errands number to calltor Business oridi vaucouvan CPl Alarm spreading through British Co lumbias iarest industry over pressure for voluntary quota re ntrlctions on Canadian lumber exports to the United States mixture of surprise and dis clicl greeted an announcement President Kennedy that he is seeking talks with Canada in Awards implementation of the gzquota No figures were mentioned by the president but demands by some US senators from the tactile northwest would involve cut of up to 50 percent in BCs t20000000ltayear export tradeto the US AttomcyGenernl Robert Eon her also minister at trade and industry said the province writ make any representations nec essnryta protect the lumber markct Expect to Sétfleé Algerianvllroblem ALGIERS AP Algerias rival politicallactions were re ported todayto be moving to word settlement of the leader ship dispute that has divided the fledgling north African state Into two armedcnmps and lead the prospect of French intervention All is beingarranged in formed sources reported They saidzan ment was being confidence lhe bptimistlc appraisal fol lowed meeting betwcen mod erate premier BcnYoussef Ben Khedda and llfohammed Khidcnspeelal on lieu tenant of radical To my Pre mler Ahmed Ben Belia who awaited developments in Gran But there was no nouncement of any progress to ward accord andthere was no indication of how the seemingly incompatible Ben Khedda and Ben Beilafactlons intended to iron out their differences TRYrTO AVOlD WAR Bsnlhcddas mlrï¬ite sisted however that we verything toavoid civil The ministers on ap peared to be borne out by the Deformed Ba 1an canton Ponce Who should bear thecost of rearing deformed habic a1 so far horn because their mothersjtoolr special dru during pregnancy The question wasraised in Toronto nd partially answered in Ottawa The Toronto officials rcpre sentibg religious welfare and municipal groupssaid the fed Vtrie THE USBAND whose baby vents are not identified TE son as both deformed tom baby wilirba examinedagaln Presidea Kennedys proposal caught the forest industry by surprise despite the loci pres sure has beenrlsiug for weeks in the US for barriers against Canadian lumber exports which totalled 8205000000 last year about twothirds of it from BC CANT BELIEVE Ciyne chairman of Mac millan Biocdel and Powell River Limitcd Canadas larg est lumber complex said he couldnt believe the US would tsmper with Canadas lumber trade The imbalanceoi trade ba twccn the us and Canada is sa bad that cant imagine that the us would make it worse He said voluntary quota would be impossible to work out because of administrative prob Vlems if the its puts quotas on Canadian lumberthcra is nothing we could do about it importantln BC relies on the US for 75 per cent of Its loss alga market Sawmilling alone employs about 5000 peopio in an appilcationby lombermcn in the Pacific northwest for low created tariffs on of lumber growing leellng among mem bers of Parliament that Hroid Macmillan will retire as prime minister within the next six port today The industry by far the most he province There was also response to In Predict PM Retires Span Lennon APtThera months British newspapers re Those who think Mr lilac ancflart to minimize theipossl Julys French Army patrols sheen reported kidnapped by business when absence of any significant mili tary movement on either side The Ben Bella forces that had been reported moving on Al giers from the West parcntly marked time while is talks continued Guerrilla units of the various opposing wilayus military zones also were reported to have received orders to stop crossing into hostllo territory in Why of an armeddaldiu The dlounouds lighters willnot fire onother dioun ouds oneguerrliia chief said But the third major mlhtary force ins Algeriamhc cocoon man French Arrny stationed there showed signs of activ ity again For the first time since Algerian independence showed up in the streets olAl grant manor aunoranns The French troops moved in after six more Europeans had Moslems mmol was taken hatlra meant warned this might intervene in the ispntc Jsfhould the property European settlers vberthrcatea women federal government health department spokesman saidthe government has no responsibil ityfortinancialald to families lntowhicbfthe babies dc lormed limbsare born No requests for aid had been received he added Such re quests would be asking us to venture into afield th therto has been the irresponsibility of provincial governments one article arrears The drug has been banned in Canada and several other coun would be set younger man such as Mr trade lrankly recognized that the pre miersuninsplring speech in the debate on Thursday bore all the with forest when be staged wholesale re one of this biggest pescetlme purges of governme pregnancyuntil its tragic slda cllccts became apparent Thalidomide his been blamed for the birth of infants without arms or le limbs gt one case concerns ahaby boy with tour lingers growing from each shoulder feet at tached to the hips born to iyAyea mtlian may go before Christmas base their calculations on the Common Market negotiations says the proLabor Daily Her lf Britain joins th Market they suggest that the prime minister would make wayfor successor who would tackle the new course on which Britain iAnd the talks break down their view is that oayearold Macmillan would go to allow Butler who is 50 to meet tho problems of creating anew Commnnw th pattern of vroéono no rsays itwas big House of Commons censure slgns of tired man in the next two or three months he will be hammering outvnn agreement for Britain to join the Common Market sails The Mirror Success coiiid provide him at the wave on which to reti Reports that Macmillan might be considering retiring as prime minister in th pearlut gun cireiualigtwï¬Ã©e ago shuffle on his cabinet Macmil lan fired seven of his ministers in Brit bias time an ideal drug1 for usailn gs or with malformed id Sarnia mother her mid lather who insisted on anonymity gained omehopé after his child was in few month llt anything one Wirephoto as considered at one examinedbyr plastic surgeon fcame out olthe doctors office with more hope than when lwent in he said He didnt explain on what his newfound hope was based Heearns $55 week and is no eoveréd bygmedical insu Aid Joseph Piccinioni chairman of die TorontoBoard Health family could he bankrupt for life if theyvtried to care for such child on their own The icderali government should enact legislation tohelp specifin eases His plea was others Spokesme for the Ontario overnment said cases of that department said several red Ottawa doctors Will he asked to participate in apilot studybl the affects of the drug We are anxloasyto knowthe severity of the isahtllties and the numbers co earned interest ider too near cALim MACDONAL US= Wants Reds To Be Inspected WASHINGTON AP The United States is planning new strategy for the nuclear test ban negotiations at Geneva be ginning with challenge tonne sin to reverse its stand against intersptioaai inspection to Presldcnt Kennedy and his advisers are reported readyto otter concessions in Western conditions for testbaa treaty used on new scientific informa tion onthc detectionot sneak underground nuclear explosions But administration leaders have decided that there is he point in offering thesocancesa mnlkgflfliliï¬ihï¬ï¬sml ment is prepared enter into serious negotiations on the whole inspection issue As one informant put it Theres no point in earne gotiating with ourselves and thatsabont what we would be doing it the Russians continue to insist they will not accept anyinspcction whatever AMBASSADOR RETURNS nacdyghasicailed Mm rv Arthur Dean home from the Geneva disarmament conlcrence The action was an nonnced followings White Pressure Stéttési ouaasc CPtTho Quebec which has the final among the few major bodies in Quebec province nut to havelsiated its position on state ownership of private power companies Resp consistent theme fortwa years has beep tate contro of pie Company whiohiown cent at Quebecs powerprodu resume House meeting between Kaag ncdy and his principal advisers on the nuclear arms race and testban treaty problems Dean according toplaas re ported to have been mapped at thr contereneehwili be given full information on the noerS scientific findings to takc back to Genevaat the end of next week This information according to the recent defence department announcement showa that with new lnstcumen underground explosions may be detected pvor gistflhï¬s running into me advm gt hits in distinguishing nedrth shocks due to earthquakes and those due to nuclear blast Administration oftlclaisjaid no decisions were reached at the conference asto how much the United States shouldscnie down its inspection demandsfor tenth ihisis due foriurther discussion White ilouso announcement said if nnedy has askedhls ad forccrtaln suppleman but did not what that silpport agains inlarméd sources say an outcampalgn to force govern ment decisionwill be in when Mr Levesque returns ro va Quebecmower son SXSiEMLBMd modern appliances gebred to 60 ycles require costly ch pee on uca an is no more Afterme yesrsas air institution olteaehers and otherer managed departurb of lted the village where Radio reported The radio id nothing else to drum up more public eonfe rio NihiiaVisrts Home cannon theaterstSoviat nan oe has foldedw Kricoirehev today Moscow on vacation to the viiiagcof Kai thebor LONDON insurers on soon launched another earthsatelllte toda announced TaMaidlthasatelllte was ubbed It was one of series of satellites taunting it carried Cosmos of which Harvlsan declined to comment ninehour session that wound Austrailapand New Zealand at common solution would resume hero Wednesday alter the meeting that no pro native markets point an outlook is still gloomy IboM OTTAWA CF Calvin MacDonald says he lcda double for the last 10 yearsas Ca munlst in public and an moi informer in private The re year old Ottnwon liftodtl1a veil on this secret after being run out of the Communist party of Canada after orking his way into its top elon Ho said his role as public Communist hose heavily on his personal life costing him sev eral jobs and leading to his sap arallon lrom his wife and eight children He told reporters he received money from the RCMP for his bdorrnalinn butwouldnt any how much or how often llo said the RCMP would probabiyivreiuse to admit he was an undercover agaht ltCiltP Commlisionar 50 the whole story came from Mr MacDonald Cape Bretonor who was brought to Ottawa at the age at two and grclxzup here awhnaid stocky lit HERES ONE rugged yitcntucklan got himself all mixed up in WorldvWar II and after five months in the European front nes wrotethls letter to his lie ckhomo Dear lion cy than is litln igin latte hi along want to tell itlm damn tiredoi them or elirst time in my life allghtln la real big war and lgwantg you to let me enjoy it in peace while it lasts Yours cit Mont Talks erosional ya arlcd fourday breathing spell after which they again will tackle key rablems connected with Brit nsbid for membership in the European Common Market Themain stumbling block in up early this manning was that of alternative markets for farm products exported by Canada Eugene Schaus Luxembourg foreign minister told porters alter the session tha the disagreements we can forecast that when we meet again we can hope to arrive chart said negotiations and would continua through Saturdayy He said the alternative mar ketsvand other questions would be taken up next week adding thatths exchange of views up now was interestingand frlnttul otoooivoursook British sources emphasized ress was misdeon the alter me Brltlsh oflieial sald Market negotiators shad do to be more specific than to guarantee price poll on farm imp rta from nail Market can trie rancosthat non member na lions willba given secesatto the arket after ten Tb lortho RCMP between loss and iost April making numerous reports on the activities organ lsatioa and plans of the Com munist party crnl polteaagoncy where when and why Communist party members were travelling ahead of everybody KlCKED OUT party ills expulsion was on nuanced ina statement that at tacked theiiCMl it was signed by Bruce Maguuson On tario Communist leader and Osmo Hahti izcr cited some of his findings Communists in Ottawa and about 2000 in tho Torontovliom morning Sentinel scene of the strlkoby the American News paper Guild is still deserted Six blocks away the ressca of The Journal are wor log over time The Journal alwaysan evening paper on July 10 par action not the cttysonly dailies under the same ownershi seepage its own room but under the root of The Journal and using its production and distribution facilities estimate of the cost of the dis pate Neither the Hearst Corpu ration previous owner at The Sentinel nor the striking Amer icon NewspaperrGuilel have dis closed iigures Nor has the Seniinels sale price been an nouuced somehow to dyoa Sunday tflsh man with shaggy worked his way up munist party uait ho was ot town member of thepartys provincial committee He said he was most useful He knew and told the fed forcc was one step Then he was kicked out of tho provincial organé To reporters Mr MacDonald There are 22 card carrying Windsor area But things aronfttha Thepiant ol the 125yeorold hased its longtime rivallock ck and arrelTha trans The Sentinel is to contnue as tall and its own So far there has been no city The 350 nonstriking Sentinel hwfl Communists were active in peace organisation thoUniv tarlonktfhurch and group he called the Fair Treatment for Cuba Committee Communist cells functioned at sonic universities among Hungarian refugees at Toronto behind the Toronto strike oi ltollon construction workers last yosr It man who had Communist sympathies warn Boy Scout leader in Ottawa oven turn lng up at party meeting in his Scout uniform lie decined to give details or names His story brought ulcis rs tort lrom Communls party leaders in Tomato They ao cuscd the RCMP of using Me Carthyite tactics Were public organization and we have nothing to hide said Leslie Morris national Mo rctnry ol the Communist party otCanade fitn lotutvrubblsh that we have something to be termed outits bit of the McCarthy technlqu employees were eligible for an employment compensation for savcnwoeks ol the disputel and members rccclved strike sported weekfor Athrecchl ran All Se tinel employees inn eluding uild members so celved severance payo At the time or the strike at Sentinel listed its circulation at EightWeek Sinkelias Ended MILWAUKEE APlA strike that left Milwaukee without morningpoper for eight weeks has ended and once again morn ingsandoveoingwedttlonstaro on too rried man with mean daily consume an Suns day The Journals evening edi tlona have dolly circulat on of 593000 while the Sunday dour nalsclrculatlon is 504 new paper in the morning iioid planned rhowovor Jerome horkoski publisher of the his paper wilh become morning daily beginning in midAugust CONTRACT EXPIRED The strike that closed Th Sentinel storied nearly ilv Weeks alter the gulldaoldco tract with the paperjhadcx plred As soon as pickets apv neared bargaining was broken oil and other employees were notified that publication had been suspended