Smith all ma Bro Coltingwoed Mm GoldleDob ton hlldhurstr Mn Edith Hail hireTenn Clousaand Jae Ten antgtall oi Orlliia Mrs Eliceo Lee Mrs Gertrude Linton and lsie Ductrwterth and Mrs Shirley K1181 Hm ai oi Mr and Mrs ceeu No Kempenielt Drive will hold openbonsai ior irlends and Street wasin Toro Shturdoy attendinie iunohoon porty to honor oi Dr Norma Alcock Founder ottha Icahn lon ace earth institute the ldndha largely attended was the Old Mill rhiltives Saturday iromaes adj9 pm on the occaslonoi etr 59th wedding rsery doses FROM Nroanra dward Chukukere oi Port Harcourt Nigeriafwas weelr end guest at the home at Mr and Mrs Ken MacDonald Both well Crescent Mr Chukukere nlverslty oi TorontoFeliowï¬ roduote tudyv and ye Kannd studied at Uh versi at Glasgow Scotland where he ttelned his Bachelorot Selen Cumberland Street ent Thurs day nnd Friday gSomin whorethey attended the tunernl slater Mrs Art Wheeler nncnmoN The WomensAuxiliary to the Sea Cadets Corps are iiichor vge oiarrangemeutshior re eptlonnw hull ioliw the nnual lnape on at the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps at the Russia Armoury at 730 pm Thursday avenlng The in apeetlon will be made by Lt Commander Sehaeiier oi the HMCS York Convenlng the re ceptlon are Mrs Joseph Madison Mrs Darla Farrier Mrs Celeste Miles Mrs Edna Harris Mrs Vera Travers and Mrs Marlon Schuiiiebothnm Mra Vera Manuel at Center bury Kent England arrived by TCA at Molten airport to spend the month at June visit ngvher mother Mrs Mur hyoi Sophia St at West Mrs Manuel will also be visit ing other relatives inthe city Mr and Mrs Fred Webb ophia street East land Mr and Mrs Walker McFarland at Mount Albert returned tram 16dayamotor nnd bout trip to the maritimelprovlnees they travelledivia Montreal and Quebec City urned Carterg one on the Campaign progress of aNnaenMsNr vthalr daughter Ann Woodrow oAud Wright sonwi Mrs Wright late Mason Wright Andrews Presbyterian Iarriewi athaae and rsIGeorga Jet oi Perry Street will cele daughter but tile one nos snu For Toninrrow There are several restrictions this dayespeciallytwhera pen tions eraconeerned in gen Ferallt would be bestto stick to routine atialrs goiout oi your to avoid misunderstandings in writing For The nlrihriny It tomorrowia your birthday your horoscope indicates that duringthe coming year parso nal initiative pins the coopera tionot otherswill help you to achieve much Whether your in tereets centre in career or yourhome any plans made for expansion during July and spur sued diligently should work out well You may havesomo set backs but take them in stride The stars also presuge dell nite betterment in your ii clal status with real gains m1 dicated in July September late ltoyemher iete December had the iirst three months of 1963 Fine planetary aspecth also govern your personalllie with emphasis on social activities in September December and Jan nothing at irnportenca ead tableguests ndMra Brennemun and me oi the executive to Bearerread the Scripture take from Psalms Wand pahï¬rhup to tokeieharde the meeting and wewere at aln iavored witha solo roar Mr Thornton he TheJuest as warm We atnglnglhare is detlnlte place in the the ot the Christ lnn tor mirth When the heathe en saw their laythey aid sonal Elationships nndeommu what mm lord hath done for them People arernot coming to the Lord today because we are histolog ing the praises oi the Lord as we should The Lord has deli veredus and brought us out of captivity it is ounresponsi hllty to pass the message on then the heathen will say What great things the hos hath done ior us Mrs Frld vividly described the early years of the mission ary endeavors of her daughter and herhushand Mr and Mrs Isaaoa and the dliileuia tiesencountered in their yitrst term loan undevelopedarea known as Bongo They are now wotkin in Cheneha usry travel interests in Octo ber and January and romani ln September and November also next May ehlld hornon this day will be endowed with iiuermiud and the ca lose interest truly novel ide it he doesnt tting over tlticlr an er are iro eit Mrs leen McLeod Mrs Alien Gr and Peter west Eternity every two seconds Green flashing light Every jNorth Arnerican Christian lng llghtta every hour toitdisslousevery iticKenaey th speaker ior her challenging role ssage and time reiresh ment and lellowshlp tollowed Mrs JWi1iums giving thanks ernN mm irons panama JoAN seasick HAIR srvusrs iiomateadliy taking or great blccks oi land tor development and subdivision into economical units The HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES can neurons our Johnson and It World Widodervlce Pamzs tilt union name any at Toronto Mu departmentsfattchl named at om ti iii mandala tor oliigrizovem onto port and th Leemlngs illness ivoun mom royoseonruNtrvn esrnsusrtsa m7 gt 66 TORQNTO STREETBARRIE COMPLETE courses roeetmsRALorrlce AND mm 55 LOYMENT IIIIIIIIIIIIIII lfllllllllilflflllfl TQRONTP $TREET BARRIE