Sister Prov was ong weekend We trip into the French world of Cooperative Banking We accompanied tour spon sored byrthe Ontario Coopera Soclety the central clear gency ior the cooperative aidng and Credit Unions We did not attend as del utvjolned the party ot dozen who went on lnvltsLlen to visit and see the magnitude oi the growth oi the little mans savings and doom begun iiity years ago when the reporter in the House oiiariiement Deslardlns set out ioput over the idea Wevlsltcd with management werceguests nt dinners and were shown great buildings with computing rnoehines sort ingreheques endputting through transactions in mass where millions are exchanged daily between banks One example is an exchange Mayor Is Candidate jcyrrhwri CPtPrimc Minis tenDieienhaker paid nonpo iilical visit Tuesday to Mayor Armand Turpin oi Hull city in Quebec province just across the Ottawa Riyervirom here He also paidan electioneertng visit to Conservative candidate ArmandTurpln in the riding oi Hull Mayor iu welcomed Mr Dleienbaker and asked him to sign the citys honor roiioi guests Candidate hirpin praised the prime minister and his Progres sive Conservative government and said Quebec province win siwaysba grateiul ior what youVe done The mayor and the candidate are one and the same persbn Mrt Dieienbsker said he ieli thatthe two cities oi Ottawa can Hull represent to oil Cana the embodiment of unity The visit was one ottwo elec tion sortles made rTuesday by theprime minister into Quebec province which lies just across theInterpravinelal Bridge from the houses at Parliament In the morning Mr Dieien baker called at theetown hall at Ayhner Que signed the town guest book shook scores at hands and made nonpolitical speech HURONIA DRIVEN NOWTIL FRIDAY ADULT ENTERTAINME tniuwell PIElbtliS amenis gTHE warren urru yours era and swimmers The low water this year leaves the top ince carried out between rtered banks and the Cell Papal aims tCredit Unions which re quired ten millioii dollarde posit placedwilh the Provincial iity ior the clearing The enormous funds handled dailyot the central misty done in building equal to any of the most modern banks require that armed police he on duty dullyt Many oivthe groups who started in church basements nowhnve menymllllons oi capital value hianogementcan not estimate their requiremsnts ior buildings and machines be yond fiveyear period as growth is so rapid We learn ed that our FrenchCanadian cousins are really in the lapi of development and iihe big cities are scramb to keep ahead Fortyeight minutes by let irom Montreal to Toronto and an hours to get to the plane is the ratio oi the way time is chasing the builders of roads and expressways NEW DOCK The new dock at the loot oi the 8th line of lnnlsiil has been turned over to the Department by the contractors and is ready tor summer use by div somewhat high ior small creit structure is approached bythe Bank which oeceptedrcspoaslbi to tie and use handily The on are no protective ngr toshel tsr in they might be be to anchor clear species us two there will be specieloneet ing oi lnnlsiil Council oniiri day at 730 pm Lie discuss tendon ior the twaggsrhaae areas and some otherZ minor matters which need decision EVERY SATURDAY causenu Wsmv bright and liveiy new magazine suppionientiorthewhoiaismilylnthe Strontium31m plus 16 pages of Efllllli BUMIES former stone and till roadway iliii SCREENS lilillliiii iiiiiliiliii Tasman mo PttYERs ittEATitEI assaultsrinses elitismIninsular fIMPrriAi ISTARTSTHURSDAY TWO FEATURE ALL COLOR SHOW mommsru nunL is virtues or an LAST SHOWING TONIGHT0NLY CAN PLAY Adult Entertainment suns TONiGHT 700 and ailou itemsv Maui clarity am Brockflald Pun stand on sills Insomnia SHANKaHALgF vi icswrn err em HORI or CROSS Rl his duality Illcld klnllll BEEFYLIVER backside cers 39 RKsasAUsaes s49 gcopqnusrsalso Ireslr Fruit and Vegetables uswcaop waves no eases EXTRA itith IIZE 12ers Nor AVAiLABLE unrrs ruunanaV ORANGE caution armors rLseH oALtroamngrailrcv eases run or we yiEMOANS 3551 toast it yuanEmpire sun HALF lib tholop duality Meaty sfcrrusrbsascfluesy BRAUNSCHWEIGER BACQNsuvsa SANDWiCHCHiCKEN °j°lshuf =9enscKirHsssisaviNGStT JANEPARKER BLUEBERRY seeLeave 1o SPANISH BARCAKE romPlsln orflugsriri pkg 2958 UDONUTSI were EreylhentosReg stemsave 4c CORNED BEEF Baltetlollet TISSUE ANGELCAK MIX Caro Frozen Concentrate WELCHS GRAPE JELLO DREAM WHIP wont SAVE ON FAMOUS lVORY BRANDS PORK HOCKS 421 os£h29c i00 arhugcagm menu hlg lectlons hlgh quality every deptr merit Eni complete easy onest shopping everything the ironic inmliy the all at law prices with rampl conï¬dence save money thr same Our policy Sutisinnl Guarantee Replaceme or Money funded Ma Woolworth habit tor pcnduble in lly shopping Till You shou make note he on he youll be In new kind strapping VuntureWa this paper opening nounceme Were com soon