Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1962, p. 12

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scammed roman cesco iacurto is planning double exhibition oi works to opon simultaneously in Paris and Rome Mr incurto who lives in Quebec City spee inllsel in portraying thsg FrenchCanadian Scene iCP Photo Painter Likes IotTravelr Loves Canada ROME tCPl Francesco lacurto who describes himself as painter oi itailendescant French culture and Canadian mentality takes to all three environments like duck to water The renowned Canadian artist whoseportrnits and landscapes hang in many at North limer lcas bestknown galleries was taken on his ilth European our like to spend some time in France and italy to rest and to get treshoutiook he said in an interview But for country to live nndwork in there is no place like Canasta And in Canada one at incur tos favorite spots is Quebec City where he made his home in i933 and where he has done much at his work His exhibition at Quebecs Palals hlontcalm in race ica lured such tivciy works as SoapMaking Portrait of Ca nadian Peasant Smelt Fishing and Autumn in Bale St Paul Quebec Premier lenn Lesngc and Thomas Maher director at the National Gallery in Ottawa are among the Canadians who have sat for mum portrait In fouryear tour at the UnitcdStntes lacurto also has portrayed such public ligurcsas news commentator Lowell Thomas and Cole Pitts gover nor of Princeton University His works have been exhibited in the Montreal Museum ol Fine Arts the Toronto Art Gai iery the Winnipeg Art Gallery and as far afield as San Fran piece and New York Born in Montreal oi ltallan parents Francesca Mme de veloped taste tor pointing early in tile lie was the first studentto enrol at Montreals Ecole dcs Beaux Arts whenihnt institu tion opened its doors Oct 1925 ills icllowstudents at that time such men as Goodridge Roberts and ErnestuNawmop have earnedsimiior distinction in the realm of art Onc otxthe first Beaux Arts scholarship wt in lacurto studied art in Paris tor two years at the Grande chanmiors ml at the Coiarossi School oi He returned to Montreal to teachart until loss when he moved to Quebec City to devote more time to painting Back in Europe lacurto dis closed plans for an ambitious double exhibition hcre lm not in Europo as tour ist he said Forthrec years lve been working toward dou bleexhibltion to be unveiled si muitanaousiy in Paris and Roma The themes chosen lorthc ox Itibitlons reflect the palnters cultural background and his love tor the traditional FrenchCana dian customs that survive in some partsol Quebecprovincc For Parts he said an ex hlbitlon oi aspects oi Canadian iifc whichderive irom ancient French customs For home suitable seicc tinn from pointer ol itaiian descent French culture and Cs insurance Fund Was In Peril But Makes Expected Comeback OTTAWA iCP The gov ernment insurance iuad turned back from the brink oibank ruplcy in June Alter dipping to record low of $19851162 at May the tund showed normal summer recovery last month and held $23643333 at June to The figures were obtained Monday irum the unemploy ment insurance commission on the eve ol the annual watchdog session at the nongovernmen tal unemployment insurance ad visory committee This labormanagement com mittee scrutinizes the slate of By KEITH CLAY Associate Agricultural Rep Nnrlh Siiooo The three soil constituents plants in large amounts are nitrogen phosphorus and potas sium or potash Did you know that potash will thicken upyour stands bi clover Largefamountsofplant food were removed tram th by last years Iargeh and this coupled with the dry weather this year has caused deficiency symptoms to up in the hay crap on some fields Did you knowibat light soils Potash faxaaanj F01 Thist SOils most commonly required by the load up to enchMarch at end of the fiscal year and re ports its iindtngs to Labor Min ister Starr wanNEn YEARLY In recent years the commit tea has warned the govsrnment that the tumour in peril chiefly under pressure or ex tended seasonal benefits tor wintertime jobless Todays meeting however will be held in the shadowoi the forthcoming report from special committee setup by Prime Minister Dielenbaker to look into all aspects of the un and potnth for growthand that aldellciency ot any one ol these ntitrlcnts re suits in lower yields soil test determine plant food in the soil Did you know that ha and grassisnt nearly as no table to cattle whenthere lsn dell ciency of soil phosphorus Are you fawn adequate usually need more potash than soils but not nearly clay soils Thor nils require twt maximum wintier bya margin nadlan mentality3 employment insurance pro gram This committee at inquiry headed by Toronto insurance executive Ernest Gill is ex pected to deliver its report to the government next month ttlSE FORESEEN The linanclai comebackin the land between May and June had been ex ectedsummer job openings re ace the number ot claims Contributions from employees and employers amounted to tidTOZIAZEI in Junethe govern ment paying Zocents tor every $1 iromempioyceemploycr conlt Irlbutlonaadded another so 415816 Revenue from other sources brought the total net revenue tor June to 527501s57 Ordinary benefit payments to talled $17a47141rlhe tag end oi seasonal benefit poyments paid over the winter months oi high seasonal unemployment cost another $362040 iotal benelits amounted to $15709181 lieaving 523843839 asVa balance in the lund year earlier the fund held $110270000 At its peak in itdti the fund held more than $915 oooooo Olticiai Counting Over In Stormoni ceanwnnL toe An ol ilcini count oiboUots cast in the Storrnont federal election June18 confirms Liberalecan didate Lucien Lemouieux as votes lnsome 25009 cast The ottictei check lett totals the tour candidates the some as those announced iol Pedmi tier otnu July lttdwnwin in 012 tsrto bsnbun Ilsa odtn ho otcbolsrrl Federal vsts said they have tn the origin ol tbecholsrnto farm in Prescott County it spread throughout Eastern Ontarto and intoZIQusbec when animals sold at an auction commentator Divorce Has Basis For Perjuryicharge an cam iclt on the docket at up once Macssyzvns movie 01 Procedures have been tightened for taking some evidence on parliamen tary divorce applications only gushes and Nswloundlsnd on The change will provide sounder basis for laying periury charges it that course no catcd authorities say At the same time its under stood the change removes possibillt that court cases might to low several RCMP in vestlgations made recently into divorce applications This is because the former practice was regarded by legal authorities or tour certain ground for perjury charges NEED AFFIDAVIT The change is technical ileocaforlh evidenos that at vorco documents have been served on respondent and co res onth in divorce actions wl be given tothe Senatedi vorco committee by otiidavil Previously this testimony by private investigators was given by declaration Wrong inlormatlon in an aiii davit is equivalent to poriury an oiiiclai said Monday that was not the case where wrong inlarmatian was given by doc lsration th change is aimed at over coming statute omission Whfith may herein led by iog lsiolion inter olllcials said There have been cases where one at the parties in divorce claimed that he or she was never notiiied ol the divorce ae ties The question at redress contained legal problems com plicated by the possibility that marriages might have occurre alter the divorce COUNBEL NOTIFIED lhc Senatedivorcs commit tee hat aotiiled all lawyers in volved in new applications to Parliament which handles til iouodland which lack their own divorce courts rlh The change wont ailact only 12°° speak OTTAWA CmCanada may be regarded as bilingual coun try but only 122 per cent oi the population spcekrboth Eng lish and French the loot census revealed only French was 191 pemcnt Another 13 per cent rpoire neither English nor French The iigures were within one pegloom ot what they were in tongue for 534 enter 281 per DEPiNE TONGUE The bureau oi statistics sol tion at the other mother tongucl would be issued later The tan is dclined as his mother tongue Rwy may add other languages is er In Quebec 31548 of the provinces 5259211 ipeople spoke only French Anot er spoke both French and English and assess spoke only English oilprovinces but Quebec were In minsntly English speak or antenna mm in 5545769 spoke oniyv Engl nh only Frenchand spoke otidlll vorces lrorn Quebec and New Englishirfench The proportion speaking only English was on per cent and English with mother per cent of tile today more detailed classiilea gusge person itrstleamed In childhood and stilt understands 133am French and Ittlttliti to flop ii air Outfits been In Montreal nogrleuitlrrs department spokesman asidau tboriiis have ktltsddott bolt on 17 terms Ch sndbouis es dissolution oi the tart tariia ment The CCFvNDPgroap re tusod to sanction passage or other msnilsotation oi thatr ops position to parliamentary dl vorces The group accused the government at having tailed to carry out an undertaking to some way crowd the con sidmtion oi divorces by the Commons More than zoo additional dl vorca applications are expected tor the now Pnrilamonts first session which Prime Minister Disfonbsltsr has said will sort vens in September Meanwhile plans are conltn ulngto have the leftover applications come it again with smtaimum at ditonsi ex pense This would be done by waiving irehearing before the senate divorce committee tor applicants who declare that the have not resumed married Ito us Officials said that necessary declaration so tar iii HELP Two thousand canarlcs are used for scenes in Bird Man at movie lofslzeormodetl oilsbur rointiit hunt new log etc indict no width wtotoneostr keep your meal 201 applicants have me the Alcatraz the Burt Lancaster at urntng out more nuiomo in than any other inc tory in the world runner on huts no on in years been rttistt soccer players still usetho hoops for trainingsod claim thoyrs tops tor keeping stom nay lob remiss in trim noonotrr RUDOLPH some US business time are ad for in big demoed tor making milsdys naverput your too Austin QMatisy Did you know that Linda Christians real name is bisncs Rose Water Huttont is batty Thornburgl thesiscomparisonstendtocontusethe publicLetssettherecordstralght The RamblerAmerlcanlsihelowestprlced Canadianbuiitcarl Infacttho Rambler Amatlcen sellsforlossthan Its neatestcompetitor regardless 1Butptioealonedoesntmatteihe vRamblerAmartoanthevaIUeitlsYoualso gettheleatureslorwhlch Ramblerls famousliheRambiethmetlcanistha Automotive manniacturers alien get Into price Comparisons More often than not mostcompletelyrustprooied carlntha world itgivesycua CeramicArmoured rnufilcrtha sguatanteadforaslongas and that batty other foliowwp saloon tlnrtxtt diroetl osttvnn aortas Wlwsrtlm continue bitterVt painted canvases in to earn soldoniytwo to his illsf this But alter hie death ringis psiotl Public Gardens at Aries ed moon suction Worth mnembcnng its not enough to save the worldvs must help melts the world worth sov ngItmoid01uowl Lilo ets easier sit the time dept ow you can buy electric swizrle sticks and soon youll be able to buy ciolhomv closet dgct whic dry cleans your cotth overnight bylhe use of uttrucnictvevu it was Marcus Porclur Cato Roman statesman who re marked had rather men should ask vdty no status bar been erected in my honor this whyone has with Printing anon or The Barrie Examiner wittf as closet stonetuna sensationalist or sort retinitis assess MAY as test 1H Msmosslcs are simple truth about car prices is that Rambler American is the lowest priced canadian builtoarby$6820t noent even aogb hsdno cotmul iust its added that as had arranged LWhnt can as Donetjtieeting to discuss the nutterWettnud sy IM Bomrd Knit us by theiegsi Atdboetsty to pre lenton appeal to the Ontario Appeal Court said he will con tlnusto press lor rsconstdcrn lion of the case although the apportion denied 181$ Dut 1N BRUNSWICK US NevyN una patrol bomber carried six crow morn born to oiiory death Monday whcaJt crashed on practice tsitcolt st ttiynco naval air station on say twiorco girfld crsit suddenly tun ed to ground in anynwwdrd area and burotioto flames sweetenerYoudeselectear guaranteason boththeradlatorcoolant and on the battery The RambietAmertcan has as standard egulpment seltadlustlng YesvaiuejsthdreasonforRamblsrs succesth successsogreatweve gone intoasecondshilttomeetthe demand for DoubleSafetybrakesTlteseallowths trontapd rsavrbrakestooperate Independentlytordoublemarginal safety No otherCanadlan bulttcaroilers this feature And there are manymoto to Ramblersvalue exceptional featuresto add new Ramblers We feelweve developed formula for success economy worthwhile featuresandthe iowcstgrlce VoianycanadianbulltcarSaéyour RamblerdealersoonJestdriveanew RambletAmetlcan Find outtoryoursell why we say its Canadas best alltoundcarvéilueu sass Isaac6488 Stayner T682

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