halo opened tsnsw hom st yesterday ge inscribed crueillx was stated by the Frnwlcy family in memory of charterGrand thelute Cotntcll to have its own Coun ome Through the ellorts membersuodparttcular lldlng comndttcochnlr Whelan this dream Yo National Water Saieiy Week whiah ended Saturday was success in Barrie members of the committee said lheCanadiao Red Cross So elety sponsors one week The object is to make people saicty conscious while swimming and participating in water sports Rescue breathing cards for wallels and pamphlets were made available to all high school students lhecardsam intended as qllickphandy ereuee ior anyoueuwhn true the principles ol rescue hrea Ea Committee membersaaid the program was They were successi in tnspermlsalon to use banners across streets proclaiming the weelr Council had iirst objected the bannerson the grounds that they might distract motorists attention 3111 Delaney spoke in some or the schoolsas didpuhf lie schoolinspector Angus Mc the committeéwerehld Hersey Fatrlclr OGrady schoo teacher Paul Burns Guthrie Driv Theatre new 360cm capaclt drin in tlsaatte will open possibly within week on Highway 11 at the fourth concession at Guthrie Oro Township Betta will manage the sire which is ow ed by ty Bayrbriveln Theatre Hesald the site covers ores and provision is made to and the theatre to 1000 ear capacity tt =huslness war rants the expenditure All that remains to be done belore opening isaome wiring for thejspeakers an counters for the concession Preparations were year ago but the actual work dl tnot start until est April tartSuccess Knights dobnBreonun VflWÂ¥WMflWeraVWe¢wngWMKywewMl WNW Dccarleand GrandKulghtoilect Francis Light Charles When alderman spolto on hebalt oi the city at Barrie and District Deputy Lesperauce ol lllldland addressed the gather ing on behalt ol thepntarlo State Board Knights oi Colu llIr Very llev Mooslgtt spoke briefly on behalf lthe Barrie Deanery The home was bessedhy the council chaplain lt Peter Rossettls The Ladies auxiliaryot the Knigth otColurnbua served tea Mrs Whoien was VfllEl JSaietv Crease teacher Elller Ruhllo School audiBlng May Mr Hersey sald thegcommlt tea has received appreciative Hospital quarters announced today former conidteodln owner at Montreal Military hospital and No pl Field Am bulancoCsmp Borden CUT HAY All Hoyle ready to cut in puthv Slmcoe district areai ported today gt Les weeh sa iarmnrs In thesouthern part already cut rnaonoor pecan ology at commencementcsent clses at Oberlin College ohcr lin ohtoytoday NEWNOMEY roars Recent issue oil The Ontario treated thajlarg wetl predated inuai theirdirect in Paul supervisor Gaieltallata the appointment by the HeatwantgGovemor John mammogram one messages irom parents and school children lle sald the program was well received marina and boat owners Therowas only one thing that didnt go over Mr Hersey last year the committee tributed tree booklet Teach Johnn Swim The de mnndwa so great they had déltlculty getti enough book rnittee deelded gthls year to charge 20 cents eachior the booklets Mr Hersey saidthe Barrie Kiwanis Club loilow ing the regular dinner at Com munlty House tonight will have showing of the new color rots one at the fevanvigg ghligh Therhytbm band from Co town PublicflSchoolL tinderi ldrMc vey explained the songs were chosen from various countriesthat he and his wife harlvialled that sum root The accompanist lot the evening waslillssï¬lenda Fax ilim Timo0utvF PM with commentary by pastprea ident Jack Butler The lltm it minutes depictsillo at no lncludln vfaae society orGrlppled Children inner bite betterat nigh surelyitvcanft bethe it cen because they can see ln the dark ltrchers TrYOdtrlléwiliange Véri Goodist one vwvnca Archers cine gotnolt to good started its ï¬rst meetryest day at Hoedoo Valley rxmilessoulh lvestolllarrre Instructor jArt Harmer said some very good scores were posted experialiy since it was Mr Harmer said the litur get coursez alters the advent ages otbllting and is laid out with safety in mind It is on hillside so that movements are easier to observe Edward Elliston is the otherinstructor Mrtlarmer said there will he BarrioYMCA meet this year He hopes eventuallyto have an niliciatmeet Archeryrstandards are observ ed but modiiied slightly for the younger hoysl The age group tor mum is 10to 16 Members make their ownbowsv land equipment during he win El There is needrtor more adultsto help with instruction and supcrvis MrLHarmer sald Hefsalri he and Mr Ellleton hope that such interest will do velnp that scores will be post ed as in bowling and other sp woman anaemedr lMohammed even censors The wallsurrounded grey whlch drowns thacrest ot whl stone building the high landaon the northeast side of Mulcaster street in Bar rieis the Siblcne County Jail GOVERNOR The governor of the county jail inatVtJ Casey duping hlrn operate and administer the isth are dguardsp two chief turuka andnne matron Three wome erehlradas parttime rds when neces sary so prl ner but this number laofte oeede eruowd ing is constantpmblem Mr Gaseyb been governor and during his installed Friday night as president oi Pakistan on new basic democrats ales constitution he pro claimed earlier llibexmove Iivesot two civilian RCAFsta aiter Pakistans parliamentary government collapsed action yva passing motorist are credited with so gtthe The prison wasbul tohouse young conductor Miss Sh ed Smlth washwell were accompanl Linda tmaevanlnstb d6WlYgrBf eye and the chairman olthe School Boardspokew There were several requests for repeats oflyarlous numbers McKzllveychnlo oply madden our tenure ot oiliee the former gore ernore residence has been con varied into womens section in the downstairs rooms ands juvenile section upstairs Ihlsl to the only major change in Turn to page live please JSimcoelireav The Georgian Bay district with be ivslted Fridayb 30 Unitedistates naWspaper edlto in the connect their lltthan nual goodwill tourot thepro wince The group will almost circle Georgianlasy visiting Qwen Sound Fort Penetangulsbene lhdinn Village and Martyrs Shrine at Midland Exam Midlan they will con tinue to the it gt llisgaot Killarnay Other places they will include Chatham Wallacel burg 0115prlngs London lor onto Manitoulin lsland Sud blsry North Bay limlittnlKtr sad Lesiisï¬mith were in new sports or which smashed into clpvarieat tguard call and plunged over an embodiment The guard rail cables held the has upright and the seat belts heldvthe meningtlie car Wilitam Daw motorist parked nearby saw the crash and freed the two men seconds belotetho car burst into flames Police oh god Robinson with ele vin Railway rules were tossed out the window iorzoxmlnutes kland Lake ltocltcilife Ottawa Upper Canada dingo Kings Believlll ad Niagara ltnal deyloe tour th editors will be the guests at the Ontario Weekly Newrr papers Association at eon in Port Credit One either high gh tear will come at Niagara Falls when the visitors will be lnltlh ated into th Know Ontario Cameratans had ield while small boys ook turas TM 11 795 WJWVmemaw Peonysyn mastam WW4 WVVWW litth WW