseph Bag narol gathered up her six rnonihold son and other chit dren cantiw at to the United States iorhe at thnChlldrens Medicalactzntrs in Boston Meansbile the director oi Torontos Hospital for Sick Chil dm John Law said the hospital is not considering scl tingup speelol clinic for treat ment of cases linked with thall domlde uranium resources in many countries and the realization that no substantial amounts at uranium would be required ior power until the late 1960s or early mas As result at the glut of uranium the world PH my 55 Puhtd promptedrthern to revamp moth Wuid eats all controlling new drugs Thedrug was kept mg the Algiers Is Seized statompnl sold the con writ have the eitettei EX nding thepcriodoi operations of Canadian uranium produc era by about Lt months he hodatos by which they mplets deliveries under existing contraclswlth Eldora do alarmover the deformities has Dr Frances Oldham Kelsey the Federal Drug Administra eunsrs stuns AtVlctorln Dr Brock Chis Without ALGlEitS Al Algerian uerrilla treogs held Algiers te ay alters landless coup be lieved to favor the quest for power of distidcntVichremlor Ahmed Ben Bella Several opponents at when Bells were arrested Among themgwas Amer Oussdttlk pollv ttcal commissar oi the Algiers autonomous zone which the guerrilla leaders said was dis Premiar Ben Youssei licn Khedda and oiliciais of his gov ernment were not molested Two thousand guerrillas oi the Willays Zone iV surrounding Algeirs occupied the city at dawn Sunday Their enm mandcr 27yearsoid Col Si Has son said he hopes to form junta of Willaya commanders to heudthe government until nice tions are held in the newly in dependant slate Elections tor constituent assembly are schcd uied Aug 12 The guerrilla command an nounced it took controljto re establish national unity it pledged to open the gates oi the capital to all lactions seek ing solution to the political problems envyCharms OTTAWA CF Mrs Chit latte McEwcn chalrmanei Ottawa area group oi the Vote of Women said today she has obtained signed statement from Calvin MacDonald seiistyledJormcr RCMP anti Communlst agent which says ide not know of any com munist member who holds position oneither the national or any provincial committee of the Voice oi Womenl Mrs McEwcnlsald she got the signed statement irom Mr MacDonnid Saturday alter he held second press centerence to discuss his claims at Com munist tnititratlon in urine Canadian organisations its salt VoW the New Dem ocratic Party and the handhe bomb groups all are hrimetar gets for Communist ntlltration and Communist scoretcsnem hers hadiained VoWiry scereThe womens area relatively new organizati posed to nuclear testing clear armament racial discrim ination and antiscmitism noun vivanova TALK Mrs McEwea said the state ment by Mr MacDonaIdioi owed fivehour talk with him and it was signed in the pres once at colleague with her at the home at iricnd at Mr MacDonald Shasaid Mr Ms naid eouidnsme only three persons herald were Vow communist iniiltraters and that be are sentedcno evidence for his al legatlons Heoifcred however to try nd get some names from two antivCammunlst organizations in Ottawa with whom he was go lng teibe intouc she it Mr MacDone lied ey partys tsrlo leadership told report saturday that Communist rssecrat agents have Janene The iannounccment was con sidered prelude to the installa tion in Algiers at the sevenman holitleulbureuu thatiien Balls sponsoring in Paris Baa Bellas right told press caniercnca thape giers Thursda ar Friday it was set up in west Alglcrien etty eiTlomccn under Ben Bellascantrei But Khlder alsowarn The situation is very grave li stability is not established within month fear the worst The guerrilla troops rolled into the capital aboard ting dccksd trucks that brought them irom the nearby Mltidia plain They first seized itadio Ala glcra which beamed their an peal to the population iorcalm and support The city remained quiet The oniy sign of tha coup were 501 dicrs in splotcbed camouilage up in some streets inprcdom inantly Modern ateas iolncdzthe Votes ct Women by the scoreand have used the WW and CCND to spread the Communist partys ideas Oa Friday he said thatrthc Unitarian Church in Ottawa had long been available for the holding at ommunlst inspired meetingst ilild was denied Norman ahadian Labor Congress 11 There is no justification for thatstatemcnt Mr Dowd said There gthIVGVI1EVEI been any such meetings to my knowledge andgl thinlti would know Mrs Tucker said thalioice oi Women has been congratulated for its Work by Extemal Affairs Minister Green Referring to thcVoW executive she said knowuthcm right down to thetast onesnd every one is highly respectedt Mrs Norman Alceck Vow executive member and wlte ol the founder oi the Canadian Peace Research institute said ahc knows at no Communist lntiitratlon tnVcW But imagine some Cem muatsts want peace Just as we become members alpaca groupie The Voice oi Women formed two yeiars ago and claiming 7m Membersgoppoaes nuclear testing and armaments and racial discrimination Dr Eeiaberg rabbi emeritus Toronto said Mr MacDonalds chargeswere fianother lurid and campaign beng conducted against thoCanadi peace movement ualiy it man who have nothi to their Canadian ram peign ior lliucisaagpisarmameat harbouring to bids and beiiev he it hand man Mohammad lthldcr lttlcal bureau would be in Al uniforms and machineguns sct rebuild the cars as Dowd minister emar tus nfthe church and an official of the do so its possible some have oi Iioly Blossom Temple in shopworn cha tor lnthssmcar Pennsylvani saysihddcratime aspect basebolitrain in which is par sens were killedand rah Were injured lwas apparently the re sult oi track being out of align ment But definite cause cannot be assigned until thoroughin vestlgnilon has been cam pictcd said Jamest await the Pennsylvanias vice presi dent in charge oi operations Newclls statement concerning the track being out oi alignment was based on iirsthand reports given by Howard Kohout the railroode regional manager in Philadelphia Kohout directed the salvage and repairopera tlons Crews worked throughout Saturday night to repair the 1500 tect oi track TUMBLE lNTO RIVER With its mainllne back in service the railroad began pre phratians to hoist the three death cars which tumbled down Alifoot embankment into the ahallpw waters at the Susque hanns River Therailroad will part oi the investigation The train carrying fans to National League baseball game in Philadelhhla left nearby Hert rieburgw ere all passengers boardedat pm it was roll ing along about 70 miles an hour railroad oiilclals said Police nauseating plead accent Kennedy Aides eliminates Democratic party headed by two membersot theie in primary retention vetives Boggs sentativss as main whip and segregationlst platiorm casrlaa seaboard Vatican records Shinto ri pope of the lloman Catholic pla Roma hm end gohn eusten Mariannenan England has pros today that 250 policemen prevented ialtscaleriot Sunday when crowds clashed with members oi Sir rightwlngjritiah Union Movement sons total at £75 and continued the Win aner moderate wing otLoutsienas representative Hale Boggs and family today celebratediviclory tration ondthothiltirranklngrotiicer in gt Saturday defeated three anti Kennedy candidateswhoucampaigned on strong Conservative Shintogiriestrlisssis Pope Churc nununute private audience to Dr éidzuka lliutsubara rector oi the Kenkun Shrine in Kyoto Japan The audience ting ceiathedopossummar residence is miles southzoi Search Poi scouts he were ldantiiiod today antes iiifi Howard Goldsteln Sheldon ec ii to the speed limit is75 Railroad oiliciais said the stretch oi lrackrat Steelton was usedby it or on trains day Just an hour beiore the derail ment oiliciais said mail train passed over thcsame track pervisorsinspect the rails four crldiivettmcs week oiliciais sa The carswhlch tumbled into the riverthe last threewere the only ones occupied Two at the others also leit the rails but remained upright The two along with three more up front were to be tilted by tans who were to board the train along the sitmile run atLaneaster rand Coatcsvllio m5 The death toll might ran heenhigher except that the broad streamls extremely low because of an liwcckdrought Peanuts pennants littleboysl baseball caps and lunch bae kcts remnants oi happy fami lies and childrén goingio see bigleague game could beseen fioatingonthe river You saw these bodies along the bank oi the riverand the eoeches in in water and you realizedthese ere families on their way baseball game said Rev pastor oi oter Roman Catholic Char Viiiot Oswald Mosley The judge tineddo no national nine others who House of Reps AP For the first time in est was received today by Pope John granted land seiuch in two daytion as Barry Sehgar or was thorking outo son iigyoull hand me an Jr liribic arej changingand moving to antAmerican member oi th rnéel lwe dont the human instruments in preparations for the talksaldlreunlonw1ll only movemflo criticism pay si lent tribute to the victims Ina achesoar Those oldtime clrcuit rid are rivalled Pauiiiunyaa it seems Once roughneck who was offendedin Jesse Walkers preaching rode his horse into an Indiantight enclosure where tha preach Parson he Shbttlehii youive gotlme to lick ergit ihls heck the till or turned quietly took the ellow by the seat of his pants and the nape oi the neck and deposited him over the fence The ruithin gotten through acrdckv an meek voice said pa my glare eyes fence too1li ester ward cdch other according to Vatican secretar mating Christian At what point the twaln will Rev Thomas it baby the grace oi God no matter how it takes place He had hand in itWe The Milwaukee born pipes new stationed in Home to aid cond Vatican ceitncil startle dttiieult ta ate oning its past said isla ithdrlwalu owns an inap ninth era communications and trans port the marinesrcould return to Thailand trem their base at Okinawania matter of hours The last contingent or marine combat troops leit by air for Okinawa Sunday leaving behind only support elements such as hospital teams and mechanics Th withdrawal followed tire iliation of rival leitist rightist tones in neighboring Laos that last Monday washi ficiaily deemed neutral no tion by 13 countries irorn East and West who signed declara tion in Geneva Msrinsstvere sent to Thai land in mid ay when lighting broke out in orthwest Leos be tween pro Communist Pathet Lao troops and forcesot the for mer rightist Laotian govern eé Maye Churc Us many movements in the church ara gainguta be encnur sgedby the coupe he unityprocess teased emhhnsis on the hllitieso he Fatherr Stransk se Cathoii to advance ple parts thata liaby hadbeenborn in thaUnited States as So of the alter without them imisaid special iodcrei commission should decide whether or not babies deformed by the drug thalldomid should be allowedtolfve The iormerrdirector thh orld Health Organization my dealing with this situation is ommlssionwlth goadme psychological had legal dy it and make to th ovc houid betha subject for study by the best qualiï¬ed per sons evniiablc2ha said The VHamil mother who asked for anonymity said she took thalidomide pillsearly in pregnancy Hospital authorities have refused to link the deter mities with the tranquillizar In London 0nt medical au thoritlcs dénied published re Asylum littered Seblen hasbeenoiferedasyi country ends saidrtoday The man uhder lite sentence viet spy cannot take advantage prove of Home Secretary Henry BrookeSehlcn now is in London prison awaiting lasi ditchlegal moves to tree him Soblens friends declined to say whether the countryivblch has offered himasyiam irirs western Europe or the Commu pist bloc Two members of Parliament Labor mombersSeholeiield Ai never be able to walk Theres not great dealws can do except see about iclal legs dadarms he as Theres really not great deal we have to offer these chil dren shaken mariners Thalidomide once considered theideal drug for curbing morn ng sickness and nausea in early ragaaoeykwas donned in Con lride March lit alter reports at malformations in tErltatn and WeatrGermanyv lintby flied thausandsoi pills had beenvsel The Ontario Society for Cr pied Children has indicated it will provide hracesior th Hamilton twins nnda whecl chair for one of theme hemay The Hamilton woman whose husbandjs plumber has asked heclawyer to see it the Canadian firm which imported the drug will provide help for ihha twins Edward Hinchey cast $60tttta year ier treatment lawyer estimated it would To sealer itiust GetkSecreterys Yes chance as Robert ich land on Stress said hey would seethe Home see Ium in an unnamed European rotary later today to urge him allow Seblen to take tip the afterof asylum They too der clined torname th volved boat The 61yearold psy atri lost second eiiort SundayItn seek rciuge in Israelhthe ca binet unauimousiytupheld the interior ministrys refusal to let him enter as mmlgran While his is ycrs there mapped iinal lcga moves th block his return to the United States