ewsOiKempente hirheoin Guides or Canada OlNT BANQUET First and Second Barrie schsloined or their annual banquet held recently at Trinity arlshHall Guests were Division Comm issloner Carter Archdeacon and ers Read District Co inrnissioner Kiigour Captain elwood and Brown Owl Gra ey who is also Central Dis iet Gulder ers Carter spoke to the rownias on the law emphasi ing that they all remember to elp at borne Tl Archdeacon Read quoted com applicable to Brownies nd had the glr memorize it tFive tweenies ndearrie Were enrolled by Brown Owl racey They were Chcryt aziter Marilyn Smith Donna intes Kathy Lowe and Beve ey Beatty lCheryl Cooke oi lat Barrie eived her golden hand and arharn Ley and Rhonda Mol tt otilnd Barrie were prese ted with golden bars TERNATIDNAL THEME lat Aliandale Girl GuideCo pany held the annualmother nd daughter banquet for their up at Essa Road Pre byter kn Church and carried it at an international theme Table decorations were flags Sons all the member countries htla the head tablehad as centrepiece bouquet ot red White and blue carnations inter rssd with tiny Canadian ea gns Place cards took the form is nboards each with tiny aplncluded Rev Bell said graceand posed the toast to the Que en tn and Mrs Bell Rev Dyer Mrs Dyer who is iandolo District Commissioner pt Scott Lieut Betta Martin snowing dinner Peggy Cra ord introducedithe guests Linda Corrigan introduced speaker Mrs Martin who spoke to th girls on doing oncs best alas Smithi Tucker expressed the apV atlon otrthev company to the candidat emotional camp Linda an thanked all the sad table included MEETING mags sale and suggested that camWs wcmmvwrmwmm at the Schoolaoi Nurslasiroml encounter establishrdsnt the beginning date Among the guests we or Little Dbl11 Smith President at the heard their lilitchlns are irom the leit Mrsil tsy an Judy Roi sndgyiatsy Cre enhalgh Gayle Tucker Anne Belts Judy Roe and Bonnie Lee re ceived child nurse proiielency badges Corriganwas presented with her that class badgeas well ashsr iirst aid and swimmer badges ALL nounocsnp Thepresentation at an all round cord to Rosemary Pearce was the highlight of the ban quet held by lat Barrie Ccm Guests ior this eventinciud ed Archdeacon and Mrs Read Rev and Mrs Sherring Cami missioner Carter Mrs Park er badge secretary Brown Owls Thompsons and Foil Captain Selwaod Lteutenant Arnold and her mother liirs Mrs Carter spoke to to girls other which ataahlon show was pretented featuring unitcrms ot the past present and iutura Gitts were presented to the Captain and Lieutenant both at whom are retiring and to Div ision Comm Carter addition tothe coveted cord hosemary received her 1sthlassjbadge to house emblem homemaker keep ilt handywoman and pathfinder badges Joan Corkan awarded the first aid and swtnuner badge as well as the religion and life emblems nice Corm ier received religion iife ilrst aid and hostess badges Brenda Reynolds 2nd class tirst aid and hostess Margaret Winger that and and hostess Sharon Kellyreligion and lite and hostess Centrat District DA met at the home piMrs Rooks tor the last meeting at the season attendance it Was reported that $5000 had been sent to international iund lthe proiit from rum each group hold oneevent each tall toralse money tor this purpose so as to least is THE salsa ssv roa sonoaaow deslings very handsome apple cart your extraordinary intelligence lead not only to career ad be important where romance is when social life will be mark business contacts contacts VAchild born onthls day will he cheeriul tolerant and smart ANNOUNC ing owner of the Alberta Game Farm near here said Friday the iiist musk ox eslt evertc survive after being horniin cap in tivity wasyborn at lthe farm Wednesday He said he with heldfnews oi the birth of the call whose sex has yet to be determined until its survival was assured tal auxiliaries Above at reception prior to the diode Prentico Oriliia class ol 56 Mrs Kitchiag oi Nipig non class oi 57 Mrs Money Belle River class oi 53 andMiss Audrey Mapes clinical instrnc at Pediat Hi Matthews sea sdmlttnz oiiicer oi the milliliters Mrs Shirlevaood class oi 52 took at one at theQmany class pictureson display Ex aminerlhoiosi ay assasrsirs Mars in somewhat adverse aspect will bring out overly ersons now so it would bswise ohetscliul with all Be espe cloily diglomatlei in jbusiness you mlghtupaet FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your hirihdsy your horoscope indicates that you can make tine gains within the next year even though you may have to work little harder to achieve themuvse oi and ioresight should attract the attention ofpersons in your occupational field and thtscould Vancement but alsota financial betterment it at your best you canmake important strides in this connection during July September late December and next February September andNovember will concernedz also December edly stepped up Thisvinciden tally will be good period in which to make new triendsand which could prove invaluable in the iutura Travel opportunities are indicated in October Rana amass EDMONTON CPlAi Oem about it Evry sr eadgthendyou ï¬lokï¬lpths wspspsr sn res me its shot hil pill or vice er ovcmomatrivisl matter now how aucthlnls hsbl My husbandh ates me so Idoat know Am completely out oi my mlndi ti llow cant get grip on my self ONSXHE DRINK Dess Drink The gesture ili lurlates you because it suggests that you are plus with animals When you host dog to do something you point Why uethe insilence and build an ulcer Simply tell your husband you can understand English and he can skipthe antomlms It should work no ardshipon him to ASK iors second sup oi coiiee And Veldeatsiiy some husbaa be aggressive tendencies in many be and thank you aonnowmd ailba en imowo tossy DesrAnn Landersx Blotter everyon kn column lg my letter You need not change the tests to conceal my iden tity math be recognised only he pa you will print the people retorred to er wll reoosnlu es and do something slxyesrs ago losnad my wardrobe trunk to the daughter at friend who was going to college Theiglrl is now sled and has child She has mytrunk Last summer relative bor rowedmy sons golfcart tots weekend blssoaed on thecart there can he no question about who owns it its still over there During the Chrlstrnas holl days my neighbor asked to horrowlmy silver cocktail shaker She said shed return it tomorrow When went to tilt some cocktails ia week had no shakenx What makes people bell in 700tillpersons swarms to ROAD station Eockcillis Saturn day to watch the110mlI display its lstestpianes and ulpment The show bllled here Na tioaai Air Force Day wss vtho iirst oi series la 11ch bases across Canada Wflwpï¬mnrsmz gpmmmï¬rm We sdeh thoughtl inc sid sis rnsnaqrtl cant tigers it out Cement causal ous satin Doss1 ism tskalmucmhii characters Unh our onlyrecourssis to hon thorn or write sgremlndsr rm oar gracious diving is something she drluhedtupo oi nowhere it takesmore than flowers on the table andlinen aspirin to ma We est odioil cloth every nightsnd put the milk bottle right on the table when test like it Nobody in the tamlly has crooked at the sight of pickleï¬lsr or aeatsup bottle it ho sn som peopsvw ave stool ot money In gt girtlrlgadkdlukr gmyco gs ays or lived on estate They dined by caudleiigm and had two kinds oi wine the table very event These gracious liv ars are sku the mhrutelsrrlvs nlNdsy waninguntlll islt Sunday alternoon They argue and median gusgs thatwould make mule sklnner blush There was aever any conversation atthclr table only tights youdo maroon to my ottcioth hdplclde jars The gracious livers can have candleii gt1 Th Roman Cstholicrschools oi the srchdlo oifdtlsnta will be aouncsdduadsy vs mors graciously in so mber1Areh so the basic reclsioll Built home designs and specify the things you wantln horn nitrite or ovary vthlng plans financing advice and isrrangemsnts motorists snd itxtures vntititits and labour Come in andsee how the PrecisionBuilt system can provide qualityhoms at modern design with sur prisingly lowmonthly pay sascrsrcinsuur comers in this gt wutnweovvl These are last the hundreds of Precision Built homojdesignc and variations all at moderate east end kerchitectanpprovedl AND no emulsions ro cacosa raoMI