14th years mesh was president Siudsnts Council and Westém Agent AWlilIam Blain snare drum iner with the Barrie Collegiate Hand in the early forties is the western agent iortho Pacy illcTour oi the band this com ing August but who attended Cansdlan General Electric conference at Muskoka Sands Hotoilast week met with the parenta advisory committee last weekend to discuss the it literary Mr Blaln while at the COI legiate waspresldcnt of the Students Council president of the Barri Colloglat Band and one of its most industrious workers He graduated from University of Western Ontario in Commerce and Finance and Should Boast iii Satire ALLISTON About 100 people gathered at nonunion Memorial Arena Monday even ing for Social Creditmeet lng held in the interest at Lioyd Cumming candidate for Buffera inSlmcoc theehalrman William Kcll ChurchillI called on Mr Cum mlng uwhortold the meeting that he had come to believe that the answer to economic prth ieras lies in the socialCredit policy He said that he felt the people of DufferinSlrncoe should have an opportunity to vote for the Social Credit party and its program This ledhim to agree to oarrythe banner ML Cumming introducedithe spanker oi theevening Hancock Mayor of ltayrnond Alberta and Secret candidate in Victoria constituency Mr Hancock explained the Canadian banking and moneysystem He stated that 95 per cent of bus iness is doneby the use oi cheques which transfer funds from one bank ledgcr to another Cash is of no value Will Keepoupns Whom Rainistorm Tha principalsofharrics public schools have been ad vised that the lunch period for pupils isnt hard and fast rule In future principals can ask the pupils to stayinsclsoni ï¬at noon if there is an electrical storm stmllarto the one that hit Barrielast week The decision was reached last night at theregular meeting at the Public School Board when William Paulin inquired hatthe policy should be she was inquiringhccattse of nil beryl complaints from parehts whose children had been mittedï¬to run freely terr MWWMWWWWWMWw my firm coursesVs basis on which to build sudlsia nulls cppyabout it 111th student to grs sisfrorn Variety Village lililENSdtReutsrsi Many oftho 22000 inhsbltanis oi the Aegean island oi Demons have been living outdoors becouso oi night earth tremors since Sab urday it was reported today Eightysix tremors have been Ban Coliegl so well as share dmfomer For PaCiiic Oi Barrie Collegiate Band is now sales executive In Vancouver With an itinerary that Includ es sevenappeoronees of the hand in British Columbia he sides its appearance at the Seattle Worlds Fain Bill con tinues in his industrious ways He has aven arranged for church service in his own downtown PresbyterianChurch for the band sndior bi becue at his residence over looking the city on the North Shore He and his claruman ttho Reverend Mr Braggarc gto officials as cooks full listing oi the activities inf the band on its Pacific lour iwlll appear in an early edition of The Barrie Examiner oney supplyt ireditésreakeisseis in itself only his medium ot exchange As the population and total business increases the money supply must increase in mportlon The speaker stated that the pace with production and point where it would bévln baianc and rvlces lle criticizedtlie huting the debt increasing rs ther than debtdecreasing systemu He told the meeting that the notionaldebt is now 22V billinn and is increasing at the rate of $1000 per mlnule it will cost Canada $900000000 per year to pay interest on the amount of increase of the national debt during the past fiveyears he sold Mei Rowat deputy leader of the Social Credit party in Ont arlopwas present and answered numerous questions from the floor the future He assured that the prlnmpais clslnggood Judgment but agreed it was good to have school board directio OBITUliltYI Mnsgavs Phonon HQNEY Funeral service for Mrs Eva Parton Honey as Grillia who died at the homejof Mr and Mrs John Gillespie Arine St money supply has not kept that it should be increased to with available goods banking system which createsf money as debt thus contri registered on Lemons since hlny 29 sndmsny houses is sustained cracks cinema soreness By uneven amcrrsrock Have you ever received ticket for speeding going thr nugh stop street withoutco wing to full stop or failing toyleld the rlghtotwayi it you have your reaction as It mbah included little resentmen wards the policeman wh dove youthe tickets Les nlghtl or hourin epollcs radar er an mod the about the reaction at Cons Rnlph Berry oi theBarrie City Pol ice He is the Madman ii ly to stop you for traffic viola tions in the city RADAR SET UP As we cruised around he talkcdabout various traffic vio lotions and particularcascs He told me that has than half ofall traffic accidents in Bar3 rte in 1961 happened at inter sections lieuexplaineL little about the radar set his and said he would park and set it up lat er At Shanty harm and Blake St he parked to Match for people who did not yield the right of way As he was telling me that mnnyvpcople come almost to stop but their wheels dont stoptum lng cars gt Last night was kiddies nlghtatths BsrrleCoinmun HousoTomtoS when mein the Lions Club entertain Athslr famll more stop than flyf dust as haspoiie seemed to iorkrtn afhalt Shes stopped like her on He went up and allied to her for couple oimlnutes and then she drove oft smiling its wrote her particular in warning booth Wekeep warning book for peoplevwho commit infractions weconsider minor heisaid Usually we lstsue more warnings than tick sIn We drove on little and be parked on the sideaotathe llview oltraiflc flare these up the ra er showed me how it registered ontthe gauge both for appmachlna and snow Down Some cars doing only 20 miles an hour would aid dowa to 15 when they spottc the red police car When remarked about ihla Cons her 11 said Yes some of them slow down as soon as they see the cruiser even if they etched the dial on clock no fears passed told me that people arrested for Virafiic accidents or speeding usually blame lanyons but themselves Jlv ard wife their neighbor and even their motheriniaw but themselves was surprised that he park ed in full view of traitlo corn inghothwaysae wasunder the impression the object was teconceal theirodar care when watching forspeeders It did nt look as though anyone would do any speedlnglhero but it teas interesting to watch speeds register on the dial as cars approached or passed Btit five minutes before we were going to imocllr off to lu ba cera rcese an We on theradar dial rry aid asha shut the clock off lek at thati Now if he couldnt see thispolice car sitting here hesbltndlj GIVES TICKET he started the cruiser over their the speeder and signalled WWRCBWWMrwmwmwarflsurmrï¬mn he completed theisnmmons antihanded it to bird Tliasummo that H7533 sununonl doesnt appear me The poiicernan on protectsprop rtyand hetps people in trouble The deters tlve doesnt conic contact with th geu lierttutthe traffic police an to thefeycrage person is the most on nable of all he in any Hes ant understand that We gotonly fl minutes to get to workso he got to stop me for speeding Cons Berry isobviously un The average happy when he has to hand nutitickets and gives only ariilngs herefthc law and his co conversation about violhtors At oclockwe knocked off for supper alter which he would lecture at the traffic clinic SAIGON Reuters niirty Communistr guerrillas re him our to thecurb Afterln clash with government giving him ticket forspeed ing he showed him his speed truops fin Phuocmlhnnh prov ince last week communique on the radardlal always nredoingI only 15 miles as quoted by the South Viet Nam inst woman drove through which came isanyslmllnr occurrence in tnoon hWth lightning in the vicinity The childrenAapparentiy am to trees and rode bicycles thedownpour according to Mrs Paultn Angus Mclay inspector of public schools said principals were using their own discretion in these matte He pointed outrthai in thi particular stance It wasfa situation where schools in Barrie were Whit by torrential rain while it has dry or raining lightly in other areas MrsiPaultn asked if it whs possible foxkeep the children in the cl ssured board that principals have been ad vlsï¬d that they havethe option of tsining the children there hdvisc tipsin hornet was held from Doolit iie Bros Funeral Home Burial was ey Alfred Parton oi Parry Sound Funeral service was con ducted by Carson Cow Abao lom Abbot conducted th gr sidejservic Stayner Wilfred Parr Utopia iratt Barrie John Wilford Walter Gregg nacn naciMa PEN in and Aubrey Crandle let thcrnfseo the dial to sea dot press Vagency said today one ofTlie Canadian Imperlsiv issue comic naps assay killed or wounded by shellflrcr lanky urray Hall si Ralph Kiw jnewfmans Bankoihfontreal tcrboro snEarte Little matings Vlho five cainpsdep Were Merryvtooil near Wetlands Lakewood nearottswe Wood odca near London rthvgood GENERAL TON GOLD Jersey cow village lidy th in the herdof Ar thurSpooncr Stayn or Out hasuiust been issued Ton Gold certificatehln 1422 sha produced 2245 the ol To qualify for this ward oow must pr oil is stvleast lbs four secutlvs years It dronsAid Society oftha ty ofSimcoeaiid the City of Barrie will be mansgeroi Cat one Society will be honor today at the home of Mr and Mrs Fell iee Shanty Bay Road The executive of the Barrie Tpm Hughesvioronto general guest of luncheon at rnnn hoyd Robertson reported for the onenight Camp Ber bliti gross returns 01 our Both ltariic had Campgltor dcn sales woke well over is or jsad expenses had oboe apt down so the gross return to an is $3081lt0f tho club gets so nt for Next Monday theclub will hear reports lromhlresidant Rom Stephens andis vlcepro sldcrit Rev John lddcl on their return from the 46th an nual Kiwanlslntcrnatlonsl ventlon Denver lorado Clapporion at Warsloy Sundsyjsrvlém It lid Homeric Society hay fl4l WiNNERSV Mrs Center 182 Blake lm Laura Dohson 195 Owen 5t non Fleming its new aha rites SHOPPINGme So FAiijroaA out Beamtit No Barrio Tm ermmlMflWMMWW Mrs Baguette Penclnng Reddlclr 63 Pcnstalig Mrs Freeman Avealng Oat Dowdell Box 458 Csnsp Bordon NJ Dflallarn Phelpston MrsD Gunï¬ght No Strand VernonFcrgsuontR No Thorn Sam Desisrdlns Mtdhurst BobHlillltRB No Harrie Panton mt No Strou waitress mater Aroun ournooa manner ORANGES Si LETTUCE BANANAS TOMATOES POTTED GE was spa Pallbearcls Were Frankshavi